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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Matthew quite suddenly entered the room, and was for some reason surprised to see two other people in the room. After blinking a few times, he waved his hand in greeting and floated over to his bed. Andy floated in the middle of the room, eyeing the two gijinkas but staying a lengths away from him. Matthew then sat on the edge of his bed and looked at his supposed dorm mates, smiling friendly at them.




He would analyze them later... 


Rune looked over at the sudden visitor. "Well hello. I'm assuming you're our third dorm mate." He surmised. "My name is Rune Blade and this is my girlfriend Synthia Xalven. Who are you, and who's you're little friend there?" He asked, rubbing the metal above Andy's eye.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Why would I want to go on a trip far away to another region? Because it's interesting! I wonder how everything is over there.. Oh but more importantly, "We're like.. friends now, are we not? Thats reason enough-" Razor didn't finish her reasoning before she noticed that all of the roommates had joined together. Nik! Razor didn't say anything at all and he left as quickly as he came. "What's up with him, anyways? He never says anything, really, or makes a point to talk to me- not that I'm complaining." 



"DUSKY!" Lolita called through the halls, seeing her favorite new ghost-type gijinka standing around in front of their dorm. "Whatchu up to? Were you going to do a scare? Oooh that would've been funny! Did I ruin it? I DID?! Okay, wait a second.." She opened the door to the room and stepped inside, closing it behind her. "YOU CAN POP OUT NOW!" She yelled to him. 


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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Rune looked over at the sudden visitor. "Well hello. I'm assuming you're our third dorm mate." He surmised. "My name is Rune Blade and this is my girlfriend Synthia Xalven. Who are you, and who's you're little friend there?" He asked, rubbing the metal above Andy's eye.


Matthew smiled once again and took out his tablet that was already available with a response, having predicted what the first encounter would be like. There totally wasn't 11 of them stored for the possible scenarios of this encounter. 



Hello! I'm Matthew Turner, and that there is Andy. Glad to meet you!


Andy seemed unsure about what Rune was doing, but he definitely wasn't going to complain.

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Matthew smiled once again and took out his tablet that was already available with a response, having predicted what the first encounter would be like. There totally wasn't 11 of them stored for the possible scenarios of this encounter. 



Hello! I'm Matthew Turner, and that there is Andy. Glad to meet you!


Andy seemed unsure about what Rune was doing, but he definitely wasn't going to complain.


"Nice to meet you as well. I'm guessing you're mute then. That may complicate things if your tablet runs out of power, but we'll make do." Rune said with a chuckle. "Hey there Andy." Rune said, shaking his magnet. "He's a cute one." He extended his hand to Matthew, waiting for him to reciprocate the action.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Nice to meet you as well. I'm guessing you're mute then. That may complicate things if your tablet runs out of power, but we'll make do." Rune said with a chuckle. "Hey there Andy." Rune said, shaking his magnet. "He's a cute one." He extended his hand to Matthew, waiting for him to reciprocate the action.


Before shaking Rune's hand, Matthew quickly scribbled on his tablet. 


I'm not exactly mute... It's complicated. I just don't like to talk... At all...


After giving Rune a quick glimpse of what he had written, Matthew quickly extended his hand and shook Rune's. Andy blushed a little at the compliment but turned away to hide it.

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Melissa opened her eyes when she felt something on her shoulder. She turned her head to look at it and was kin of surprised to see that it was Nik's tail. Melissa calmed her breathing when she realised it wasn't doing anything inappropriate. She closed her eyes and smiled.

  • Brohoof 1



What else am I meant to put here?


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"It's SO not fair," Zoey complained as they walked.  She still wasn't happy.  "I had this brilliant idea, too...  Spread a couple rumors about students having nightmares, let an illusion of a Darkrai float through the halls, it was going to be great!  They'd better let us out before the lights come back on, I so want to go through with this while it's still dark..."


As they got back to their dorms Zoey went straight to her bed and flopped down face first onto her sheets.  A muffled "Hey Zach" can be heard from her pillow as she does.  The Zorua girl's tail droops down as she tries to think of how they were possibly going to kill time being confined to their dorm...  They didn't exactly have a lot of light, unless Dusk could leave his Will-O-Wisps floating around.  Not that it bothered Zoey, she could see just fine in the dark...  Hmm, maybe she could use that to her advantage with whatever they decided to do...








Turning his head to glance at them, Raiga sighs quietly.  "I'm not carrying him to his dorm either way."  After a couple moments the Raikou gijinka rolls his eyes and gets up from his bed, walking towards the window and pushing it open.  He glances over his shoulder at the pair of them before swinging one leg over the window sill.


"You can use my bed if you want, since you're giving yours up for your boyfriend...  I'll be on the roof."  The teachers had told them to stay in the dorms and that they were only allowed to go into the halls to go to the restrooms...  Technically, Raiga wasn't going into the hall.  Even if it did come back to bite him, he didn't want to stay in the room...  Even asleep, Nik didn't make him feel welcome.


Turning back to the window, Raiga reaches around to grab the top of the window sill before pulling himself out.  Scrambling up the vertical wall with any finger or toe-hold he could find, the electric type sighs as he manages to get on top of the building and sit back with one leg dangling over the side.  If I do get in trouble, maybe I should just go...  This place has been far from welcoming.  





@@The Leafeon Pinkeh,


Lhee shrugs before pushing himself to his feet, Amaura jumping out of his lap.  He offers a hand to Razor to help her up, smiling slightly as he holds his bone club over his shoulder with his free hand.  "I don't know what his deal is...  And sorry.  About before he showed up, I mean.  I'm not exactly...  Used to having friends.  It takes some getting used to, I guess."


She thinks of me as a friend?  That's a long ways from when we first met and she was scared to death of me...  Huh...  "But uh, I think we're supposed to go back to our room now...  And I need to set up a space for Amaura to stay.  Want to help?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Before shaking Rune's hand, Matthew quickly scribbled on his tablet. 


I'm not exactly mute... It's complicated. I just don't like to talk... At all...


After giving Rune a quick glimpse of what he had written, Matthew quickly extended his hand and shook Rune's. Andy blushed a little at the compliment but turned away to hide it.




"That's fine, if you don't want to talk, don't feel pressured to." Rune said, shaking Matthew's hand. He returned to his bed and said "I think I'll probably just laze around for a bit. Synthia might be a bit nervous around you, I'm not sure. She can be a bit jumpy when it comes to meeting new people." He teased.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Razor hesitantly took Lhee's hand to get up. I guess I could've made a worse choice in a "buddy", right? 

Razor's ears perked at the mention of helping take care of the Amaura. "Oh course!" She petted the cute pokemon and smiled. Aww, I want a pet too! They left the cafeteria, Razor wishing they had more time to plan making a spot, but she was sure she could find something. "I don't think I could help make a bed using my moveset, but I do know how to lull pokemon to sleep!" she assured. 


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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Nik rolled in his sleep and fell on top of Melissa. Seeking warmth, he grabbed onto her, holding her like he was holding a large teddy bear. Nik smiled a bit in his sleep as he felt warmth and and the cold plaguing him vanished like some sort of magic trick. Melissa was so warm...not that Nik knew it was Melissa

  • Brohoof 1

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@@The Leafeon Pinkeh,


"Amau!"  The tiny pokemon wove in between the two's feet.  Lhee laughed quietly before turning to walk towards their dorm, taking a moment to poke one of the Will-O-Wisps floating in the hall with his bone club until it started hovering over the tool again.  "That may be a good thing, because I think they're kind of nocturnal otherwise...  We'll need to get her into the habit of sleeping at night..."  


As they got back to their dorm, Lhee went over to the pile of school books he'd received on the first day for his classes.  Picking up his Biology book, he checks the index before flipping through it for any information he could find about Amaura and what their nests were supposed to be like.


"Huh, says here that they like cold and rocky...  With a soft place to sleep..."  Shrugging he turns to Razor and grins.  "Any ideas?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Melissa had laid down next to her bed when Nik fell on top of her. 'Oww. He's heavy. And he's on top of me. WHAT!' Melissa thought to herself. She wanted to get him off of her but he felt nice. She didn't want to risk him waking up but he was somehow crushing her lungs. She tapped Nik on the nose. "Nik, do you think you can get off me?" Melissa asked. She didn't know if he listened or not.



What else am I meant to put here?


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Nik grumbled and shifted a bit to the side. Now he was on Melissa's side but still pressed up against her. His tail coiled around Melissa's arm while his arms grabbed Melissa's stomach, pulling her close to him. He didn't look strong, but he was able to cuddle her against his chest 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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(This is getting increasingly difficult to keep this SFW but I like a challenge.)




Melissa huffed. She wanted to wake up Nik but she chose not to because he felt nice. She tried to get comfortable in this position so that she can try and go to sleep.



What else am I meant to put here?


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"Well the only things I could make are leaves," Razor produces a couple leaves from her palm in a magical poof and they faded again before they floated down again. "But I don't know about making any rocky spaces. What about.." she places her hand on her chin in thought, "we get a box to start?" She grabs a good-sized hallowed box with clear sides, great for a little room. "We could fill this with something cool like sand, would that be good? If you have any way to make sand that would be convenient," Razor raises and eyebrow at him, expecting him to be able to do something like that since he was a ground type. "But after we get that we need to decorate it- make it more homey than just a box!" The leafeon gijinka was very involved in the planning of a simple task, but when you have a passion for pokemon it's hard not to be.


(Lel *doesn't know how to build stuff xD)


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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Nik breathed softly and let his grip slacken a bit, giving Melissa more room to work with. "Warm" he mumbled, crooning appreciatively and twitching involuntarily. His tail was still coiled around her arm, but it was less tight now that it had been a minute ago, mostly due to Nik being more asleep

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Daniel, hearing the announcement to go and start heading back into their own individual dorm rooms he sighed in relief and stood up, blowing out the dim lantern and placing it by the front door where it always was before heading down the long, dark hallway that led to the dorm that the Chandelure had turned into his personal humble abode.  As he strode on towards his room, number 609, his black trench-coat loosely flowed behind him as his buckled boots making heavy foot falls, causing the sound to reverberate off of the walls of the hallway.  Daniel took out his lighter and sparked it until the purple flame showed itself, the moderately bright light showing off the different numbered rooms, Daniel looked up at them and kept track as he walked.  "606...607...608..." he numbered off silently until he hit room 609, Daniel shut the silver, rectangular lid of his lighter and opened the door to his dorm, walked inside and shut the door, leaving it only slightly ajar.


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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@@The Leafeon Pinkeh,


Lhee shrugs slightly, rubbing at the back of his neck.  "I know Rock Slide, but I don't want to damage anything in the room..."  Sighing, Lhee turns towards his bag and starts rummaging through it.  "We may have to work on it more once the lights come back on, it's hard to see in here anyways...  Tell ya what, she's still small right now, I'll just let her sleep at the foot of my bed until we can make a proper nest for her."


"Amau-maura!"  It seemed that Amaura liked that suggestion too - considering she had already climbed up onto Lhee's bed and claimed it as her own...  The Marowak boy sighs as he goes to sit down on the mattress next to the little pokemon, patting her on the head.  Suddenly Amaura starts blowing a cold wind on his sheets, causing him to jump slightly and tap her on the nose.  "Hey, that doesn't mean you get to freeze my bed!"  "Ra-rau ma!"  "No way, I'm a ground type, I'm weak to ice moves!"  "Amaura!"  "No, we're going to have to compromise here, but no icicles in my bed!"


Their 'argument' was cut short as the little pokemon leapt at Lhee, pushing him backwards onto the bed and sitting on his chest.  "Amau!"  Sighing, Lhee lets his bone club clank against the floor as his limbs fall limply to the side of the mattress.  "...Razor, what did I get myself in to with this little one?"  Despite his words Lhee was smiling, reaching up to pet the small pokemon's head.

  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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'At least he loosened his grip. This is far from what I.expected with Nik.' Melissa thought. She had more room to work with so she made herself comfortable and drifted off to sleep. 'First time sleeping with a guy abd its Nik. This ia great!' Melissa thought happily.


(It would.be hilarious if a.teaxher walke in XD)

  • Brohoof 1



What else am I meant to put here?


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Daaaww! What's cuter than a little baby pokemon trying to claim something? "Aww, she's not going to hurt you," Razor faced the little ice-type being very proud of trapping her owner, "are you?" She patted her head, not minding that she was causing any trouble at all to their room. "I'm not a lover of the cold either, I wonder if Nik can do Sunny Day, or do some sort of fire type move to warm this place up if it freezes overnight.. Amaura? You're not going to cause any problems, right? She inquired sweetly, like someone talks to a small child. "Of course you're not!" Now there still was the issue of where would they find a place suitable for a spot to sleep. "I guess she could sleep on my bed, I can deal with it if you can't." Razor teased, but being honest. Heck, if Lhee didn't want a cute little fossil pokemon next to him, she would gladly take the responsibility! 


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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@@The Leafeon Pinkeh


Of course Lhee rose to meet her taunting, propping himself up with one of his elbows.  He couldn't very well sit up fully with Amaura still sitting on his chest, but he didn't bother to move her yet.  "I didn't say I couldn't take it!  Besides, she's my responsibility, so of course I can deal with anything that comes up!"  


He turns his gaze from the Leafeon girl to the baby pokemon staring at him.  "Right?"  "Amau!"  In response, Amaura bit down on the tip of Lhee's skull before curling up into a ball on his chest and shutting her eyes.  Lhee chuckled quietly as he carefully sat upright again, cradling the now-sleeping pokemon.  She had conked out quickly, it seemed.


"...I guess she did have a busy day.  I imagine being revived from a fossil would be kinda draining..."  Lhee looks up at Razor again, shutting his eyes briefly with a smile playing across his face.  He would seem happier now than he had been for most of the time she'd seen him - thanks to the baby pokemon, perhaps?  "...Thanks for offering to help me take care of her, by the way.  I've never actually raised a pokemon before."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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"Oh, no problem at all! I've had some experience, after all, I lived near the day care where they train pokemon all day anyways." For a second she kind of missed her home back there.. there- somewhere. She wasn't sure how far away she was, actually. Either way, she had made it pretty far in her Academy Adventure. "I guess we may as well go to bed, right? According to my Poketech, it's about that time." She yawned and added "not that you can't stay up, or anything. I could just be the tired one, well besides the room's favorite pet.

After a few moments, she returned in sleepwear and sat at the end of her bed, legs crossed. "Hey, you know how you were talking about your.. mother today?" 


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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@@The Leafeon Pinkeh,


As Razor left to get changed, Lhee took the moment to get more comfortable himself.  That didn't consist of much.  He took off his shirt in order to ball it up and let Amaura rest on it - the sleeping pokemon didn't even seem to notice she'd been moved, happy that her Marowak's scent was still close by.  He also undid the small red tie holding his long white hair into a ponytail, letting it fall across his shoulders.  When Razor came back in he was laying on his back on his bed, one arm around Amaura and the other hand behind his head, holding the back of his skull with it.  His bone club was thrust under his pillow.


At her question, Lhee turns his head to look at her.  "...Yeah?"  He wasn't sure where she was going with this, and he still wasn't sure what had prompted him to even mention it earlier.  It wasn't exactly a topic he enjoyed talking about, but...  Well, Razor was his first friend.  If she wanted to know something, he felt like he owed it to her to try and answer.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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"You wondered why I wanted to go, and I thought about why I did, but I was just thinking of it as a kind of trip. I hope I didn't make you feel like you need to go back there, since its not a very nice place for memories.. and such." Her voice trailed off. "I'm sorry I brought something like that up. I-I'm just going to go to bed now." Razor quickly covered herself up in a blanket and blushed from embarrassment. I hope I didn't make anything bad, I'm so horrible with hearing problems! I didn't mean to bring it back up, either. I'm just.. Why am I so stupid sometimes?  


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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"That's fine, if you don't want to talk, don't feel pressured to." Rune said, shaking Matthew's hand. He returned to his bed and said "I think I'll probably just laze around for a bit. Synthia might be a bit nervous around you, I'm not sure. She can be a bit jumpy when it comes to meeting new people." He teased.


She rolled her eyes and flashed Mathew a peace sign, "The was soooo Eevee. He's not wearing a lab coat. So, Mathew, I'm Synthia. Pleasure to meet you, and make yourself at home." She was blushing; she did that everytime Rune introduced her as his girlfriend. It made her feel good. (Nanananana, it makes her feel good.)


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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