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Shadow's emotions began to return. "Why the F**K did i let him take her!" he yelled as he rammed his head into wall. He got back up bleeding out of his mouth a little and gash in his head.

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Shadow looked at him "Y-yeah....." he said "Lets just find this damn portal and rip this guy to shreds...."

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"Well it seem like we are joining up after all." *A blot of darkness emerged from the wall. It formed features and was revealed to be Bloodeye.* "It hurts my pride to see Weiss captured. I will help you rescue her."

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they finally came upon the portal, "i guess theres only one way find out"


gunblade picked up a rat


"ill throw this rat through, go behind the portal and we will see if the rat passes through or not, or it could explode into meat chunks"

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Shadow grumbled to bloodeye "Great." he said sarcastically. he looked at Night "Alright." he said as he walked to where he needed to be."

Edited by ShadowCloud
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"So g-g-g-glad you can join us. We've been expecting you"


"Thanks for the 'invitation', it was very pleasent." *She said sarcastically.*
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(There was a portal according to Night)


Shadow began to walk around. "I told him i would find him...." he said with a smile. He cloaked himself in shadows.

Edited by ShadowCloud
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