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private Equestria Divided - When Harmony is Lost


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@@Steel Accord@@AnonBrony@@MagicalStarRain


House Whitegold - Manehatten - City Streets


(Dude your just asking to be surprised... and Anon already did tehehehe. (I'm feeling rather weird lately... i don't know why?))


Gear didn't even notice Dorado's remark as she was already immersed in the spellbook and studying the illusion spell, subconsciously folding up the table back into the pack along with her notebook so Vickers could bring it along. (He re-entered the room for a moment to put the pack back on his back before bowing politely to those left in the room and following Gear and Accord out.) Though she pulled her muzzle out of the book long enough to respond to Accord. "Hope its to your tastes then."  'Though i imagine that you wont like the more subtle suggestions in it.' (She's already suspicious that the book is more of an educative book for infiltrators. (Whether it is or it isn't.)) While on her way out she had figured out enough to attempt casting the spell, and though she didn't get it on the first try she had managed to cast it successfully by the time they had exited the tunnels and looked as if she was an earth pony. (Vickers is walking on the other side of her and holding the book open so she can read it.) 'Hmm lets see how long this spell lasts.' and she stops a few meters before Ice which has been waiting outside for us... and Accord still seems to be in his book. "Accord i think that you may want to put the book down for a moment before you run into Ice, its hardly a collision that you would enjoy very much..." (If you run into Ice's shield he wont take notice of you but Gear will move over to try and help you up.)


(After Dorado exits the tunnels Ironheart will come exit them soon after and move up onto a nearby overhang so that he isn't within view, so any sight that you catch of him will be brief.)

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@@Tricksters Pride@AnonBrony@MagicalStarRain


House Whitegold - Manehatten - City Streets


Steel barely had time to turn with a confused, "Come again?" Before running into something hard and metal. After rubbing his snout a bit, his eyes wandered up . . . and up . . . and up. He beheld the mechanical titan before him and turned his head back to Gear.


"Ice, I presume?" He asked. After a confirming nod, Steel looked back and forth between creator and creation. "And yet, I'm admonished for lack of subtlety?! My lady, one golem for an assistant is a curiosity, two an eccentricity, but three?! . . .  and the third is THAT?!" Steel said pointing to Vickers, Ironheart, and Ice in sequence. "I mean, not to speak against your obvious talent to create such wonders, but wouldn't it serve us better not to draw attention to ourselves as we try to spirit into Earthborn territory?" Steel's tone was a kind of faux exasperation, like he was purposefully over-reacting to get a laugh out of his partners or at least himself. His concern was genuine, this was just how he expressed himself sometimes.

Edited by Steel Accord
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Standoff nodded. "You don't want the Dogs to be mad at you. The tunnels are a great subterfuge resource, and for another thing, if you just walked in there to, say, try and get a leg up on the enemy in a battle, it could be seen as an invasion, and then you'd be fighting Diamond Dogs on their own turf. Wouldn't end well for anyone involved. If this deal goes through, which I hope it will, you could have a steady stream of gems to bribe the dogs with." Thinking for a moment, he absently looked out the window. Hey, um...


I didn't even say anything!

You thought it, and the answer is no.

I have information the nice mare might waaaant...

...Fine. Be civil.

My middle name is Gunther. I mean, civil.

I'm regretting this already...

Standoff smacked his lips, opened his mouth, coughed, and started talking again, in a completely different voice. "Hello, I'm Red Alert. You may be vonderink how I am doink zis. Ze answer is, I don't know. Not ze point. Anyvay, I've been monitorink a couple of sings, und did you know zere's been a terror attack in Cloudsdale? Common vord in ze buildink is zat it vas napalm. Don't ask me how ze entire city didn't burn down. Zat's all." Standoff sat back, obviously pleased with himself, then sat forward again, as if gauging Roseluck's reaction.

It's reasons like these I keep you around.

Aww, that's sweet of you.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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House Moon and Star - Hoofington

@@AnonBrony, @@Windbreaker,


This pony completely ruined himself, hadn't he? Astrolabe thought. She had tended to think the Inquisition members lead gloomy lives, and now it was confirmed that they also lived emotionally unstable ones as well. Well, isn't this a relief.


"Probably just your withdrawal," Astrolabe reassured. "I heard some can go for several months even without looking at one. And maybe you are better off not smoking; abusing it can do more harm than benefit."


Astrolabe looked up at the clock. It was the time the train was about to arrive, and when she looked out the platform, Astrolabe saw a train slowly approaching them. "You should get a rest after you finish your job," Astrolabe added. "If it isn't the cigarette withdrawal, it's probably the job stress. A few hours of sleep might do the job."


As the train was finally nearing the platform, Astrolabe called the other stallion, and ran to the edge. "It's here, I believe," Astrolabe said. She couldn't wait to get out of this cold; she did not pack any clothing with her, and Astrolabe was near defenseless to the freezing wind.

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@,  @@Windbreaker,


(Appologies I forgot to respond to Astro's question)


House Moon and Star - Hoofington 


"Hmmm that kind of question I believe is better reserved to be answered on the train. More private there." Crucible replied. He then reached into his saddle bags and took out a couple pills. "Here Kinetic. Some painkillers. This should ease your headache. " By Celestia this pony is a mess. He thought to himself.


Soon the train arrived. Ponies began rushing on board pulling carts that held there luggage. The three of them would enter one of the more private cars near the front. Crucible sat down near a table where there were some drinks waiting for them. Once the train began to move, he spoke.


"We have been keeping our eye on you for a while. Not because you are a criminal, but because of your intellect. We knew you would be exactly willing to assist us in or endeavors, so we waited for the proper time until we knew we would need you. Now is that time. The House has always conducted underground research into many things. Done many projects. You are to assist in one project. A very important one. I don't know a lot about the project, but I do know your expertise in physics could come in handy. And I do know this project has to do with magic. I am not sure how much knowledge you have in the Arcane, but there will be mages and Arcanologists assisting as well. The head of the project, forget the pony's name, starts with an E I think, he's apparently a scholar, and works closely with the Archmagister herself. I may have even seen him with her before."


He took a bottle and poured himself a drink. "Oh and one more important thing. This is a very classified project. So, you will be staying in Canterlot until it is finished and you will not be allowed to leave the castle without permission. If you do wish to leave the castle you must be accompanied by some ponies. Can't have you risk telling anypony our secrets now would we? You can't tell ANYPONY about what you going to see, except those you will be working with. And after the project is done... I'll leave it at that."

Edited by AnonBrony
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House Moon and Star - Hoofington (No caption this time)




Kinetic grinned half-heartedly, as he put his lighter back together for the fifteenth time. "Well, contemplating the swift end to my miserable life isn't helping matters... More likely making it worse, since I've tried a few times but never quite had the courage to go through with it. I'm insane, aren't I?" He asked, as if only just realizing the extent of his mental damage as he followed Crucible and Astrolabe onto the train.
Hoofington had quite the effect on Kinetic. The noises in his head were getting louder to the point where he heard the crackling of fire and the soft tinkling of bladed feet behind him. He tried to keep calm but anypony looking at him could see the sheer terror in his eyes. Then there was the two alternating phrases he muttered under his breath. "It's all in my head... There's no Smiling Doll behind me..." Over and over as he downed a painkiller and several glasses of alcohol. In the midst of his panic attack, he hoped that neither Crucible nor Astrolabe noticed his partial breakdown.
House Earthborn (Onward Earthborn Soldiers)
Now it was Poppy’s turn. Her rougher edge returned swiftly, though she still felt like she wanted to cry. “I’m no saint, either. I used the excuse of revenge for years so I didn’t have to admit that I liked the killing. But we’ve got a shot at something better, right here in front of us. The refugees probably joined those weirdos in Everfree, anyway. Don’t forget. First chance we get, we’re gone. Even if I have to drag you along with me.” She grinned at Long Stride, with a determined look in her eye. There was no stopping her now.
Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Southern Mercenary Camp


The battle was joined! Even before he began his charge, Lautrec could hear the sound of bullets pinging off of the armor of his Thunder Crab, wither of not they were aimed at him on purpose or just a volley in his general direction was unclear and truthfully it didn't matter. The sensation was nothing more then hail stones on steel roofing.


It didn't take much to push the Thunder Crab into a charge, the war machine tilting it's body a little as it drove itself forward at a much faster pace then before. Already he could hear the dying screams of pain and agony of those who were impaled on the spear like legs of the abomination of meat and metal. Exactly which side of the engagement he had been killing was hard to tell and in the end didn't really matter; Only the most expendable and devote members of the cult took part in the first wave, both of whom would be perfectly fine with the idea of serving their rightful mistress in a new, undead form.


Swinging his crab claw to backhand a merc pony with a loud, wet crunching noise, Lautrec spotted the griffin that was attempting to dive bomb what he... no, she believed was the eyes of his machine. With a smirk and a burst of speed that clearly caught the feather covered predator off guard, the mantis claw snagged her in mid air. Even as he tightened the deadly claw in order to squeeze the life out of his prey but crushing her lungs and internal organs with blood going everywhere, he brought the struggling griffin in front of the crab. Lining it up with a squad that was clearly not cultist that were carrying rifles, there was a spark of fire coming from the crab's mouth before a cone of the foul smelling flame shot out for a few seconds, engulfing the griffin completely and  giving those rifle ponies something to really worry about.


Once the flames died down, Lautrec hurled the dead/dying husk that used to be a griffin over the Thunder Crab's back before pushing onwards. He had more things to kill and a limited time frame to do it in. One C.F.G (Cultist Fried Griffin) wasn't going to feed the zombies after all.






Shrugging his shoulders a little at the question (While being mindful of the fact that he had a pony on his back) Myopia simply answered "You're guess is as good as mine Ms..." He left the sentence hanging, trying to get the guard pony to tell him what her name was as the hospital building that they were planning to drop the mare off at came into sight.

House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District

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@@Steel Accord,  @@Tricksters Pride,


House Whitegold - Manehatten - City Streets


Dorado trotted to catch up to his companions. Once he was nearby then again he heard their current conversation and decided to put forth his own opinion. "I agree with Accord. Ice will stand out far too much and attract attention. The thing is so big it will catch the attention of ponies even as we travel the road. You should only bring Iron. At least he is good at hiding." He said as he turned his head around looking for the stalking automaton. It still was nowhere in sight. "Even if Ice were to stay out of the city he could still attract the attention of passing travelers, and patrols. We can't even take the huge thing on a train. And I'm perfectly fine on supplies. As long as you two are. I only packed food for one pony. Hopefully you two did as well. No matter. You will only be hungry until we reach Fillydelphia. Unless your brought no money too." Dorado chuckled a bit. 





(Hey Coopy. You gonna need to reply to the Golden Pines pony. and the Stallion gave the bartender a present. I'm not sure if you wished to comment on that.)


Golden Pines - Golden Pines Tavern 


"I suppose I will be taking my leave too my good Pony." The unknown stallion said to the bartender. "Thank you for what little information you gave me. MUCH appreciated. And yes that was sarcasm." The pony got out of his seat, same as the mares. "Good bye young Misses." he said to them. "This probably isn't the last you see of me hehehehe, but one last thing before you two go." He reached inside his saddlebag and took out two pieces of paper. "Here take these." He gave them a blank piece of paper, and a piece that had the portrait of a mare. Mare was eerie looking, but not incredibly creepy. She had a dark coat, orangish, but dark, red eyes, and her mane was long, red and black. She had on a slight smile, and almost seemed like she had fangs. "I'm looking for that mare. If you ever find her give her the portrait and the piece of paper. The blank one is a message for her." He then decided to speak to the bartender one last time. "Oh and Goodbye to you too barkeep. If you see me around here again give me a hallah alrighty? Heheheheheheh!" He tossed some bits onto his counter and proceeded to head for the door.  


(Last chance for any of you to say anything to him before he goes. And Crystal. I believe you already know who that is a picture of.) 

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@@AnonBrony,  @@Steel Accord,  


House Whitegold - Manehatten - City Streets


"Oh Ironheart is already on his way, he just needs to pick up some supplies and then he will meet us... wherever we decide to stay at the Iron Spire Mines. Though sadly your correct i had anticipated going somewhere within range of the Underground Network, so i believe that i will have to leave Ice to keep my place safe." Gear then looks at Ice for a moment  'Ice don't let anypony who enters my house to leave in one piece'  (Ice shows no sign of conformation but he turns around and moves toward the Arcane District abruptly.) before looking at Vickers. "i suppose that i wont be able to bring Vickers either... and i don't think that he would be able to keep up with the train either."  'Sorry Vickers but you cant come this time please keep the house in order for me and keep picking up my things while i'm gone'  (Vickers looks a little put out for a moment but he sets the saddlebags that contain Gears things down beside her and follows after Ice) Gear puts on her saddlebags easily despite not using magic (It would ruin the spell.) and adresses Accord while doing so with a small smirk "If Ice wasn't very subtle then why did you run into him? And while your right about Vickers and especially Ice i think you might want to realign your assumptions about Ironheart. Just this year he managed to acquire his 100th sentient mark and they never even saw him." 


(Good attempt at humor Accord But she took your words at face value...)

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Crystal took the canvas and picture from the colt, raising an eyebrow as he left.
When he had walked out the door she sighed and rolled up the picture, stuffing it into her bag as well as the small canvas. "Glad that's over with." She mumbled, walking out the door. "Mind if I tag along with you for a bit? There are some things I need to pick up as well but I've never actually been here before so...I wouldn't mind having someone who has." She said, looking at Cascade as she used her magic to keep the door open.



@@Tricksters Pride,


As most of the ponies crowded around, Violet stayed at the back of the group, leaning against the wall and listening in silence.
She sighed and glanced at the door before looking down at the hatchet in her belt. "This is definitely turning into a competition." She muttered to herself before stretching, several satisfying cracks coming from her back and down her tail. *Where did Ariana get too?* She asked herself. As if on cue, the snake slithered up a nearby root in the tree and around Violet's neck.
Violet smiled and gently patted the Boa's head as she looked up at Cloud Chaser and whomever else was talking, remaining quiet as usual.

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Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle


"Well I definitely won't call you 'sensei' as she says it!" Star Rain laughed, recalling a mare her father mentioned, going by the name of Kanon.


When her question was answered, she tilted her head and said,"…died?" and looked to the side. It may or may not have came off as insensitive but it was a common symptom of autism.


(OOC: Btw, Kanon is a Japanese OC of mine. Canonically, she's not here because she fled back to her home country when things began to get ugly(if she were in this one, she would have been a Whitegold member held back by blackmail). In real life, I made her a long time after this role-play began. She specializes in languages and translation. And being a flirty, diplomatic seductress.)




House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Ten steps away from the hospital - Surrounded by unwanted attention


The praetorpony's voice dropped to a whisper as she finished his sentence with,"Berry. Golden Berry." She then pushed the witness' attention with an authoritative glare. "We're getting pretty close now. Leave it to me to do the explainin'."

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle 


"Y-Yes" Eternity replied with reluctance. "He died. I... inherited it." He was silent for a moment. "Come on, we should hurry along."


Eternity would lead her through the castle. Descending many a staircase until they were at ground floor. Eventually he would lead he to a door in the back of the castle. An old looking door it was, in a somewhat unknown location considering not many ponies transverse this part of the castle. The door seemed somewhat unimportant, almost like a door to an old forgotten closet. 


"This is it." Eternity said. He then began to cast a spell on the door, in which then the door would creak open. The door had a magic lock on it. It couldn't be broken down and can only be opened with a certain spell. In the event somepony somehow got past it, the ponies within most likely would of known. That's why the door needed no guard. Once through the door there would another flight of staircase, that was dimly lit by torches, and descending even further down. "Come on." Once Star would pass through the door he would close it behind them and the lock would reengage. "There are only a few locations throughout the castle that lead to the underground Catacombs. This door is one of them, and it leads to part of the prison. Though they usually just teleport down into the prison anyway." He said as he traversed the stairs. Soon the stairs ended and lead into a rather long hallway the turned to the right. The walls were ancient looking and seems like they could collapse any moment.


(I bet Star has some questions right?)

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@@Snowy Storm, @@Spell Shock

First Refuge Camp, Near a Lake

"Well on our return, once this mission is completed and it is decided what will become of you I am certain we can find you those willing to teach you such," Golden assured Regal while also suggesting his position in all this is not completely certain. If question it seemed reasonable the pegasus would be willing to explain what he meant but at this time stallion seemed like he was ready to continue on to the town as is. He did seem to consider and says, "We may just need to make sure that we are not perceived as a danger to those at the camp, make sure we can convince those we meet that we hold no alliance with the Houses. Apart from that and the disguise you have now given us there is not much else we can do."


Turning to the young mare, the pegasus asks, "perhaps you have something else we can be used? While I and others may not show it your options and ideas could be useful. I am willing to consider anything you might suggest Spell Shock." He noticed she had kept to herself during all this time and he knew that she would need to learn to work with and interact with others if she was to be at her best. It was something all members of the Guardians had to learn at some point and perhaps this mission is what would help the young mare to grow more then she has since joining.


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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle


By the time they got down to the basement floor, Star Rain was panting and her hooves were getting sore. She had built up some stamina over the course of her stay at Canterlot Castle, but she was still a terrible athlete. Stupid place. Why the frick did the princesses need a home as big as this? It's not like they had loads of children or husbands or anything...


Still, she ignored her pain and continued to follow Eternity down the hall, which in her opinion needed reinforcers of some kind. Star stayed quiet, partly because she had little to say and partly because she figured that the place would collapse if she said anything loud anything. 


She made an exception to one question though. Well, two or more actually. "Is there any reason you brought me down here for, how many prisoners are down here, and are these war prisoners?" she asked. She took a shot at the second question herself. Probably more than he and I can count, considering how long this war has been going on for. Star made a grim face at the thought.

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle - The Catacombs 


Eternity kept waling forward, not looking back at her. "I don't know much about the prisoners. But, there is a reason a brought you down here. This isn't just a prison." He reached another door. This one he opened with ease since it was only locked from the inside. Once he got through there would be in a fairly large room, with prion cells on all sides of the room. In the center there would be several Inquisitors conversing. They would give them a quick glance and glare, and then ignore them. There would also be hallways branching out from the room as well all leading to different places. The room itself and the cells loo like the hallway they were just in, ancient and crumbling. The cells themselves looked like typical medieval cells with only a bed and a bucket. But they were also seal with magic, making it tougher for the prisoners to escape. 


"This is the Catacombs. Well, not really catacombs, no pony is buried here... I think. These are the unknown secret tunnels going throughout all of Canterlot that were built hundreds of years ago. And House Moon and Star is using them for all their secretive purposes. Including, prisons, pony experiments, headquarters for the Inquisition, secret interrogation and torture," A scream of a stallion could be heard off in the distance through the tunnels. "And finally, classified projects. That's where we come in." 


The ponies in the cells came up the the bars to see who had came in the door. Many of them were Earthponies and Pegasi, but there were some Unicorns too, wearing the rings on their horns to disable magic. They all were dirty, anorexic, and miserable looking. Some were prisoners of war, some were actual criminals, the rest were just heretics. "Let's go Star." Eternity would say. He would walk straight, going alongside the cells on the left. Some of the prisoners would reach through the cells to grab him, but he was just out of their reach. An inquisition guard would bang his spear he was holding on their cells and tel them to get back harshly and using insults an swears.


Eternity would then make a left going down another tunnel. There would be some doors in this tunnel. Metal doors. They were new and recently placed there. However they would walk past an open one. In that room they would be a pony on a table, gagged, awake, and in pain, and several others in coats, blood stained coats, experimenting and poking at his insides as if he was just a simple frog, and they were biology students. (Think Cupcakes.) This was where most of the experimentation was going on. As they walked past the room, one of the 'physicians' would glance at them, and then walk over and close the door. You couldn't see his face though for he, and the other physicians were wearing birdlike masks. (The masks doctors wore in Europe during the Black Plague.) Eternity didn't even pay mind to him, he just kept walking forward, concentrating to keep all of this out of his head, and wanting to get this over with. 


(Do you have anything to write for Star, doe she have anything to say? or shall I continue? It would Interesting to see Stars thoughts on all this)



@@Tricksters Pride@@Steel Accord,



House Whitegold - Manehatten - City Streets'


Dorado was getting impatient. He just wanted to make some money. "I am just gonna take it that you two are ready. So what are we just standing around he for? We have a job! Come then!" Dorado began galloping towards the Manehatten city gate "Vámonos Compadres! Vamos! Rápido rápido!!" He would yell back at them "Let's go make some money haha!

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle


(OOC: Oh my dear Anon, I have plenty of things to type in this post!)


Star Rain continued to trail Eternity, eying her surroundings and the prisoners wearily as she went along. She knew it was wiser to just stay confident and look straight ahead, but she couldn't help it. 


She had seen earth ponies and pegasi whenever some pony decided to make an example out of them or when slave auctions were going on. Those events were simple once a week things that she had no interest in, but not these. She couldn't help but feel sorry for these prisoners, even thinking at one point that her House's ways were… what was the word? "Inhumane"? (Brought to you by Lyra's Human Dictionary!)


Her sympathy vanished when she got grabbed by a unicorn prisoner. He cursed to her about "that Celestia-cursed excuse of a medic heretic" and how she's a heretic because she has his blood. In her panic, he was met with an art technique-powered spell that sliced his horn and a very small portion of his scalp off and she took off toward Eternity. It happened so fast that all any pony could've seen was the blood and the brief flash of indigo light.


(OOC: I don't expect Eternity to know that it was my character who did it. And I might've overdid it.)

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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House Earthborn - Appleloosa - General Steel Shield's Lodgings
Lighthooves lifted a hoof in salute as he replied "I swear it, ma'am, on my honour as an Earthborn; I will tell you no lies, nor will I bend the truth." He lowered his hoof "Anyhow, if you would follow me please," he said, and trotted slowly over to Steel Shield's study, where he had been killed. It was a reasonably well-furnished and spacious room, with a large oak writing desk and chair, and a packed bookshelf, but did not slip into the realm of decadence.
It had also been slightly tarnished with several large spatters blood across the walls, floor and furniture, not to mention the papers strewn across the room and various objects from off the table, including a smashed lamp, on the floor.
"We have here the scene of the crime, as you may have guessed," said Lighthooves, gesturing to the grim sight before them "As is standard procedure the good General's body has been removed and transferred to the Appleloosa Mortuary, though if you wish I can make arrangements for an examination. The General was killed by several stab wounds to the heart. All attacks were made from the front, and since the General's writing desk is facing away from the door, not to mention the disturbed state of the room, I believe a struggle ensued before the assailant managed to kill the General." Lighthooves turned back to Blueprint "We are dealing with one of two types of pony here, ma'am," he said slowly "Either a twisted mind, or someone Steel Shield had made very, very angry."
House Earthborn - Cloudsdale Outskirts


"Ah'm sure justice will be done - Ah'll leave y'all to your own problems then," said the Supreme Commander. She was about to make her purpose here known when Rainbow interrupted her train of thought by asking about Fly-To-Glory, and muscles in her back legs tightened involuntarily at the insult. She looked over at the Fallen pegasus for a translation of what had just been said.


Fly-to-Glory continued to stare into the middle distance and said carefully "The Commander refers to me as a tool."


Applejack resisted the urge to turn and kick the Commander's face in. instead, she gave her a venomous look and took a step towards her "Ah will not tolerate slights upon the honour of mah people, Rainbow," she said "Fly-to-Glory is a member of mah personal retinue and a pegasus; what you would refer to as a 'Fallen.' Thanks to his loyal and honourable service, Ah have chosen to forgive his sins. Also, Ah need someone who can speak that fancy-schmancy language o' yours if Ah'm ta parley openly with you."


She stepped back from Rainbow, but continued to fix her with a stern gaze "Any more questions?"

Edited by Archi the Sandworm

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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@@The-Master,@, (OOC:Btw Dez you should check Master's last response cause the underlined mention of profiles doesn't work in the notifications)
House Stormwing

Terra noded "Yes... apparently there are some residents that expressed discomfort around a building in the merchant division? If i remember correctly... anyway the point is that there is indeed  a report of commotion from one of Cloudsdale's resident's house which was followed by a fine towards said tennant ((i hope i am spelling this right))." They needed to get moving and he was tapping somewhat impatiently his hoof on the ground.

"Nothing is certain yet..." said Selune still thinking. "Something "stinks" in here... as you say the culprit has likely masked his true intentions with inconsistencies. It is equally likely that we are being misled into a false culprit. Nevertheless we need to start from somewhere." She frowned in a focused gaze to the empty space before her. She had a bad feeling about this... and it wasn't few times that her intuition came true.

In the meantime Terra showed the documents they had received to Pilot Light running through them together as he struggled to find another clue he had missed.

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Ten steps away from the hospital


Myopia nodded his head a little as he offered Ms Berry a warm, friendly smile. "Oh by all means Ms Berry. As much as I would love to say that I have some level of influence in this wonderful city i'm humble enough to know that those who speak with Lady Belle's, and by extension Lady Rarity's authority have right of way in these matters." He explained happily. Considering the political scene of Manehatten, the fact that many ponies spoke kindly of Lady Rarity in public but were already making plans on how to reorganize her office once they took over her job was merely an accepted fact of life. 


One of the numerous reasons the up and coming Myopia was a willing outcast of the social scene  was the fact that he honestly meant what he said when he spoke fondly of the Lady of Manehatten. Under her crystal encrusted hoof, he had been able to raise from being in the slums outside of the wall to the heights of the inner city due to his own work ethic and business practices. Considering the beliefs and views of many the so called 'Nobles' who plotted to take the ruling seat of Manehatten, that freedom would be removed damn quickly and he would do everything in his power to stop that from happening.          

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House Stormwing @


This new information didn’t seem to increase any chances of Dash becoming friends with this Fly-to-Glory character. His name had become venom, seeping further into her mind. ‘Fallen? No, he was never one of us. Let him roll around in the muck with the rest of them, let him serve as an example to anypony who believes there is any honour to be found among the rabble.’


But the traitor was of little importance in the end, just another name carved in stone. “As a matter of fact, I do.” It seemed only fitting to find out as much about Earthborn’s military plans while she had the Commander in her presence. Indeed, there had been one question nagging at her mind for a while. “With these recent threats we’ve had to take a few precautionary measures. One of those being increased surveillance of the southern lands.”


“What we found was something lost surprising. A large force, some few thousand, marching along the northern road. So, Applejack, what business does Earthborn have in the north? What are you up to now?”


House Stormwing @@


What Pilot saw next was intriguing to say the least. The documents in Terra’s possession were a record of one of the surrounding structures, and more importantly, the one under investigation for suspicious activity. If they could find some kind of link between the two then they were in with a chance. “Fire Cracker’s followers are known to have taken many aliases, but what if one of them slipped up, maybe used the same name twice, got too cocky?”


She began to pour over the new information, quickly realizing that she may have been out of place with her actions. “Sorry, got carried away a bit there. You guys are the investigators after all, not me,” She did hand over one of the document pages to Terra however. “But I think I found something.”




Payment Record 125

-Serein Clearsky - β150.00

-Robin Featherhead - β178.00 + β80.00 (for damages to property)


Payment Record 126

-Heraldine Airy - β155.00


Payment Record 127

-Gono Leaf - β300.00 (admission fee)


Payment Record 128

-no payments made


Payment Record 129

-Vera Tinder - β145.00

-Clarity Firewing  - β160.00 (excused)

-Swift Talon - β150.00 (unable to pay, check up later)

-Sandy Brightstar - β146.00 + β50.00 (departure fee)


Payment Record 130

-no payments made




Pilot also flicked back to the report of Fire Cracker’s arrest, pointing to a couple of paragraphs in particular. “I think we have everything we need right here. Somepony’s slipped up.”




Oplita Rapporto: Fire Cracker


·         Fire Cracker was taken into custody upon her arrest outside of Trottingham. Upon her attempted escape she was noticed by several patrols who managed to restrain her after a brief skirmish. Two Hoplites are in medical care after sustaining severe burns from makeshift granate or grenades as they refer to then in the south. Known associate, Clarity Firewing, escaped arrest thanks to a quick escape.





·         Since her arrest there has been no more proven incidence concerning her small following, and to this day none have been caught or arrested (including known follower Robin Featherhead). Her strong ties to the Cult of Laughter has increased their presence within Trottingham, but all word of them has gone silent. Patrols will continue the search, but for now it is safe to assume that all traces of the Cult has disappeared with the arrest of Fire Cracker.




House Earthborn @@Windbreaker


“And then what?” Long Stride cut in, almost abruptly. “Will we wander the wilds of the north till we’re caught or killed, or will we starve long before then? We’re not as fortunate as other ponies, Poppy. Once we’ve left this all behind, once we’ve taken that first step…   I’m not sure where our hooves will land.”


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House Earthborn (is running out of marching jokes)


"Then we'll make our own luck. I've already got a plan for what we do after our escape. To start with, we'll need some money and supplies, so we head for a town, preferably not under Earthborn or Moon and Star control. Ditch this armour and sell it, try and pick up what supplies we can, then we head for... I dunno, Manehatten or somewhere like that? Somewhere we can get work, since we can't live on nothing." Poppy said.


She had no idea what waited for them, but she had a feeling that it was in Manehatten. Poppy wondered if she was still any good at bartending. If she was, maybe she could get some work in a tavern or a club. Then again, she could also put her military skills to work as a mercenary. And all of this could be rendered moot if they couldn't escape. Of course, this didn't worry Poppy at all. "I know there's some confidence in there somewhere, Stride. Let's see it. You helped bring mine out, even if I do want to cry... Still, even if we die out there, we'll die as free ponies. Like you said, Earthborn doesn't have to be our future. And they won't be."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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House Earthborn @@Windbreaker




It was safe to say Long Stride was not the sort of pony you thought ahead. He responded to each situation in turn but did little to prepare for it. He feared what lay ahead of him and so he chose to ignore it. “There are refugee camps to the south, I believe. We may be able to barter our gear for supplies before setting off east.”


His gaze diverted off away from the mare next to him, his eyes wandering as if looking for the right words. “And you’re right, obviously. I've always known my morals, although I lacked the conviction to see them through. I think it’s time I did something about that.” Long Stride’s gaze shifted back to his companion. “You’re a stronger pony than I could ever hope to be, Poppy.”


And then another thought came to mind. It far more light hearted than he expected, he almost chuckled at it. “I’d have to get a job… what would I do? After all these years I've near forgotten everything else.” He kicked the dirt under his hooves. "Might even catch me making toys or clothes. You never know."

Edited by The-Master


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@@The-Master, @
House Stormwing

Of course! How didn't he notice! He facehoofed himself...

"I should have noticed when you gave me those papers earlier. It is indeed as you say! Clarity Firewing is here... maybe she thinks that she's the one to continue her predecessor's work?"

The motives of that mare were unknown to him. It intrigued him a lot. Regardless when all of them had their fair share on looking at the documents he talked again.

"We have a location, we have a suspect, but what we lack is the motive..." His thoughts were answered by Selune who took the word at that time...

"It might be nigh-impossible to figure it out here. We simply lack the registration of events that might have occured with Clarity. She might be alone, and she might not... do we have a picture of her? Perhaps some recognizable characteristics would be good to have when chasing such an opponent. "

The best tactic would be to circle the target and storm in when the time comes. She thought on the inside, but then again they would have to do the same below and if their opponent could fly things would get out of hand quickly.

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House Earthborn (should start singing 'A Girl Worth Fighting For' soon)


Poppy chuckled. "See? There’s confidence in there after all. Still, I wouldn’t say I’m a strong pony. More like…how did the old codger put it? Insufferably stubborn, I think? Anyway, making toys wouldn’t be so bad. At least it won’t give you bad dreams.” She said.


She had the feeling that they weren’t getting anywhere, and by now, it was starting to annoy her. “I swear to Celestia I’m going to hit something if we’re not there soon. Yeah, I still say Celestia’s name, and I don’t care what anypony thinks about it. They must’ve had a good reason for lying, right? It’s not like they’d just do it for no good reason.”


Poppy felt like a lot had happened in a short period of time. Since talking to Long Stride, she’d had a revelation about herself, she’d been given an opportunity to escape a life of constant bloodshed and killing, and she was already rekindling her optimism. The last problems in her way were her hatred and bloodlust. ‘Well…baby steps, then. I guess… It could be possible.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle - The Catacombs


Eternity didn't really notice what happened to Star. His mind was still focusing on trying to keep much of the place out of their head. He hated this place. He didn't like a lot of what happened down here. But if it meant peace in the end, he didn't do anything to stop it. The end justifies the means...


When Star came rushing up to catch up with him, he just glanced over at her and said "You Okay? I know this place can be scary and just plain horrible, but you're just going to have to push through it. We are almost to our destination." As they walked, Eternity still had sulking disposition about himself. Things were actually quiet for a brief moment, but Eternity broke the silence with a question. 


"Star? Every heard of the phrase 'The end justifies the means'? Do you think that's true? Does the end justify the means?"


After her response they would turn into another hallway and pass a few more doors... along with hear a scream or two echo through the hallway, they would finally reached a large metal door. This one had actual Guards in front. 


"Well, this door way lead to all the top secret stuff. You better be good at keeping secrets. When we are in our room, we will be with a few other ponies who will be working on the project with us. You can help as well if you wish. Maybe learn a few things. Ready to begin?"

Edited by AnonBrony
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