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(i just realised who i was roleplaying with...)


Actually Moonlight wasn't even pinned to the ground she just flinched and she was stil standing with Starshine on her back "ugh dumb pegasi just stupid" she grabbed her with her magic then threw her over her head.


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StarShine spread her wings as she was thrown. Wind catching them. She dove into the alicorn and did a back flip in mid air. She kicked her face twice and landed (Spider-Man style)


(She's very good while flying. She trained in flight almost her whole life. So try not to use flying much or she WILL destroy you)

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"That is if you want," Gentle Secret spoke, her magic carrying the letter now. She waited for the stallion's answer, a bit impatient, she needed to move fast, she had to complete this mission. Maybe that stallion far off might help, or that Alicorn. She go felt desperation growing.


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"Ah, excuse me for intruding, but can you help me with a very important mission?" Gentle Secret asked as she pulled out a formal paper with her mouth. The contents read,

In The Year of The City-States xxxx,

The City-State of Hope formally requests that you must help us with a important mission that will determine the fate of this side of the wasteland. As you may or may not have noticed, food supplies are running short with signs of cannablism appearing, and as such, we request that you help Gentle Secret with a mission that will have you travel to the far lands of the East to an isolated City-State called Californeighia.

Night Comb nodded. 'Well, you saved my life. Joining the mission is the least i could do to repay you.' He said with a sigh. 'Somfill me in why Californeighia? And why me?' He asked curiously. Why was this mare prying? He slightly trusted her, but he was still skeptical about her.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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StarShine spread her wings as she was thrown. Wind catching them. She dove into the alicorn and did a back flip in mid air. She kicked her face twice and landed (Spider-Man style)


(She's very good while flying. She trained in flight almost her whole life. So try not to use flying much or she WILL destroy you)


Moonlight just had a annoyed expression she took out two revolvers and fired them at Starshines wings 2 bullets hitted on each of the wings now she neither had god aiming or SATS to actually hit her she didn't have a pipbuck though "buck off you dumb pegasus".


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15 mins ran by as Her and felon split ways. That was weird but for some reason she felt sad. She felt lonely in this world. and she though he felt the same as she walked to the allyway were comation was coming from. And she thought not best if she went in there. She walked away surprised as she spoting a weird lookin pony wearing a gas mask.

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StarShine felt the bullets whiz by her wings. It ripped off a few feathers. Blood flew into the alicorns eyes and she kicked her agenst the wall. She heard a crack and her muzzle hit the wall. She guessed the bones were misplaced now. She kicked her back and ripped out some feathers. Blood oozed out of her wound. She held a Walter PPK to the mares head and said "This is a gun were your stupid magic won't effect! Now give up!" She clicked the trigger and a bullet loaded into the chamber. She flicked it off of safety.


(It's two total bad ass's faceing off! :P)

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"Why?" Gentle Secret replied, "First, I need ponies to help me, and you seem like a good trustworthy one. And we need more, then, we need to Californeighia because of food issues. Have you not noticed that prices have skyrocketed through the months and weeks?" It was true from where she was, the city-states were fairing better, due to fertile lands, but the food issue is even encroaching on the city-states and the wasteland itself.  


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Moonlight groaned then stood up she then glared at Starshine we her glowing red cybernetic dragon eyes before turning away and putting something in her mouth she then sighed some pony wasn't going to like whats going to happen to their wings in the near future. 

Edited by moonlight7starshine


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(-Grabs Arin from game grumps- WHOOOOOOOOA! WHOOOOOA! WHOOOOOA WHOA! What was that jumbled mess? I'm not trying to be mean but I could not make out a lot of that post! I only got that's he flew up. And she didn't shot her. She just held a gun to her head! Now I don't want to start arguing! :c)



(Ok now that's better! Thank you! And please don't like go all Discord on Rainbow Dash in Hotdiggitydemons PONY.MOV please... You can hurt her wings like sprain them just not rip them off. Or rip off a large chunk of the feathers cause they won't grow back. Feathers don't grow back.)


StarShine flew up higher than the alicorn and started circling. Waiting for the next move.

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Moonlight growled ignoring Starshine above her she had enough of this retarted pegasus if she had a chance she would rip out her wings for now that wont be possible she then flew out of the alley she then muttered something that starshine could not hear.


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While waiting for a response from the stallion in front of her, she was already planning to find other ponies. Gentle Secret needed a lot of ponies for her mission. Call it cliche or whatever, but her city-state had entrusted her with this, and she isn't going to quit till it is accomplished.

(Game Master here stepping in. The fight between Starshine and Moonlight did not happen okay? Sorry. I understand having fun and explosions, but that made no sense, whatsoever.)


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((OOC: Sorry for taking so long to join in, I've just been busy today. I live in Australia, so don't worry))

Gareth was flying over some of the trading towns, looking for a safe place to rest. After all, you can't really trust anywhere in these times. Noticing all the bodies laying around, Gareth swooped down and landed next to a group of survivors. "Well, hello there. My name is Gareth Barskovska and I was just doing a fly-over and couldn't help but notice all the bodies lying around. Could someone tell me what happened here?"

I ' M   S O R T   O F   B A C K

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Moonlight flew towards gareth her red cybernetic dragons eye emiting a dime glow "butch of bandits attacked their just some minor annoyance if you ask me " she said in a very annoyed tone.


(for those who don't know moonlight is an alicorn with a purple coat and bat wings with a red mane with cyan stripes).


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Gareth looked surprised at the group. All of these ponies... against all of THOSE bandits? How did they even? "Well, I hope you are all OK now, you probably wouldn't want to have to waste any more ammo like that." Gareth took his falcata off of his hip. "If anyone would like, I could teach them to save ammo AND not get hurt in the process." Gareth took his trusty hip-flask and took a swig. "Dammit, it's almost dry."

I ' M   S O R T   O F   B A C K

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Moonlight rolled her cybernetic eyes "pfft i'm morning professional that you ponies seriously telling the bandits to never kill innocent ponies anymore and bucking expect they wont? butch of retards soo painful to watch retards like these ponies" she said in a disgusted tone.


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Starshine flew to Night Comb. She sighed "Sorry.. I got attacked by a million bandits.." Blood trickled down her leg as she had a small cut on her shoulder. She winced as she walked on it so she hovered above him. SHe saw the other mare and piped up "Whos this?" :comeatus:

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While waiting for a response from the stallion in front of her, she was already planning to find other ponies. Gentle Secret needed a lot of ponies for her mission. Call it cliche or whatever, but her city-state had entrusted her with this, and she isn't going to quit till it is accomplished.

(Game Master here stepping in. The fight between Starshine and Moonlight did not happen okay? Sorry. I understand having fun and explosions, but that made no sense, whatsoever.)

Night Comb nodded.


He looked up at Starshine. 'Shes a mare that helped me not die.' He said sarcastically before turning back to her.

'Yeah, I noticed.' He replied. It was true. Food prices had gone up to tremendous amounts, and all attempts so far to grow more or find more had failed. Well, not all. Most. He sighed. 'So when do we begin? I don't suppose very soon, since we need other ponies, but...'

Edited by Delernil

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Starshine Jumped infront of them. She folded up her wings and stopped the dead in their tracks. she said "WHOA! Your going on an adventure? Count me IN!" She said happily. She smiled widely hopeing to get a yes. She fixed her glasses as she waited for an as she waited for an answer.

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Gentle Secret felt relief flow in as the stallion comfirmed that he will join in on this adventure. That was always good. Before she could even say snything, the mare that had arrived exploded after that. It seems like finding more ponies to join in won't be that hard. An energetic pony could be useful, "Sure, you can join in on this mission."

Maybe accepting ponies that quickly wasn't a good idea, it will increase the chance of success. Then she spoke, "So do you two know any other ponies that would help on this mission?"


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StarShine said "I dunno know about Berry Blue.. She's run off with a bandit that she Magicly fell in love with.." She made a deadpan face. She dropped the the ground. She walked beside them.


(Maybe have ocean join them? :3 I want to have one of those storylines were she's trying to change him cause he's a bad guy. So please don't make him a softy right off the bat? Make him so over time I will change him!)

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Night Comb stayed silent as the discussed it. It wasn't his business to plan it, he was simply tagging along. He realized he never did get the mares name. He didn't like taking names for fear of being tracked down, but this was going to be a long journey. Might as well.


'Whats your name?' He asked,, looking to his companion for now.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Blue sighed as she was just a few feet behind him walking ''what the hay you guys thinking, im right here ya know!'' she looked at them mad after hearing starshines words. ''i swear if i dies nopony would mind or it looks like ever know!'' she says facehoofing.

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StarShine retorted "Ya'll the one tickling a bandit than falling in love in the matter of seconds!" She turned to Blue and growled. Her country accent returning. "Y'all more wishy washy than an Ocean shore!"


(Remember that rarity and sweetie belle arguing scene? That's what it looks like!)

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''About you shut yur mouth'' she said growling. ''its called i had a few drinks with ma self erler today ... '' she says proving herself not to be in love. She just couldent control herself thats all. But still that stallion was HOT and you couldent find those these days. She thought.

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