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Ten thought for a few more seconds before realization dawned on his face, "Riza? How did you get here?"

Alten slipped by the pair in the doorway and went to the stove to fix himself a grilled cheese sangwich.

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"There is one problem with that. I almost am unable to eat most types of food. The coffee was an exception. If you are wondering what i eat, Rain knows a little too much about that" he said with a slight laugh.


"Then Ill make you one hell of a cup of coffee." *She said with a smile.* "How does that sound?"


Ten thought for a few more seconds before realization dawned on his face, "Riza? How did you get here?"

Alten slipped by the pair in the doorway and went to the stove to fix himself a grilled cheese sangwich.


*Riza hugged Ten and gave him a kiss.* "A portal like the one that took you appeared. I decided to go through it and try to find you. There is something really important to tell you."
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"um, what is it?" Ten had a feeling he already knew what she was going to say


"Ten, Im pregnant!"


Shadow shrugged "Mmmkay." he said as he began to follow her.


*They got to the diner and Weiss made his coffee.* "Here you go." *She said handing him the mug of coffee.*
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Shadow sipped "That's a find cup a Joe Sasha!" He said with a Laugh




(They made sex.....)


"Thanks Shadow." *She said with a smile.*


(They did. xD)

Edited by Gilda the Griffin
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Alten stared at Ten, "didn't know you had it in ya, Power Ten!" (or it in her. HAYOO)


Ten was suprised, "what?! Are you sure?"


"Im positive." *She said and hugged him.*


Shadow continued to sip on his coffee "So you know Power Ten right?" he asked.


"Not really. I mean, Ive felt his presence before, but I cant recall where."
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"Well his wife is here now..." he said as he took another sip "Seems to be a big group reunion" he said with a laugh.


"Really?" *She said with a laugh.*
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"Seems that way." he said taking another sip.


"So I hear it was you that killed Rocketeer." *She said quiet enought that only Shadow could hear.*
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Shadow looked out the window and into Altens, seeing Rain tackle Riza so happily, it made him angry. He looked at the floor with a sad face "Yeah" he said to Weiss' question.

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"Im positive." *She said and hugged him.*


"that's... Wonderful!" Ten hugged her back.

Just then, Alten passed by, grabbing Ten by the ear Brock-style and pulling him to the training room. "your training schedule just got a lot tighter. You've gotta master hand to hand fighting, as well as learn parkour before your kid takes up all your time."

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(Yeah, I know. But I still call it a tackle hug. Cuz I'm original and awesome XD)


"Yeah, Shadow brought me back." Rain's face sobered up. Then she shook her head and forced a smile again. "How'd you get here?"

Edited by PinkieDaShy
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Shadow looked out the window and into Altens, seeing Rain tackle Riza so happily, it made him angry. He looked at the floor with a sad face "Yeah" he said to Weiss' question.


"I need you to know, Its not your fault Shadow. Your actions werent your own. You are good now, and you can fix your mistakes. I can help you. We can do it together. Because Shadow. I love you." *She told him.*
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"Thanks" he said back, still sad. In the back of his head, his anger was building. "WhY cOuLdEnT i HaVe BeEn GrEeTeD bY mY oLd FrIeNdS LiKe ThAt?!" he thought.

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(Yeah, I know. But I still call it a tackle hug. Cuz I'm original and awesome XD)


"Yeah, Shadow brought me back." Rain's face sobered up. Then she shook her head and forced a smile again. "How'd you get here?"


"This weird portal thing opened up and brought me here. After going through it, I landed at a campsite Shadow had set up. It was similar to the one we used during the legion. He brought me here. Oh, also, Im pregnant! And Ten is the father!"


"Thanks" he said back, still sad. In the back of his head, his anger was building. "WhY cOuLdEnT i HaVe BeEn GrEeTeD bY mY oLd FrIeNdS LiKe ThAt?!" he thought.


*Weiss hugged him.* "No matter what happens Shadow, Im here for you."
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Rain looked shocked for a second. "Wow! Congrats! Little poffins, huh?" she joked. "But seriously, Riza, that's amazing."

She blinked. "So I assume you saw him then..."

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Rain looked shocked for a second. "Wow! Congrats! Little poffins, huh?" she joked. "But seriously, Riza, that's amazing."

She blinked. "So I assume you saw him then..."


"We all really did pick up on Legend's name for them, didn't we? And yeah, I saw him."

(Im naming the true identity of the Shadow pony, Legend.)


"Thanks" shadow said again as he took another sip "WhY dO mY oLd FrIeNdS hAtE mE?!" he thought.


"Shadow.... Is something wrong?" *She asked.*
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