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DryGuy84 (Inactive)

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This thread was inspired by A Talking Dragon's thread "After Fluttershy, rank the mane 6 in terms of kindness" List the members of the Mane 6 from least to most emotionally stable, in your opinion. My list is:


1. Pinkie Pie

2. Fluttershy

3. Rainbow Dash

4. Rarity

5. Twilight Sparkle

6. Applejack


(Note: this is subject to change)

Edited by DryColt84
  • Brohoof 1

"Oh look, there's our friend Rarity GOING DOWN IN FLAMES!!! ISN"T FRIENDSHIP MAGIC!!!?" -Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


"No matter how many times others tell you you're great, all the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside.......Sometimes to feel good about yourself, you gotta let go of the past. That way, when the time comes to let your greatness fly, you'll be able to light up the whole sky." -Cathy Weseluck as Spike 

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  1. Pinkie Pie
  2. Fluttershy
  3. Rarity
  4. Rainbow Dash
  5. Twilight Sparkle
  6. Applejack

Pinkie Pie tends to have severe breakdowns, namely in 'Party of One', then Fluttershy has ones like in 'Hurricane Fluttershy'. Rarity has had more severe breakdowns than Rainbow Dash (Namely in 'Suited For Success' + 'Rarity Takes Manehatten', while Rainbow's main one includes 'Sonic Rainboom'), so I listed her as less stable than Rainbow. Twilight tends to flip but usually contains a stable mind with her worst one being 'Lesson Zero'. Finally Applejack hasn't really "lost it" yet other than overworking herself. 

  • Brohoof 2


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  1. Pinkie Pie
  2. Fluttershy
  3. Rarity
  4. Rainbow Dash
  5. Twilight Sparkle
  6. Applejack

Pinkie Pie tends to have severe breakdowns, namely in 'Party of One', then Fluttershy has ones like in 'Hurricane Fluttershy'. Rarity has had more severe breakdowns than Rainbow Dash (Namely in 'Suited For Success' + 'Rarity Takes Manehatten', while Rainbow's main one includes 'Sonic Rainboom'), so I listed her as less stable than Rainbow. Twilight tends to flip but usually contains a stable mind with her worst one being 'Lesson Zero'. Finally Applejack hasn't really "lost it" yet other than overworking herself. 



I put RD first, because of her confidence issues in 'Sonic Rainboom' and 'Daring Don't', and her fear of being alone, but Rarity is close. I put Rarity lower, because I often perceive her actions as her hamming the situation up to be worse than it actually is (she is a drama queen after all).

"Oh look, there's our friend Rarity GOING DOWN IN FLAMES!!! ISN"T FRIENDSHIP MAGIC!!!?" -Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


"No matter how many times others tell you you're great, all the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside.......Sometimes to feel good about yourself, you gotta let go of the past. That way, when the time comes to let your greatness fly, you'll be able to light up the whole sky." -Cathy Weseluck as Spike 

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This thread was inspired by A Talking Dragon's thread "After Fluttershy, rank the mane 6 in terms of kindness" List the members of the Mane 6 from least to most emotionally stable, in your opinion. My list is:


1. Pinkie Pie

2. Fluttershy

3. Rainbow Dash

4. Rarity

5. Twilight Sparkle

6. Applejack


(Note: this is subject to change)

I've thought about this a lot over the past couple of seasons and I would almost agree with your rankings as they sit but I would change Rarity and Twilight around.


Rarity has fits of crying but not due to anxiety. Twilight pretty much lost it in lesson zero




Pinky Pie


Rainbow Dash




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1) Pinkie Pie

2) Fluttershy

3) Rarity

4) Rainbow Dash

5) Twilight Sparkle

6) Applejack


PSN:   MugetsuKurosaki



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1. Pinkie Pie.


Pinkie Pie is a pony heavily reliant on those around her to push forward. Half of her smiles come from the knowledge that the ponies around her are happy, not out of her own bubbly nature. Shown in Party of One, the loss of a friend is all it takes to absolutely ruin her. She's dependent to the point that she can't really go on at all on her own.


2. Fluttershy


The obvious one. Fluttershy is a pony with the lowest self-esteem out of all the ponies. She has no confidence in her abilities, and takes put-downs quickly and easily, rarely stepping up to defend herself. Yet the difference between her and Pinkie is that through her sadness is that it never bothers her often until she sees herself as a nuisance to someone else. Her goal is to not be in the way. Not to be a waste of space. She calls herself useless, yet her biggest blow is when she feels legitimately useless in actual situations. When she needs to help in some way yet lacks the capability to be of any use. She can deal with her lower points and is more than willing to be pushed aside, but when she's actually a problem to someone, it hurts her. Pinkie's fear is being pushed aside. Fluttershy's is actually being relied on, which does make her a bit stronger due to her circumstances not being broken all too regularly, and thus letting her normally be peaceful.

3. Twilight Sparkle


Unlike the first two ponies mentioned, Twilight's emotional instability doesn't come from sadness, it comes from fear. Twilight is, at heart, a natural perfectionist, due to her desire to appease and satisfy those she looks up to. Deadlines and time limits can drive her insane because she's deathly terrified that she'll be a disappointment. Her fear comes in failure. But she's avid in her studies and her goals, which gives a light to her strength because she CAN hold herself and her goals up. Until she comes anywhere near failure, she's stable, reserved, and focuses on solving the problem. But when it looks like she's about to mess up... hoo boy.


4. Rarity


Rarity's an interesting case. For the most part, she's a proper mix of extroversion and a casual demeanor. Yet, Rarity's happiness relies on acceptance. Her regal nature, her natural beauty, her generosity... she has a subtle desire to be loved and accepted by everypony around her. This is why when she and her abilities are insulted, she doesn't take it very well. It's why it hurts her so much for someone of a high status to talk down to her and her abilities. It's why she goes into a fit of sobbing and shame at such a thing, and becomes a complete drama queen about it. It hurts her reputation, and how other ponies view her. She's different because she's still much calmer than the other ponies, and I'm willing to argue that she hangs on to her sadness more than she actually hurts from it.


5. Rainbow Dash


Unlike all of the other ponies before her, Rainbow's emotional instability manifests itself in her brashness and anger. She's a pony who relies on respect, and she can get really defensive about it. She wants to be a pony other ponies can look up to... that other ponies idolize and care for. She wants to be a role model. When her abilities are called into question, unlike the other ponies, she puts in every bit of effort she has into defending her honor. So when she feels as though she's been beaten, it hurts her unbearably, because someone's getting noticed and doing better than she is, thus meaning they, in her mind, must deserve more respect. It's why she sticks by her friends and is always loyal; because she wants her friends to look up to her, or even look AT her, as somepony worth respecting. And when she messes up, she can become a wreck, yet she's so much less fragile because she can eventually pick herself out of her rut without the problem being fully fixed. She soldiers on even through failure and never gives up on doing what's right, even before the problem is inevitably solved.



6. Applejack


Of all the ponies, AJ's the simplest. She just wants to be a good friend and a good member of the family. And the thing is, she really is. She's strong, hard-working, honest, and faithful. She wants people to count on her, and there's never a time when they don't. She's emotionally sturdy as well as she is strong, and holds herself together well, trying to be a good member of her family. She's mentally secure, and has full conviction in herself and what she does without being a smug jerk about it. She has no mental fears, or shames, or anything of that sort that isn't used for comedic effect. She's stable, secure, and overall emotionally sturdy.



Yup, I just got detailed on a ranking list. You're welcome.

Edited by SomariFeyWright
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1. Pinkie Pie

2. Twilight Sparkle

3. Fluttershy

4. Rainbow Dash

5. Rarity

6. Applejack


I'm noticing a theme here...

Edited by PoisonClaw

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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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Emotionally stable, you say? Well, here's my lineup.


  1. Fluttershy - She is extremely shy and fragile. Often a harmless prank or joke will shatter her feelings, and though she tries to push things off on the outside, on the inside, she's often in tears.
  2. Pinkie Pie - This is because of her hidden Pinkamena Diane Pie side. Pinkie is very hyper and happy-go-lucky, but it is because of this reputation that she often takes some things the wrong way.
  3. Rarity - Obviously, Rarity is the drama queen of the group. She is extremely OCD and when things don't go perfectly or her reputation is smashed down, she's often terribly hurt.
  4. Twilight Sparkle - Twilight tends to act with logic and sense, but is so terribly wrapped up in keeping her "good student" reputation up that when even the smallest thing goes wrong, she goes crazy. We all saw "Lesson Zero" and "It's About Time"...
  5. Rainbow Dash - RD is definitely tough, but can be fazed when she's outdone by somepony else. Sometimes, she even gets stage fright. This is clearly proven in "The Mysterious Mare do Well" and "Sonic Rainboom".
  6. Applejack - Obviously we all agree that AJ is a toughie. It takes a lot to get the stubborn pony to lose confidence, and the most emotion she's ever shown when upset is slight disappointment or anger. AJ is evidently the most emotionally stable pony of the bunch.

So there you have it.

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1) Pinkie Pie.  Her entire emotional state hinges solely on the fact that other ponies like her and her parties.  When she's feeling ignored- total mental breakdown. 


2) Fluttershy.  Meek and easily intimidated; may have some kind of social anxiety disorder.  Very sensitive to things like practical jokes.


3) Twilight- prone to high stress freak outs and OCD worrying (As an OCD sufferer I could relate).  Seems to have worked things out, though, which is why she's not higher on the list.


4) Rainbow Dash- her bravado is a major front for insecurity .


5) Rarity- Surprisngly low; yes  she has her bouts of histrionics, but she seems to shrug it off rather easily.  The one time she didn't it's because she saw her biggest dreams crushed humiliatingly in front of hundreds. 


6) Applejack.  The emotional bedrock of the group.  She really has her shit together.

  • Brohoof 1


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 the most emotion she's ever shown when upset is slight disappointment or anger.

Actually Applejack broke down and cried toward the end of Apple Family Reunion after the barn was destroyed because she wanted everything in the reunion to go perfectly to honor the memory of her parents. That was one of main factors that got me to finally decide on my favorite Applejack episode and made that my favorite episode of the series.



1.  Fluttershy: She is literally afraid of her own shadow, cries at the drop of a hat and has very little self confidence and self esteem.


2. Pinkie Pie: She has some very deep seated insecurities and fear about being rejected that are so serious that it caused her to go further off the deep end than any other pony in the episode Party of One except for maybe Twilight.


3. Twilight Sparkle: She has severe OCD, anxiety issues and a sometimes crippling fear of failure and dissapointing others, especially Celestia which has resulted in some rather interesting freak outs.


4. Rarity and Rainbow Dash: Both are very insecure and often try too hard and care way too much about the approval of others. With Rarity it is a bit more understandable though as her business literally depends on image. Rainbow Dash is often afraid to express her emotions or show her more feminine side in order to maintain her "rep" while Rarity is trying to impress the "important ponies". Their vain and arrogant sides can sometimes make them fail to see the big picture and make things a bit more difficult than they should be.


5. Applejack: Applejack is truly an inspiration, she has gone through so much at such a young age and has come out of it so strong. She has still had her moments as all her friends have but she has kept it together quite well.

  • Brohoof 1
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High emotional sensitivity: Rarity, Fluttershy
Moderate emotional sensitivity: Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie
Low emotional sensitivity: Applejack, Twilight Sparkle

Edited by NomDeSpite

On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said:

This is the internet, not reality.


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  • Pinkie Pie
  • Fluttershy
  • Rarity
  • Rainbow Dash
  • Twilight Sparkle
  • Applejack
Pinkie Pie tends to have severe breakdowns, namely in 'Party of One', then Fluttershy has ones like in 'Hurricane Fluttershy'. Rarity has had more severe breakdowns than Rainbow Dash (Namely in 'Suited For Success' + 'Rarity Takes Manehatten', while Rainbow's main one includes 'Sonic Rainboom'), so I listed her as less stable than Rainbow. Twilight tends to flip but usually contains a stable mind with her worst one being 'Lesson Zero'. Finally Applejack hasn't really "lost it" yet other than overworking herself.

This is completely right! My choices all apply here and all examples are perfect, except Applejack has been really upset sometimes but I agree she hasn't really "lost it".

"One of the greatest mental freedoms is not caring what others think of you."

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  • 1 month later...

1. Fluttershy

2. Pinkie Pie

3. Twilight

4. Rarity :D

5. Rainbow Dash

6. Applejack 


I put Rarity at 4 because, while she's a drama queen (and I love that about her :wub: ) She also usually regains her composure pretty quickly and is one of the most mature in the whole group :D 

I'm surprised to see more people thinking in that sense and not placing her at 1 just because of the drama queen thing :D


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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1. Pinkie Pie


2. Fluttershy


3. Rarity


4. Rainbow Dash


5. Twilight Sparkle


6. Applejack


It just doesn't seem like Applejack feels anything. ^^"


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