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(i just joined the rp so idk their names lol what should i say)

Epic looked at the stallion. She was tearing up. "I thought you knew," she replied. "Wait, are you new here? I'm Epic Rainbow, Iris's daughter. What's your name?" She smiled slightly at the pony. She also shook his hoof.

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((they are unnamed as if yet so make some up or just say you don't know ()

Grell smiled warmly he could put grieving ponies at ease "yeah I'm new my names grell my dad is thanatos would you like to come up stairs I can make you some tea" grell said "it'll all be okay they will be laid to rest very soon "

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Epic smiled at Grell. "Nice to meet you, Grell. I'd like some tea. What is Thanatos the god of? My mom is Iris, the goddess of rainbows." Epic followed Grell upstairs. 'Wow,' she thought. 'He's kinda cute.' Epic looked at him and blushed slightly. She smiled when he looked at her.

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Grell smiled and went into the kitchen and began making the tea "he's the god of death and holds the keys to tartarus " grell said "midnight we have a guest " grell called then grabbed an apple and began to munch on it he looked over to epic "please make yourself at home "

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"Thank you, Grell," replied Epic. "Hello, Midnight. How are you?" Epic sat down in a seat and waited for her tea. "So, Grell," she started. "How do you like it here so far? I've been here for two years already and I love it!" 'I hope he feels the same about me that I feel about him,' she thought. 'He's so cute! Get a hold of yourself! I just met him! I can't possibly be in love with him yet!'

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Grell finished making the tea and carried it over to her and Sat down his crate of apples less then a foot away "it's nice iv been sent out twice and almost died it was quite enjoyable "grell said jokingly as he finished his apple and grabbed another he smiled as midnight nuzzled him he liked epic she seemed cool

Edited by dashian500
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Epic glared at Midnight. "I'm not new," she snapped. "I've been here for two years. My name is Epic Rainbow. My mom is Iris, the goddess of rainbows." Epic continued to glare at Midnight. She did not like that mare one bit. She seemed to not like Epic either. She then proceeded to drink her tea.

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Midnight looked at him, giggling. She kissed him then grabbed an apple. -She must know he's taken...-


Scout tried getting an apple off thr counter, but he was too small. "Ugh I hate being short..." He jumped up and finally got one, smiling. "Much better." He nommed the apple.

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Grell sighed shaking his head "epic relax were all friends here no need for glares it snapping ".grell said he couldn't see why she was in a bad mood all of the sudden he munched his apple and laughed as scout tried and finally succeeded in getting his apple

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Epic sighed. "I'm sorry, Grell. I just felt that Midnight was kind of rude with the way she asked who I was. I didn't mean it." Epic took another sip of her tea. Grell looked away and Epic snuck a scowl at Midnight. Grell turned his head back and she smiled. Epic drank more tea.

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Midnight blinked, looking at Grell. "Baaaaabe, she keeps glaring at meeeee..." She hid behind Grell, ears down. She's excellent at acting.


Scout frowned. -She seems like a plothole... Why'd he let her in here?? She's gonna end up making one of them mad... I just know it...-

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Grell sighed "look you keep glaring and being rude "grell said as he unwrapped one of his hooves " and I'll be forced to stop you myself" grell didn't like ponies fighting when there was no reason in fact it infuriated him he just couldn't fathom why epic would be mad at midnight

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Midnight whined, looking up at Grell. -She better back off... She doesn't want to mess with Grell...-


Scout blinked, seeing him unwrap his hooves. -Is he gonna do what I think he's doing...?- He looked at Midnight, blinking. He looked back at Grell. "Don't do anything rash..."

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Grell glanced at scout "I won't scout don't worry " grell said he had no interest in killing epic in fact he'd actually like to befriend her but if she kept being rude it would never happen and grell would be rather sad since he hadn't had really had anypony when he was young

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Epic growled and spilled her tea by accident. "Come on, Midnight," she shouted. "What do you have against me?! I never did anything to you! You hated me since we first met! What's that all about?! Ugh!!" Epic got up and flew out the window angrily. She flew to her house and into her room. "She's so cruel! What is her problem?!" Epic growled and smashed her mirror and a picture of herself and some friends. She then sat on her bed and started crying into her pillow.

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Midnight blinked, watching her fly out. "What's her problem?? She's the one that started glarig at me..." She pouted, crossing her hooves.


Scout huffed, finishing his apple. "If you ask me, I think he's jealous of Midnight 'cause she has you, Grell." He grabbed another apple.

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Grell sighed and used his magic to follow her he followed her home "hey epic what was that about "grell asked his hooves wrapped again he didn't think that midnight had been mean or rude but he wanted to put this to rest he didn't like pointless fights

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Silver walked up to the house that grell and midnight shared, and knocked on the door. When grell opened it, he gave a solemn hello, and asked, "Have you prepared the bodies? I want to pay my respects to them." He said, "The fools charged out of camp, straight into a dragon lair. I was barely able to save their dismembered corpses." He walked past the dining room and saw midnight and epic staring daggers at each other and thought, "I wonder what got them riled up like that... I'll never understand girls..." After paying his respects, he walked into the dining room and grabbed an apple from the mountain that grell always kept around and said, "So, how have you guys been lately? Also, long time no see epic!"

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((I hate to be the bearer of bad news but grell isn't at his house epic left grell followed her to her house to end the problem between her and midnight and midnight hadn't been staring daggers so yeah please edit your post not trying to be rude sorry if I sound like it ))

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Epic Rainbow looked up at Grell, teary-eyed. "Midnight has always been so mean to me," she sobbed. "She is really fake and kinda cruel. She was glaring back at me and wants to get rid of me so that she can have you all to herself! She hated me since the day we met and I don't know why! Now, I just wanna be alone." Epic dropped her face back into her pillow.

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((midnight came to the camp with grell )) grell sighed he didn't know if it was true he didn't want to believe that it was but if it was then he'd be devastated " why does she hate you? I dont see any point in this little feud of yours and I'll talk to midnight as well I hate senseless fighting " grell said

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((I'm RPing as if Epic met Midnight before Grell))

Epic picked her head up again. "I told you, I don't know why she hates me so much," she said. "I appreciate your concern, Grell, but I just wanna be alone now." She put her head back on her pillow. She then flew over to the fridge to get some ice cream.

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Grell sighed and dug in his bag till he found a necklace it was a simple gold chain with a crystal "here take this if you ever need me for anything just hold the crystal and focus on me " grell said he would get her and midnight to be friends he didn't like the senseless fighting

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