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Shadow looked back "Y-yeah..." he said "So many secrets i have, Rain, that i'm really a pony. And now I have a symbiote....." he thought

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*Weiss stopped and looked down at the blade sticking through her chest.* "S-shadow..........." *She then went limp as she passed out.*

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Shadow's symbiote formed a shield behind Weiss stopping the blade. Shadow replied "sure" he said looking back at 24 "You seems to be forcing my hand!" he said his voice morphing into a down right scary one.

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(Guys, were on a roof)


24 took his blade out & picked up weiss.

"Objective is now be extracted"

Kill-O-Watt got a deveious smile on his face a laugh manically.

"Exellent...Exellent...should i send a dropship to your location?" 24 looked at the surrounding enemies & took notice.

"No...enemies are too heavily armed & will destroy the ships." 24 just stood there, waiting for the enemies next move.

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"Look man." he said "I don't know if you feel pain. But you and uh, Robot man are going to be torn apart if she goes with you. Ill make sure of it." he said "And if you think that that bullshit 'wonder armor' can save you Kill, you are in for a surprise." he said.

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Kill-O-Watt got entriged by Shadow`s claim. He got up from his chair & spoke to Shadow in mind.

"A-A-A-A-Are you so sure boy? This is pure t-t-t-t-technology your dealing with here." 24 then carried weiss & jumped across to another rooftop.

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Shadow began to teleport to him whenever he moved "You don't know where i come from, Kill" he said "You don't know where ive been!" he said laughing. "I could plow through that armor if i wanted too!" he said.

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Kill-O-Watt started to walk towards his main machine with the screens giving off the on-going battle. Kill-O-Watt spread his arms apart laughing.

"Boy you don`t know anythig of me either. Just stay out of my way & i`ll make sure you live a happy life."

24 looked hollow at Shadow & then jumped down into the street & pulled out a manhole & jumped in it with Weiss.

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(Wow...i hope you don`t mean my base cause you don`t know where it is)

Soon Kill-O-Watt opened a portal for 24 down in the sewers & 24 went throught it.


(No i was talking about mine, but that might of been cool....)


Shadow saw Fire and Anarchy "Well, they got Weiss..." he said.

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"that maniac ran off with weiss!" "ryan your not in costume!"


ryan threw on a heavy coat, gloves, a fedora, some sunglasses, and a ski mask that has a skull on it, then picked up the 2 uzis still in the car, he then straped on a belt with a sheathed mechete


"im gunblade now"


gunblade jumped out of the car and went in the sewers


doc jumped out of the car "what are you...ugggg, there he goes again"

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"I'm going after them" he said. as he teleported into the sewer and saw Gunblade "Night what up with the outfit...." he said.


(Shadow's symbiote can smell him.)

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before he went in doc warned shadow "dont get too close to him, those uzis have explosive ammo!"


gunblade looked at him "improvised costume, still bullet proof though"

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Shadow shrugged "Meh, not bad" he said. "He seems to want Weiss for some reason, something about tests. He is chasing the wrong person" he said with a laugh.

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Shadow thought "W-wait, this is good...." he thought to Famine. Shadow shrugged "I dunno" he said. "Night hawk! You should turn back now before my wrath is unleashed!" Shadow was giggling.

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Now shadow was laughing "The sad thing is that really was not me talking." he said. "Yeah, you could go ask Plague about what happened."

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