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private [RP] Equestria Online


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It's the year 2022, and a brand new Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG) has been released for the NerveGear, titled Equestria Online. The NerveGear is a Virtual Reality helmet which stimulates the five senses via the users brain, allowing them to fully control and experience their in-game avatars. Equestria Online is the most advanced VRMMORPG to date, and is based around players making their way to the 100th floor of the floating castle, Canterlot. Each floor has a medieval-themed town, as well as a dungeon and a boss room, which needs to be defeated to move on to the next floor.

10,000 copies were sold, and you were lucky enough to get one of them. So now, you can dive into the world of Virtual Reality.



Sparkey looked over his shoulder at the NerveGear sitting on his bed. He had just bought Equestria Online, and was ready to perform a full dive. He placed the helmet on his head, and got into a comfortable position on the bed, before speaking the initiation words 'Link Start'. The startup sequence began, as the machine showed that all five senses were working. He logged in, and created his character. The words 'Welcome to Equestria Online' appeared and a new world appeared around him and became real. He was in a new world. He grinned, and trotted away. He had to start training if he planned to reach the top. He unsheathed his dagger. It was an interesting choice of weapon, which he had chosen for a challenge. He left the city. He had to learn to fight.

Edited by Timelord RegularPony
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Thunder Roller sat staring at the NerveGear on hear bed. She had per-ordered Equestria Online, being the avid gamer that she was and it was expected to come today. She heard a knock on the door and ran outside to see a box on the ground. "Thanks Derpy!" she yelled at the mailmare flying away. Thunder quickly ran inside opened the package and dove right into the game. After the sense check the words "Welcome to Equestria Online!" appeared on the screen. She saw her bedroom slowly morph around her until she was standing in a courtyard in the middle of a city. She had chosen a dagger for this game, her weapon of choice for VRMMORPGs. She trotted out of the city to begin her adventure in the world of Equestria Online.


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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Frost sat in his couch and stared at the game device on the coffee table before him. He had never even seen something like this before. He pulled out the manual and began to read, following the instructions as he went along. Once he had preformed the steps he found himself inside the game. He took a moment to awe over its glory and admire what was around him. When he chose his weapon he went with his favorite. The mace, fast, blunt, and could pack a punch. He slung it onto his belt and began to explore.

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Lost Thought tossed around the box labeled 'Equestria Online'. From all the ads and hype it seemed like fun. Although, all the ads always seemed fun; and her brother had advised her not to waste her bits on it. "Well too late for that Soundy." She roe open the box and pulled out the nerve gear inside. She took a seat next to her work table, placed the nerve gear on her head, and said "Link up... or whatever."


She quickly choose her class and character customization. She had read enough about the game to know what she already wanted as far as that went. What interested her was weapon customization. She hadn't pre-ordered this game for nothing. "I will just take you." 


She entered the game and looked in her inventory. She smiled as she pulled out a wrench the size of her hoof. "I think I'll like this game." She started to trot off in the direction of what looked to be a town.

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Lightning had just sat down, put the nerve gear on, logged in and made his character, then pulled the sword off his back and swung it around a bit, put it back then started off towards the city "Nice sword, but I've yet to learn the basics, might as well go do that." he said as he started in to a run.

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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Christoph now arrived in the virtual reality of Equestria Online as well: "Wow, the character and weapon customizations were cool! This game was definetely worth the fights in the store, even though that was the weirdest thing I've ever done... Ah well, let's go, Mr. Sword!" He talked to his weapon of choice, the sword. He decided to first go to the town to maybe find some helpers for the quest to stage 100...

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"Link Start!" Paint Splatter yelled, every single cell in her body buzzing with anticipation and excitement. She had been waiting forever to play this game and finally she could! Her jaw dropped in awe as the world around her began to shift and morph to that of the game. "Oooh! Character creation time!" She squealed, and took about half an hour picking just the right features for her character. For a weapon she chose a broadsword, instead of a hammer which would have been her initial choice but she figured the sword would be lighter. She was transported to the starting city, and took a moment to explore everything. She couldn't fly completely but she could hover about quickly. Finally when she was finished exploring she decided to head to the courtyard nearby to test out her weapon handling. After swinging at air for ten minutes, she decided to leave the city and scout the surrounding area. In all of the other games she had played, the easiest monsters were always the closest to the starter towns. 

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SuperMarioKingdom was a lucky boy. Lucky enough to have a awesome brother, who bought two copies of Equestria Online, one for him and one for his brother. It was shear luck he was able to get two copies of the world's rarest video game, which the whole world was crazy about. Soon, two brothers lay on their bunk bed with their NerveGears on, and shouted 'Link Start'. MK(short for SuperMarioKingdom) felt the world shift and soon, found himself face-to-face with a window labelled, 'Character Selection/Creation'. Since MK wanted a full experience of Virtual Reality, he made his character look exactly like himself. As for his starting melee weapon, he chose the proud sword of Unicorea, Seven Branched Sword. Soon, he has connected to the server as his OC, with NewSupaLuigiBros next to him. 'Well, SuperMariokingdom', he thought to himself, 'Let the games begin!'

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"Come on Come on Come on Come on Come on..." Zephyr said nervously as he watched the clock tick down till the release date. NerveGear Headsets were hard enough to come by nowadays, and it took forever obtaining one, then came the announcement of the release of the biggest game to come over ever! Zephyr wasn't able to wait at the stores to get a hard copy so he would have to settle for a digital download. He knew the competition was fierce to snag a copy of the 10 out of 10 star game but he was determined to get it! His mouse hovered over the buy icon just waiting for it to glow green.

"5...4...3...2...1... THERE!"

"... CONGRATULATIONS! You have bought copy number 1864 out of 2000 of Equestria Online!"


Zephyr was so vivid that he snagged an online copy, that he was doing flips while bouncing on his bed! He hadn't been this excited since he was able to meet Princess Luna when she visited Mesodale!

A short while later, the game was downloaded, instructions were read, Live Stream was turned on and calibrations were finished. Zephyr shouted, "Link Start!"


His senses tingled as he watched the log in screen appear. Zephyr input his name and password and proceeded to the character screen. He was just going to have the game make a copy of himself as his avatar, but thought to himself, "I bet Unicorns would be better for combat, and from what I hear, I'm going to need it!" So Zephyr spent the next half an hour customizing how he would appear in the game. He decided to go with a grey body unicorn, slim to be more agile and topped it off with a mane of Dark Blue and Silver to give himself a semi royal appeal.

Pleased with his look he selected a default lance from the weapon choices. With Zephyr at one point being in the Mesodale military he had some experience with the lance, however with him being a unicorn he would have to learn a whole new way to fight.


With everything set, Zephyr checked the "I agree to the terms and conditions" box (Like he would have time to read that entire thing) and logged in.

Right away he was stunned at everything! He must have looked like a foal the way he stumbled around and gaped at the scenery. The warm breeze, the crisp look of the grass, the noises of the town, the smell of bread baking, it was all so astounding! All though he didn't have much time to waste, if he was going to learn how to work magic, he needed to get started right away! Zephyr swiped his hoof like they said in the instructions and saw an inventory appear. Maneuvering though the list, he found his lance and equipped it. He snagged it with his hoof and felt the weight. Heavy tip, light shaft. Not ideal for a good lance, but what did he expect? It's the beginners lance, and he's just glad it's not made of a rock and a twig! He attempted at grasping it with his magic.

"Come on... Come on!"


He willed the lance to lift off his hoof, and after 5 minuets or so, a faint light blue wrapped itself around the shaft, and it started to rise. "YES!" Zephyr shouted. Then the lance flew from his and landed in a ditch along side the road.


*Sigh* Zephyr moaned to himself, "This is going to take a lot of work to get right." But still a smile appeared on his face, he knew that this was just the beginning and he couldn't wait to see what was out there. Putting the spear away he proceeded to walk into the town...

Edited by Scratched Disk
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After overnight of camping (with tent and camping gear) at front of the store, NewSupaLuigiBros managed to get his hooves on two copy of the world's highest qualitied VRMMORPG, Equestria Online.


When he returned home, he gave a copy to his brother, SuperMarioKingdom. Then they lied down on their bunk bed, insert the game into their each nervegear console. With all wonders and excitement, NewSupaLuigiBros shouted, 'Link Start!!!'


After the Nerve Gear checking his five senses, he faced a window, which controls customizing of the character. He first nicknamed himself as NewSupaLuigiBros. He then customized his look as similar as possible to his true self. On the weapon selection he was given various choices. He first was interested in balisong, but soon a crowbar took his sight. He went gasping and repeated 'oh my gosh'. NewSupaLuigiBros had been admiring crowbar since crowbar is a iconic weapon for Gordon Freecolt, the protagonist of Hoof Life series and who NewSupaLuigiBros wants to follow (if he ever can that is). Therefore, he chose the crowbar without any second thought.


After the confirm of cuatomization, he was standing on the starting town with his brother SuperMarioKingdom standing next to him.

'Alright,' NewSupaLuigiBros thought to himself, 'let's get this started.'

Edited by NewSupaLuigiBros
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@@Scratched Disk,

Terra wasn't the guy who would be easily stuck in video games. But since he had a big vacation ahead of him he though about trying one. His friend Selune Darkeye proposed him this new game "Equestria Online" that was supposedly the most realistic thing she had ever seen and a lot of people were playing it! Even royal guards from what the rumors said! He had hoped to meet some of them online. However the fact that he wasn't a video game player made it no more difficult for him to actually learn how to handle the interface. After all he had been spending half his life as an apprentice engineer in his uncle's shop. 

He felt a bit stupid when he placed the Nerve Gear on top of his head... but he figured out it would take some time to actually get used to it, it wasn't like normal headphones or a helmet... He proceeded to make his own avatar, he wasn't gonna lie about the name, the race, or the abilities. Maybe he'd edit his own armor and weapons but other than that he was pretty proud of his appearance. So after 20 minutes he was finally there with his Lion-Style Armor Helmet, his Two hoofed Warhammer.  Now his nerve gear was preparing itself.

"Nerve Gazer... set... 3-D Vision Established. Link Complete... " he said mumbling to himself the words that appeared as the game was loading. A bright light envelloped him and he close his eyes yelling.

"STAND UP! MY... VANGUARD!" he proceeded to fall with a "Thumb" on the ground placing his left hoof as his right kept hold of the heavy warhammer. Heavy for others that is he figured... with the strength he had he would be able to hold it like if it was one-hoofed and he wouldn't be surprised if later he would take a shield or a sword... maybe a katana to match it. He spent some time smashing around rocks with it and debris trying to get the hang on the right swing, and testing the analogy of his abilities in this world and the real one. 

Once he was satisfied he moved towards the town. He was going to run over/through the user "Scratched Disk" but his avatar didn't respond... not like your typical online game graphics. He managed to "bump into" him. "Sorry... eeeh Scratched Disk?" he said looking above his avatar.


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Lightning Strings turned on her newly bought computer, one especially made for gaming. Since she was so shy she thought it'd be easier to communicate with other ponies using the internet.

It still was scary for her, and she doesn't even know anything about video games. 

Lightning didn't even know how rare it was to get that game. 

After her computer started up she first checked up on a couple of websites to help her get started in the game.


Now that Lightning knew the basics a of the game she put in the disk and installed the game. In the meantime Lightning went to the Equestria online site to sign up so she didn't have to do it after installing it.

"I hope it's going well." She said. it'd take another couple of minutes so she decided to play on one of her guitars for a bit.

For once she played a somewhat slower song, for her it was slow at least. Unlike her normal metal she decided to play a song which wouldn't upset her neighbors. They're nice, but they can't stand metal.


Now that the download has finally finished Lightning put on her NerveGear. "Link start!" She shouted while laying on her bed.

The terms and agreement box popped up. Lightning didn't feel like reading the whole thing and just clicked on accept.

She made her character look like herself as much as possible, which wasn't hard seeing as the NerveGear had a facial recognition function.

Lightning opened her eyes and saw another world. It didn't look fake, but she surely wasn't in her home anymore. She still had to choose her starting weapon. Online she read that nopony uses scythes so that's what she picked.

Scythes were difficult to handle, and they were even harder to master. Lightning wanted a challenge and she got one. Her weapon, which looked fairly simple, appeared on her back.

Now she had to walk to the first quest giver in the nearby town. it was a bit stiff at first but after a couple of minutes she got the hang of it.


Since it took a while to get over there Lightning decided to attack some enemies in the meantime. She took her scythe in her right hoof, which still made it hard to attack. To fully use her weapon she'd probably had to stand on just two hooves. There was a boar not far from Lightning so she decided that was her first ever target in a game. With her scythe in hand she approached the beast and swung the giant weapon towards it. It missed and the boar charged towards her. While barely avoiding it Lightning once again swung her weapon towards it, this time in a slightly different angle. It was a clean hit, not enough to slay the animal, but it still took a lot of it's health away.

Once again the beast charged hitting the blue earth pony this time. 

Since it was still close to lightning she thought that if she got back up fast enough she'd be able to finally slay it.

It was almost too late, but when the boar charged she got away. Quickly she turned around to attack it, killing it in the process. She watched her experience bar going up a little.

The boar also seemed to have dropped something. A piece of meat as well as a useless gray item. Nevertheless she picked it up so she could sell it to an NPC.


 Signature made by Sir Lunashy

My OC Midnight Blade:Midnight Blade

And Lightning Strings:Lightning Strings

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@@Frosty V, While he was running, lightning found it hard to stop save for running into a tree or something else "Okay, i can run, jump and swing my sword, i might want to get to town to learn anything else." He said as he saw frost in his way and jumped up into a tree branch, he fell to the ground "Well at least i stopped, i'm Lightning, who are you." He said as he stood up slowly.

Edited by defearonthedestroyer

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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Frost trotted through the forest, frequently checking his map display, mumbling to himself. "So I need to make a right at the next fork and i should.....end up here.....then-" his thoughts were cut short at a large thumping sound. He minimized his display and looked at the pony getting to his hooves before him, asking for his name. "It's Frost.....good to meet you Lighting, I'm sorry to cut this short, but i need to make it to the next town. I heard there is a quest there that is quite good......if you want t tag along I guess we could party up....unless your a solo player of course." he said, trying to emotion out of his tone.

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@@Frosty V, Lightning looked around "Sure not much else to do, is there." he said smiling slightly Well two heads are better then one and he seems smart enoughhe thought as he looked back to frost "What are we waiting for, next week, lets go." he said as he started walking towards the town.

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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Frost looked up when he heard Lighting called out to him. "Sorry, just checking the map once again.....never be to careful you know?" he replied with a smile, minimizing the map and running off after Lighting. "So, you likin the game so far? It's pretty amazing huh?" he asked, looking at his surroundings.

Edited by Frosty V
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"Whew!" Zephyr exhaled slowly. "This magic stuff is harder than I thought!" Zephyr had just finished exploring the town of the beginnings and grabbed a guide book from the shop. After breezing through a few pages he got bored and went outside of town to explore. Again he became awestruck of the amazing graphics of the game. He scoffed to himself, "Hardly seem like a game anymore! It just feels so real!" Zephyr lost track of time and most likely would have stood there all day when all of the sudden...




"Sorry... eeeh Scratched Disk?"


It took a moment to register to himself that this pony was talking to him. Zephyr forgot about the fact that he had used his drawing character's name as his gamer name. He quickly shook his head and put on a warm smile and extended a hoof.

"Are you alright... Terra?"

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@@Frosty V, Lightning smiled and pulled his sword off his back "yeah i'm likin the game and it's weapon selection, this was the best sword for me." he said swinging it on to his back then looking at frost's weapon "what do you have, a mace, okay weapon." he said checking his map to see everything.

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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Frost chuckled at lighting's reply. "An okay weapon? Well.....I guess we all have different tastes. The mace is really the only way for me....fairly fast and packs a mean punch." He said pulling out his mace to look it over. Its metallic color shining bright in the suns light. "Well, i dont think we are that far away now....I could use some bread..." he muttered

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After Lightning got the hang of the combat system, as well as her weapon, she decided to go to the nearest town.

On the way there she saw some other ponies talking. Still not used to conversations she decided to sneak by them by taking another route. Well, another route, Lightning just avoided them by walking a couple of meters towards the left and making a big half circle around them.


Once Lightning got to the town she decided to go to a shop near the entrance. She sold some of the gray leveled items for a little bit of money. The meat however stayed in her inventory so she could cook it later on.


It seemed like there was a quest giver in the town center. The time she took to look online for some quick tips helped since she now knew what an exclamation point meant. A question mark meant that you've got to talk to an NPC to finish the quest.

Lightning went towards the quest giver and tried to talk to him. "You look troubled." She said softly. It seemed like the NPC could somehow hear Lightning.

"Yes, well it's like this." The NPC said. "There have been attacks on travelers by those boars on the outside of town. They keep out everypony who tries to come close to our little town. If you could please get rid of them I would reward you."


A menu opened in front of Lightning. She clicked on accept quest. Now Lightning can look in her quest log, when she did it said "Boars killed 0/10".

Lightning headed out towards the entrance of the village.


 Signature made by Sir Lunashy

My OC Midnight Blade:Midnight Blade

And Lightning Strings:Lightning Strings

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@@Frosty V,

"That may be true." Chain Mail said, jumping down from where he was spying on players. He was dressed in a black outfit with a red haori over top of that. On his back was a katana about as big as he was. "But if you learn how to use it, or better yet how to fight in general, the sword is superior. Better reach, and if you're used to it comprable speed." He said, an aloof tone presnet in his voice. Now, what's this I heard about a quest?" He asked, taking the time to lean back on to something.

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Frost heard a thud from behind. He whipped his head around to find a katana wielding pony. His comparison between the sword and mace was a conversation topic he had gone over hundreds of times. "Believe what you will, but in the end its the user not his weapon. The mace is my choice and the sword is yours....I'd prefer to keep it that way Chain Mail." He said looking at the avatars name, no hint if emotion in his voice. "As for quests I've heard there are some in the next town and i was going to check them out." He muttered, the white and red cloak that covered his metallic silver armor rustled slightly in the breeze.

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After slaying a few boars, Sparkey realized he had been cooking before logging in, and had left the oven on. He slid his hoof up, bringing up the menu, to find that there was no log out button. He searched through the options, and still found nothing. The log out button was gone. He was stuck in the game. And he lived alone, so no one could come and take the helmet off. Surely, when the devs realized the missing button, they would turn off the servers and force everyone offline... right? He imagined his perfectly good dinner, burning in the oven, and almost cried.

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@@Scratched Disk, Terra shook his head a bit and stood up taking the hoof and shaking it.

"Yes i am fine... new to the game too? I just created my avatar... or as i like to call it "My Vanguard". Are you new to this game too? I was hoping to meet someone to quest together. I thought i had learned the movements at least but it seems the Nerve Gear is more realistic than i expected... i though i'd be able to walk through other people's avatar's at least... guess i am mistaken."

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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@@Frosty V

"I know. Please, any soldier worth their salt knows that." He said, his voice still sounding as disconnected as if nothing he said had any consequence. "And, thanks for the heads up." He added, dashing off toward the second town. He stopped to fight a wild animal about 100 feet away.

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