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I wanted to get back into drawing again, so I took a day or two to draw Rarity (for the first time) in my free time. Total time taken to draw this was around 1 or 2 hours. Feedback would be appreciated :D



  • Brohoof 12
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I think that's a great drawing! I can't draw very good myself...


My favorite part would have to be the mane - those curls are really good. Maybe you could add some more lines to her hair (I'm not sure what they're called) to make it even better :)

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Some constructive criticisim from one artist to another.


Before I begin I just want to say that this is a good first attempt at getting back into drawing. Now a few things I'd like to paint out:


1)Eyes. A)The shape of the eyes are too square in shape and they actually make her look more masculine then feminine. Round out and soften the shape and they'll look much better. B) The size of the eyes is too big. They take up most of the face and make her head look too small for her eyes. Try making them about 1/4th the size they are and go from there :)


2) Head. A) Her head looks more like a circle then a longish oval shape. Coupled with the large eyes, the face shape makes her head look too small for her. B) The proportion of mouth/chin area to her head as a whole is too small. You sdrew her with a big grin but no chin. It looks as though you intended her to have a smile instead of a grin. There neesd to be space for a chin. A persons' (or in this case ponies') chin moves lower and becomes mroe prominant when a subject is grinning.


3) Hair. A) You got her lower swept curl by her neck just right but with how small you made her upper spet curl that is on the oevr side of her face, the lower curl looks bigger than it actually is. B) Volume. Adding those little details would help to empahsie how much valume Rarity has in her curls and she has a lot. Not as much as Pinkie Pie but it's there (I do hair dressing as well) With the missing hair details and the type of shading you used, it makes her hair look flat and stiff like cardboard. Try looking up pictures of women with curly hair and look closely at how the curls look in different kinds of light. Notice the colour, texture, shadows, details, etc..


4) Neck. The only thing about the neck is that it's too long and adds to the effect of making her head to small for her.


Other than that just keep practacing :D I hope this helped.

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I'm no art critic, so expect a half-assed opinion!


I really, really, like it! The portrait makes me think "anime" whenever I see, probably because of the eyes. qAmP4.png


If I had one criticism, it's that her eyes doesn't look... lively. I think if you curve them up a bit, they should look more energetic-- but that's just my opinion. Regardless, excellent job, mate! I look forward to seeing more!

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Not bad, not bad at all, certainly not for a sketch completed in one to two hours.  For a first time drawing of Rarity you really nailed her mane, which is commendable.  I guess the one critique I'd have is that her mouth looks a little boxy, but other than that this is a very good sketch.  Keep up the great work!  :muffins:

  • Brohoof 1
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Dang, thats your first time? Pretty good if you ask me, especially because Rarity's freaking mane is a nightmare for me to draw...


Then again i'm kinda bleh at art in the first place xD.


Anyways pretty good, she looks kinda cute, and so happy :D.


Keep it up!

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Time for a reply party!



Looks pretty good. The hair needs details and the pupils shouldn't be slanted.

Maybe thicken the eyeliner/lashes a little bit.


Yeah, I forgot about the hair liney thingies until I took a look at the picture after I scanned it. I thought "Eh. What the hell, it looks okay". As silly as this sounds, eyelashes are probably the hardest part of a portrait for me to do. Those lashes are the result of my 4th try at them XD



I think that's a great drawing! I can't draw very good myself...


My favorite part would have to be the mane - those curls are really good. Maybe you could add some more lines to her hair (I'm not sure what they're called) to make it even better :)


Yeah, I accidentally skipped the line thingers that the show animation puts in everypony's mane. I'll try to remember them next time ^-^



Some constructive criticisim from one artist to another.


Before I begin I just want to say that this is a good first attempt at getting back into drawing. Now a few things I'd like to paint out:


1)Eyes. A)The shape of the eyes are too square in shape and they actually make her look more masculine then feminine. Round out and soften the shape and they'll look much better. B) The size of the eyes is too big. They take up most of the face and make her head look too small for her eyes. Try making them about 1/4th the size they are and go from there :)


2) Head. A) Her head looks more like a circle then a longish oval shape. Coupled with the large eyes, the face shape makes her head look too small for her. B) The proportion of mouth/chin area to her head as a whole is too small. You sdrew her with a big grin but no chin. It looks as though you intended her to have a smile instead of a grin. There neesd to be space for a chin. A persons' (or in this case ponies') chin moves lower and becomes mroe prominant when a subject is grinning.


3) Hair. A) You got her lower swept curl by her neck just right but with how small you made her upper spet curl that is on the oevr side of her face, the lower curl looks bigger than it actually is. B) Volume. Adding those little details would help to empahsie how much valume Rarity has in her curls and she has a lot. Not as much as Pinkie Pie but it's there (I do hair dressing as well) With the missing hair details and the type of shading you used, it makes her hair look flat and stiff like cardboard. Try looking up pictures of women with curly hair and look closely at how the curls look in different kinds of light. Notice the colour, texture, shadows, details, etc..


4) Neck. The only thing about the neck is that it's too long and adds to the effect of making her head to small for her.


Other than that just keep practacing :D I hope this helped.


Thanks for the tips! As for the eyes, I prefer to make them a bit bigger than they probably should be. I think that ponies with a touch of anime looks really nice, so that's what I try to do. As an artist, I think you'll understand that people have their own styles and interpretations of things to create individuality for themselves. I'll try to remember the curls and consistent volumes for the next time I draw Rarity ^-^



I'm no art critic, so expect a half-assed opinion!


I really, really, like it! The portrait makes me think "anime" whenever I see, probably because of the eyes. img-1765806-1-qAmP4.png


If I had one criticism, it's that her eyes doesn't look... lively. I think if you curve them up a bit, they should look more energetic-- but that's just my opinion. Regardless, excellent job, mate! I look forward to seeing more!


Right off the bat, I'd like to thank you for noticing the anime-like style I tried to put into her! I didn't really put a whole lot of time into this drawing (if I wanted to, I could put hours upon hours into a single drawing because I'm a little bit of a perfectionist at heart :P

I'm really happy that you like my art. I'll be trying to get more time to draw so I won't get rusty and progress from here.



Not bad, not bad at all, certainly not for a sketch completed in one to two hours.  For a first time drawing of Rarity you really nailed her mane, which is commendable.  I guess the one critique I'd have is that her mouth looks a little boxy, but other than that this is a very good sketch.  Keep up the great work!  :muffins:


The mane wasn't as hard as I thought. All I had to do was look up a picture to see how I would shade it :P (though, I still sorta messed up on the shading in some areas). The reason for the boxy mouth is because I like the look of ponies with a tiny bit of anime mixed. I don't really like anime, but on ponies, it looks nice to me for some reason XD

Thanks for the compliments!



Dang, thats your first time? Pretty good if you ask me, especially because Rarity's freaking mane is a nightmare for me to draw...


Then again i'm kinda bleh at art in the first place xD.


Anyways pretty good, she looks kinda cute, and so happy :D.


Keep it up!


Thanks for the feedback! For me, the mane wasn't as much of a nightmare as I thought it would be. But the eyelashes... TERRIFYING D:

Eyelashes and I have a terrible relationship. I can't draw them, and they can't draw me. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Rarity is best pony!


Now that I got that out of the way, you did a great job with her hair and designs.


Although, more detail on the hair would be nice, and no offense, she kinda reminds me of that silly smiley face people put out.

  • Brohoof 3
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Looks good for your first try. I'm always drawing this pony so here's a few things i'll point out.


You did a good job drawing the curls in her mane, just add some detail to make it stand out more.


Eyes are a tad boxy, so round those out a bit and the pupils as well.


Her head is a tad to round.


Round off and slim her ears a bit.

  • Brohoof 1
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Rarity is best pony!


Now that I got that out of the way, you did a great job with her hair and designs.


Although, more detail on the hair would be nice, and no offense, she kinda reminds me of that silly smiley face people put out.


Yep. Details, details, details. They are something I sort of forgot about when it comes down to the mane  :(


:D  <-- Is that, by any chance, the smiley you're referring to? All I can think of is either that one or the "Awesome Face".

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Yep. Details, details, details. They are something I sort of forgot about when it comes down to the mane  :(


:D  <-- Is that, by any chance, the smiley you're referring to? All I can think of is either that one or the "Awesome Face".

That, and the awesome face, it just looks similar, but either way, it looks amazing.


And it's alright, all artists always forget something, so don't worry buddy.

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I think I'll base my critique countering the critiques of others. I'm a fan of unusual styles, so a lot of the "rules" people are suggesting here I don't quite agree with. Of course, I don't know what kind of style you're going for, so there's a good chance that they're right. I just speak in defense of possible alternative styles. Let's see how this goes...


Regarding Silverwisp the Bard's and PowerStar89's posts:

I actually like the hair like this. It makes it look like parchment scrolls, and has a nice elegant flair to it. The pupils can be fine this way too, though if you're going for a more "normal" style, I agree that you should pay attention to making the pupils proper circles. I agree that the eyeliner needs to be thicker, but you still got the lashes placement rather nicely done, so kudos. :D


Regarding Silent Saturn's post:

The eye shape is fine in my opinion. The eye size is also great. I agree she needs more space under her mouth since she's smiling so widely though. The neck is fine.


Regarding ReGen's and Batbrony's posts:

I agree that the eyes don't quite look lively, but I can't place why exactly. I agree that the mouth could use work; rather than outline the whole thing, how about leaving it open a bit? Light typically shines on the bottom lip, so the line there often isn't drawn to give that effect.






You'll note that anime often has fully closed mouths, but that's for animation purposes. Anime does a lot of unusual things that are born of animation necessity rather than aesthetic purpose. When emulating "anime style" but only drawing still pictures, I recommend using manga for reference too, because its purpose is "giving life to art without the use of motion". :)

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