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Moonlight rolled her eyes "i can talk whenever i want 'sir' injured or not plus i'm pretty sure you know i'm not from here i'l be fine just give me time to heal thats all " she said simply "well having a weak heart is uncomfortable breathing wise but it will be gone after a while". 

Draco sighed "Tough front for a lass with a weak heart," Draco said and then looked to the others "Is she always so angry?" Draco asked as he looked at the others with a tilt of his head to signify his confusion. "Right anyhow I think we should get her to the hospital,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Not exactly plus like i said i'd heal on my own plus hospitals can't treat cybernetic hearts even if they could i wont feel comfortable other ponies treating my injuries " she sighed "electricity seriously fuck it didn't expect it to fuck up my cybernetic heart".


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"Not exactly plus like i said i'd heal on my own plus hospitals can't treat cybernetic hearts even if they could i wont feel comfortable other ponies treating my injuries " she sighed "electricity seriously fuck it didn't expect it to fuck up my cybernetic heart".

"Sounds like you need to get laid," Draco said with a chuckle "I know this little corner club that will help you with that little problem," Draco said with a slight chuckle. "Or rather it's a sex club. Various units of the military goes there to unwind. But I go there to help the ladies out with the more troublesome customers,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"no  i dont want to get laid ugh " she then took a deep breathe "well if my heart doesn;t heal it self somehow then thats gonna be shitty really shitty" she said pretty annoyed about since it might affect her performance on the battlefield which she will not like.


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The only reason she was asleep was because of hazmat. She woke up seconds after he left and standed up stretching and looking all the new ponies and sighed as looked at them annoyed. She was truly sick of the new comers. She swore this group she was in was crap as they let strangers in left and right. She saw the alicorn and cursed under her breath. She sighed and went to a corner where no pony would walk over her and curled up with a bottle of whisky she took out of her bag. She sat there drinking it waiting for something to happen.

Edited by IIFlyingGraceII

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Starfire heard Heart say smething. she shot up and readyed for attack. Sudden green beams shot from her eyes and hooves. She screamed and was sent flying back into Heart. She moaned in pain.


(Are we gonna get anywere with the Love triangle? :3 If were doing it..)



(Um Hellllllllllooooo? AAnyone even here? ive never really seen this rp so empty. Im sorry if this counts as fully none rp so here)


Starfire screamed in pain as she landed.Green Lasers had just shot out of her hooves and eyes. She landed on Heath heart.

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Hearth Heart waited for the stallion's response, but she wasn't expecting to be so suddenly knocked around by Starfire. Feeling the blanket taking as much as it could, Hearth Heart slid back, along with the blanket.

"Owwww," that was all she could say as her mind tried to process what happened.


(Green lasers? The hell?

Also sure. But it might turn into a square.)

Edited by Demirari


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(? weres the 4th person? The griffon? And sorry shes having a magical surge. She has control magic even if shes a pegasus. All she can do is shoot lasers.And if she shoots to many she will get tired. She can shoot like 10 and thats it.)


Starfire laid their. Her head was spinning. She was so dizzy and in pain.


(Maybe bring in Ocean? You could either make him help Star or make him help Heart. WHich will make me laugh)

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Hazmat already thought this pony was cute, but different. She looked almost innocent. "Hallo, under wie geht es-erm... under how are you?" He asks as he keeps forgetting that not ALL ponies speak germane. He checks her out a bit: yellow mane and tail, pink fur with white hooves? She has cute colors. It almost reminded him of pink lemonade.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Not feeling so well," Hearth Heart replied, still dizzy and bruised by the sudden impact. She moved around a bit, or tried to at least, but the blanket held firm. After a while, she stopped moving around. Then she spoke, "Can you rub my forehead? It hurts." She said that innocently as possible can be from a pony.


Solitude Ocean walked to where Hearth Heart, Starfire, and finally Hazmat was at. He wondered what was with the lasers and Starfire slamming into Hearth Heart.


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Starfire Was in to much shock. All she could say was "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She got up and started running around. Tears in her eyes cause she just fired lasers out of them. She finally stopped. "IS this what my dad warned me abut? Some strange power being inside my family? Is that why we are royalty? Well he did start that kingdom but still.." She just stood their debating in front of hazmat and Ocean.

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"Uhm... j-ja..." Hazmat softly stutters as he uses his hoof (and not his wing because vanadium might creep her out) and rubs softly on her forehead. "Vhere does it hurt exactly?" He asks so that way he can give her best massage he can offer. He thought this made was really cute.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Solitude Ocean wasn't sure how to respond to what seemed like Starfire going… well… complete bat-crack insane. Taking a few steps forward, Solitude Ocean asked, placing a hoof on Starfire's shoulder, "What is wrong?" Maybe not the best wording, but, hopefully it'll get his question across.


"It is a bit more up," Hearth Heart responded, enjoying the message. She leaned her head a bit forward. She had her eyes closed, much like a dog enjoying a scratch or petting from its master.


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Blue chugs the rest of the whisky and gets up plain drunk. She thinks about the new ponies and the love birds over there. ''GOSH AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO DOESNT WANNA HAVE SEX! I SWEAR ALL PONIES WANNA DO WHEN THE WORLD ENDS IS WANNA HAVE SEX!'' she yells to everyone. She bucks a tree and a cherry fell into her hoof as she ate it mubbling. She was always looking for a fight when she was drunk.

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Night Comb woke up at the yelling.


'What the buck?! Why did you ponies...?!' He said agitated as he slipped his damp bag on and rushed over to Starshine.


'Starshine, what's go you going crazy this time?!' He yelled with anger. Why couldn't these ponies ever be calm for once?

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Starfire said "Its just that I shot lasers out of my hooves and eyes.. It was scary.." SHe then made a shocked face t hear Blue say that. She whipped around and screamed "YOU UNWRTHY WHORE! HW DARE YOU SAY THAT! I WLL SHOW THY WHAT A TRUE WOMEN DOES NOT SPEW!" She then flew up in the air and blinked. She screamed as a laser shot out of her eye. She singed off Blues hair so it was now shrt. About chin level. She jumped on blue and said "Im so sorry.." But then kicked her as she retaliated back. She said "Thy is drunk isnt she?"


(I knew she would retaliate cause shes drunk. And Starfire is very women like. But when shes mad she goes flying off the handel! >.<)

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'Holy mother of...you know what? Buck it! I'm sick and tired of this shit! We have two emotional drunkards, a hazmat distant one, and where did that bat one go?!' Night Comb yelled with no remorse. These ponies were driving him crazy.


'Im not even going to try. We're all going to get killed anyway...' He mumbled as he got out if the way and sat down on the ground

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Hazmat rubs a bit higher. He was curious about what happened to her and so he had to ask. "Vhat happened to you?" He asks in his deep Germane accent, trying to ignore Blues rant on pony logic. She sounded drunk by how she slurs her words. She better not be an alcoholic.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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(Shes just gained powers that her family line has always had. Shes not bats**t crazy. or Drunk. She just did something and shes scared. And she hasn't had sleep in 2 days. So lets all just see my kingdom and go inside and then return to normal? Cause im sick of this crazy drunk crap to. And I have to do an action so here. Unless someone replies before I do. Also Der her name is Starfire. She faked her name)


Starfire panted.

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Blue growled. as she got up. She picked up the whisky bottle and walked over to her facing her. ''Im sorry ok... but its just im sick of couples'' she said saying the truth. ''And  i need to tell you somethung deary''. ''Can you keep a secert?'' she says with a sly smile as she wanted to share her word.

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Night Comb rummaged through his pack. It was empty. What he wouldn't give for the cider his family used to make...


Sighing, he looked around. Starshine seemed to be...calm? As calm as he had seen her in a long time. He looked over to Blue.


'Any more things you two want to kill?'

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Starfire felt sick as she scented her breath. Starfire replied slowly "Don't you love Hazmat.." She whispered under her breath. She could barely hear it. Starfire then replied "Whats the secret? Thy would love to hear it!" She put on a fake smile. Wanting to please the drunk Pony. But she readied her hoof lasers. Incase she attacked.


(DOnt say you heard the Hazmat thing and don't say you see the lasers. Cause their invisible until she realeses them.)

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Short circuit woke up from his sudden sleep. He didn't appreciate the yelling about the sex drive. He then spoke...or yelled "IT'S A GREAT STRESS RELIEVER" he joked, well half joked. He was getting tired of all the craziness, it was nonstop and quite annoying.


(It's like drama club....without the acting....just a lot of drama.....ALOT)

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Blue chucked. She went up to her ear slowly wispearing. ''Shhhhhhhh '' she said as she raised her hoof in the air as she was sidetracked and stepped back hitting her so hard in the head with the whisky bottle it broke all over the ponies face. She quickly steped away and went behidn the pony as she was confused and did not know she was behind her now.

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Starfire's eyes turned bright green. She screamed "HOW DARE YOU HIT ME!?!? YOU UNWORTHY WHORE!" She shot a laser right at Blues face. Green steam rolled from her eyes in waves. She dove down blood and glass flying from her face. She kicked Blue's face and spat in her eye. She then collapsed as she had used a lot of energy. But then she felt something rumble below her. She looked down to see doors rising beside her. She gasped "Falidor?" As she recognized the giant golden doors.

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