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which would upset you more? character dying or made into a alicorn?


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If you've seen ANY's theory on this that twilight literally died when she became a alicorn it's kind of a trick question.


I noticed in that other thread people got angry.

twilicorn angry LOL.,  So i gotta ask that famous pet cemetery question.

Is dead better?

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A character dying would easily upset me more. Ponies look extremely adorable with both wings and horns so I would much rather enjoy alicorns rather than the death of a character. 

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I can see why ponies got upset about Twilicorn... but personally I would be far more upset at the death of a character... I mean they are still around as a character when an Alicorn... but when they die... that's it...

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I'd have to say, killing a character off would upset me more (unless it was someone really annoying, like Snips or Snails... not that they'd ever be made into alicorns).


The killing of a character... it's final, cannot be reversed. Not unless you do something where the character comes back.


At least with becoming an alicorn, the character is still there, only their anatomy is changed. Kill them, and they are gone completely.


Plus, I never had a huge problem with Twilicorn anyways. :3

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If you've seen ANY's theory on this that twilight literally died when she became a alicorn it's kind of a trick question.



Ah, the "Twilight Died" theory.


Basically runs along the lines that Alicorn Ascention is more of a reincarnation that a mere transformation. No doubt the mane5 thought they'd just seen her die with a smoldering scorch mark being all that was left of her, I'm more like to believe Twilight merely phase-shifted into the realm Luna probably uses to dream walk, the fact that it appears to be a star field might even connect it to the sisters control of the sun and moon.

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Good question. They'd both probably upset me in different ways. 


A death would upset me in a way where I'd be sad, and shocked that they actually killed somepony off.


If some random pony became an alicorn I'd probably facepalm, and be upset as I'd think it was kind of dumb that it happened. (It all depends though, I suppose)

  • Brohoof 1
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Well theres a lot of things that could upset me but I'd be more "all my whats" if we got another aliicron. though i've heard rumours that cadances kid would be one, you know hasbro would do that just to sell yet another toy. though it is a girls show so toys are a given right?


As for a character dying well, that would never happen because its a show for young kids and really a death is a big deal and I doubht neither the studio nor Hasbro wants to get thier hands duty again. really they dont need another backlash after the whole derpy feasko. (why doesn't my spell check work on this forum)

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I don't care much for alicornhood, even if it would be somewhat silly to make them all into alicorns it could work... if they make many seasons I'll buy it :P It's all about the episode count maaan! Moar episodes!

Much rather have them alicorn than dead, much rather have them having a romance than dead... But turned into a stallion permanently or dead? Hmm, I would maybe say dead on that one - I no want permanent stallions of mane 6! They're so awesome, making them into masculine stallions would ruin it.

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Dying would just, I don't know, mess it up! Turning into an Alicorn isn't really that bad...  Except if the pony dying was a bad person or a background character. Nah no dying.  

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It depends on how it's handled. There are plenty of shows where a character dies and I'm saddened, but still "happy" that it happened. You can appreciate the writing and how that death affects the story. Still, I think your average death would be really out of place for MLP (just the canon; fanfics are ok); it would be extremely hard to sell me on one of the mane 6 dying in the show.


They didn't really sell me on the alicorn transformation either, but I'll say it's definitely easier to make me like (or maybe just accept) transforming one or the characters into an alicorn than like (or accept) killing off one of the characters.

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a character dying will make me sad, not really upset (or maybe just a little). But dying is worse than became an alicorn, I mean I don't really care if any character became an alicorn, if they keep their personalities or doesn't change it drastically  I'm ok with that

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You can get over someone getting some wings or a horn, or even both.


'No you can't!'


Yes you can. Same pony, same personality, same character. Just some additional thingies to allow flight and or magic. It's not so easy to get over a character dieing, because, that's just it. They're gone. Unless they get brought back every two seconds like in Supernatural, but eh </3

  • Brohoof 1
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At the very least Twilight becoming an alicorn eventually and the key word here is eventually does make sense even if the way it has been introduced does not. With that said anypony else becoming one would scream Mare E Sue and though a character die off would be sad a character being ruined would be far far more depressing for me because a character being ruined is like a character death except worse because at least with an actual death the character can still retain their dignity. Luckily it is very unlikely that anypony else at least from the mane 6 will become and alicorn and we still have 2 weeks to find out a bit more as to whether or not twilicorn is going to work.

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As for a character dying well, that would never happen because its a show for young kids and really a death is a big deal and I doubht neither the studio nor Hasbro wants to get thier hands duty again. really they dont need another backlash after the whole derpy feasko. (why doesn't my spell check work on this forum)



anyways We already had a death on the show. we already had a pony turn into an alicorn on the show. Why would either upset me when they already happened?

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Kill them all! laugh.png


jk. I think that a death of a character would be much worse than them being turned into alicorns, with a few exceptions. Such as, if some random background pony that no one likes was turned into an alicorn, (Snips or Snails is all I can think of), it would be way, way worse than them actually dying.


But if we're only talking about the mane six here, being an alicorn wouldn't really be a big deal. But personally, if one of the mane six other than twilight was turned into an alicorn, I think that they all should.


But I don't think a death or another alicorn transformation is very likely at all.

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Probably a character getting killed off would upset me worse (unless its a character i really dislike)

But think about it, how likely is it for that to happen?

Then think about alicornization, and how IT has already occurred. I'm far more worried about the possibility of more alicorns being made than the chance of a character getting killed and addressed, which seems incredibly low.

Edited by crazitaco
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Ah, the "Twilight Died" theory.


Basically runs along the lines that Alicorn Ascention is more of a reincarnation that a mere transformation. No doubt the mane5 thought they'd just seen her die with a smoldering scorch mark being all that was left of her, I'm more like to believe Twilight merely phase-shifted into the realm Luna probably uses to dream walk, the fact that it appears to be a star field might even connect it to the sisters control of the sun and moon.


ah but think about it.

she re appeared in the after life?  How do i say this?  her life is literally flashing before her eyes.


If you dis agree with me, are you telling me there's a inter dimensional room celestial has where she watched every ponies life?

Now tell me that's not more creepy LOL.

I assert sir, those images only appeared because she ascended

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Oh gosh, killing a character would definitely upset me more. That character is gone, they can't come back. Then their friends have to deal with grief in the series and seeing them sad would be even more distressing. It would be awful. 

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ah but think about it.

she re appeared in the after life?  How do i say this?  her life is literally flashing before her eyes.


If you dis agree with me, are you telling me there's a inter dimensional room celestial has where she watched every ponies life?

Now tell me that's not more creepy LOL.

I assert sir, those images only appeared because she ascended


Didn't Cadence also appear in this place before her own transformation? I can't recall exactly but i'm pretty sure something knocks her there like how the EoH moved Twilight.


Well Celestia can teleport anywhere she likes so yeah... that star field is probably the space she travels though.



Also explains how Molestia can appear behind anypony at any moment.


Edited by Malinter
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Didn't Cadence also appear in this place before her own transformation? I can't recall exactly but i'm pretty sure something knocks her there like how the EoH moved Twilight.


Well Celestia can teleport anywhere she likes so yeah... that star field is probably the space she travels though.



Also explains how Molestia can appear behind anypony at any moment.



More like the twilight zone (ZING!  Sorry.... i'm totally not sorry lol).

I don't have much to add about molestia other than she assaulted our dear friend fluffle puff.  Boooooooo.

Can't speak on cadence because her story is in some kids book i believe.


have you seen it?

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