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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Zach stiffened at Zoey's touch, but quickly relaxed and flashed her a toothy grin, his canines very prominent. He then turned towards Dusk and shrugged. "I guess I'm not doing anything right now. Not particularly tired either. Guess I'm up for it." He adjusted the triangular blades on his back and stepped aside from the door.

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Zoey spares a glance back at her belongings but then shrugs with a small sigh.  There really wasn't much more she could do about her unpacking if she was going to leave Amaya and Zach room for their own things, so the rest of her stuff would have to stay in the suitcases until she needed it.  "I guess I'm done getting moved in...  So sure, why not?"  


She turns to walk back over to her bed, making sure all of her bags were securely zipped up before turning back around and smiling.  "Amaya?  How about you, sweetie?"  Zoe tilts her head slightly, one of her ears flicking as she asks the question.  The Swanna gijinka had seemed pretty tired, but it would be rude not to ask her.  As she asks the Zorua girl makes her way out to the hallway to join Dusk and Zach, tapping one of her claws playfully against Dusk's mask as she walks by.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@,@, @,  


Dusk winced a bit when Zoey tapped on his mask, he wasn't expecting that at all, but when she had referred to Amaya, Dusk's eye glowed a bit brighter as he turned towards the room and saw the Swanna girl.


"Oh! Amaya! I didn't know you were in this dorm, you might have told me, but I can't remember if you did, but it's good to see you again!"


Dusk spun in the air in delight seeing his friend from earlier and hoped she'd join them, though she did look tired, twas a shame she wasn't as nocturnal as him.

  • Brohoof 1

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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@@The Leafeon Pinkeh


Koh chuckled. "Here we go again..." It wasn't anything new to him. She'd find somebody, want to invite them over. It was nice. It got tiring sometimes and others she just chose the wrong person and it ended up badly. Hopefully it would be neither of the two this time. He just quietly went back to his food and didn't say another word until the other Gijinka noticed.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Amaya rolled onto her side so that she could look at Zoe.

" Do you mean the red tips, or-Oh!" Amaya stared for a moment, beforing giggling. Her roomates hair, which just a few seconds ago had been the color of charcoals, turned a silvery white color.

" What a neat trick! You really do look kinda like a Zigzagoon! Have you ever..-"


"Hey there. Zach."


Amaya shrunk back against her bed, just the tiniest bit. Nope. This was not going to happen.

'Oh Arceus, why me?', Amaya thought, overcome by her own melodrama.


A small,"H-Hello there" Was all she could managed. Amaya wasn't afraid of boys, ovbiously. She was mortified( like, i said, melodrama~) at the thought of sharing close quarters with one.


And suddenly there were others, and conversations swept past her as a fimilar face-er, mask-popped into veiw.

"Oh, Dusk!.." Amaya sat up quickly on the mattress.

"I..Well, I-I'm not sure..I have so much to unpack, a-and i might have to get up early.." She pressed her thumb against lower lip, thinking. But it WOULD be nice to unbind her wings and stretch for just abit. She thought about the cramp that had routed itself through her left wing.

"Maybe.. Just for a little while..", She says finally, but unsurely.


( you sneaky ninjas!!)

Edited by lyridiandandan
  • Brohoof 1

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@,@, @,


"Awesome! I promise not to keep you up so late! Plus it'll be fun! We can fly arooouund and do super cool ballet stuff in the aiiiiir! The stars will be shining and the moon glowing, oh man I ADORE the night!"


Dusk said barely keeping in his anticipation as he somersaulted is glee, though he still didn't really comprehend the meaning behind "Cool" when he mentioned cool ballet. Nevertheless, he was happy he had a whole company of Dorm 1 people to join him. Dusk floated and lead the way out into the main hallway where they would travel to the main courtyard of the school for some Night-time fun.


(Soooo sneaky e u e )

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Zoe giggles as they walk.  Dusk was excited, and his energy was contagious.  "So does that leave those of us who can't fly to fend for ourselves?"  She glances at Zach out of the corner of her eye and gives a playful growl, her tail wagging slowly.  "Mmm, not that I mind..."


She glances around as they walk, as though trying to figure out the route they were taking...  She wasn't going to remember it, but she at least liked to look like she knew what she was doing.  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Amaya walked alongside Zoe and Dusk, rolling her eyes playfully. The excitement really was contagious. Between the thought of spreading her wings, flying, and the collective energy of the other, Amaya forget about being tired, if only for the moment.

" You would like that, wouldn't you Zoe?" She giggled softly, looking back at Zach for a moment, before nudging Dusk with her elbow.

"I bet you I can fly higher than you, Dusk." She coaxed. "Much, much higher, in fact."

She caught a small peek at the sky before it dissapeared again behind the unifom school walls. It was full moon. Still rising.


But little did they know, they had company. A little, gray cloud of a pokemon, was following close behind. Curious as to what the 'pups', as Missus called them, where up to when the sky had already fallen so dark.

Edited by lyridiandandan

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@,@, @,


 Dusk chuckled at Zoey's comment and Amaya as well, though upon hearing her little words of competition, Dusk immediately sprung back to her with his own.


"Whaaaat? Nuh uh I bet I could Fly Me to the Moon and back! I'm already flying~ I don't see you plucking your wings out and floating alongside me~"


Dusk said teasingly as he stuck out a tongue from beneath his mask that most ghost pokemon were known for. Finally, the group had arrived at huge entrance doors. Dusk flew over and opened one of them for the rest like a gentleman as he held it open.


"Non-ethereal entities first~" He said cheekily.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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'Hmph! How dare he use Teleport when we're in the middle of a conversation. Although he did look tired.' Melissa turned on her heel and quietly walked out of the library. Once she was a fair distance away she began to run. She eventually stopped running when she made it to the courtyard. She looked up to see stars. Lots and lots of stars. To her right there were a couple of gijinka walking.

@, @
Melissa ran up to them.
"Hi Zoe. Nice to see you again." Melissa said. She looked at other one and asked, "What kind of gijinka are you and what's your name?"

Edited by Piece Bot



What else am I meant to put here?


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@@The Leafeon Pinkeh


Even though two of the Giji's left, Dark's smile never wavered, he replied to the nice one,
"No, I've only just got here and I'm not the best reader, tis one of the downsides of being part Sableye, I have brilliant hearing but my eyesight leaves something to be desired. I'm Dark by the way" He hold out his sablehand as he examines her.

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"Yes well, my wings are a tad too big for the halls, especially around others. I'm no hummingbird, you know.(erm.. mythical creature?>->; ) And just you wait and see Dusk. I'll touch the stars, the ones just above the moon. I'll even bring one back for you, a gift.", She shot back coyly, ducking around the open door and into the nightime.

As Amaya stepped out under the starry sky and onto the courtyard's smooth, worn down bricks, a gust of cool night air washed over her, sending wispy tendrils of silvery white hair fluttering behind her person. The moon bathed everyone and every bit of scenery in pale, iredescent light,and their shadows danced beneath them as they went. Amaya murmured pleasantly to herself, and was just about to unbind her wings then and there, when another student appeared from seemingly nowhere. She faltered.

"I-...I'm Amaya..a Swanna."

Edited by lyridiandandan

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Zoey giggles and teasingly traces a finger across Dusk's chest as she walks out the door he's holding for them.  "Such a sweet ghost!  Thank you, Duskie."  When Melissa comes running up Zoe grins, waving at her friend from earlier as her ears perk up.  "Oh, hey Melissa.  Out for a late night run, darling?"





Voices.  There were other voices.  That wasn't right - no one ever spoke back when he was talking to his mother.  Well, except for the ghosts teasing him, but they had stopped doing that when he started fighting them.  That meant that there were others outside this late!


The Marowak boy quickly grabs his bone club and rolls off of the rock, cursing as he smacks against the ground and quickly wiping the built up tears out of his eyes.  He didn't want the other students to see him like this - that meant he'd have to find a different way back into the school...  It was about time he got to bed, anyways...  Now it just came down to trying to make it to his dorm without the other students seeing him out here.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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 Dusk chuckled bashfully at Zoey's gesture of thanking him and was the last to head out the door. As soon as everyone was out the door that Buizel girl from earlier ran up to the group, but not before he caught a glimpse of Amaya and her silvery hair blow ever gently in the breeze. Dusk couldn't help himself but stare for a bit, a little hypnotized by how the moonlight had made her glow. Dusk shook his head to snap him out of that daze as he floated by her. He unfastened his mask and took it off from his face as he let it drop to the ground. He lifted his hood from his head and faced the glow of the full moon. His one eye seemed to glow all the more brighter against the darkness. His seemingly pale white skin began to glow as well into a faded white. He grinned and took off into the air without a moment too soon as he began to twirl and spin in the air while making the occasional loop-de-loop as he passed by the group. It was almost as he was reborn into the night sky.


"WOOOOHOOO!" he exclaimed as he continued to fly about in the distance.

Edited by SleeplessSketch

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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@. @, @, @@SleeplessSketch

"Your name's Amaya and your name's Zach. One's a Swanna and one's a Samurott. I've never seen those Pokemon before, can you tell me what type of Pokemon you are as well?" Melissa had never been to the Unova region so she had no idea what type of Pokemon they were.


"Oh. Yes I am out for a midnight run. After running for two straight miles you'd think a normal person would sleep. Hahahah." Melissa laughed at herself but cringed when she heard Dusk holler into the night.



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Zach sighed. This girl was asking a lot of questions. "Water. Pure Water." He smiled and began to look around at the night. It was really nice out and the cold breeze reminded him of home. Which was ironic, since he came here to get away from the brutes that he used to live with. 


Dustin looked outside his window and stood up, stretching his legs. Thinking it was a good idea to take a night time stroll he began walking down the halls until he made his way outside. He saw a few familiar faces, just one actually, but decided not to talk to them. He sat down against a wall and smiled as the cold wind blew across his face.

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Melissa grinned at the thought of another Water type, other than herself, being at the school. "Ooh! Another Water type! That's exciting. How long did it take for you to evolve? I know I'm asking a lot of questions but I'm just way too curious to let it stop now." Melissa giggled and began to run circles around the group.



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"Well, look on the bright side, at least they let you wait for step 3. Doesn't make what they did right, but it's a silver lining at least." Rune said, blushing slightly. "What I want to know is, does this mean they're still following you? Because these people aren't right. You aren't just an experiment. You're a perfectly normal Gijinka, with sentience and emotion. If they ever try to contact you again, make sure you tell me. I don't think it would be of any good for them to be contacting you again, especially after what they've done to you. I don't just know how to fence, I know how to actually use a sword, so you don't need to worry about them being able to beat me. I know that sounds pretty cocky, but I know my way around a sword, hell, I have a couple of actual sabers in the dorm. I take them with me on the journey for self-defense." He really did, he rarely had to even draw them, but it still helped to have the extra security. He could thank Sir AEgir for that, he had taught him how to use an actual sword, even though he really wasn't supposed to. He even used himself as a target, which wasn't a huge problem considering he wore the suit of armor everywhere, but it still was fairly dangerous.


"They're not all bad! I- I would''ve had to test step 3 early, if it weren't for... Step three used to be step two, and it used to be ugly. Just, it's... fine. I have to check in with them nightly, or else they will come get me under the assumption that I'm dead, or have failed to assimilate. Can we please just forget about this?" She looked away and over her shoulder and shifted in her seat uncomfortably. Her salad was finished, so she stood and stretched the entirety of her slim-muscled figure in a big motion, which she was comfortable with because the place was relatively empty. "I-I need to think. If you need me, I'll be in the range until the poffins are done. There's still 43 minutes and less than 21 seconds left on the timer." She walked off quietly, either disreguarding or forgetting the fact that he needed to be with her in order to use the archery range.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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((Someone really needs to make a map of campus.))

Joshu woke to the sound of arrows hitting a target. THUNK. He went over to the window and saw an Eevee girl shooting at the range. He got changed and quickly headed out to talk. When he got there he saw her retrieving the arrows from the target.

"Hi. What's your name? Mine is Joshu."



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She saw him and shrunk a little, lowering her bow and grabbing her bow arm. She looked down and away, unsure how to handle the newcomer. "I'm, umm... Synthia. It's a, uhh, pleasure, mister..." She looked away from her nice collection of shots, all of which were in the middle circle.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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He noticed her shrink a bit. He looked over at the target and noticed that there were all of her arrows but the good thing about that was they were all in the bullseye."

"You're a great shot. I wished I was as good as you, but sadly, I don't do archery." he grinned, appearing oblivious to her shyness.



What else am I meant to put here?


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"They're not all bad! I- I would''ve had to test step 3 early, if it weren't for... Step three used to be step two, and it used to be ugly. Just, it's... fine. I have to check in with them nightly, or else they will come get me under the assumption that I'm dead, or have failed to assimilate. Can we please just forget about this?" She looked away and over her shoulder and shifted in her seat uncomfortably. Her salad was finished, so she stood and stretched the entirety of her slim-muscled figure in a big motion, which she was comfortable with because the place was relatively empty. "I-I need to think. If you need me, I'll be in the range until the poffins are done. There's still 43 minutes and less than 21 seconds left on the timer." She walked off quietly, either disreguarding or forgetting the fact that he needed to be with her in order to use the archery range.


Rune cleaned up his scraps, throwing the disposable bowl in the bin and putting the tray on top. 'Well, I may as well see if Sir AEgir is still around.' Rune wondered. He left the cafeteria and headed to the fencing studio. The office was just adjacent to it. He knocked on the door of the fencing director and opened it. "Hello? Anyone home?" Rune didn't want to wake Sir AEgir if he was napping. He was fairly old, he tended to do that some times, even though he could have gotten in to trouble for doing so.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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He noticed her shrink a bit. He looked over at the target and noticed that there were all of her arrows but the good thing about that was they were all in the bullseye."

"You're a great shot. I wished I was as good as you, but sadly, I don't do archery." he grinned, appearing oblivious to her shyness.

She says nothing, kind of kicking her feet along the ground and taking an almost imperceptible step back. Her ears where flat against the back of her head, shoulders rolled forward, head down turned, knees slightly bent, and slouched. At this point, if he was incapable of seeing her discomfort at his expense he would be unable to see it anywhere. It was mostly due to her mistrust, however. She was more ready to believe he'd hurt her then friend her.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Joshu noticed the way her body moved. "Seems like I'm not making a good first impression am I? Hmm. If that's the case then I'll just go back to bed now." Joshu turned the other way and began to head back towards his dorm. "Nice to meet you by the way!" He threw over his shoulder as a last remark.

Edited by Piece Bot



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