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private Equestria Divided - When Harmony is Lost


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House Moon and Star - Noble's District


The sound of hooves against stone echoed down the street as Snowy Fields continued his morning walk in solitude. One of the perks of living in the Noble's District was that in the early morning most ponies were still asleep, allowing a change of pace from the throngs of ponies that usually loitered in the district. Celestia's sun peeked over the horizon as Snowy Fields turned onto his street. Snowy Fields walked inside his house as the first rays of light began to vanquish the shadows from Canterlot's streets. It seemed that his wife's hoofmaiden, Honeycomb had begun to cook breakfast if the scent of barley porridge was anything to go by. 


For a few brief moments, he considered greeting the maid but decided against it. Despite her sweet nature, she always seemed nervous around Snowy...which made her accident prone. It was best to leave her to her work. Instead Snowy Fields climbed the stairs and peeked into the master bedroom, Mirror Image was still asleep and would most likely remain as such until Honeycomb woke her for breakfast. Snowy turned and walked further down the hall towards his personal armory. His personal assistant, an older stallion with a light brown coat and neatly trimmed black mane had been waiting inside the room.


"Good morning, sir." the Earth Pony greeted while preparing Snowy's uniform.


"Vigilance." Snowy greeted as he began to put on his armor.


"After you left this morning a courier from the Inquisition arrived. You have been summoned by the Grand Inquisitor, Trixie Lulamoon." 


"Very well. Watch over my house while I am gone. If anyone breaks into the house you have my permission to kill them on the spot. Tell Mirror Image that I have been sent on another mission." Snowy said as he levitated the Inquisitor's hat onto his head.


"Very good sir. I have taken the liberty of arranging a carriage for you."


"Good. Attend to your duties. You're dismissed." Snowy said as he left the room and headed downstairs for his carriage. Without greeting the drivers Snowy climbed into the carriage. Once he closed the door the two stallions pulling the carriage left for the castle. After arriving Snowy Fields immediately headed for the Grand Inquisitor's room.

  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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House Moon and Star - Underneath Canterlot Castle - Torture Chambers

"TRIXIE SAID TALK!" Trixie was busy interrogating a traitorous unicorn. She in a one with him and two other Inquisitors. The Heretic was strapped down to a chair. An Odd looking machine was in the corner of the room. Odd because half of it was just a giant crystal glowing a yellowish hue.
"T-Talk about what? W-Why am I here!?" The unicorn pleaded. He was scared for his life.
"Don't act stupid with Trixie! You know why we brought you here! You were conspiring with those traitorous Earthborn!" Trixie was yelling at him right in his face.
"Wha? No! I wasn't! I-"
Trixie then slapped the pony really hard. "Don't you lie to Trixie!" She then turned to one of the Inquisitors "Turn it on." She commanded him. The machine lit up and the crystal grew even brighter. She took come cables from the machine and attached them to the victim. She then smirked before she began the interrogation again. "We know you were attempting to send letters to New Ponyville! So tell Trixie! What does Applecrap want huh? Were you sending her information on the house huh!? Is she planning an assault!?"
"No, I wasn't-"
Trixie used magic to flip a switch that was on the machine. The Crystal stored a large amount of electrical energy, when Trixie flipped the switch, electricity were sent down the wires, electrocuting the heretic. The poor unicorn screamed in pain as the shock went through his body; Trixie smiling the whole time. She flipped the switch back up again and the torture stopped. "Now tell Trixie... what were you writing in those letters him? What were you planing behind Trixie's back!"
"OK... I'l talk. I-I was ah.. s-sending l-letters... uh to... Ponyiville... uh but. I was sending them... to... to a friend."
"What friend!?" Trixie demanded
"He was just a friend a mine since we were colts. My best friend... I wasn't plotting anything! I swear-"
"YOU LIE!" Trixie flipped the switch again. The unicorn screaming in pain again. "Now tell Trixie the truth!"
"But I-I am telling- Ahhhhhhh!" He screamed pain again. "P-Please Grand Inquisitor, please believe- Aaahhhhhhh!" The pony fell silent. His head slumped over. One of the Inqusitors came up to him and put his hoof under his neck.
"He's dead." The inquisitor said.
"Yes Trixie can see that. And Trixie was having so much fun hearing him scream. Pitty. Anyway, have those two Inquisitors I've called for arrived yet Reverend?"
"No ma'am." The other inquisitor spoke. "But I suspect they are on their way here."
"They better not be late. Trixie hates it when they are late."



House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle - Courtyard

"Ah Star! Good morning! I take it you know of our meeting with Twilight later. That is why I decided to have our little practice session before then. So let's get started yes?" Eternity looked over the filly again. He could tel she still had some sleepiness in her eyes. "You seem pretty tired. Should of had your morning tea like me!" Eternity took a sip from his cup. However he then noticed it was now empty; he drank it all. "Ah I know. Something simple for you to start off. Make, a hot cup of tea!" Eternity handed her his cup and a tea bag.


@@Tricksters Pride,

House Whitegold - Manehatten

"Wait! hold on now!" Dorado caught up with her "You like my crossbow yes?" Dorado said "I'd like to call this one Isabella! Shes one of my favorites! I crafted her myself." He never actually made is himself. He had someone made it for him back in his homeland. It is somewhat unique. Its smaller, but he can strap it around his leg to easily use it whenever he wishes. And since it is small it isn't difficult to pull back the bow and load it. But that does mean it isn't as powerful as his other ones but it comes in handy for spontaneous fights. "I do have other ones at my home. Some much stronger! Perhaps you would like to see them? You can not really purchase metal anyway because of the shortage. Prices would be too high no? So what do you say, mi bonita flor?" He said acting charming a flirty, rolling his tongue at the end of 'flor'.

Edited by AnonBrony
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Freelance - Lake Ponyville - Cascade's Hut


Cascade sat inside her little hut in complete silence, looking out the window at the tall grass waving hypnotically in the wind. Almost unconsciously, she reached down and touched her flank, as had become habit. Her cutie mark upon the flank she felt was almost evenly bisected by a blotchy, ugly scar. She sighed as she thought back, still staring out the window. Then, she shook her head. She hated getting melancholic like this. She stood and trotted over to the door, where she donned a cloak that hid her wings as well as the ugly scar on her cutie mark. Sitting around like this was not good for her. She'd have to get out and about. The folks in the Town of Golden Pines were good-natured and cheerful, despite the generally gloomy atmosphere the war had caused. She'd go there, maybe get some supplies she couldn't find stashed at the bottom of the lake.


And with that, Cascade left in the direction of Whitetail Wood.





House Stormwing




North spared a curious look at Scootaloo for her interruption before returning his utmost attention to Dash. "Well," he started, as if he half-agreed with those doubters, "Of anypony I'd expect and trust to know what's really going on, it'd be you. But, perdonami per aver chiesto, how can you be sure that things are..." North paused, searching for the right word, which did not seem to want to come to him.






House Everfree - Southern Everfree Forest - Recon Unit



As patchwork-pony hunted, the Watcher followed, always keeping to the dark-shadow-under-tree so she wouldn't be seen. Patchwork-pony must have a few patches in his head too, he was talking to himself. Patchwork-pony had just caught long-ear-rabbit and had started to cook it over hot-burn-death-fire (what a barbarian he must be) when the Watcher finally heard distant pounding, and the ground start to tremble a little bit. Animal-love-Callers must have gotten her message-humbird. She grinned, and crawled out of dark-tree-shadow, stealthing up to patchwork-pony, a silver-sharp-knife appearing in one hoof. 


When she was right on top of patchwork-pony, she gently pushed the sharp-silver-knife into his back. "Play nice, now, patchwork-pony, and nopony needs get hurt," she hissed.





House Everfree - Tree of Wisdom - Edge of Clearing


@Tricksters Pride


Eve flinched upon hearing a shout directly above her, and whirled around. The rose omnipresent in her ear blared as the stem magically lashed out. At the last second, she seemed to realize what she was doing, and instead of catching the colt in the tree, the thorny whip bounced harmlessly off of the trunk itself instead. She sighed, and looked up at the colt in the tree. Her voice was impatient and cold. "Didn't anypony ever teach you that it's rude to sneak up on somepony like that?" She let out a huff, then, at his second question, chucked part of a wing over her shoulder at him without even looking up. She wildly assumed he'd catch it, and glowered a bit at her plate as she took an unnecessarily vicious bite of her apple.

Edited by Dez

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House Whitegold - Manehatten

(By the way most of the charm is just going over her head, nopony's ever tried to charm Gear before so she dose not recognize it.)
'He seems nice but somethings off why is he being nice to me?' "Actually i have contacts in the local mines and my research requires metal so i can get a small amount every day, but only just enough to get a little work done every day. I really do have to pick up my metal, but i think Vickers is in the market and i would kinda like to see the rest of your collection if their as impressive as Isabella. Beautiful name by the way, my brother's didn't have a name but i prefer to give names to my creations too. So if you would accompany me to pick it up i'll get Vickers to take it back i would be delighted to see the rest, i would even be willing to fix them up for you if you'd like?" Shortly after saying this to Dorado Gear mentally commands Vickers to meet her at the marketplace before he buys any food.

(Dammit Anon how did you guess that Gear wouldn't be able to resist the promise of crossbows!?! I had a hard time finding a way to ensuring that Gear would be protected form your whims. (Just kidding but seriously mechanics are my weak point. (sigh)))


House Everfree - Tree of Wisdom - Edge of Clearing

'Hey that whip thing looked cool, good thing she restrained herself though, i'd hate to offend her by cutting it up a little...' After whipping his tail out at blinding speeds and impaling the wing, then promptly extending his teeth and taking a chunk out of it. Shadow said in an apologetic tone "I didn't sneak up on you you just didn't notice me here, haha probably cause i ain't screaming my head off like i'm supposed to eh? Nice reflexes by the way that looked like it woulda hurt, gotta respect a mare that can protect herself. I'll admit that i was pretty rude but i aint good at talking to mares so sorry, next time i'll make my presence known in a quieter manner if you'd like? On that note please don't just assume that i'm some screaming moron, unlike my typically idiotic brethren i actually have some restraint. So maybe we could put my originally poor manners aside and try this again?"

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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Act One: Upriver



"Ghk- Okay, okay, I'm listening. Let's... Let's talk about this, all right? I'll tell you right now, I'm worth more alive than dead. I have accurate intel on most of the factions, and what they're going to be doing in the near future. Troop transfer, important dates. You kill me, you're only going to know about them when it's too late." While he spoke, Standoff tried to gauge his captor's position and height. He guessed that whoever it was, they were definitely shortish and probably skinny too. He could probably overpower her and get away...

No, let's try and use some reasoning here first.

"Listen, I don't know who you think I am, but I'm no spy. Just let me go, and I'll get the hell out of these woods and it'll be like I was never here. That's the smart idea. The other idea is, you capture me or kill me or whatever, and my friend who's about ten meters behind you will replace most of your brain with a crossbow bolt. I don't want that to happen, and I doubt you do. So let me go, neither of us dies, and we both just get on with our lives, all right? That sound good to you?"

Edited by Monsieur Buttmad



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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((Ignore my last everfree post. I put the castle instead of the tree...which was rather silly of me.))


@@Tricksters Pride,



House everfree. Tree of Wisdom.


A little while later, Violet arrived at the tree of wisdom. Before entering the large crowd, she let Ariana slither up around her neck.

She slithered over to the tables and grabbed some food, ignoring the stares she got from the ponies eating.
She loaded her plate with mostly meat before slithering over to a tree, sliding down into a sitting position before she let Ariana slither off her neck.
She gave her pet snake a pat on the head before Ariana slithered off to find some dinner for herself.
Violet ate in silence as she watched the other house members closely...allot of them seemed to be conversing and chatting but Violet had very few friends in Everfree...mostly because if someone tried to be her friend she'd just push them away. Violet never really thought about it all that much though...although she was a pony...sorda...and ponies do need interaction, which was something she often got reminded by Ariana...Speaking of which...
Ariana had slithered off to a green mare across near the edge of the clearing and began slithering around her, looking up at the colt in the tree as well, inspecting them closely...the snake had seen them before but had never really interacted with them, mostly because Violet was scared she may get hurt...Violet was very protective.

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@@Spell Shock
Guardians of Harmony – Mountain Base near Old Ponyville

After working his why past ponies focused on there research or study, he finally found the table where his assigned 'mission partner' was though the filly was a little under half his age. Consider her he watched as Spell Shock worked with the crystal she was using, a impressively carved amethyst it would seem and wondered if the filly was working on that project she had discussed with Mr. Nexus.

Thinking he tried remembering what he had heard, something about a storm and using the gem to enhance her magic... or perhaps it was something else. Golden told himself he would ask about it on the way, that is if Spell was willing to go though since the mission letter mentioned her project he would hope she would be willing.


He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard Spell Shock hum the words, "I will be the judge of whenever I can change or not". This brought a smile to his face and he steps next to her saying, "yet could not other help judge when you're ready to change, those with more experience young Ms. Shock?" He hope she wouldn't get annoyed for his interruption, as the filly did at times seem to have a chip on her shoulder.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Guardians of Harmony – Mountain Base near Old Ponyville


-“I trusted others judgment once upon a time and dare to say, it was an honest my mistake.” – She replied turning around to see the pony that interrupted her; she would look Golden over from head to hooves in a quick fashion. Her eyes focusing on his eyes for a few seconds.


She was trying to remember if she saw him anywhere else, her memory was spotty for ponies as she wouldn’t usually be the most outgoing pony around.


-“Even the greatest minds tend to make mistakes, even the wisest of ponies can misjudge. My parents were great in both mind and wisdom, but even they were clouded in their vision.” – She would give a moment of silence and then smile gently – “So, I presume you are here on some matter of business mister…?”


She looked uncertain as to if they met before or not and she didn’t made any effort to hide it. She though it is less embarrassing to admit you forgotten someone, when try to make things up on the fly.


On the matter of if she looked annoyed on being interrupted, she in fact did not. She sounded and looked quite polite, without any deep sighs or raising eyebrows. Perhaps she just was in the good mood, or maybe she just wasn’t a kind of person who would get irritated on someone commenting things she said. After all, she said them and didn’t think about them, there would be no reasonable explanation to why she should have gotten annoyed.

Suddenly she would blink and turn to the crystal, then back to him.


-“Pardon me one moment.” – She was levitating the gem, which was now complete to the process. She would examine it, look over it and even give it a lick and cringe a bit, no doubt getting a small jolt out of it. The gem seemed rather perfectly cut, it wasn’t just a normal, yet still pretty brilliantly cut gem they would find everyone once in a while in the earth. It was post cut again, to a peculiar triangle shape. He probably wouldn't know exactly why, althrough it is always a possibility. After a while, she would carefully place it into a small velvet looking bag.


-“Excuse my little experiment, so…” – She actually forgot what she was saying. 

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Everfree - Southern Everfree Forest



The watcher laughed coldly. "No, no killing, patchwork-colt. I watched from under-tree-shadow. You're alone." She smiled at him maliciously, although he couldn't see it. "Here's what happens now. We wait here. You go with animal-friend-Callers. They take you to old-moon-castle. You share your mind-knowledge. Then you can be purified. No worries."


The rumbling from who-knows-where was growing louder, and the ground had started to shake under the sound of many large feet falling. Time was running out. "Animal-friend-Callers are almost here," the mare whispered triumphantly.



House Everfree - Tree of Wisdom - Edge of Clearing


@Tricksters Pride


"Screaming? Brethren? What?" Evergreen looked up. "Oh." She grunted. "You're a wraith." With a smirk, she said, "I honestly didn't know wraiths could talk." She pulled the rose out from behind her ear, tossing the apple core to one side, and began to return the stem of her precious rose to its normal length under magical stimulation. "It doesn't matter. I wasn't paying attention anyway. Usually it's hard to sneak up on me in here." Replacing the rose behind her ear, she looked up at the fellow up in the tree. "Sure, try again." Despite looking unamused, Eve's tone was light and conversational.

Edited by Dez

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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Cult of Laughter- Manehattan Slums- Southern Launch Point

From inside the (supposedly) condemned warehouse, in an underground chamber, the party was only just started.

With the forces mustering beneath it, out of either madness or sheer boredom, most of the cultists had turned to activities taht most ponies would find dangerous and/or disturbing. The Jesters, for example, were bowling- only the pins were Laughing Dead, and the balls were the large, trademark bombs that the Jesters always carried with them. The explosive experts would throw the lighted bomb, reducing the stupefied corpses in bloody pieces. They would then get one of the necromancers to pieces back together, and the vicious cycle repeats itself.

At the far end of the room was a door, leading to the catacombs that several cultists called home. Out of these doors came out several different and strange factions indeed, trailing at the back of them all, Tarot...

The necromancer Lemon Heart smiled lightly as she saw her stumbling apprentice. "Hello, there. You seem to be late to the party. Up all night reading again?"




Fillydelphia Hideout- Central Chamber


";... and so, the Council has requested that Red Wind's squad of Euphories, the necromancer Black Frost, the Harlequines of Wheel Cycle, as well as the toymaker Lautrec, to accompany them to Manehattan, for the Laughing Mare has requested their presence for a special mission, so that we may continue purifying Northern Equestria."


As the Prophet Ditzy Doo Hooves finished her statement to the gathered ponies and stepped off of the staged area. The pony next to her finished writing and gave it to a necromancer, who pocketed it. "Alright, then! Who here was called?"

"Lautrec's slaughtering cultists a few rooms down," offered one young apprentice.


"Alright. Black Frost will head down and let him know soon. The others?"


The room suddenly went silent, waiting for the others to respond. The necromancer Black Frost slipped out the back door as the silence reigned...


((Red Wind can speak up when she's ready, Lautrec, you can RP as the necromancer, pointing him towards the others. Don't kill him, please...))

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"Perfect. It's always a good day to die. So, are you from around here? Do you usually take everypony you meet hostage at knifepoint? I mean, different strokes for different folks, but I usually start conversation with something other than a death threat. Common courtesy. More a matter of principle than anything else. Just because I rat ponies out... and used to kill for a living doesn't mean I can't be polite as well, right? Anyway. I'm rambling. About this "purification" you're talking about. I'm assuming that "purify" is a comforting word for "sacrifice", but if that's just a miscommunication, you could clear that up for me. That'd be nice. -Ow. Could you stop that? My back's starting to hurt, and you're getting dangerously close to a stitch..."


Stop it. You're running your mouth off. If you're getting scared of one filly with a knife, what're you going to do when they start torturing you? Buck up.


Standoff sighed and tried to shift position without getting skewered. "I have a name, by the way. It's Standoff."

Edited by Monsieur Buttmad



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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House Everfree - Tree of Wisdom - Edge of Clearing

After finishing off the rest of the wing with a rather large crunch, Shadow decides that it might be wise to treat a potential leader with a bit more respect (After all she dose not feel like a weakling like some of the others.) so when he next speaks he sounds a bit more respectful. "Heh yah we tend to be pretty dumb but there's an exception to every rule, i just have the fortune to be the exception. But i wouldn't be so confident about seeing me coming. I have ways to sneak up on anypony if i put some effort into it but ill be sure to approach you with a bit more decorum next time. After all i find it wise not to upset things that are capable of hurting me. Anyways i'm Shadow and its nice to meet a pony that can protect themselves. Most either treat me like i'm retarded or run screaming... though i'm rather fond of the latter." (Notices Ariana) "Hey look its the lami- lamni-....(sigh) Whatever i cant pronounce that with my fangs. Its the snake mares snake! Hey do you know why she's so dam shy every time i glance in her direction she looks away and avoids me. I mean come on just cause i got fangs dose not mean i'm an idiotic savage, i can restrain myself. Hell i'm rather fond of snakes, snakes are clever."

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@@Spell Shock
Guardians of Harmony – Mountain Base near Old Ponyville


"I'm Golden Dawn, I was one of the ponies gave you welcome when you first arrived," the stallion explained with a smile, as it had been a while and he did not talk to the filly afterward. He stayed mostly in the training grounds when not on mission and Spell stayed mostly in the research department. There would not have been any chance to speak with each other though he had heard somewhat of her progress, though young the filly before him was gifted and intelligent though perhaps not very social. Mr. Nexus interacted with Spell much more then he ever did.


On her question of why he was there he offers, "Yes, we have been given an assignment by Lady Nyx the details of which was given by Spell Nexus. It seems to involve a project your working on?" Perhaps she should have asked what the project was when there but Golden was sure he would learn soon enough. Considering the filly as she went back to her experiment he was able to get a closer look at the gem, and saw in more detailed how nice it was.

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House Earthborn - New Ponyville - Military Assembly Ground





The scribe chuckled at Long Stride's cynical demeanor as he ticked his name off the list of 199 others in the company "I wouldn't go invoking the name of the False Goddesses too loudly, sir. Captain Iron Scales might not take too kindly to it. Still, blasphemy never hurt anyone. Good riddance, I say," he chuckled again "Anyhow, we're heading out to rendez-vous with four other Generals on the Moon & Star border and show those two-bit slave traders the might of the people. With any luck, they'll run as soon as they see us coming, unicorns being the cowardly bastards they are. Nevertheless, good luck out there, comrades. Keep fighting the good fight." With a quick salute, the scribe was gone, registering the rest of the company to a man and leaving Long Stride and Poppy Seed no company but the stallions next to them and each other.


Meanwhile, further back in the formation, a squad of Siege Engineers were formed up as part of another 200-stallion company, this one a mobile artillery company. The leader of this squad was Staff Sergeant Fixit, whose front two hooves currently rested atop his Bucker Cannon. To his left were team mates Eagle Eye and Gunpowder, to his right Short Fuse and Buff. They had been squad mates for fifteen years now.


Fixit shifted impatiently and adjusted his black visor cap. He was also clad in a black trench coat and boots; less than stellar clothing for these warm, sunny conditions. But uniform was uniform, and the rules had to be obeyed.


From here he could see the regimental standard, proudly bearing bearing his regiment's motto of "To hew the stone and break the door" beneath the Earthborn logo.


Once again, Fixit shifted on the spot, eager to begin the next march.


House Earthborn - Entering Stormwing Territory




After leaving Appleloosa, Applejack and her guard had embarked on the Supreme Commander's personal Buster, in this case equipped in Beastbuster configuration. While Applejack did not expect there to be violence on this little trip, there was always the possibility that House Stormwing would adopt a kill-on-sight policy regarding the entrance of a House leader to their territory, in which case the Beastbuster's anti-personnel weaponry would come in handy.


The Buster had increased their travel time dramatically, as depite its size the titanic vehicle could cruise along at a steady pace thanks to the huge steam engine that took up most of the vehicle's rear.


As this Buster was the Supreme Commander's personal vehicle,it had a name worthy of its owner; along its flanks the name "Fortress of Valour" was painted in huge, golden letters.


As the Buster crossed the border into Stormwing territory, the co-pilot turned to Applejack, who was observing the scenery from the vehicle's cockpit "We should be arriving at Cloudsdale in about an hour, ma'am," he said.


At first, the Supreme Commander did not react, but then she said "Either that, or we get a violent greeting court'sy of an old friend," and left the cockpit to await their arrival in the Buster's passenger compartment.

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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@@Tricksters Pride,



House everfree. the Worship tree or whatever its called.



Ariana hissed at the two (Not in a bad way) before slithering off after a mouse, going below a bush and into the woods.

Around that time, Violet got up and stretched, her knives clinking together before she slithered in the direction Ariana had gone...up to two ponies...well...one pony and a wraith.
Violet smiled at the two and cleared her throat. "Forgive the interruption...but you haven't seen an albino boa constrictor pass by here have you? She's hunting and...well, I want to find her and make sure she stay's in this area...she was hurt the other day but she still thinks she can wander around as she pleases..." She said, rolling her eyes. "My name's Violet by the by. Professional knife fighter at your service." She said, with a smile and a small bow.





Cult of laughter. Phillydelphia hideout.


Just then, the doors to the room bursted open. "DO NOT FEAR...FOR WIND IS HERE...To cure...you're fear of fear?" She shrugged before smiling and trotting into the center of the room, her squad following closely behind. "We're here to deliver the thing and stuff...to Manehattan? I missed a few of the details." She laughed.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@@Tricksters Pride,


House Whitegold - Manehatten


(Oh a knew he couldn't charm her. Even his high Charisma stat is no match for her lol. But he still thinks he can get any mare he sets his eyes on.)


"Sí! Sí! Of course señorita! I'll happily accompany you to go pick up your delivery. Then we can all go see mi colección de ballestas!" Dorado then followed her and Ironheart on their way to pickup the metal. Normally he would of stayed right beside a mare he was acomapning, however this one for some odd reason didn't seem interested, however that wasn't the main reason he just walked behind them. He was analyzing Ironheart. He wanted his hooves on it so he can seel it for a nice amount of money. Surely the metal itself would give him a pretty bit. However he couldn't just grab it and run like normally. This machine was dangerous and could easily kill him. He needed to know what made it tick. So he'll be able to turn it off and steal it from the mare. Although, he didn't really understand it, the whole thing was complex andconfusing, not to mention he didn't have much knowledge on machines.


"So uhhh... Gear was it? So is your uhh... Ironheart I believe you called him? Is he one of those Golem things I've heard about? I am all of sudden interested in him. How does he work? Can you turn him off? If so how? I am just muy curioso about him." Dorado said actually interested in him.

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@Dez,@~Crystal Fire~,

House Everfree - Tree of Wisdom - Edge of Clearing

Shadow grins, looks at Violet, and responds with a pleasant (If a bit eerie.) laugh " Haha knife fighter eh, that's a good way to fight i used to fight like that to but i..... Adapted to my surroundings. Don't worry about interrupting i don't think she likes me anyway, i kinda made an idiot out of myself. The python went that way (Gestures to the bush where the snake went) hunting a mouse, fat little squeaker too. But don't worry to much as long as she stays around here the Shriekers should leave her alone, they think i'm "unnatural" cause i aint dumb as a rock. Question though can you do throwing knives? I used to have to use a crossbow cause i could never figure out how to throw the dam things. Nice crossbow but you can only shoot the dam thing once before its out, while you can carry quite a few throwing knives." After he finished talking Shadow lazily rolled out of the tree and lay at the base with his tail curled around himself, he then rested his head on the flat side of the sharp blade so he didn't cut himself.

(He did this as an attempt to appear less threatening, and cause the tree was getting uncomfortable.)


House Whitegold - Manehatten

"Yes its Gear and please don't mention those silly crystal golems. While they where impressive but by far not my best work. I told them that crystal wasn't the best material to make a golem out of its too fragile and i cant make a decent matrix out of crystal, but they wanted to use a surplus material so crystal it was. No Ironheart is the original and far better model, he never tires, is capable of advanced thought, is powered by power matrix's that i made myself, and has a neural link to his master. So in regards to shutting him down you would have to remove his power cores and pretty much reduce him to a pile of scrap, which would be hard to do as i did make him to be hard to kill. But i suppose i could turn him off if i wanted to but its a mental command and i think it would be unwise." Gear says and shortly after she looks back and asks "Would you mind moving up a little your making him twitchy by following him like that. Sorry he gets nervous easily."

(But if you looked at Ironheart he was a bit twitchy but it looked like nothing, however he had been studying Dorado just like Dorado had been studying him. Almost as if he was sizing him up. (Ironheart is clearly not stupid and appears well aware of what Dorado is saying, and unlike Gear his red eyes narrowed in suspicion when Dorado mentioned turning him off.))

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@, @,


Cult of Laughter- Phillydelphia Hideout


Lila sat in her room in front of her brewing stand. Her horn was lit so it was heating a bottle on the stand as she put a set amount of ingredients into the mixture. She heated it for a bit longer before setting a cork in the top of the bottle and shook it violently until it turned from a dark blue to a nasty green. She set the bottle down at smiled. "Now we let that sit and ferment for a week... no... two weeks. Gah! I forget. Until it turns grey, like the rest." she happily set the bottle of green goop on a rack that was filled with other bottles of the green goop. In another rack sat four bottles of a grey liquid that turned deathly black when you shook it. "Four bottles of smoke screen, check." She took each bottle and stuffed them into personally made saddlebags which were pieces of skin sown together and the clasp that kept it closed was made of some sort of bone. She then went to her bed, or what was left of it, and grabbed her tail mounted flail. She laid on her back and attached the weapon to her tail, her bushy tail doing wonders to cover the spikes so no pony would suspect a weapon. She then got up and put on her spiked hoof shoes before sliding her her saddlebag on and exited her door, which had a few dents in it from being kick at several times. Apparently she had just left in time as she saw a well renowned pegasus and her squad go past. Despite not like pegasi, this one was the only exception. Lila followed behind her and her squad to the meeting area.

(sorry this took me so long, but here I am)

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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@Magos Amphrose

Cult Of Laughter-Hideout

Tarot Scrambled into the building, her mane disheveled and her breath quick from running all the way here. She noticed her mentor looking at her, so she quickly straightened up and brushed the loose locks of hair out of her eyes.

"Ah, no I just... Yeah, yeah I did." She sighed, shuffling her saddlebags back to their position. "But Its okay, I'm here! So whats the course of action" She said, noticing the troupe of euphories giggling and staring into nothingness. She gave them a funny look, not really sure how they did their jobs so well when they were higher than the moon.

Tarot wasnt sure she would ever get used to the strange ponies that inhabited the Cult, but she didnt have much choice. She looked back to her mentor, one of the few ponies she conversed with daily. She was a necromancer, a job Tarot had been chosen to learn. The idea of bringing back the dead seemed unnatural to Tarot, but she would rather be the one doing the necromancing than being the one being brought back to life.

Edited by Mabel Pines
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House Whitegold, Artisan District, Auditorium


Star Belle managed to dodge the falling props, but walking towards the mare(she could use a name) she tripped over a fake plastic rock. "Oww..."she moaned rubbing her head. It was then she noticed Sweetie Belle.


She dashed over."Lady Sweetie Belle! Um, how are you? We, um, are doing well! D-don't worry about that fall, we'll get that fixed in a minute! Heh, heh...Star smiled nervously and flew backwards, accidentally knocking over a backdrop. "Whoa! Don't worry, I got it! Star shouted, catching the set. Unfornately, she didn't have the strength to hold it up. She tried to guide it down carefully, but she dropped it.


Unsurprisingly, it broke.


"Um, that can be taken care of...heh...heh...I think..."Star blushed.


Slowly flying over to where the prop mare dropped her stuff, she began to pick up some fake rocks and other props giving them to the prop mare, all in an awkward silence.


"See, Lady Sweetie Belle, it's not to hard to fix... Um, I gotta go now!"Star Belle dashed out of the auditorium, and ran a block away.

Edited by EpicHarmony
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@@Tricksters Pride,


Violets smile faded slightly as this pony spoke...she started to like him less and less every word he said...mostly because..."Ariana is a Boa constrictor, Not a python." She grumbled. "And if there is a knife style. I know it." She said. "So yes... I know how to use throwing knives, also a hatchet." She said, pulling a hatchet from her belt, the hatchet had a serrated edge as well as a spike on the opposite end. "I can throw anything that's sharp and that'll spin." She gave a small grin before slipping the hatchet back into her belt. "Anyway, I'm off to find Aria-" She was cut off as the snake slithered out of the bushes behind her and climbed up Violets body to her shoulders, a noticeable lump moving down Ariana's body. "Looks like someone found a big meal." She smiled and kissed the snakes nose.





Wind looked around to see Lila following behind them and hugged the mare tightly, leaving her wing around her. "LILA'S HERE TOO!" She called. "Can we go now? I haven't had fun in so long...I wanna eat somepony. I know you do too...yes I think we can agree that we all do." She said out loud, as if talking to someone who was standing right in front of her.
She shook her head before giving Lila a smile, her head tilted to the side. "Hiiiiiiiiiiii~"

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Stormwing @


Rainbow raised a hoof in silence. “I understand. At this stage we don’t know who is directly responsible for the attack or by what means they were able to create an explosive. What we do know is that innocent ponies died and many more have been scarred for life.


Her gaze wandered off in the other direction, watching over the city she had come to call home. “My position doesn’t let me interfere with matters outside the military. However, if you were to prove that this was a direct attack from one of our enemies, then we can take action against those responsible.”


Dash looked back towards North Arrow, the seriousness in her tone ever present. “Your job is simple, find out who is responsible and why by any means necessary. If your successful, the senate will no longer be able to deny that threat to our city and be forced to act, handing over all political powers to me. When the others arrive you’ll be able to begin the search.”



House Earthborn @@Windbreaker


“Speak of the Devil then.” Long Stride sneered in scribe’s direction as he parted.


He was no stranger to this routine, he had grown not to question it. Besides, the word of a Pony at Arms might as well not be spoken. It held no worth in the eyes of the corrupt. He found his own gaze wandering to the pony standing next to him. The mare was by no means very intimidating, but she was motivated. She spoke with utter surety.


“Poppy Seed, isn’t it?” Long Strode finally spoke up, finding a new way to occupy his time.


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House Everfree - Tree of Wisdom - Edge of Clearing


(Dammit sorry i'm getting ready for work and i'm in a bit of a rush i meant to say boa but...... I'm going to pin it on being a wraith.)


"Ummm crap sorry i swear that i used to know that but its been harder to think straight since i got my upgrades. Must i really piss off everyone i meet, hell i wasn't even trying to be annoying this time. You know i'm starting to regret the whole wraith thing a bit more each day... Eh wait (Glances at his tail and grins) hehe nevermind, but still this reduced mental capacity thing is really starting to bother me. (sigh) You know i really hate to do this twice within a few minuets but can we pretend i didn't say that, i am absolutely no good with mares and being a wraith dose not help things. Hey at least i'm actually capable of restraining myself unlike most wraiths. annnnnd on a less i'm stupid note your lucky that your so skilled with those, i was always better at hiding but i knew a few tricks. I'm pretty sure that i was a better markspony though, heh my skill set always fared better with harassment."



(Man i am so sorry about the python thing, but i don't have time to write a proper apology i really have to get to work now. So just know that i am quite sorry and that was an accident. (Seriously i shouldn't have written that it said boa right there....))

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Fillydelphia Hideout


As Black Frost made his way towards the last known location of the toymaker Lautrec, he walked into into the utter wall of music that was growing louder and louder then closer he got. It was clearly a song in progress and the closer you got you could also start hearing the screams and the feel the ground shuddering beneath your hooves. Reaching the door to the room, Black Frost decided to wait until the song was over before entering the room. While Lautrec may had been a bit of a wet blanket at times, when a test was in progress it was fair game who got aimed for. 


Besides, the  music  was rather good and the necromancer couldn't help but listen to it while  rocking his head along with the beat.


"She's my cherry pie!

Put a smile on your face ten miles wide!

Looks so good bring a tear to your eye!

Sweet cherry pie!

Sweet cherry pieeeeeeeeeee!"


As the song died away, Black Frost opened the door and entered what was left of the barren chamber. There were a lot of dead bodies around the place, with Lautrec's latest toy sitting down in the middle of the carnage. A hatch popped open on the back of the war machine, the toymaker himself popping out of it with a wide grin on his face. "Is anypony still alive?!" He called out, looking around at the many bodies of dead cultists. When no answer was forth coming, he  beamed further. "Wonderful. What a successful test!"


"Hey Lautrec, mind if  I speak with you for a few moments?" Black Frost asked respectfully. Like many others, he had heard of Lautrec's... relationship with the Laughing Mare and he honestly didn't know just how real said relationship was. Besides, madness aside he was still one of the more pleasant Toy Makers to work with.


Lautrec turned to look at the Necromancer, his smile fading a little as he thought that someone may have lived through the slaughter but brightening up when he recognized that that wasn't the case. "By all means my good pony. How can I help you?"


"Ditzy Doo is currently here with a letter with a list saying who's heading to Manehatten on a mission. You and your pet project are one of them." Short and to the point, Black Frost had to get some packing done and so did Lautrec, if his giant cyborg crab was any indication.


Lautrec nodded his head at the news. "Alright. Thanks for the heads up. I'll get this thing on a cart as soon as possible." Turning his attention to a different door next to a rather large mirror, Lautrec gave a loud, sharp whistle. "Come on everypony, we need to get this thing ready for transport!" The door in question opened, a different group of cultists exiting it in order to aid in moving the crab bot to a cart.






House Whitegold, Artisan District, Auditorium


As Myopia was walking past the Auditorium with a lovely salad wrap when a blur of feathers flew past at speed, possibly with tears in her eyes. Myopia blinked a little at the event for a moment before turning and walking into the Auditorium, still taking bites out of his lunch as he went. As he reached the stage area, he finished off his lunch and swallowed it before speaking. Lady Belle was present and he would not wish to look foolish in front of her of all ponies. "Is everything alright in here? I'm pretty sure I just saw somepony fly off crying." He asked carefully, taking note of the current state of the ponies on stage.  

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House Moon and Star - Underneath Canterlot Castle



Kinetic walked through, submitting himself to the usual security measures. Usually, he had a grin or a smile, as if trying to show others that they can have some happiness too. But not today. Today, he was crestfallen and he didn't know why. Maybe it was seeing the same faces every day, the same routine, the same dreary, depressing world. Kinetic wanted to leave, to get away for a while and try to find a little piece of joy in this world, but the minute he tried... well, the results wouldn't be pretty.


"Better that than whatever the Cult would have done to me that day..."


He made his way to the Main Research Facility where Grand Inquisitor Trixie awaited him. He tried to put on a smile for everypony, but it was simply impossible today. Maybe the fifteen years were finally getting to him and breaking him down. And hearing the screams of a pony being tortured certainly didn't help things along.


Today is just going to be one of those off days, isn't it? How comforting to know...


Kinetic made a mental note to limit any sarcastic responses to zero until Trixie was done with him. And sure enough, there she was. Next to a torture machine and a dead pony.


"Grand Inquisitor Trixie. I'm here as requested or ordered, whichever you prefer."



House Earthborn - New Ponyville - Military Assembly Ground



Poppy glanced at Long Stride out of the corner of her eye.


"Yes." She said tersely.


She wasn't here for conversation. She was here to follow her orders, free the slaves that Moon and Star used in their dispicable experiments, and kill any Unicorn that came within range of her weapon. Making friends only made it hurt more when they died.


The answer was simple, then. I won't have any friends, then nopony can hurt me...

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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