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private An Imperfect Situation: The RP


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"I`m sure you are." Nassir said simply, at the mare's comment on being effective at what she did. He did not pry into what that was. He was not one to pry, prefering to let others say what they felt needed to be said while he simply listened, giving his own feedback when fitting.  He noticed a soft expression change, barely noticable, but before it could truly register, he glanced down at the pot he;d been stirring in and let out a smile. "ah, yes, the exact right hue..." he mumbled, leaning his muzzle in and taking a long whiff. "The scent is correct as well!" He said, allowing the soft smile to remain. He blinked, however, spotting a mare, a unicorn, performing magic on the pegasus he'd seen earlier. He saw he work, and was glad to see somepony else could assist in the healing, but it appeared even the sprain was taking alot out of her. 


He spotted the mare pegasus from before, the one whom he suspected had injured legs, flying back carrying a bunch of bananas. He didn;t question where she got them, sure the potassium rich fruit grew naturally. He took the coconut bowl and promtly filled it with the brew, trotting over the the mare as she returned to the clearing. He set it down before her and gestured to it with his hooves. "Drink." He said, sounding somewhat demanding, before pauseing to elaborate, "This is  healing brew. I have seen you keeping of your legs, and that mare was scolding you earlier about injuries. I am guessing a broken or shattered bone? You require a large dose of the potion." After a moment, he once again pointed down at the bowl "Drink." He said, repeating his instructions. He certainty lacked any good bed-side tact any good doctor should have. 

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He opened his wings and smiled. "Thank you Swann...my wings feel so much better now" He said before looking at the sky and saw it was getting dark. He went to one of the crates and pulled out various supplies and thought. "Well we do have a few things to make a place for everypony and the griffon to sleep" He said going to another crate. "We also need a fire so the griffon can cook his food if it wants to...that and in case anyone likes cooked fruit or anything" He added 

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Fiera smiled and nodded. "Thanks!" she said and dropped the bananas. The monkey instinctively jumped off her back and went to drink the strange liquid from the bowl. "No!" she yelled and grabbed the bowl with her mouth before the monkey could get it. She tilted her head back and started to drink the potion. She quickly finished it off and dropped the coconut half on the ground. She could already feel her hooves starting to heal. "How long does it usually take?" she asked. The monkey grumbled something in its own monkey language and jumped back on Fiera.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"Potion colour transformation. Hue differentials..." She whispers. "Nassir..." She says, addressing him. 'the jungle-neigher' she mentally adds "My name IS Hue. It's a nickname of course, but if I were to have a last name, it would be that."

Bella could sense that the zebra wasn't lieing, but there was something he was unproud of. Perhaps the femininity of herbalism and potion brewery. He is certainly familiar with both subjects. Why would he be not satisfied with his healing skill? most could not pick this up easily... Bella still detested the pony a little. Savage, yet intelligent.

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Nassir blinked as he heard the mare speak,glancing of at her. Hue, than... well, it was a nickname, not a name proper, but he chose to take it for what it was worth. She was, at the very least, willing to share that information about her. Although there was something that made him a little... uneasy about the mare, she had not acted unduly towards him, and he would act in kind.  He could not get the feeling out of his gut that the mare disliked him more than she let on. 'Well than, Hue, it is... nice to meet you, dispite circumstances." he said politely.


Nassir blinked at the monkey. Perhaps it was mean, but if that monkey started drinking the brew he'd spent all this time on, he was personally going to buck it in the face. He watched the mare chug the brew, grimanceing a little... he knew that the potion was not known for its taste... at her question, he tried to remember how long it would take for such an injury. "You... should have mostly healed by tomorrow morning." he said simply. It seemed accurate enough to him.He was sure the pain would fade sooner rather than later, but it would still take time to heal. He noticed the monkey climb back on the red pegasus' back... strange. The concept of a 'pet' was completely foreign to Nassir. 

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((Sorry for the late reply, I've been having...issues...))


Scorch chuckled and followed beside her. "No, no, I don't mean I'm looking for a friend I've lost, I meant that I'm looking for a new friend! I don't really have many friends..." he said truthfully, scratching the back of his head.

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"I am now that your...," he begins to say confidently before stopping, his sentence left unfinished as he tries to stand and his hoof moves to his head as he becomes unsteady, "Ouch... okay maybe not completely." It took him as moment but he become more steady on his hooves as he asks with a amused smile, "what may I ask is your name my beautiful friend? I, myself, am Mythos Gray. It is a pleasure to meet you." He moves a hoof through his mane, frowning for a moment as he notices how wet and messy it was, realizing he was not looking his best, yet then had his lips move back to his smile from before.


Mirror Image watched him closely until he steadied himself ready to try catch him if he fell. "Oh, my name's Mirror Image, it's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled at him before breaking contact and looking at the beach round them. "Were there any other ponies on your raft? Nopony fell off did they?"

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Fiera smiled and nodded thanks. "I'm Fiera by the way. I uh... would offer a hoofshake, but..." she raised her front two hooves and shrugged "Yeah. We already covered that." She put her hooves back down and sighed. "Anyway, thanks again! I'm going to see if i can get some sleep..." she said and hovered over next to one of the crates so she could lay against it. She yawned and laid her head down on the grass. The monkey jumped up off her back onto the crate next to her and laid down as well. They both yawned simultaneously and closed their eyes as they tried to hopefully get some sleep. 'Can't wait to get back on my hooves again. Wings are starting to tire...'

Edited by The Original PWD

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"Nassir." He said with a simple nod along with the introduction. When the mare spoke of a hoof shake, Nassir smiled lightly again. "Ah, yes, I believe that would be... unwise. I imagine the potion would heal any extra damages, but the pain would still exist." When the mare spoke of getting rest, he nodded again."Think nothing of it. If you believe you require another dosage in the morning, please imform me." He said, watching the mare walk off and sit down at the crate, leaning against it so the weight went off of her hooves. He returned back to the fire, relaxing abit. He had time until nightfall. He would likely simply use a crate as a shelter of sorts, to hide from the stars.Until then, he could relax by the fire near the one who called herself Hue. He pondered a moment to wonder what one would have to do to get such a nickname. 


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Streamsung followed Flame's lead and started to look for a place to sleep as well. The fire in the middle of the clearing that nassir had made would offer warmth through the night. She could at least make herself a comfortable bed, or at least something softer than the ground. She started to search the crates to find something of use. She eventually found a crated filled with clothing and other textile things. It was large enough for her to simply lie in. "This will do fine!" She thought at first. She used her magic to place the crate filled with clothing closer to the fire. "That should offer a nice warm place under the stars tonight!" She said to herself.


She looked around the clearing, hoping to find somepony who needed help. She 'd rather stay busy than worry about what had happened. "Is there anypony who I could help a hoof?" She simply said out loud. She didn't really know what else to do...


(Could someone pick me up please? I'm kinda lost)

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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@@Scribblegroove, ((I gotcha. I need a way do get back in myself.))

Bayonet was cooking up some food when she heard somepony asked if anyone needed help. She sits up. "Um, if it's not to much. I could use some help with making dinner." She said with a friendly smile, hoping that she could make another new fiend. During times like this friends are a really good thing to have. Well that and food, and shelter, and a fire. But friends are important too.

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@@Scribblegroove, ((I gotcha. I need a way do get back in myself.))

Bayonet was cooking up some food when she heard somepony asked if anyone needed help. She sits up. "Um, if it's not to much. I could use some help with making dinner." She said with a friendly smile, hoping that she could make another new fiend. During times like this friends are a really good thing to have. Well that and food, and shelter, and a fire. But friends are important too.

Streamsung looked at the mare sitting by the fire. She hadn't noticed her before, and didn't really know who she was. She walked up next to her. "Sure, what are we making?" She asked. She wasn't exactly an expert on cooking, certainly not on open fires, but she hoped she could help out. "Umm... I haven't seen you around. My name is Streamsung Swann." She said as she sat down next to Bayonet.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Cinder had eventually made her way to the clearing: still no closer to finding her sister than before. Bubble had a habit of wandering off - but this wasn't the best place for a habit like that.


"Uhm, hey! Has anyone seen a pony wandering around, probably picking flowers or something?" She asked as she glanced over the group: not really registering all their faces in the darkness. "Looks kind of like me, maybe a little taller... and pink."




Bubble Burst!




(No worries pal: take whatever time you need.)


"Oh!" Bubble chirped happily. "I can be you're friend! I'll try not to fall on you again and everything! I mean, I'll really try but sometimes I trip and fall out of things... or off of things... or into things... I wonder where we are?"


Bubble bounced along happily - looking out towards the darkening sea - oblivious to any concern or distress as her mind wandered its usual meandering course and her mouth spouted whatever cheerful observations she thought if. Why would she worry? This place was beautiful and there were plenty of interesting things to explore!


"It's getting late - I wonder where everypony else wandered off to? Did you meet any of the others yet? I did - he was kind of muddy I think - a bit grumpy too. He'll cheer up though!"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Nassir blinked, spotting another mare arriving at the clearing. He had no idea who she could be talking about... until she mentioned the pink."Ah, yes, her." He said, relaxing abit by the fire...until he noticed the sky beginning to tint red,surely the sun would set soon and out would come the stars. He gulped slightly, looking at the crates nearby.He trotted over to them, passing the mare. "I saw her earlier. She was following me around as I gathered supplies... I believe she ran off to chase a butterfly." He said, sounding slightly amused as he looked through the crate. "She should be fine. This island seems safe enough. I imagine she's simply... and perhaps literally, ran into another pony." He finally found what he was looking for: the tent that was pointed out to him earlier, and now set about the task of setting it up alone...

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'I fully realise you have a foalish fear of celestial bodies Nass, but you shouldn't enforce your fears onto everypone else' Bella mentally narrates the zebra and his attempts to erect a tent. 'All these actions of urgency and unbelievable stories of "The oolllld, scaaaarry, baaahhdd tiiimeees"... you preach idiocy.' Bella searches the edges of the clearing for any sign of her new accomplice: Comet Starflash. She finds nothing.


'And what is Comet up to?' she continues monologueing 'I told him we must make friends; he is only arousing the suspicion of others... Yet another ffFHOOL! I must'nt forget about that daft pink one, yes. She will be f-u-n...' Hue cackles slightly, as if remembering a good joke. Soon she dies down, avoiding to attract attention...'That one'.

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(OOC: this'll get your attention!)

Honey Jars needed to take another breath. Keeping her breath for as long as she had couldn't have been healthy, and she wasn't willing to breath in sand. She lifted her head up, only to notice something different. The sky was many shades darker than before, and Honey Jars wasn't willing to stay in the dark. With a Griffon. A very angry Griffon.

"it-it's getting dark..." Honey Jars pointed out obviously. She remembered that there was a fire somewhere close to the raft, and now the smoke was just appearing not far from them.

"should we head back? i-if you're not mad.... Of course..."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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(OOC: this'll get your attention!)

Honey Jars needed to take another breath. Keeping her breath for as long as she had couldn't have been healthy, and she wasn't willing to breath in sand. She lifted her head up, only to notice something different. The sky was many shades darker than before, and Honey Jars wasn't willing to stay in the dark. With a Griffon. A very angry Griffon.

"it-it's getting dark..." Honey Jars pointed out obviously. She remembered that there was a fire somewhere close to the raft, and now the smoke was just appearing not far from them.

"should we head back? i-if you're not mad.... Of course..."

zain opened his beak to answer but quickly shut it, he didn't know how to tell her that he was the jerk griffon she'd probably heard wouldn't help the others. "I-I can't go back... I kinda decided I'd survive on my own on the island..." He admitted quietly, before sighing "I'll... I'll go now I guess. I'm sorry for distracting you for so long." He said awkwardly, before preparing to fly away.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Comet watched Bella search around from atop tree. He makes a quick but loud whistle to get her attention.

"What kind of plan are you thinkin in that head of yours?" Comet gives a small but sinister chuckle. "Well, whatever it is, I want in. I've decided it will get extremely boring here unless a little fun is had..."

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That news was neither a disappointment nor a relief to Honey Jars. Her only question was why.

"Well why would you say that? I mean, why would you say you can survive on your own?" Honey Jars was actually intrigued by whatever his idea was. he either believed he could survive on his own, or Zain was a super-Griffon.

"wouldn't it be smarter to be with the group?"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Hello there" She peers up from the undergrowth, a mass of vines and grime. She had made her way to the base of the tree Comet was resting in (making it look as if she needed the toilet before pouncing over a rugged, dead trunk)

"We can't wait for the fruits to ferment... So... Ah! Look for some fungal spores... red...The brighter the better!" She stealthily calls 'Only if I could recognise some of these plants, then I could make a more specific potion. I'm sure there will be substitute ingredients... Alternatives.' Given the true composites and equipment, Bella could make nasty, quick problems. She had learnt that the wrong singular grain or diluted droplet makes all the difference. The last time she had make a mistake, she had righted it before the victim had died. This would not happen again.

"The devil is in the details" She reminded Starflash, who had not yet realised Bella's full intentions.

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That news was neither a disappointment nor a relief to Honey Jars. Her only question was why.

"Well why would you say that? I mean, why would you say you can survive on your own?" Honey Jars was actually intrigued by whatever his idea was. he either believed he could survive on his own, or Zain was a super-Griffon.

"wouldn't it be smarter to be with the group?"

zain paused just as he was ready to take off. He really didn't know how to answer her, and even if he did he didn't know how to explain it to her. After a moment he sighed "I don't do too well with groups..." He said quietly, before sitting down again "besides, I don't tend to make the smartest moves." He mumbled


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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The first part seemed like a stupid response and the second part of it just made her want to push questions. But Honey Jars wasn't that kind of mare, and she didn't exactly control time. Maybe it was best to wait and see how things went. But hey, at least Zain didn't hate her. Or maybe he did, and that was why he wasn't willing to be with the group! Honey decided to push that thought down.

"Oh. Alright then. Umm, good bye. I suppose..." And without saying another word, Honey Jars made her way back to the clearing.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"See ya..." He said quietly, before sighing and standing again. "I'm an idiot... So so so stupid. Why did I do all of that again? Oh yeah, because I'm shy and stupid around girls... And now I'm talking to myself..." He mumbled to himself in annoyance before taking off. He needed to fly around and clear his head.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"It's nice to meet you, I'm Bayonet. And I'm making some vegetable stew. After what we've been though we all could use a warm meal to get our strength up." She puts a few cut vegetables in the broth and stirs it a bit. "And I don't doubt you haven't seen me. I don't really stand out much. I've always been petty plain." She chuckles then puts in a few ingredients to make the broth thick and form into a gravy. She then take out her knife and dips it in a bucket of water to wash it off and hoofs it to Streamsung. "Could you do me a favor and cut up the vegetables in that bowl next to you? I would very much appreciate it." She said with a warm smile.

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Honey Jars eventually made it to the clearing, rather tired in fact. She didn't really want to wait to go to sleep, and it didn't help she had to sleep near strangers. She promised herself that she would find some bees tomorrow. Bees were very patient things a lot of the time. in fact bees were quote laid back things. Or at least hers were, she had never met bees in a wild habitat like and island. But all the same she made it over to the clearing without falling asleep, and sat next to the fire.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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