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open Gender Conundrum

Charcoal Embers

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Charcoal had packed, double cheched she had everything and even triple checked she had everthing. now even at the airport she was worried she had forgoten something. OK, ok. as soon as I get to the terminal I will check again to make sure that I have everything. Charcoal thought to herself as she walked along to find the plane she would be ridding on. After a bit of searching she finaly found it, terminal 63. Walking up she finds that she is a little early so she sits down and waits. While waiting she once again checks to make sure she has everything. Ok lets see, I know they said not to bring anything but I just don't feel comfortable using things that aren't mine when I can use my own stuff. Alright brush check, sunglasses check, extra pair of glasses check, just a few clothes in case I might need them check, tools ,never leave home without them, check. Alright that seems to be everything, I really need to stop worrying so much. I just need to relax and wait for the plane to arive to pick me up.

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Frost had just finished packing up his things and decided to check them over before he went to the airport. He had been looking forward to this trip for weeks and he didn't want to screw it up by forgetting something. "Alright everything is in order." he said with a smile as he trotted outside and called a taxi. When he arrived at the airport he checked his ticket for his gate number, 63. "61...62....63!" he mumbled under his breath. He went to the desk to turn in his ticket and bags. Once that was through he sat down, put his headphones on, and waited for his plane to arrive.

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Sunset Sky was flying through the air quickly, leaving an orange and brown-tinted streak behind her. She knew she was a bit early, but she would probably run into trouble at security with her natural shyness, so it would be fine.

She landed outside the airport and trotted inside. She quickly went through security and everything else, squeaking out her answers to the employees' questions.
"N-no.... I-I don't have any liquids..."
Sunset's shyness, as well as her scars, made them suspicious, so they checked her bags and  interrogated her, which led to a small anxiety attack. This was why she normally flew on her own or took the train. But of course, it had to be on a plane. She was lucky it was only a small attack, even more so because nopony who knew her was with her. If she had had a full-blown panic attack, she might have gotten kicked out.

They eventually got everything cleared up and let her through. She was still scared, and trembling, so somepony led her to the Gate.
At Gate 63, they had her sit. There were a few ponies here already.

She sat down and hid behind her mane, hoping not to get noticed.

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(OOC: Sorry too lazy so i'll post the same thing again. Sorry It's getting late for me and I should go to bed soon)

Icy had been waiting for this trip for a while now. She rarely had anything better to do other then work with Regal in his shop tending to the nobles and their needs. She had grown so tried of male nobles hitting on her and they would always give her the chance to live among them. When she saw trip she jumped on it. She had a client of Regal, who owed him money, to drop her off. Regal had packed her suit case and made sure everything was in order. Even though he would say if he was or wasn't her father, she still loved him as a father. She entered the airport and looked around for the Terminal that she was suppose to go to. Looking at her ticket and the terminal she found the one she was looking for.

She gave her ticket to the mare that was taking the tickets, had her bags checked, and finally went through the metal detector. When she made it through that mess of security. she found a seat to herself and sat down. She wasn't in the mood to talk. she wanted to get on the plane and just relax. She wondered what she would do first when she got there.

-Maybe I'll even met some cute stallions there- she thought happily to herself.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Skitter Run went to the airport with nothing. The letter said there is no need and truth be told he felt very lazy this morning so it was perfect.

"- Whats this pony doing she holding up the line-" 

Thought Skitter as he waited to go through the checkstop, Finally the  pony was taking out of the line and Skitter got though with no problem. 

"Gate 63 I think"

He said as he looked around for the gate in question. He finally spotted it and a few other ponys and trotted towards it.

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(OOC: I almost forgot about this, so sorry!)

Blazing headed toward the gate he was supposed to go to. "Gate 63 right? Meh, I'll just go there and hope for the best... If I'm wrong, big deal..." He said to himself. He had never been so calm like this, but he didn't bother to think about it at the time. I wonder why it's gate 63... He thought. He had a bad habit of getting random questions in his head like that. It was at least a good thing to keep him distracted for awhile.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Max landed outside the airport, folding his wings to his side. The flight from Ponyville was definitely longer than he would of liked, but he was far from exhausted. He brought no luggage, as the letter said it was not required, but what he did bring was the clothing he always wore in public. He wore a red concierge jacket, with a matching fedora, an outfit he would wear with pride no matter where he went. Without further hesitation, he trotted into the airport, excited about this trip.


The flaw with his outfit is that it made him look suspicious, and therefore getting through security was hell. He had to remove the jacket, and the fedora, go through an interrogation, and finally he was allowed to put his stuff back on and head on through. This is probably why most ponies didn't wear clothes. He walked around for a bit, before finally finding his destination.


"Terminal 63. This must be the place." He muttered to himself as he approached. Max handed the clerk his ticket, and upon noticing his early arrival-a surprise considering all the security he had to go through to get here-he sat down next to the terminal entrance and waited patiently.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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((their sister Supernova is gonna be an NPC here, if that's okay. Just in this post.))

"Are you sure you've got everything?"

"Yup!" Firecracker beamed at her sister.

"Got your-"

"Nova., you've asked me this three times already."

"I know, I know.  Spark wanted me to and threatened to turn my mane purple with pink polka-dots if I didn't, though." Supernova, one of Fire's sisters, shuddered at the thought. 

"I know, that would look weird! Seeya in a while, sis!"

"Seeya, Fire."

The sisters hugged and Supernova waved the excited, red Pegasus as she flew into the airport.

Firecracker made it through security fairly quickly and she made her way to the Terminal.

"Terminal 63, here I come!"

She arrived at the terminal and beamed enthusiastically as she saw that some other ponies were here too. She immediately flew over to a small orange Pegasus mare and grabbed her hoof for a hoofshake.

"Hi! I'm Firecracker! You must be here for the vacation thingie too! I'm super excited, it's gonna be so cool! Are you excited?"


Sunset Sky felt her hoof being lifted and squeaked as the pony who took it started shaking it excitedly.

"H-h-hi... U-um,I-i g-g-guess so. U-um, I'm S-S-Sunset Sky..." she whimpered, her surprise making ber stutter more than usual. She shrank in her seat and hid behind her mane, trying to disappear.

Of all the ponies here, she came to me? 

Edited by Mint Drop
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((their sister Supernova is gonna be an NPC here, if that's okay. Just in this post.))

"Are you sure you've got everything?"

"Yup!" Firecracker beamed at her sister.

"Got your-"

"Nova., you've asked me this three times already."

"I know, I know. Spark wanted me to and threatened to turn my mane purple with pink polka-dots if I didn't, though." Supernova, one of Fire's sisters, shuddered at the thought.

"I know, that would look weird! Seeya in a while, sis!"

"Seeya, Fire."

The sisters hugged and Supernova waved the excited, red Pegasus as she flew into the airport.

Firecracker made it through security fairly quickly and she made her way to the Terminal.

"Terminal 63, here I come!"

She arrived at the terminal and beamed enthusiastically as she saw that some other ponies were here too. She immediately flew over to a small orange Pegasus mare and grabbed her hoof for a hoofshake.

"Hi! I'm Firecracker! You must be here for the vacation thingie too! I'm super excited, it's gonna be so cool! Are you excited?"


Sunset Sky felt her hoof being lifted and squeaked as the pony who took it started shaking it excitedly.

"H-h-hi... U-um,I-i g-g-guess so. U-um, I'm S-S-Sunset Sky..." she whimpered, her surprise making ber stutter more than usual. She shrank in her seat and hid behind her mane, trying to disappear.

Of all the ponies here, she came to me?

((OOC: It's cool. I don't mind if an NPC comes in every once and a while.))

While Charcoal was just sitting there waiting she hears a bit of a ruckus. She turns to look and sees a red Pegasus shaking hooves with an orange Pegasus that looks very uncomfortable. I remember when I used to be like her, uncomfortable around every new pony I meet. Charcoal thought to herself as she gets up and walks over to the red Pegasus. She then taps the mare to get her attention. "Excuse me miss, but would you mind giving her some space? She looks really uncomfortable to me."

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(ooc, yaaay Fire is here she's fun)

Skitter run saw the hyper red pegasus.

"-Oh please don't let be sitting next to her-"

And then look out side.

"-I hope the plane gets here soon-"

And then he wondered how many other ponys won the trip as well

"-I hope not many-"

He wondered

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@@Charcoal Embers


((@@Skitter Run, LOL, total 180 from how he reacts to her in Time Jumpers xD but yes she is fun c:))

"Sunset Sky? That's a really pretty name!" Firecracker exclaimed, not noticing Sunset's shyness. Meanwhile, Sunset blushed and squirmed in her seat, wanting to fly away.

Suddenly, Fire felt a hoof on her shoulder and turned to see the source. She listened to what the mare said.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't realize," she said, calming down a bit from her natural state of overexcitement and giving her an apologetic smile. She turned to Sunset.

"Sorry if I scared you or something, I guess I just get excited really easily." she apologized, then turned and left slowly.


After the Pegasus went and sat down, Sunset turned to the mare who had helped her.

"U-um.. th-thank you..." she mumbled.

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@@Charcoal Embers,


((@@Skitter Run, LOL, total 180 from how he reacts to her in Time Jumpers xD but yes she is fun c:))

"Sunset Sky? That's a really pretty name!" Firecracker exclaimed, not noticing Sunset's shyness. Meanwhile, Sunset blushed and squirmed in her seat, wanting to fly away.

Suddenly, Fire felt a hoof on her shoulder and turned to see the source. She listened to what the mare said.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't realize," she said, calming down a bit from her natural state of overexcitement and giving her an apologetic smile. She turned to Sunset.

"Sorry if I scared you or something, I guess I just get excited really easily." she apologized, then turned and left slowly.


After the Pegasus went and sat down, Sunset turned to the mare who had helped her.

"U-um.. th-thank you..." she mumbled.

"Ah, it's no problem. It wasn't hard to see how uncomfortable you were with that mare." Charcoal sits down one seat away from the Pegasus, to give her some space. "I used to be a lot like you are when I was younger. Uncomfortable around any new pony that came to me. But anyway my name's Charcoal Embers, what's yours?" Charcoal asked quietly as to not make this mare uncomfortable.

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@@Charcoal Embers

"I-I'm Sunset Sky..." the small mare replied quietly.

Sunset wasn't sure what to say further than that. She looked around the airport, noticing the amount of ponies. Luckily, not many ponies were near her, so she was safe from an anxiety attack for now. As long as nopony noticed and pointed out her scars, she would be fine.

She hoped.

Sunset shuffled in her seat nervously.

"U-um... So you're h-here for the vacation thing t-too?" she asked Charcoal timidly.

Edited by Mint Drop
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@@Charcoal Embers,

"I-I'm Sunset Sky..." the small mare replied quietly.

Sunset wasn't sure what to say further than that. She looked around the airport, noticing the amount of ponies. Luckily, not many ponies were near her, so she was safe from an anxiety attack for now. As long as nopony noticed and pointed out her scars, she would be fine.

She hoped.

Sunset shuffled in her seat nervously.

"U-um... So you're h-here for the vacation thing t-too?" she asked Charcoal timidly.

"Well it is nice to meet you Sunset. And yeah I am. I would have no other reason to be here." Charcoal responded in a calm quiet voice. "Even though I'm mostly doing this because a friend of mine wanted me to go so I could take pictures for her." Charcoal finished

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(Thank you for telling me this started up yesterday! -_- )

Blaze had checked he had everything at the last minute. As he always did. He was too sure he had done everything right, and after almost missing his shades, he was ready to go.

"Terminal 63. Seems a bit odd. Most airports don't even have 20 termials nevermind 63." Blaze pondered the unusual teminal. Why 63? Is it a special number? A random number? A factor of 7? Eugh. 7" Blaze sat down in a COMPLETELY random chair and waited.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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(@mint drop I have to keep you on your tips it gets boring if I only react one way)

Skitter Run hears the group of ponies talking about the trip and decides to join them.

"Howdy y'all so we're all here for the same trip? "

Skitter run randomly thought of stuff

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((OOC Sorry it took me so long!)) 


Hana had to dash to the airport,to make sure she wasn't late.Flying so fast that she dropped her bag three times,she just got to the airport. She knew the note said she didn't need to bring anything but she got board easily and she had brought some books plus a thing of comfort from home. She dropped off her ticket at the desk and went though security and walked over to find her terminal.

Why dose that number sound like something I already know about.......?? She thought going though the gate. At last she found a seat and sat down. There were other ponies there,and she hoped they didn't see her.    


“There's something that doesn't make sense. Let's go and poke it with a stick.” 


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@@Charcoal Embers,  

Sunset nodded slightly.

"N-nice..." she mumbled. She wasn't too keen on sharing that she had been funded to go by the two caretakers at the local orphanage. Oh, and that she still lived there.

@@Skitter Run,

Sunset squirmed in her seat as the stallion turned his attention to them.

"U-umm... I guess s-so..."

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@@Mint Drop,


Max watched as a mare-Sunset Sky if he heard properly-was essentially thrown to the brink of a panic attack by all the ponies approaching her. He could sympathize, as he was like that during his first few years of high school. While he isn't "shy" in the traditional sense, he wasn't great in social interaction, and in fact was a bit awkward. He saw the mare that originally approached walk away, and debated talking to her.


It couldn't hurt. I got a few minutes to kill, and a friend on this trip would be nice. He thought to himself. He trotted over to her, trying to figure out the best way to get her attention. In the end, he decided the direct approach, just in time as he made it over to where she was.


"Um, hi." He started.


"I saw you talking over there, and thought, well...my name is Max." He stood rather awkwardly as he spoke, shuffling his hooves. He wasn't like this around family or long time friends, but meeting new people was always a challenge. It didn't stop him from trying, though.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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(OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in awhile... Kinda been unable to...)

Blazing finally found the place that he was supposed to go to, and walked in. "Finally found it..." He said to himself. That was a pain in the ass... He added in his head. He wasn't going to say that out loud, because he needed everyone to assume he was at least somewhat good.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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((@, that's probably alright, I think one or two ponies haven't posted even once yet.))



((Yay, somepony for Fire to talk to... Now just to see how she'll react. Egh. She's unpredictable even for me. i never know how she's gonna react until I start typing.))

Firecracker looked up at the pony. She started to return to her normal cheeriness, but remembered what had happened with Sunset Sky and stayed calm. Besides, this pony seemed a bit awkward too.

"Hi, i'm Firecracker~!" she smiled, but stayed sitting. She held out a hoof for a hoofshake, having learned her lesson well enough. 

"So you're here for the vacation thingie too?"

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@@Mint Drop,


Max took the hoof for a shake, glad that he could at least do that in a proper manner.


So far, so good.


"Yes, I uh, have been looking forward to this for a few months now."


OK, now what do you say? Think Max think...


"So, how was the weather on the way here?"


REALLY? WEATHER? What the hell was that? He mentally facehoofed.

Edited by ActFast231


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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(@mint drop I have to keep you on your tips it gets boring if I only react one way)

Skitter Run hears the group of ponies talking about the trip and decides to join them.

"Howdy y'all so we're all here for the same trip? "

Skitter run randomly thought of stuff

Charcoal turned as the pony that just walked up and asked a question. I wonder how Sunset is around stallions? She thought. Out of the corner of her eye Charcoal could see Sunset squirming in her seat. About as well as the last pony. So maybe it is just the same with everypony and nit worse with the opposite gender like it is most of the time. "Well I guess." Charcoal says quickly trying to shift the conversation to her. "According to the letter I can go anywhere, but since I never really liked traveling long distances there was nowhere I wanted to go. But a friend of mine had always wanted to go to Saddle Arabia so I agreed to go there for her and take pictures."

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@Everyone. (Because I'm too freakin lazy)


Frost opened his eyes and sat up from were he was resting. He suddenly realized that he had left his water jug at home and was getting thirsty. He got up and began to walk over to the water fountain. As he did he stepped on the cord to his headphones, tripped himself, and hit the floor in the middle of the group of ponies. "Ooowwww." he muttered with his face flat on the floor.

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Blazing noticed from a little ways away that a pony had tripped and fell on his face. He had to force himself not to laugh, seeing as he knew that it would be incredibly mean if he did. It is pretty funny... But I don't want him to be mad at me or anything...He thought.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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