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gaming Your best TF2 loadouts?

The Soldier

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So if you play TF2, you should know you have a loadout in order to be able to use other weapons and items to your benefit (and loss).


So my question is what loadout you have that works for you best. And if you want, give a reason why. I'll give an example.




Baby Face Blaster, Bonk, Sandman


Because I mostly play Capture the Flag (on 2fort), I use the BFB scattergun for that increase of speed and to make a quick trip to get the intel and back. I use the Bonk drink to scan an area with heavy security or to go past a sentry without getting a scratch. My sandman's ball can be quite useful to stun enemies in needing to get past them, either with or without the intel.




[u[Direct Hit, Buff Banner, Disciplinary Action[/u]


This loadout is usually for Control Points. Because I'm only good with Ground shots with the Direct Hit, I don't have to worry about people flying around and trying to get mini crits. I use the Buff Banner sometimes in a heavy-security area or a sentry in order for me and my teammates to live longer and have that time to destroy our obstacles. The disciplinary action just gets you moving faster to the point. :P




Degreaser, Reserve Shooter, Fire Axe-tinguisher


The Degreaser and the Reserve Shooter make a good combo due to its fast weapon switch and its 100% mini crit chance when in the air (the Degreaser for airblast and Reserve Shooter for the mini crit damage). Sometimes, if the enemy is unaware of my presence, I would use the Degreaser to light them on fire and the Fire Axe-Tinguisher for the quick finish-off




Stock Grenade Launcher, Sticky Jumper, Pan


I don't really have any special grenade launchers, so I'm stuck with stock. I would use the sticky jumper to fly across the whole map and use that overpowered pan to kill my enemies with at least 3 hits. :P




Natascha, Sandvich, Holiday Punch


The Natascha is usually for annoying Scouts, the rest is mostly for being Friendly Heavy :umad:




Widow maker, Short Circuit, Gunslinger


The Widowmaker will give you the amount of metal depending on how much damage you did on your enemy when you shoot at them with the Widowmaker (30 metal maximum each shot), this can be good to use if you need to refill for your Mini sentry that you can only build with your Gunslinger. Because you can't repair Mini sentries like you can with regular sentries, the Short Circuit is there only to destroy projectiles like Rockets and Grenades, keeping your Mini sentry more safe from harm (the Short Circuit can't destroy bullets)




Butslaugher (or whatever), Medigun, Ubersaw


The Butslaugher could be used for survival, as you get +3 health after each hit on the enemy with your syringes. The Ubersaw can be used to fill up your undercharge, taking less time for you to use your Medigun on your enemies.




Huntsman, Jarate, Bushwacka


I use the Huntsman mostly for offense (or narrow spaces), the Jarate goes well with the Bushwacka, as Bushwacka will give you a chance for critical hits instead of mini crits (Jarate alone would give them a chance of mini crits)




Enforcer, Cloak and Dagger, Eternal Reward, Stock Sapper


Because the Eternal Reward doesn't allow you to manually change disguise (you can only change disguise when you backstab your enemy), the Enforcer could be useful if your cover is blown undisguised (20% more damage with Enforcer undisguised). And you may need to take your time to backstab your enemies, so you may need the Cloak and Dagger (it charges slowly when not moving while invisible, but charges faster when visible). The Sapper just seems to get the job done faster than the Red Tape Recorder.


If you don't know much of these weapons, either your don't play TF2, you're bad at playing TF2, or you forgot which items are which. Google them if you're curious about the weapons' specialities.

Edited by Psyche Clops
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  • 1 month later...

I only have 3




Liberty lancher




Market gardener


Its perfect for hightower the only map i go on






BONK! Anomic punch







I acutualy like


Grenade launcher


Stickey jumper




For flinging your self at unsuspecting enemies and beheading them screaming over the mic 'OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!!'

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Just came back to this after almost a year of not playing, so I don't had a lot of the newer weapons. Anyway:


Scout: FoN, That pistol that increases jump height, Atomizer

I pretty much only play scout on a few maps that let me take full advantage of crazy mobility. For example, there are ctf maps where a quad jump scout can get the intel and be back in ~10 seconds from the start of the game.


Soldier: Liberty Launcher, Shotgun, Equalizer (the speed one)

Yeah, I'm an LL scrub. Shotgun is a great all around weapon, and the speed equalizer (I don't think it's actually called that after they split the old Equalizer into 2 weapons) is there for quick escapes.


Pyro: degreaser, flaregun, mail box

I'm pretty good with a flare gun. The degreaser is pretty much the best Pyro main weapon, especially with Axetinguisher/mail box.


Heavy: Minigun, Sandvich, Gloves of Running Urgently

I've always liked the Minigun the most out of all his weapons. Sandvich is awesome and GRU is a super useful speedboost.


Engi: shotgun, Lugermorph, robot hand (forgot the name)

Battle engi all the way. Or I throw a mini sentry in some really weird place and totally catch people off guard.


Demo: grenade launcher, sticky launcher, Caber

I like the default weapons a lot. Caber there for emergencies, and because sticky jumping across 2fort to Caber a battlements sniper in the face is funny.


Sniper: Sydney Sleeper, Jarate, Bushwaka

Not consistent enough to headshot, and I don't play much sniper anyway. Basically a trollbuild. If we actually need a sniper, I take the Machina.


Spy: knife, tranger, Sapper, Cloak n Dagger

Another troll build. I'm a pretty bad spy, so I mainly just stand around with CnD and mess with enemy engis instead of trying to actually win.


Medic: medigun, syringe gun, ubersaw

I don't medic very much, but I use the old school best build. Seems to work just fine for me.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Scout: Soda Popper, Winger, Atomizer (Bird Scout)

The magnitude of jumping you can pull off with this loadout would give any physicist a heart attack. Allowing for 6 (I think) jumps with full hype, it gives the user extreme aerial mobility and disorientation abilities.  Not to mention, you can easily come in from areas the enemy won't expect you. 


Soldier: Default Launcher, Shotgun, Equalizer

A boring loadout, but effective nonetheless. Very few gimmicks with it, reliable, and highly damaging.


Pyro: Default Flamethrower, Scorch Shot, Homewrecker (Pybro)

A lot of people assume that Pryo's an offensive class. While he is listed as such, he's also got potent defensive capabilities. This loadout is the most anti-Spy thing I can imagine. Your friendly Engineers will truly thank you for this. It works on offense too, just not as much focus on the melee. 


Demo: Bootlegger, Splendid Screen, Pain Train

"Gonna take down to the Pain Train Station in Train Town!"

     ~Tavish DeGroot, 1968


Heavy: Huo-Long Heater, Family Business, Eviction Notice

Heater's area-of-effect thing is something I like. Damages enemies close to you, reveals Spies, and continues to cause damage. To offset the increased ammo cost of the Heater, I carry around a shotgun so I have something to defend myself with. And brass knuckles because lolz.  :lol:


Engi: Rescue Ranger, Pistol, Jag

Overall, I find this to be best for building things and keeping them up. It really sacrifices your own damage potential, but your sentry should be doing most of the work anyway.  ;)


Medic: Crossbow, Medi Gun, Solemn Vow

With 2/3 of my weapons capable of healing, it seems like the most "Medicy" loadout. Sacrifices the spray-and-pray from using the Syringe Gun, but the Crossbow is vastly more potent if used right. And statue, again because lolz.  :lol:


Snoipah: Sydney Sleeper, Jarate, Bushwacka

ALL OF THE CRIT BOOSTS!  :angry: But in all seriousness, I find the Sleeper to be a surprisingly good gun. Sacrifices headshots, but a Jarated opponent is basically dead anyway, so that's not much of a downside. Jarate to maximize the previously mentioned effect. And Bushwacka for Jarate-based insta-death for anything that messes with me up-close.


Spy: Enforcer, Sapper, Invis Watch, Spy-cicle

I don't always Spy, but when I do, it's because an Engi's made me mad. I'm the kind of Spy that spams Sappers until they work, then escape so I can do the same again. I've got my gun for trouble along the way, and the ice for tricking Pyros that may be looking for me.


I wouldn't say I'm a pro at TF2. I mostly just play to have fun. And for me, these loadouts allow me to do that to my fullest.  :)


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I haven't played Team Fortress before, however from the looks of it, I would most likely aim for the Sniper Huntsman and Spy Enforcer (that's because you are invisible and I loved being cloaked B) )

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Rocket Launcher
Buff Banner
Disciplinary Action


Grenade Launcher
Sticky Bomb Launcher


Invisi Watch 

Edited by Captain Variance
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I usually play Pyro. My favorite loadout for him is


  • The Backburner. It's so fun to sneak behind enemy lines and get tons of kills.
  • Flare gun. Now I can set people on fire from a decent distance.
  • Axetinguisher. If I set somebody on fire up close, this helps kill them quickly.
  • Pyrovision goggles. Pyrovision is pretty awesome.
  • Top hat (I forget the name). It's a pretty sweet hat.

I don't know the entire loadouts for other classes of mine. I do know that I enjoy using some of the following items for certain classes.

  • Sydney Sleeper (sniper)  If you're a beginner sniper like me, then this gun is freaking awesome. I usually use it defensively. It hasn't failed me yet.
  • Ullapool caber (demoman) Playing as a demoknight with this is just way too much fun.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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My preferred class is Scout, but here's my loadouts for every class:


1.Force-A-Nature. I like the Knockback and the fast firing it has.

2.Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol. The added health and no fall damage is nice. I don't prefer a specific pistol honestly, I just like the extra health

3.Sandman. The stun is useful



1.Stock Rocket Launcher if I'm in an open map for RJing. Direct Hit in closed in maps for added damage and faster firing

2.Buff banner for the crits, or Gunboats for RJing

3.I don't really prefer any specific Melee. Maybe the equalizer



1.Stock flamethrower

2.Flare gun

3.Axtinguisher for crits to burning players



1.Loch n load

2.Scottish resistance(or sticky jumper for getting behind enemy lines in large open maps like upward)

3.Persian persauder or Scottish handshake



1.Stock minigun


3.Frying pan.



1.Pomson 6000





1.Crusader's crossbow. (Heals friendly targets and pretty good against enemies


3.Ubersaw for the added uber







Spy(still trying to get better at this class:/)


2.Your Eternal reward(Or stock sometimes.)

3.Dead ringer.(Or stock watch sometimes)

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I've only played this one parody of tf2 which is nothing like the original. But I would play if my computer worked

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it save equistria with its five candy coloured friends and shoot rainbows at bad guys using their necklaces and tiara unless you're celestia
Also if your not familiar with the count to one million post then check out our welcoming cheer!
Just scroll to the bottom and it'll be there

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  • 2 weeks later...


Stock scattergun: It's the most reliable. You can get good amounts of damage done if your aim is as reliable as the weapon in an incredibly short period of time. You can pretty mich always stay in battle with it.

Stock pisol/babyface blaster: depending on your aim, I'd go for either of these two. If your aim isn't as good, you can take the blaster which will give you more time in between the shots to aim.

Boston basher/atomizer: mobility. Theres a trick with the basher that allows you to jump way higher than with the atomizer, but it requires practice and health... If you have a med on your team take the basher. You can use it to build uber.



Stock rocketlauncher: no fancy shit, just classic and reliable (though I like the original a lot :3)

Shotgun+equalizer/gunboats+market gardener: skill required for shotgun and market gardener differences greatly, but if you can market garden consistently, don't hold back!



Sniper rifle/piss/wacka... no exceptions...


My 3 fav classes...

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Bat - nothing beats the annoying sound of the bat

You have obviously not played enough tf2. The pan dude... THE FRYING PAN! It cut's your ear open! :c

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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