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gaming Game franchises that need to come back


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There's a thread for franchises that need to die and that's great and all...But what about ones that already died and need a revival?


Personally, I want Rampage back. That old game with the roid-raging monsters that looks like absolute d### nowadays so I can't really enjoy it anymore (yeah yeah, graphics aren't that important, but there's a limit!). :lol: Take that concept, stick it in a next-gen 3D open world. Just good arcadey carnage all around. Add any goofy excuse plot you like, as long as there's a giant gorilla and dinosaurs.


Chrono Trigger...Well, it got a sequel, I guess. Like, back in the stone age. The company that made 15 Final Fantasies and how many Dragon Quests, and CT got one sequel. Injustice! Even if there's no material for a legit continuation of events, they could still do something with the general concepts of the game, what with the time travel and all that. There's room for *more here. (*Inb4 people start moaning about ruining classic games: Chrono Trigger is its own game and stands on its own merits. It cannot be ruined by some other game's mere existence and that very notion - probably exclusively used by people desperate to complain about anything at all - is and has always been utterly ridiculous. Might as well complain that the existence of Phantom Menace somehow turned the original trilogy into a cesspool made of vomit. Or that Bagel Bites ruined pizza.)


And dear gods, if the universe could quit royally shafting the Legacy of Kain series, that'd sure be swell. Clusterf### of a history aside, there was a cancelled sequel in '03, its biggest influence bailed for Naughty Dog (my contempt for them over this remains at odds with my enjoyment of their products), another scrapped sequel in 2012 (which had a ridiculous amount of work already put into it, making the cancellation suck all the more)...And now, instead of what would've been a great addition to the series despite not being the proper ending promised by the last game's cliffhanger...We got *an F2P multiplayer arena. What the f###? Go back to screwing Megaman, universe, and leave my favorites alone. :(

(*Okay, I play the game most days. It's quite fun and I suggest people try it but it's not a real continuation! D<)


Evil Genius wasn't a franchise. It was just a single game released to not a great deal of fanfare. But it was a great title (then again, I love playing the villain - and the campy Bond movie tone of it all was just wonderful) and it really does deserve a sequel. On a similar note, a real sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines would be great. The game was allegedly buggy as could be but I never had issues. It had a great modding community and the game was just really fun besides. Ya got your vampires, your various awesome supernatural powers, your RPG elements, your dialogue trees...Good stuff. There just aren't enough good vampire games. And more to the point, there just aren't enough games where I can have a legit two-sided conversation with a stop sign and/or convince my former friends that I am a turtle, all while dressed up like the Cat in the Hat in a fur pimp coat wielding a fire axe.


And wherever Darksiders went after THQ imploded, it needs to come back too. I hear conflicting reports of its status, I assume it's in limbo.


Not quite a dead franchise so much as never-was-a-franchise and probably recent enough to be cheating by listing it here but: Catherine needs a spiritual successor at the least. Aside from being an awesome game, it's the first platformer I've played in a while that made the genre seem both capable of innovation and relevant as more than just a vehicle for retro nostalgia.


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Banjo Kazooie, but not that horrible abomination that Microsoft produced in 2008. Also, why is Banjo Kazooie 15$ on Xbox arcade? In order to complete the game 100%, you need to buy Tooie (another 15$) and aforementioned abomination for another 15. 45$ to complete a 16 year old game? Something isn't right here.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Rampage tried to have a reboot IIRC and it flopped :(





Starfox.. loved the originals, but its style just doesn't hold up in todays world of gaming.. starfox assault just showed that too well :(



anywho moving along...



The Zork games were always good for an adventure and a laugh, would love to see them return.

The TRUE Rainbow Six and Ghost Recons should come home. The abominations they are now is just saddening..  :blush:


I'd also love to see any GOOD series of adventure games brought back. One that used cartoony gfx instead of stiffly animated shoddy 3D ones (ala tell tale games.. so much awesome turned into so much sh*&).. adventure games in 3D just isn't as much fun, nor as nice to look at.

To boot the 3D doesn't go well with the style of humor that once was.. that or the newer writers are just that bad...


Classic style Mechwarrior would be nice, but that license is so far all over the place and ruined its not likely to happen.. I say REBOOT the series though, not just another new game. the Clans were a far more interesting enemy than the internal politics of the inner sphere.


the Jedi Knight games. But branch off, lose Kyle finally, and go MotS. Granted Mara is probably out of reach, but theres so many others that can be used instead! Sadly, when they started going kid friendly, the SW games just faded :(


I'd also love to see a reboot of Wing Commander, but given Chris Roberts dedication to butchering it, and EA's control of the licenses.. I don't see it happening :(

By Chris Roberts butchering though I mean the overhauled designs (for everything, ships, uniforms, characters, species...) used in the movie.. yeah.. he did that...

On the plus his new game isn't looking bad. And since its a new start and not something to rip apart, it also looks promising.


Classic Kilrathi characters/ships > movie versions

Not to mention, what moron would design a ship working in a gravity free, all axis avail on the 3D plane, that couldn't shoot anywhere but broadside?!

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I've only just decided that I'm going to buy the reboot game from the series "Thief" (of the same name). I never played any of the other games except for a demo, but the new one really looks like a refined piece of art. 

  • Perfect Dark on Nintendo 64 got a reboot launch title for the Xbox 360 but ma it sucked. The original was way ahead of it's time. 
  • The original Far Cry that was on Pc and Xbox. Not like 2 & 3 (even though I'd consider three to be one of the best games ever developed) but where you get stranded on an island, tested on as a science experiment and evolve powers from the injections. 
  • Sudeki I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the world who still remembers this game but it was one of the most enjoyable RPG games I played. Pretty sure it didn't sell very well at all though so this is just a personal dream haha. I'd even settle for a HD remake.
  • Aero Gauge Sentimental nintendo 64 racing game I loved as a kid

that's all I can think of for the mean time. 

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Rampage tried to have a reboot IIRC and it flopped :(





Starfox.. loved the originals, but its style just doesn't hold up in todays world of gaming.. starfox assault just showed that too well :(



There's enough demand to warrant a new game and if anything, a refined Assault style is exactly what the franchise needs(Though it needs some polishing)

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And dear gods, if the universe could quit royally shafting the Legacy of Kain series, that'd sure be swell.


And wherever Darksiders went after THQ imploded, it needs to come back too. I hear conflicting reports of its status, I assume it's in limbo.

I agree so much. Legacy of Kain has one of the most interesting lores i've ever seen in video games. And Darksiders... They're just very solid games, and it would be a shame they discontinued them completely.


I would like to see some more metroidvania type Castlevanias. Lords of Shadow are just not the same...

I'd also like to see a proper remake of Blood. That game has a lot of potential, too bad nobody seems to notice it...

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Fromerly The Dork Lord

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There's enough demand to warrant a new game and if anything, a refined Assault style is exactly what the franchise needs(Though it needs some polishing)


I somehow don't see this.. the shadows of lylat game went down due to lack of interest (assets are out.. is no one picking up the ball?!), and after the failure of Assault and the DS games, I doubt whatever publisher holds the license these days sees it either.


If the interest were truly high, Shadows of Lylat should be revived and giving the license holders a reason to go back at it by show of force.. but with its downfall and lack of continuation by anyone (that I've found)... its not likely to happen anytime soon. Not without a total reboot at best.

Saying theres enough interest to get it going again is questionable, even Quest for Glory has shown more interest to bring it back, right down to having had 2 free FULL games made for the series. 

One of them a TOTAL remake of the original QFG2 game, and one a filler/parody game.

Or wing commander.. numerous full, standalone, free games have been released over the past 5 years alone, and EA won't even look at it cross eyed.

Some of these have even been fully voiced, and all of them have their own stories.

And the original games topped the sales charts on GoG for some time to boot!


dont get me wrong. I LOVE starfox and would LOVE to see it brought back! (though I prefered Krystals french accent over the british one :P ) but I just don't see it happening :(

Not without a complete overhaul on story, characters, and design.. and that would likely end up wreaking havoc on the characters.

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Wild Arms, Headhunter and Brutal Legend are probably tops in my list.


We haven't had a Wild Arms game since XF back in 2008. I haven't played 5 yet but this franchise is one I'll never understand why it was so overshadowed by some other ones. If nothing else it always had solid gameplay but it's story and settings....so much awesome. Who WOULDN'T love an RPG series with wild west influences and settings and usually some sci-fi too? :(


Except 4. 4's story would have been so much better if they hadn't shoved the "adults vs children" shit down the audience's throat in literally every conversation ever. The general story was pretty good and the music and setting still held up like the rest of the series but the dialog...ohgodsomuchhurt.


And of course there was going to be a Brutal Legend 2 but it ultimately failed before it began. There was even a major cliffhanger at the end and I really want to see more Eddy Riggs and metal-inspired worlds.


There's also Headhunter which we haven't seen since Headhunter Redemption in 2004. Granted Redemption was kind of a shadow of the first game but I really think the series could still do a LOT of good, especially if a new game took after the first Headhunter more or improved on everything both games had to offer. Headhunter is without a doubt my favorite PS2 game ever.

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Personally i would like another Crash Bandicoot game, as long as it's an actual platformer and not some crappy beat em up. Hell, Radical had a pretty promising looking Reboot in Crash Landed but they had to can it which is a damn shame.


Also it would be nice if Banjo-Kazooie, Mother, Timesplitters and Croc could come back as well.

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I agree so much. Legacy of Kain has one of the most interesting lores i've ever seen in video games. And Darksiders... They're just very solid games, and it would be a shame they discontinued them completely.


I would like to see some more metroidvania type Castlevanias. Lords of Shadow are just not the same...

I'd also like to see a proper remake of Blood. That game has a lot of potential, too bad nobody seems to notice it...

True that. Even Nosgoth (the aforementioned F2P affair) comes with a surprisingly well-constructed lore/backstory despite only needing it to justify the arena combat. Given the attention to lore and the presence of (possibly - they give vague answers when questioned) Square Enix employees in some matches presumably for feedback, I'm hoping against hope (and remembering, bitterly, the last line of dialogue in the last game) that it convinces them to finally give the series the renewed attention it deserves. Doesn't even strictly need to be a continuation. Just imagine Soul Reaver in modern HD graphics. Melchiah in particular would look all kinds of awesomely gruesome. Or better yet, a fully-remade Blood Omen. The top-down thing was a technical necessity given the large amount of content but with tech advances and disc space today, it could get a full revamp. It's aged far too poorly for what a good title it was


(Sidenote: Nosgoth's about to hit beta. Go register. :P)  (Sidenote #2: This series has a total of sixteen games involved in its history. Five got released, six counting Nosgoth. So much mistreatment...)


I haven't got hold of Darksiders 2 yet but the premise alone is too great to let the series die off. Black & White should come back too. Literally playing a god was all kinds of awesome and there's so much more that could be done...


Also, Legend of Dragoon. It didn't leave any immediate room for a sequel (no hook or cliffhanger) but the world itself and all the lore left so much untapped potential. And it was among the best PS1 games , hell, among the best of games period that I ever played. Probably ties with Soul Reaver for my top #1 on the PS1 system.


@CloserToTheSun: No offense but if all you can say in favor of a revival is some pacifistic rhetoric, it's probably best left dead. :P





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Valkyria Chronicles, simply put; it was one of the most innovative Jrpg's of the last console generation. Shame that Sega couldn't see how utterly innovative that title was in the endless ocean of rpg's.




Or Onimusha,Valkyrie Profile, Legend of Dragoon,Tomba, C&C:RA or Darkstalkers. I'll take any of those...

  • Brohoof 3

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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Dino Crisis could use a revival seeing as how that game was more actiony than survival horror and Res Evil could finally die the death it should have with 5. What I would single handedly buy a PS4 for though is a triumphant return of my beloved "Jumping Flash!" It's a 3D FPS platformer that launched with the playstation. It's a little clunky control wise but works decently enough not to be annoying. It's colorful, absurd, odd, genuinely fun and is one of those games I play to remind myself that for all of the gray brown loads of bloom vomit spewing out of the industry, gaming is still fun. It did have one sequel and then the series pretty much died.

I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you?

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Valkyria Chronicles, simply put; it was one of the most innovative Jrpg's of the last console generation. Shame that Sega couldn't see how utterly innovative that title was in the endless ocean of rpg's.




Or Onimusha,Valkyrie Profile, Legend of Dragoon,Tomba, C&C:RA or Darkstalkers. I'll take any of those...

Or just localize the 3rd game already :P

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Valkyria Chronicles, simply put; it was one of the most innovative Jrpg's of the last console generation. Shame that Sega couldn't see how utterly innovative that title was in the endless ocean of rpg's.




Or Onimusha,Valkyrie Profile, Legend of Dragoon,Tomba, C&C:RA or Darkstalkers. I'll take any of those...

I dunno if I would call VC particularly innovative. It's nice and solid for sure but you can get almost the same experience out of XCOM.

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Discordian, on 17 Feb 2014 - 8:57 PM, said:

What about Okamiden? I hear it's just as good as the original.

Not Okami 2 though Q - Q It's more of a prequel rather than a big epic adventure that happened afterward


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Metal Gear Solid 3 is a prequel and is still numbered and chronologically after the first two games. :D


But I digress. I've yet to play Okamiden myself so don't know what it's actually like.

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