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private Equestria Divided - When Harmony is Lost


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House Earthborn - Appleloosa - Appleloosa Station




Braeburn sat out the somewhat awkward silence by staring out the window, watching the wilderness pass by. Gradually, the lush plains of the Heartlands passed by, and the dusty badlands of the Frontier came to the fore. This was where Braeburn belonged - out on the Frontier, where a pony could make his own way, where opportunity was everywhere if you reached out and took it. Perhaps, if this war ever ended, things might be that again.


He was watching the Appleloosa steadily approach when Blueprint next spoke, and he turned his head back to face her as he replied. "That's a darn shame, miss," he said with a sad smile "While we all know friendship ain't never been magic, it's still a powerful thing to have in these times. Some ponies just can't see the truth, it seems."


The train was pulling into the station as Blueprint asked about evidence, and Braeburn responded promptly before the doors could open, "Well, the truthseekers have been taking care of the investigation fer now, so Ah ain't had time to look at the evidence they've gathered in detail. What Ah do know is that we have a murder weapon, which is a stilleto dagger - commonly used by Whitegold or Moon & Star agents - and no shoeprints on the darn thing, which is why Ah was thinkin' a unicorn was responsible for all this."


The train hissed as it finally halted, and the doors were wrenched open by a stallion outside. Meanwhile, Braeburn raised his voice to call "Ah'd thank y'all kindly to let mah companions and Ah pass through first; we're on House business." He stepped forward to the door, then slightly to the side to allow Blueprint through first "Mares first, miss," he said.


House Earthborn - Cloudsdale




"Well, it looks like somepony's got a pike up their ass," Applejack muttered to herself, but to Rainbow she called out "As you say, Commander," in a more formal tone than before "Give me a moment please."


She turned back to her guard and trotted over to the one member who stood out from the rest. While the others all held tower shields, this pony carried a round shield. Where the others had traditional Earthborn heavy plate, this one wore a bronze chestplate and a crested helmet. And, strangest of all, this pony had two ragged stumps on his back.


His name was Fly-to-Glory, and his shield bore the device of a pegasus acending into the heavens, or it would have done had the heraldry not been mostly scratched away, revealing the bronze beneath. His face was stoic and showed almost nothing beyond a distinct aloofness.


"Fly-to-Glory," said the Supreme Commander "You'll be accompanying me. The rest of you, guard the Buster until Ah return. If y'all come under heavy fire, take the Buster back to New Ponyville; don't worry about me."


The other bodygurds retreated back to the entrance of the Buster while Fly-to-Glory remained where he was "May I ask why you have chosen me, Supreme Commander?"


"Ah've chosen you because Ah know y'all won't play politics here and because Ah need someone to understand this here fancy language that Stormwing speak. I don't want them sayin' nothin' I can't understand," she gestured over her shoulder at Rainbow "Now, let's get movin'."


Slowly and steadily, to show her peaceful intentions, Applejack approached Rainbow and her retinue "Okay, Commander, we'll do this your way. Lead on."


And try not to tear mah starsdamned head off while you're at it, she thought resentfully.

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Fillydelphia Central Chamber


The two of you push past Lautrec as you enter the chamber again. Derpy is sitting there with a cup of tea, smiling. "Excellent! We will be waiting for Lautrec, and then we will set off!"



@@, @@AnonBrony

Golden Pines- Joy of the Pines Tavern


The bartender's slime faded away slightly. "I don't know. They knocked on my door about a few months ago with looks of worry on their faces." He paused and placed two cups that he slid over and filled with cider. "I reckon they were scared or something. Told me if they wanted the shop. I said sure. They said that everything was taken care of, and then they left. Haven't seen 'em since." He shrugged. "Don't know what happened. Next day, I was confronted by some hooded ponies wearing star-emblazioned cloaks. Inquisitors, by the look of 'em. Wonderin' where they went." He gave them the cider. "Gave them an honest answer, and I haven't had any more unusual dealin's since. That'll be four bits each, by the way."


As he turned to the newcomer, he looked at him oddly before smiling. "Of course, my good sir." He went over to the taps, glancing at him every now and again as he cleaned and filled a wineglass. There was something about this pony that was... off.


(LotR, perhaps?)




Mercenary Camp


The next thing Tarot knew, her head was shoved down beneath the alter. The corpse had one more hole embedded into it. Lemon came down next to her, her ear split open, oozing blood. "The game just got a little bit more complicated... Stay down, my dear apprentice. A bullet to the head is not a fun thing."




The party cannon fired again, only this time, the burst was closer together to punch a hole through the wall of ponies. Through this hole, Laughing Dead rose again, and a slightly bigger mob was now lumbering through the line. The Jesters of Baltimare began to use frag bombs only- no more fires for the laughing dead to burn into- and one in particular pulled out what appeared to be a bomb throwing device, hurling one far enough to scatter- for a only a moment- the snipers...



((Did I miss someone? I don't think so...))

Edited by Magos Amphrose
  • Brohoof 1
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Cult of Laughter- Whitegold Mercenary Camp 


Tarot crouched down close to the ground, her ears pinned back. It never occured to her that she could easily lose her life out here. She cursed herself for being so foolish, likely being the cause for her mentors new wound.


"But, your ear! You need help" She said, keeping her head out of range. "I-I can help, see?" She said, pulling up her head just enough to see the corpse. She closed her eyes and focused her attention on it as she recited the spell. Again, the corpse shambled up. Tarot managed to control the corpse for a few steps before she once again lost focus. She sighed, frustrated.


"I know I can help, I just know it!" She said, trying again. and again, and again, with the same result. She corpse had made its way a few steps away from the cart, but getting it to move more than a few metres at a time was a lost cause.


"Argh! Stupid thing!" She said, exasperated. Still hiding behind the cart, she crossed her fore legs, and looked at her mentor, once again noticing her ear. Tarot took a deep breath and tried to calm herself.


"Do you need any help with your ear? If I cant help with that... dumb corpse then maybe I can help with that" She said, gesturing to the bleeding wound

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@, @, @,  


Golden Pines - Pines Tavern


The pony smiled. A devilish smile. He snatched the wine from the bartender once he filled it and proceeded to chug it down. "Ah, nothing like a gooood glass of wine!" The pony proclaimed. Then proceeded to laugh again. "I hear you like to talk, barkeep. Talk a lot they say hehehheh." The pony was holding the wine glass in his hoof, swishing it around as he spoke. "Mind if you start talking about what I want you to talk about if I were to give some talkin' money?" In other normal words he wanted info. He then started to chug the rest of the wine down. "Heh and another drink while ya at it. Aaaaand," He turned to look at the two mares beside him how about, smiling a creepy smile again. He still had the hood up, but as he glanced over at them you were able to see his maddening eyes. He looked insane; looked like he was apart of The Cult. "I'll pay for these two gals drinks too. They don't look like thieves to me." He said that, because he knew they weren't apart of a faction just by looking at them and they were probably wanderers. So they probably didn't have jobs. The only way to get money then was steal it, and since they didn't look like thieves he assumed they were poor. 



@,  @@Windbreaker,



House Moon and Star - Hoofington


Crucible, still annoyed, began to get impatient. He ten proceeded to enter her home. "Almost done!?" He yelled in the house. He sighed. "Well," He said looking at kinetic now "At least she is being coorperative, but she certainly aint happy..." He sighed again. "This is going to be a long trip back to Canterlot isn't it? Let's hope she doesn't try anything funny on us."

Edited by AnonBrony
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House Earthborn - Appleloosa - Appleloosa Station



"A stiletto..." Blueprint muttered, rubbing her chin in a deep state of thought. "And no shoeprints? Interesting..."


While it was possible that a unicorn could have done this, she thought, it doesn't mean that no one else would have, too. It could have been that the murderer covered his or her hooves, washed it off after the murder, or most of all, not even done by a pony.


"General Braeburn," Blueprint requested, "I need you to be more specific, please. Was there any direct witness? Was anything tampered with prior, during, or after the death of the victim? Who is the victim? And what were the fatal injuries on the body?"


As the train stopped, Blueprint followed Braeburn off the train and onto the platform, thanking him for his courtesy. If she could identify the body and check for any fatal wounds and injuries, then maybe she could have an easier time. Blueprint found these testimonies extremely loose and vague; there was something definitely going on.



@@AnonBrony,  @@Windbreaker,



House Moon and Star - Hoofington


"I'm done now!" Astrolabe yelled, racing up the basement stairs. She carried her equipment in two suitcases, and anything she could not hold by hoof, she used her magic to levitate them. She immediately dropped all of her luggage when she saw one of the stallions enter her home.


"Hey!" Astrolabe shouted. "Who said you can step inside? This is a violation of my property and privacy, and I did not authorize you to enter! Get out, and I will tell you when I am ready!" With a swift movement, she pointed out to the door.


"I expected more organization and etiquette from officials like you. Now the Inquisition is hiring these ponies..." she muttered, her hooves covering her face in disbelief.

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House Moon and Star - Hoofington



Proper civility. Kinetic wasn't sure such a thing existed these days. Still, he may as well try it. After the years his parents spent drumming it into his head, it really shouldn't go to waste. Except he hated his parents, with their constant spouting of Unicorn superiority. How ironic, then, that he is now part of the one faction in all of Equestria that says the exact same thing. 'Karma, thou art a cruel and unjust mistress, and I loathe thee with the passion of the sun and Celestia's wrath.'


He was snapped out of his train of thought by Reverend Crucible, who seemed to be getting impatient. One would never guess why... "Very long. She does know what sarcasm is, right?" He asked, commenting on Astrolabe's apparent lack of humor, or even the very definition of the word.


His opinion did not improve when she reappeared. "Madame, we ARE being polite. We didn't break into your house, we didn't take you by force, and we didn't fake your death. Now, kindly cease this complaining, because I'd very much like to get back to Canterlot and resume work on things that are actually worth my time." Kinetic said, getting in touch with the aristocrat his parents wanted him to be.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Outside the walls of Manehattan

Outside the walls of Manehattan Regal was running a shop taking care of the ponies that lived in The Undercity. He opened the shop from what little money he gained overseas to help the sick and weak of the Undercity, only after about a month of opening was he so overrun with the sick he hired three other ponies to help him run the shop, It also gave Regal a chance to leave the Undercity to see where he can move and do to help other. This wasn't what he hoped to came back to after being gone for so long, hiding from his own house and family wasn't apart of his plan either. Regal had to take on the appearance of an elderly stallion with a green coat and his mane turning white to avoid being spotted. The one benefit was Regal could fake having a limp leg when really that leg held his rapier. The rapier was truly a beauty. forged from the purest of steel and carved with intricate symbol and images.

Alston!" said a young colt. Regal looked up from his book and smiled. Alston is the name the ponies of the slum knew him by.
Well now what can I do for you, little one" Regal spoke in his fake old voice.
"Thank you so much my mother is feeling so much better. She wanted me to thank you" Regal smiled
Well go on now, your wasting your day talking to an old bag like me, go have fun" The colt left with a dash. Regal walked to the back room and returned his colors back to normal. As much as he loved helping them, it felt like nothing he did changed anything. The three ponies he had hired knew his secret, but they were loyal and grateful for what Regal was doing. Regal pulled out a map he had and checked where he should go next. The war made some places near impossible for him to enter. he thought about heading to one of the refugee camps, they could be in need of some help .

(Yeah Regal is starting in the Undercity of Manehattan. I've spoken to Scholar, so I should be ok to go)

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Guardians of Harmony – Mountain Base near Old Ponyville

She would keep her silence up for some time, thinking about something “I guess I can relate to that. In more than one way, even” – she would finally reply and then just listen to him talking about the agent they were supposed to meet.


It was of importance for them to make haste, so she wasn’t planning to do anything to slow them down. At the moment she was thinking about everything, it was flattering what someone was concerned for her, but she didn’t know if she could truly appreciate it. Perhaps she could, but she wouldn’t say that out loud for now.


“Is the sword enchanted with return charm? You know, so you won’t get disarmed as easily or often” she would ask, just to start a little chit-chat I guess. She wasn’t usually talkative person, but she needed a little bit more conversation at the moment.


One of the things she wanted to ask she would not at the moment, the armor was most peculiar but she would ask about it later. For now she had something else to ask.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Stormwing-Caserma Bombing Site

Terra frowned putting his hoof on his chin rubbing it in deep thought. He tried to work around it... but it seemed that his fears were confirmed.

​"This was no political assassination, nor was it a warning, a threat or a revolution of the "oppressed", though these people sometimes hardly know their own good. I believe... this was a terrorist attack... see the area? It's littered with bodies everywhere... i am betting this was the most pony-concentrated area at the time. Whoever is behind this clearly seeks to have as many dead as possible... not because they have a grudge against House Stormwing, but for the sake of having more dead in the area. I think you know where i am taking this."

In the meantime Selune took the transparent box from her bag that held within it a suspending bomb that had a poor explosion. "Your researcher might need this... It seems that one of the bombs didn't explode properly. Do not open it, keep it in the box, and under no circumstance do NOT shake it! I do not know how volatile it is... so i have placed it under magical mid-air suspension." Exchanging items with the guard she motions Terra and the other pegasus to her side.

"I think she wants us to come with her... maybe we can summarize what we have found something."

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House Stormwing @


Star Keeper tilted his head to the side in curiosity. “The cult?” It couldn’t be true, not here. Cloudsdale had remained free of their plague, they couldn’t have gotten in. “What you’re suggesting is unlikely, nay, impossible. You’re going to need more than a hunch to support this claim.”


Upon Selune’s gesture, Star left the conversation and moved to join them. “If you want to see the forensics expert then follow me. Hopefully she has some results for us.” He directed them towards a small tent pitched up just outside the market square, the entrance flanked by two guards. On Scootaloo’s word they allowed the group to pass.


Inside was a cluttered arrangement of notes, tools and random items. Sitting at a desk was a young mare with a red mane and light grey coat, her cutie mark in the shape of three red crosses. When she noticed the group enter she made a sudden frantic effort to clean the place up.


“Sorry, it’s not usually this disorganised.” Brushing aside some papers she gave them some room to sit down. “So, the commander her tells me that you are Rainbow’s company. It’s good to have some extra hooves available. Unfortunately…  I don’t have anything for you. There’s no trace of the reactant that caused the explosion, meaning that it was probably in a liquid state. I’d need a fragment of the casing to have any chance if identifying it, but we haven’t been so lucky just yet.”


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@@Snowy Storm

OOC: Still missing, extra text, extra text, extra text


@@Spell Shock

Guardians of Harmony – Mountain Base near Old Ponyville

Golden Dawn nodded before explaining as Nexus left, "Well to some you still seem young, to many you still have more innocence then most ponies. Since Nexus has lost both old students of his and family it is not surprising he would show concern for your well being, especially since you have reminded him of his more gifted students and perhaps family." Golden Dawn understood, as he himself have once been young and idealistic but had become more grim and serious.


One Spell's question involving the one they were to meet later he says, "We have an agent already on his way to where Broadsword is, our information showing he was last seen in House Whitegold territory." The stallion moved his long mane from his eyes before moving into his room to get some supplies, put on his armour, and grab his sword. His armour seemed custom, though there was clear influence to that solar guard armour.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle


If she was drinking something at that moment, Star Rain would've done a spit take as well. "Wait, what?!" she exclaimed, surprised that Eternity, after all she had heard from him regarding the Archmagister, would actually be helping her. She then remembered what she saw, the Inquisitor taking some paperwork from him. She turned and gave him a look that only he would understand as,"Cough it up, you know something."


@@AnonBrony,@@Steel Accord,@@Tricksters Pride


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - Eastern MIlitary Facility - Inside a janitor's closet… THE NERVE


(OOC: Don't get too comfortable Steel. I'm trying to come up with plans to break his pedestal. Well, maybe just put a couple cracks in it, but still.)


Fancypants simply replied with a formal and slightly-surprised(the mercenaries he often dealt with didn't speak too highly of him),"Pleasure to meet you too. I take it you're Steel Accord. And…" He turned just in time to see Dorado kiss the Merchant District patron's hoof and shot a brief look of disapproval at the suave Casanova the stallion was. "…That must be Dorado." He has never seen a mare turn quite so red before. 


He turned again to see Gear. "And you are Gear, no?" he said, taking care not to use the entirety of her name. "May I inquire as to what you are doing here?" 




House Whitegold - Manehatten - Undercity - Eastern Mercenary camp


A few griffons came down to the ground to fill in the hole punched by the cannon. Their first order of business was to destroy it and they acted accordingly, gunning and tearing down any Cultist or freakishly jovial zombie that came their way.


A small army has begun to march...




House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall


The whole troupe was busy getting the backdrops, props, and foreground set up. When Sweetie Belle spotted the gentle colt and the actress on his back, she quickly isolated them so as not to cause panic. "Whatever is the matter with her? Is she alright?!" She mentally face-hoofed herself at that last one. Of course she wasn't alright! There was a bucking bump on her head!

Edited by MagicalStarRain

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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Outside the walls of Manehattan


Regal smiled as the stallion entered his shop once again. Regal had seen him in his shop before and had the pleasure to talk to him. Even so, to see such a pony of his stature and ego among the poor was odd. Regal in the start tried to get him to open up with some small talk to learn his motives, but that ultimately failed. Even though Regal made sure to play his role, he could help but think Anton knew more then he let on about him. Regal fake a cough before speaking, if only to play up the part of him being an elderly stallion.

"I've told you before I'm no doctor, I just know a little about medicine. The shop is holding well on its own" looking over it. Sure it wasn't as great as the shop in the town, but it was the best he could do for the poor. Regal stood and took pride in that fact. Regal was a little hesitant about taking the letter, but took it none the less.  
"Thank you for the letter" Regal said. He nearly pulled out his rapier when Anton said he knew. He nodded and returned into the backroom of the shop. -No way he knows. I've been careful, he must be bluffing- He thought to himself. Looking at the letter he could only think what was written in it. His mind was racing to keep him calm and relaxed. No point in losing his cool.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - Eastern MIlitary Facility - Inside a Janitor's Closet


(But i like Accord the way he is...)


'He wavered over my name he must know more than he lets on... It would seem that i was correct in my assumption of this city's spymaster i'd best be careful of him in the future.' "I'm here because i recently finished a new combat based construct, so when i saw the letter you sent to Dorado i figured that this would be a good opportunity to put Ice on a trial run. I'm sure a noble like yourself would remember the last 'Trial run' i was present for 'small smirk' so i assure you that Ice will perform better than my last creation. 'looks at on Fancy Pants nonchalantly' Also i would appreciate it if metal was a bit less pricey so i can continue my work, and any mission that you send ponies of fortune on will no doubt have a serious effect on the metal shortage. I was quite bored lately anyway, the city has been to quiet of late and Ironheart needs to let off some steam before he loses it." With that said Gear sits and after a moment she calmly states "If you believe that i would not be a benefit to your mission i could certainly... Reassure you of my usefulness." 'Vickers steps forward and sets the package he was carrying on the floor before backing into the entryway again.'

  • Brohoof 1
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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle


Eternity was in complete shock. He didn't expect Twilight to quickly accept him back. But as he thought about it more. Perhaps it was a good thing. Perhaps he can help steer Twilight in the right direction, or maybe be able to help find the Sisters... by being closer to Twilight and possibly having more power and access perhaps he may be able to help bring an end to this conflict. Star seemed to be just as surprised as he was.


"I know, isn't this exciting!?" Twilight said in response to there surprise. She then continued to eat her meal until she glanced back up at Eternity who was silent and still. "Aren't you happy Eternity, this is good news is it not?"


Eternity stopped staring into space and looked back at her. He though for a moment before he spoke. "Y-Yeah... Yes. Yes it is. This is very good news." Eternity smiled, not a fake one too. He was actually a bit happy, but inside him he was still worried as to what may come. 


Twilight was delighted by his response. "Splendid!" She exclaimed.


Eternity began to eat his sandwich. He turned to face Star, but noticed she was glaring at him. Eternity, food still in his mouth put on a 'oh s***!' face. Dammit! Uhh... this is not good. Shes angry. Shes gonna be questioning me after this. Uhhh...   He then turned away from Star slowly as to not look at her and continued to eat his food but knew Star would still be glaring at him. 


"You know." Twilight continued to speak. "We are gathering scientists and mages to help with this project. You are probably going to have to meet up with them latter today and help them out. This is your theory after all. Artificial Magic. Hard to believe." She took another bite of food. "Oh wait, does Star know about this? Perhaps you can explain it to her."


Eternity wasn't sure happy with that idea. "Maybe latter. Would take up too much time if I did now."


Twilight shrugged. "I suppose so. Anyway I wanted both your opinions on something. There were some proposals to annex Foaledo. What do you two think of that?"



@@Windbreaker,  @,



House Moon and Star - Hoofington 


Crucible was becoming furious with this mare. Trixie was right, she had no respect for the Inquisition. "You do not command us, Astrolabe! We are the Celestial Inquisition! We command much higher authority over you! You will not question us and you will treat us with the utmost respect. Nor will you accuse US of violating crimes or anything! We have warrant you imbecile! We ARE the court for Celestia's sake!!... Now as my colleague said, cease this complaining and do as you were told. He is correct, you are lucky we didn't break the door down, and bring you by force. But we are permitted too if we wanted." Cruicible was still ticked off at this mare. He didn't want to yell at her, but ed had too. She shouldn't be yelling at a superior especially an Inquisition member. If Trixie were at her at their doorstep in place of them... she would have her tongue. And then have the rest of her body burned on a stake.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - Eastern MIlitary Facility - Inside a Janitor's Closet


"Yes forgive me for not saying Your Excellency." Dorado said to the General "She was with me. Your letter did say we can bring other si?" He fixed and tilted his hat back. "Now not to be blunt or rude, what is our mission General?" 

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@@Windbreaker,  @@AnonBrony,



House Moon and Star - Hoofington 


"That does not permit you to violate rights of the population," Astrolabe argued fiercely. "Your authority doesn't allow you to simply deprive of one's rights nor does it give you any."


Astrolabe stopped there, however. It was no use to fight with a government member, though she was still enraged by their actions. And as the stallion explained, he had permitted authority. 


Permitted authority. Another suspicious phrase. The two Inquisition stallions had been authorized to do this all along. This meant that someone in the Inquisition, someone of a higher class than these two petty officials, wanted them to find her. But for what? Clearly they needed her for something; the stallion mentioned that he was also authorized to take her down by force. 


That got her. The higher authority want her here, and if Astrolabe didn't comply, they would have strong-armed her. Then she realized something: they're here to capture her! She couldn't conclude that, but it was very likely. It would have made sense that these petty officers had gained knowledge of her identity, occupation, and information, because she was a target. It would have made sense that they wanted to take her, by force if they wanted to, because the higher authority allowed them to. If they had simply wanted her to assist the Inquisition or House, they wouldn't have threatened her, nor would they have been so strict in the first place.


Piecing the shreds of information together, Astrolabe had a mixture of feeling. First, she was shocked that they wanted to capture her; they may have noticed her rebellious doings and wanted to take her down. Then she was delighted. The two foolish officials have told her the whole story! If it wasn't for her reaction, they wouldn't have become angry and threaten her. 


But the first thing was to escape from the two officials. Astrolabe considered running, though she didn't want to take the risk; they may have armed weapons and could shoot her down. And even if she did successfully escape, she may not even get to the next city without alarming a good deal of the two's fellow Inquisition members. 


No, she needed to take them down. But Astrolabe wasn't a powerful fighter. She couldn't possible beat them both without getting beaten herself. Furthermore, she was not very experienced in any kind of weapon skill. 


That left diversion. She needed to either distract or occupy the two, so she could get an extra few minutes before they become suspicious and search for her. Astrolabe felt one of her vials, and began her act.


Astrolabe attempted to stage a transition to calmness, and execute her so-called distraction. She tried to act fearful, though it proved difficult. They were just disorganized, dirty unicorns, and in her eyes, didn't deserve to be feared. Carefully, she replied, "I'm sorry for what I said earlier. Forgive for my actions, it's just that I'm a bit...erratic when someone enters my home," A bead of cold sweat could be felt on her neck. "But I ask for one more request: can I get my family photograph? It's just...I feel along in these times, and I need to remember my loved ones. Don't arrest me!"

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@, @@Windbreaker,  


House Moon and Star - Hoofington


Crucible stared at the mare for quite some time. Glaring at her and analyzing here. "Hmph. I will accept the apology, though you should of realized we had a warrant to enter." He continued to glare at her before turning away. "You didn't need to ask. I said you may pack your luggage and equipment. Whatever you wish to bring really. Anything that would make you more comfortable in Canterlot. You will most likely being staying there for some time before returning here. Or who knows, maybe we won't end up needing you after all. Very well go collect what you need." Before she ran off to go get what she needed he spoke again. "One more thing. I thought you were smarter. I have interrogated many in my time. It has become easy for me to tell if a pony is nervous or tense, like when they lie or are unsure of themselves. (Not to mention he's a trained Inquisitor specializing in Interrogation heheh) I will not accuse you of anything though but you are being suspicious right now." He turned to Kinetic. "Energy keep and eye on her." He then looked back at her. "You haven't made it easy to trust you. Nor have your records. And especially because of that outburst and the way you just acted. So Inquisitor  Energy will keep watch on you until you are ready. Oh and put his on your horn." He walked up and gave her a ring to put around her horn. It was a special ring that when worn on a unicorns horn it makes the wearer not able to use magic. Finally he looked back at Kinetic. "Don't take your eye of her." He said to him.


(Probably should have waited to post this but I felt like posting this now :P)

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House Moon and Star - Hoofington



The day gets better and better. First being sent to a city that he swore never to set hoof into again, and now Kinetic was forced to watch over a mare that he did not like. It was clear that she didn't think highly of them, but that wasn't the part Kinetic was concerned about. No, she was taking so long to get her things, and taking up his time.


"Alright, I'll watch her. But please hurry, Miss Astrolabe. The sooner we get back to Canterlot, the sooner I can resume my research into the disappearance of the Sisters." He said, trying not to sound annoyed. "Getting out of Hoofington in general would be nice. I haven't had many good experiences here..."


He watched her far more closely than it appeared he did. Appearing messy and disorderly had its advantages, and Kinetic was far from stupid. He had developed good aim and a repertoire of suitable spells should the need arise. And one could hardly blame him after his first visit to Hoofington.


'I'm convinced. The world hates me and it wants to kill me through boredom or making me commit suicide. Maybe I should've taken death 15 years ago. It would've spared me so much pain and mental scarring. But alas, I'm rambling inside my own head. I should check my finances once I get back to my abode. Because I'm going to drink myself into a stupor...'

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Guardians of Harmony – Mountain Base near Old Ponyville

-“I dislike those who are with the cult. I dislike the cult. I do not kill, I’m not a murderer. But every rule has it exceptions. If we ever run into anyone pledge to a cult, even if it’s going to be a pair of foals, the judgment will be swift.” – She would give away a warning – “It is better that way. Also be careful with that kind of spell. Magnetism is your greatest enemy, and then something cannot escape your reach without a second’s realization”


She had a particularly burning hatred towards Cult of Laughter, deep within she wanted every single benefactor, ally and member of the cult to be purged by fire and lightning, drowned in a bottomless ocean. It was a somewhat understandable reaction; she hated the idea of wasting someone’s life. She wasn’t a person to get murdering everyone, but siding with the cult is not killing yourself per say. It’s killing your soul. Something she considered an even bigger waste.


-“Nevertheless, we should set on our journey” – she would add.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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@@Snowy Storm
Outside the walls of Manehattan
The letter was within an intricate envelope of blue and purple, with golden lettering.

Greetings, if you receive this letter it means you have been observed and studied by one of our agents and found have the beliefs needed to stand apart from others. One with goodness in their heart, or at least potential for such if given the chance, and a desire for something more. Understand the as of yet the decision has not been made on to whether or not the fully reveal who we are, but given time that may change.

Equestria is not supposed to be as it is, ponies should not be fighting each other. This conflict, this division, goes against foundation of unity and peace started by the founders of Equestria. A foundation built upon and expanded by the celestial sisters after the Times of Trouble... in which such times seem to be again upon us.

The Guardians call upon your skills to aid one or more of our members on a mission that needs to be completed that could help bring us one step closer ending this conflict.

Regal, if you're willing to consider making something more of your life and actually accomplish something great please consider accepting our request your services.

Guardians of Harmony,
Signed N.S.

@@Spell Shock
Guardians of Harmony – Mountain Base near Old Ponyville
" be careful in how you see and treat those you find as members of the Cult, as we actually have a few members that were formally of this faction... admittingly many had damaged minds the needed healing after their experiences but still," Golden Dawn advises as though he hates the fell things the cult brings into existence, he knows that many the members within are simply broken and lost.

Finally, those heart was not completely in tune with these words and the young mare my be able to notice this in his tone, "All ponies must be given the chance to show the goodness that may still be in their heart... no matter how buried it may be." The stallion not look at Spells as he says this and finally finishes with the words, "let's go"

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Outside the walls of Manehattan


Regal put the letter down as he finished reading it. He looked around making sure he was alone before reading the letter a second time. -Regal? how do they know my name? Who is N.S?-  He shook his mane. While he was pleased with that some pony took notice of his hard work, he didn't like the fact they some how got his real name. This foundation, Guardians of Harmony, were giving him a chance to do more for those he was helping. As much as he really wanted to believe it, he couldn't just place all his trust in this group.

"If they really wanted to kill me they could have done it any time they wanted, they know who I am" Still to pass up this chance wouldn't be the best.
"If I really want to help these people I'm better off fighting the war for them" He ran his hoof through his mane and looked over his shop. He was planning to head to one of the refugee camps anyways. He did set ways that the shop will still be running should anything happen to him. Since he was the only one working right now, he quickly wrote out a letter to his employees telling them he would be gone and had no idea when he would be able to come back. 

Checking outside to see if Anton was still outside. He flipped the sign from open to close, it would only be closed for a few hours until one of his employees came to do their hours and find the note. He placed a few things in his personal bag and walked outside. He made to keep the note that Anton gave him in his bag.
"So what now?" Regal said as he walked outside the store looking towards Anton

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm

Outside the walls of Manehattan

"I presume this means you accept," the stallion states, not phrasing it is a question, before giving a small smile and the nod continues softly as Anton waves him into the shade of a building to keep out of sight, "I cannot go with you, but another should be able to take you part of the way."


The stallion seemed weary, though in a place like Manehattan that is understandable because of the likelihood of prying ears and eyes. With such the stallion temporarily disappeared into an alleyway before Regal sees him return with another pony by his side. This stallion was also unicorn though with a grey coat, white mane and tail, and upon his flank what seemed to be that of a dragon coming from a book.


With this unicorn give Regak a look over before turning to Anton and asks softly, "are you sure he will do?"


With a nod Anton replies just as softly, "Yes he is the one observed."


With such the grey stallion turns and says with a smile, "you may call me Mythos, and if you're willing we will make a way towards Old Ponyville."

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Outside the walls of Manehattan


Regal watched as Anton reappeared with a gray stallion. He took in the sight of the new stallion.  Whoever these pony were they were good at staying hidden. Far better then Regal, if they managed to find out his secret and remain hidden. Regal couldn't help, but wonder what magic this new pony had and could do.

"Observed?" Regal said with a hushed tone. "Have I really been that careless with my disguise?" Thinking back he wondered when he could have been careless. Then again this group knew what they were doing, so he gave up on where he messed up. Besides he wasn't going to remember every little detail anyway.
"A pleasure to meet you Mythos" Regal said dropping his fake voice and taking on normal voice. Regal had been speaking in his new voice for so long that his old voice was a little strange to him
"Did you say Old Ponyville? No pony would be there, its a flood zone. There isn't anything there anymore. or at least what I have heard" He shrugged. he already went this far out of his way, might as well see where it takes him.
"Lead the way" Regal said returning a smile at Mythos.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Guardians of Harmony – Mountain Base near Old Ponyville

-“Perhaps. But it’s hard to believe in that. A murderer pledging not guilty is still guilty. A thief, who doomed families to starvation, is guilty as well.” – She would reply – “And those who pledge their bodies and souls to bring the worst into our world, are also guilty of this. No matter how much they pretend, they are still cannot call themselves not guilty”


She would follow him, not paying any attention to him not looking in her direction. She had her own view on the members of the cult and she wasn’t about to change it on the whim. She just didn’t believe into “even the darkest of ponies can just redeem themselves”.


She heard about a lot of things ponies did over the years, she wouldn’t give it much though usually, but not a lot of those she heard about could be forgotten or forgiven.  Some things just go beyond the point of no return, no matter what. Like Earthborn practices, while she didn’t think Earth ponies are bad per say, but everyone in their military would get the axe if she could see to it.

  • Brohoof 1

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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Astrolabe turned around and went up the stairs leading to the second floor. She should not have underestimated her; they were still Inquisition members. Of course they would have taken all precautions. She could not completely prove that someone, someone from the House, wanted her down, however. When one of the Inquisition stallions commented that Astrolabe was being suspicious, she tried to act witty to counter him by replying, "How do I know you are not acting suspicious?" 



Though sarcasm came out of her mouth, Astrolabe meant it literally. I can not lose my nerve now. We are analyzing each other, Astrolabe thought while she put on an unusual ring on her horn, feeling a faint shock. It must be an magic interrupter, which will sever the connection between the horn and its intended target. That strikes out escaping from here alive...


While "searching" for her picture, Astrolabe remarked to Kinetic, as the other stallion called her, "Disappearance of the Princesses? I have abandoned that project after some unicorns wanted to be more power thirsty rather than reasonable or logical. Science is to find answers based on reasoning, experimentation, and observation. Using it as a weapon is a despicable crime against science itself.


"That's why I detest politics. Just a group of ponies rambling a bunch of pseudoscience. I do not know who they are fooling." Astrolabe glanced at Kinetic, then went to the bottom drawer and pulled out a picture frame. She had no choice, and finally, she reluctantly pulled out the picture from the frame. "Well, I have found my family picture. Brings back a bit of memories. I wonder if you still care about your family."  

Edited by Cartophile
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