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a derpy episode?


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Sadly, after I wrote that I found out that cowardly Hasbro removed her name from episode 14, and slipped in a different voice actress. I doubt now that Derpy will be making another appearance.


I found out the same thing after reading and commenting to your earlier post, Cindy. Lets hope that they leave it with Tabitha's version on the future DVD box sets and its just iTunes that did this. Edited by super muffin derpy506
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Here's my Derpy episode idea: Derpy gets fired from the post office for dropping one too many packages on Twilight Sparkle's head. Pinkie brings her all over Ponyville trying to help get her a new job. Disaster will strike everywhere. Twilight's library is in a shambles, Rarity is in tears over her organized disorder being reduced to abject chaos, Rainbow Dash is nearly killed in a freak typhoon, and Fluttershy is a nervous wreck as her animal friends run for cover. Just when Pinkie is about to give up on the still cheerful Derpy, the Cakes discover she has a super-secret family muffin recipe. They'll give her a corner of Sugarcube Corner to work out of, as a breakfast muffin nook, and everyone will be happy!

Awesome Idea! If they ever did make a derp episode this would definitely be a hit! Edited by 83awsm
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Here's my Derpy episode idea: Derpy gets fired from the post office for dropping one too many packages on Twilight Sparkle's head. Pinkie brings her all over Ponyville trying to help get her a new job. Disaster will strike everywhere. Twilight's library is in a shambles, Rarity is in tears over her organized disorder being reduced to abject chaos, Rainbow Dash is nearly killed in a freak typhoon, and Fluttershy is a nervous wreck as her animal friends run for cover. Just when Pinkie is about to give up on the still cheerful Derpy, the Cakes discover she has a super-secret family muffin recipe. They'll give her a corner of Sugarcube Corner to work out of, as a breakfast muffin nook, and everyone will be happy!

Woah, that IS genius! Okay, but here's the issue; apparently her appearence could come off as offensive if you put handicapped people in a negative light. So what do you do? Here's my idea;


as a sub-theme through this, you have the characters learn that even though she's a walking, flying disaster, she feels just as much and is just as important to love as anypony. As she causes these disasters, she gets sad because of all the trouble she causes, then gets really sad and runs off (remember how Twilight cried in a bush in Winter Wrap-Up? Like that, kinda) then Pinkie Pie cheers her up, and in the process, gets the muffin recipe, and the other mane 6 see the error of their ways and write a letter to Celestia about the importantince of loving everypony, regardless. (That letter will be more touchy than a landmine; they'll have more difficulty wording that one than the "faith" letter XD )


Hah! Try to take offense at THAT!

What now, 21st century American professional lawsuit whiners!? XD


I find it very upsetting that Hasbro caved like that. Are they going to change things every time some nut-bags complain?

No, just each time they think they're gonna lose money in a lawsuit because of it. Businesses make decisons based off cost-benefit analysis. Apparently they thought the cost/threat of lawsuit outweighed the benefit of keeping that scene the same. When you look at it from a business perspective, it makes sense, really. I mean, I love the show, but Hasbro won't do much good making it if they fail financially. A lawsuit alone wouldn't kill them, but in a competitive world, it might put them behind too much, and lead to their eventual failure, so...

Edited by EASA - Dr. Braun
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How exactly could they be sued for it? Even if it WAS offensive, you can't sue someone just because they offend you. It'd have to cross into libel or something. which isn't what happened here no matter how you slice it.

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Whilst a Derpy episode would be good Hasbro would never do it. They're getting flamed and blamed for making Derpy have cross eyes and her voice so and entire episode dedicated to her would spark numerous trolls/people who don't understand the idea behind Derpy to immediately double the flame on Hasbro.

I'd be happy just seeing Derpy being kept the same, not being put in an episode.

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Here's my Derpy episode idea:


Derpy gets fired from the post office for dropping one too many packages on Twilight Sparkle's head. Pinkie brings her all over Ponyville trying to help get her a new job. Disaster will strike everywhere. Twilight's library is in a shambles, Rarity is in tears over her organized disorder being reduced to abject chaos, Rainbow Dash is nearly killed in a freak typhoon, and Fluttershy is a nervous wreck as her animal friends run for cover. Just when Pinkie is about to give up on the still cheerful Derpy, the Cakes discover she has a super-secret family muffin recipe. They'll give her a corner of Sugarcube Corner to work out of, as a breakfast muffin nook, and everyone will be happy!


Woah, that IS genius! Okay, but here's the issue; apparently her appearence could come off as offensive if you put handicapped people in a negative light. So what do you do? Here's my idea;


as a sub-theme through this, you have the characters learn that even though she's a walking, flying disaster, she feels just as much and is just as important to love as anypony. As she causes these disasters, she gets sad because of all the trouble she causes, then gets really sad and runs off (remember how Twilight cried in a bush in Winter Wrap-Up? Like that, kinda) then Pinkie Pie cheers her up, and in the process, gets the muffin recipe, and the other mane 6 see the error of their ways and write a letter to Celestia about the importantince of loving everypony, regardless. (That letter will be more touchy than a landmine; they'll have more difficulty wording that one than the "faith" letter XD )


That would make a terrific episode. Handicapped people are never touched upon in children's animation and it definitely sends out a good message. Even when I was back in grade school, i'm telling you now, there where a ton of kids I knew who could've learned from this, myself included.


Unlike Derpy's one minute spotlight, where to those who are unfamiliar with the character or this fanbase will only see her as nothing more than offensive comic relief, I'm sure won't complain after seeing her portrayed like this.




Considering the drama regarding Derpy's portrayal and fan response (and the fan response to the fan response), a Derpy episode probably wouldn't be such a good idea.


Edited by SailorCardKnight
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"It seems there has been alot of buzz about Derpy being "fixed". I saw the New version of Derpy in "The Last Round-Up" and I do admit it didn't settle well with me. I still enjoyed the original. I didn't like the reason why they had her change. It didn't seem at all offensive in my opinion. When I first saw the scene in the animatic, I literally burst with joy. But I had a feeling that it might not settle with some fans and some people. Especially since people already have their own version of Derpy and people might get the wrong idea of her character.


Its not often that cartoons show fan content. Cause sometimes when you include Fan content, it usually can result to something negative (to fans or to others). And sometimes it also endangers the identity/essence of the show. Or if people like it, they will probably expect a lot more.To the point they might expect TOO much. So you could imagine my surprise when they decided to name Derpy and give her a voice.


Derpy has became more than just some fancy Easter egg in the show. She's became an Icon, a symbol to the fans of MLP:FIM. Though Derpy was created in a studio, her character was created by the fans. You can probably say that she represents all Bronies everywhere. Fans have enjoyed Derpy whenever they see her in the background until the point when she talked. The entire studio loves her as well. I was there in one of those Livestream chatrooms when people first heard her talk. It was quite entertaining how happy people were. So its no surprise to see people get really upset by this.


In a way, I understand why majority of fans are upset but blaming, pointing fingers and throwing hate around is not the way to do this. You're forgetting your own motto "Love and Tolerance". You bronies are one of inspiration and our greatest achievement. Don't sully your name by spreading Hate and intolerance. Remember, Tolerance is not the same as acceptance. If you are upset with something, display it in a more positive way. You'll get your message across much better than lashing it out with hate. Show some respect. Show some humility.


Oh I also want to address on a artist name Yamino. I've heard that she has been garnered a lot of hate by the Brony Community due to her not liking Derpy's portrayal. Let it be known, that she had NOTHING to do with the sudden change. She expressed an opinion on Derpy. That is all. She did not ask me to do this or anyone on the staff. I had to say this because the hate she's been receiving is unnecessary. So leave her be.


Also don't spam notes and messages to the people who work on the show. You're probably not going to get much out of it.


On the issue on Derpy whether she'll have the same Derp face expression and stuff. As an animator of the show, rest assured, she'll be fine. The show will still go on and I hope you will continue to support the show. Though Derpy is a great character, she is not essentially the reason why the show is awesome (though she is one of the Reasons). If Derpy never existed on that fateful scene in the first episode, would MLP be a bad show? Remember MLP is a great show because for what it is. I didn't know about Derpy until someone from the Studio pointed it out. I hope you'll still enjoy the show no matter what happens.


I hope this message will ease some of your minds. Thank you."


~Kreoss, one of the show animators

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Hasbro could redeem themselves with everyone with a Derpy centric episode. Take Derpy, let her be herself, and give a positive message about acceptance, and everyone would be served what they are looking for. Showing Derpy being accepted as herself could never be taken as offensive, and the fans of the show would have their beloved Mail Mare back. I am all for the story idea posted earlier, the only thing I would add is maybe have a scene with Derpy wishing to be just like everyone else, only for her difference to be the key to solving a big dilemma. This could be the catalyst for the letter to Celestia.

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Actually, this is not true.



Disney handled Kim Possible being uncomfortable around a new student in a wheelchair quite nicely.


I will rephrase that.


Handicapped people are rarely touched upon in children's animation....


As I also now remember some other show I saw as a kid that got into the subject of handicapped people once, be dammed if I remember which...I wanna say an episode of The Wild Thornberries or a different Disney show.

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I will rephrase that.




As I also now remember some other show I saw as a kid that got into the subject of handicapped people once, be dammed if I remember which...I wanna say an episode of The Wild Thornberries or a different Disney show.



I admit, it is very rare. I did like how it was handled on KP. By the end of the episode, Kimmie accepted Felix as a person, and didn't hold back or feel uncomfortable any more. She even mentioned that the reason she felt like that was only that it seemed so unfair that she could walk and he couldn't. When she asked Ron what Felix thought of her constantly putting her foot in her mouth, and does he hate her now, Ron said "Nah, he just thinks you're funny."

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over sensitive mother: OH NO! THAT EPISODE MADE FUN OF SPECIAL PEOPLE!!!!!!




though i think it would be cool, this would happen, and it would become a lost episode

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I kind of feel like this wouldn't work well. One of the charms of derpy is her mysteriousness. I kind of like having her as come and go shock comedy.

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over sensitive mother: OH NO! THAT EPISODE MADE FUN OF SPECIAL PEOPLE!!!!!!




though i think it would be cool, this would happen, and it would become a lost episode


if they do make a derpy episode, and made it a lost episode. Oh my goodness. It would be the most must-see watch 24 hour contant episode that would give derpy everypony's full love plus so much more!.
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Hasbro could redeem themselves with everyone with a Derpy centric episode. Take Derpy, let her be herself, and give a positive message about acceptance, and everyone would be served what they are looking for. Showing Derpy being accepted as herself could never be taken as offensive, and the fans of the show would have their beloved Mail Mare back. I am all for the story idea posted earlier, the only thing I would add is maybe have a scene with Derpy wishing to be just like everyone else, only for her difference to be the key to solving a big dilemma. This could be the catalyst for the letter to Celestia.

I don't think it would be a good idea to come up with a contrived scenario where her disability would save the day. Simply because that's not reality, and it's not accepting her at all; it's a contrived fallacy where her disability is a superpower. The entire point is that she has a disability, not a superpower, and it doesn't matter how you phrase it, I'd never chose to be in a wheelchair my whole life instead of having two legs, or be mentally handicapped instead of what I am. To turn it into a superpower would almost be a mockery of disabilities.


In fact, I think a great line for the plot is that she's just gotten fired for her klutziness, she can't find any other job in Ponyville, but then, just as an aside, she mentions to Pinkie Pie the muffin recipe that some coworkers loved back in Cloudsdale, and the Cakes buy it at a royalty (she gets a certain percent of the earnings from it), and it does so well she ends up in a similar situation to Pinkie.


I think that's an awesome idea, the best darned way to happy end the story. It shows that despite being a total klutz, despite being a total failure at so many things, she's not worthless.


It's kind of a way of showing that no matter what physically obvious differences there are in-between her and any other average pony, she's still a person.

(Ponies are people. Personality = person ;-) )

Edited by EASA - Dr. Braun
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I never meant to suggest her to have super powers. but say, her eyesight causes her to misread a recipe, making the recipe better in the process. Something simple like that. Im not trying to beat the whole "handicapped people have it harder so they are better people" idea into anyone's head, its just the formula of the show where a perceived wrong is usually proven right in the end, and everyone learns not to judge so quickly.

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Here's my Derpy episode idea:


Derpy gets fired from the post office for dropping one too many packages on Twilight Sparkle's head. Pinkie brings her all over Ponyville trying to help get her a new job. Disaster will strike everywhere. Twilight's library is in a shambles, Rarity is in tears over her organized disorder being reduced to abject chaos, Rainbow Dash is nearly killed in a freak typhoon, and Fluttershy is a nervous wreck as her animal friends run for cover. Just when Pinkie is about to give up on the still cheerful Derpy, the Cakes discover she has a super-secret family muffin recipe. They'll give her a corner of Sugarcube Corner to work out of, as a breakfast muffin nook, and everyone will be happy!


how do i make one of those picture things with my name in it. like your picture that has "cuteycindeyhoney" with kim possible on the side
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All of the soccer moms that freaked out over this really need to calm down, and take a moment to understand the character that derpy is.. If they all just took a moment to try and understand her, It'd be pretty clear that she is not just the badly executed crack about mentaly disabled people they thought she was. And if Hasbros hadn't caved instantly, and just did some sort of public announcment, things would've been so much better..

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