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Weird things about yourself

Neon Fire

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-I usually feel like cleaning dishes, scrubbing floors, and generally cleaning around 2 AM.

-I'm a sadist but become sad if I hurt somebody's feelings.

-I compulsively spray myself with water and have to have the bottle completely filled at all times.

-I use a hanger as a sensory object and am often wiggling it.

-I chew on everything.

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More weird things about myself!


-Though I'm an adult, and a woman, I have no real desire for a partner or children. They're nice to have in a RP, but reality isn't cracked to what its supposed to be!


- Though I'm an adult,  I still very much enjoy RPing! I hope to continue to do so for the forseeable future!


- I hate, hate, HATE wearing any article of tight clothing! Though I have LOTS of characters who wear tight clothes!


Okay, that's it for now! More later if I'm up to it!

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1. If I find out a random housekeeper's name prepare for some action

2. I bit part of my tongue off because I fell and banged my chin when I was a kid.

3. I broke my arm and it took 5 days to figure out

4. I didn't flinch or cringe when I got mouth surgery (so many needles to put me to sleep)

5. When I'm lonely I act like I actually am talking to someone, nope, (i talk to myself because no one else will)

6. I passed out on second base while playing baseball (4 years ago?!)

7. People DDoS me and my internet goes out more than I do.

Edited by JustAnotherBrony
  • Brohoof 1

I win the contest of worst signature.

Good game, all.

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1- I don't like going out. I just don't like people for some reason. They are always so...negative...and rejective...and they mock other's likes.

2- I love PSX, NES, SNES and PS2 Video-games (mostly retro stuff)

3- I love old music.

4- I prefer staying inside than outside.
5- I started playing videogames when I was 4 years and 3 months (my dad owned a store and he had a PS1 there.)

"Know, that if the tables were turned, I would show you NO mercy!"


My favourite OC: Veigar, The Master of Evil

My other OC/s: Viktor, The Machine Herald

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my list part 3 :D


-I cringe when people say Hair dye instead of hair colour


-I hate it when people screw up my name (they will call me Selene instead of Selina)


-I utterly despise spiders yet snakes don't bother me at all


-I act like a total cat. I swear I got mixed with with a cat somewhere in my genes OO;


-I get very depressed if I'm surounded by too much black, grey, white, and dull colours. I keep my room filled with bright, vibrant colours that perk me up right away.


-I don't drink coffee at all yet I work at a coffee chain


-For some reason or another, I manage to flabberghast men when I tell them I'm a meat and potato kind of girl when it comes to food. Why these men keep thinking I like salad is beyond me.


-According to my dad, my birth triggered a snow storm out of the blue


-You know those new cat ears they have out that move by sensing your brain waves? I have a pair and because I have A.D.D. and my mind is always procesing in the background more then usual, those things twitch like a kid on caffine xD

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I have a couple more:


I pay close attention to others. It's not that I'm trying to be nosy or creepy (even if it can come off that way, which I'm sure it can), I'm just extra observant. Like for example I know everybody's schedule at work, and I know when they take lunch as well. lol.


As I said in my last post, I am habit-forming. Sometimes in the way that when I see somebody I will say the exact same thing, and that can understandably get very annoying to them. Lately I've been catching myself and trying to stop... But it's like programmed in my mind. >.<


Ooh, and an embarrassing one. Even though I'm only in my mid 20s, my hair has started going a little gray. I noticed it around 21 or 22. I think it's due to the great deal of stress that has been put on me since I got out of high school, combined with genetics. I don't think it's too noticeable at this point, but I certainly noticed. And it certainly brought a little breakdown for me, until I noticed it wasn't the end of the world.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I hate being called intelligent, because intelligent people usually lead more stressful lives. No, buck that s***; I'd rather be ignorant and happy.



Must be why Shikamaru is my favorite Naruto character: I can relate. Best female is Hinata, btw.

Edited by Anti-Villain
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One of my 4 bottom teeth grew in slanted.

As did one of mine.


Likewise, my two upper canines grew kinda weird and they look a little like fangs now.




I'm a compulsive creator. I see something mildly interesting and I instantly start thinking of stories for it.


I cannot write without music, and it is especially helpful if the music fits the scene. Sometimes I'll just listen to a song and write whatever it inspires.


Whenever I make a new character, or even just name a random character in a story, they instantly have a past and backstory, even if they die five seconds later.


I'm OCD whenever something isn't lined up. If a chair or table wobbles, I will take the time to make it not wobble. I was in a book club where both the table and my chair were wobbly which made it extremely hard to concentrate, so I spent the next five minutes stuffing napkins under the legs so they sat properly. I also can't stand when a stack of papers isn't lined up evenly, or if pencils and pens aren't lined up. Furthermore, I hate it when I have something that doesn't end in a three or a five if the number is beneath ten, and if it's over ten, I can't stand it if it ends in a 0 or a five (example: 30-35 are fine. 32-37 irritate me for some reason)


I am one of those people who can tell when myself or someone else is off beat, out of tune, flat or anything of that sort when it comes to music or singing and will compulsively correct them, either directly or to my sister - who has often been a victim to this herself. Likewise I can almost predict the beat of the song after listening to the first minute or so. Despite this I have very little musical talent to speak of. Part of the reason being I know when I'm off or mess up and it makes me mad that I messed it up.


I read everything out loud if I am alone. Posts I made or someone else made on a roleplay, stories that I or someone else wrote, or even just random articles online. Likewise I give every character a voice (even females, which is very difficult and kinda annoying since I have a rather bass leaning baritone voice). Same with if I play a video game like Skyrim or Fallout. I will read all of my dialogue choices, and even make random comments to the in game characters.


Though I'm American, I will randomly talk in a full on Scottish accent, or say certain words in the Scottish or British way. Reason being I was in a play where I played a British character, and another where I portrayed a Scottish character. Half the time I don't even realize I'm doing it.


I can make almost every joint in my body - even my neck and back - crack nearly anytime I want. Whenever I kneel my knees will always pop or crack, even if I repeatedly do it in a short span of time. Suspected reason being I had Lymes disease a few years back.


My right eye adjusts to light levels slower than my left, so my right pupil will either be slightly bigger or slightly smaller than my left depending on the circumstances. Reason being I was shot in the eye with a paper wasp(a tightly wadded piece of paper, not the actual insect) when I was around 10 or 11, and the result was a corneal abrasion - which involved my iris bleeding, and I now have a scar inside of my eye.


Simply seeing a picture of a wasp or other such stinging insect is enough to make me shiver and become anxious. 


My eyes are naturally a blue-ish hazel, but they will actually shift between being more blue, gray, green and rarely even orange/amber depending on the color shirt or jacket I am wearing.


I have Dermatographic urticaria

I can also extend my scapula bone far enough away from my back that I can slip my fingers underneath it up to the second joint, and hold them there just with the bone coming back into place.





And there you go. A 3017 character post of weird things/stuff you didn't need to know about the guy behind 00Pony, who is simply procrastinating from doing math.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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When i cry, it tends to turn into a weird explosion of emotion and i cant help but laugh and cry at the same time.

I think... A lot. I play out situations that never happen in my head.

I have some anxiety issues, i have a hard time doing presentations in class.

In normal situations i wont talk to people, even though i have a bajillion things to say, so i tend to vent it out at the internet.

  • Brohoof 1
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I tend to imagine things that happen inside media. And make a real life placeholder for them. Imagination...

In life when you are given gratitude.

Be accepting and thankful of it.

Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others...

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  • 1 year later...

-I'm obsessed with Pokey Means Business-





to the point where I've already repeated it or a remix over 1000 times already this year.


-When I'm into my daydreams, I start pacing around the room and hitting against the walls, for some reason.


-I'd kinda like to get hate mail one day, to make it feel like my self-hatred is justified and to show me that I'm not just overly paranoid about other people hating me too x3


-I'm a nightowl that goes to sleep at 12PM.


-If I have an energy drink, I seem to actually fall asleep faster, though I also wake up earlier. :ooh:


-I can be overly sensitive about some things, and oddly nonchalant for others.


-I used to have an Xbox 360, and the game I played the most on it was Sonic 06, of all things :P


-Most music- even some things that hardly count as music- is pretty enjoyable for me to listen to, aside from some pop music and maybe country music if I hear too much of it.


-I sometimes daydream about being 'used' and maybe abused... :blush:


-When I talk to males, I start feeling more feminine, somehow. When I start talking to females, I start feeling more masculine instead.


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I can be seen as weird for just things I usually do... I will talk to myself a lot... I do it because I like to voice act. :P And it has paid off after it all. I can do random accents and am not bad at beat boxing too. I also can have a weird outlook to things. Or at least the things I think are out of the norm for some... Running out of things to say, so Imma stop now. ^_^

  • Brohoof 1

Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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I often yell at the TV while watching sports


My feet turn outwards really bad


I have a lazy, drifting eye


I apparently have a serious talent for freestyle rapping

  • Brohoof 1


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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I have an on and off personality. What does that mean? Well,it means that I want things,but I also want the opposite.


Example- I want friends,but I don't,as well.

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't really feel all that atracted to women I don't know, (I'm a teen boy, I should be rating chicks)


I have two dads


I have two moms


I have ADhD, (notice it has a lower case h)


I like ponies


I am borderline anti-social


I don't see any value in therapy


My only OC is a pony based off myself I use for self-therapy


I say y'all and other wierd southern things


I constantly wear a nice pair of wireless headphones


I enjoy being educated


I sleep only 6 hours, and I'm good to go


I'm a night person


I'm also a morning person


I have an oddly great voice that people tell me they love to listen to


People mistake me for my father


I have a lot of southern traits like hot-blood and stubborness


I have a favorite alchoholic drink (Again, I'm only 17) (Whisky mixed with coke, or plain)


I have been punishing myself since I was 10 for something I feel like crap for doing


I'm posting my woes and heart aches on a brony site late at night to a bunch of people who can only pretend to care since they don't know me or my problems, and the only way they can make me feel better is to push little plastic keys and send data to a server while posing as a cartoon horse.


I don't have very many friends either, and I have a habit of cutting myself off from people.


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I'm a bit anti-social, though that's because I have a hard time trusting people in general. I may not have many friends, but I'm grateful for what I have. I also tend to stay up very late at night.


I also have a habit of talking to myself sometimes.

  • Brohoof 1

(coming soon)

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