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Scenes you hated


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Well my biggest gripe to start out with, was the fact that this is the mane 6 that we're talking about...they've battled discord, chrysalis, sombra, nightmare moon, etc. but here we see Daring Do get attacked, and what do they do? they just stand there and let her fend for herself! I mean, c'mon! No help whatsoever? And twilights an alicorn princess, the most powerful type of pony there is!...and yet?...nothing...


Not only that...but Rainbow went waaaaaaaaaay overboard on this one. I mean for Celestia's sake...she didn't even freak out about the wonderbolts as much as Yearling! And this was after only one episode where Dash reads a book and enjoys it? I mean come on now...also in reference to the first thing I mentioned, why is Daring such a special deal anyway? I mean, I have nothing against her...but they're treating her like Celestia in this episode...even though they've easily surpassed her abilities! 


I dunno...I just feel as though the episode could have been executed waaaaay better, or just shouldn't have been done...but then again, that's only my opinion, and others are free to disagree as they might. 


I saw both these scenes as more of "Oh my gosh, that fictional character is real!!!" having the Mane 6 be frozen in shock at what transpired before them, and Rainbow fangirl to the high heavens over her. The latter could also be justified in a sense that she reacted the same way when she first met the Wonderbolts in 'Sonic Rainboom', but has since cooled her excitement down to a more reasonable level when she's around them. That's how I view it, but I see how those are points of contention for you.


EDIT: I would probably act the same way if I found out Captain America or some other hero was real.

Edited by DryColt84

"Oh look, there's our friend Rarity GOING DOWN IN FLAMES!!! ISN"T FRIENDSHIP MAGIC!!!?" -Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


"No matter how many times others tell you you're great, all the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside.......Sometimes to feel good about yourself, you gotta let go of the past. That way, when the time comes to let your greatness fly, you'll be able to light up the whole sky." -Cathy Weseluck as Spike 

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The scene in the crystal empire where Celestia tells Luna not to go. As she walks out she looks sad and rejected. I personally don't think Luna gets enough screen time so seeing that scene made me want to punch Celestia.


I am The Snapper! None shall oppose me!

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- Any scene with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Would someone step on them already?!


- Every scene in "Simple Ways." Terrible episode.


- The "Breeziefied" Mane 6. That made lots of sense. 


- Pinkie Pie's behavioral issues in "Filli Vanilli." Those scenes were crap.


- Every scene with Cheese Sandwich in it. Weird Al sucks.




And yes, I'm kidding about the last one.

  • Brohoof 4
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Any of the parts where Spike is abused for seemingly no reason other than exceptionally weak comedy. Now, it was alright sometimes, and all characters get that sometimes, but with Spike in particular I feel the writers have taken it a bit too far on many occasions, and it even seems intentional on their part. The 'jokes' with Spike used to seem more innocent and fitting, but more recently they have started to become a little more depressing than funny.


It also of course has the negative effect of making the Mane 6 look like terrible friends sometimes, but eh...

Edited by Vixor
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While I don't "hate" these scenes, the scene where Gilda bullies Fluttershy in "Griffon The Brush Off" and the scenes where Fluttershy bullies other people in "Putting Your Hoof Down" are difficult for me to watch. Fluttershy draws a strong emotional reaction from me often, and those scenes are meant to be unpleasant/ So, when I want to watch an episode, I'll usually skip those two, the same way you'd often skip Jurassic Bark in a Futurama marathon.

On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said:

This is the internet, not reality.


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Eh, I didn't really like Spitfire's scenes in Wonderbolts Academy. Also, there's something about that scene in It Ain't Easy Being Breezies where Spike accidentally causes the Breezies' accident that just rubs me the wrong way. Not really because it involved a floating leaf of all things, moreso because Spike never appears again in the episode after that scene where he apologizes. He just set up the conflict of the episode and...left.


Comet's still best boi. <3

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 -Any scene with Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Snips or Snails. While DT and SS are just clearly bad ponies with what they do to the CMC's, S&S are just those ponies you just don't seem to like for no apparent reason. 


-Two scenes in Wonderbolt Academy where Spitfire screams "NOW!". To me, it fells like her voice is vocal fingernails on a chalkboard, but she had a role to play as a Drill Sergeant. Personally, I would have preferred that a new character took her place. 


-Spike learning that he's just a sidekick in "Power Ponies." Even so when Mane-iac twists the knife, taunting Spike how people feel sorry for him. 


-Rainbow Falls where Spitfire and Fleetfoot snubbed Soarin' from their team, because I think the real reason she snubbed him, was his good sportsmanship compared to his other teammates. Spitfire, I am disappointed in you. Oh, and Theetthoot's Theech Inthedament. 


-And last but certainly not least, in EQG, for bullying and calling Fluttershy pathetic, Sunset Shimmer would have a special place in hell reserved for her. And what she does to the rest of the Mane Six, I bet Satan would make her place even more special. 


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That one scene in ACW did it for me, especially when Celestia ditched her own student. I was like sad and angry at the same time. I was like "Celestia you b****"


Ah, how privileged we are as viewers, to know that something is wrong when the characters we're watching do not. :)


I wouldn't say I "hate" it, per se, but I'm sharply critical of the market scene in Putting Your Hoof Down - specifically, when Pinkie Pie pulls the "Wabbit/Duck Season" sketch on the tomato vendor and then claims to Fluttershy that that's being "assertive".  No, Pinkie, that's not assertion, that's deception. :P


(Don't get me wrong, I loved the reference.  I just think it's a terrible lesson.)



it takes a lot to make me dislike an episode ("Sonic Rainboom" is the only one I dislike more, for obvious reasons :okiedokielokie: )


(I'm new to this thread, can you tell?)  I'd be interested in knowing why Sonic Rainboom is at the bottom of your list.  It's one of my favorites, personally.  (I'm guessing, though, that since you're a Rarity fan, it has to do with how she was portrayed in that episode.)

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

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(I'm new to this thread, can you tell?)  I'd be interested in knowing why Sonic Rainboom is at the bottom of your list.  It's one of my favorites, personally.  (I'm guessing, though, that since you're a Rarity fan, it has to do with how she was portrayed in that episode.)

While it wasn't OOC, it was GREATLY over-exaggerating her flaws to the point of just being awful. 


Hell, her flaws were played up so much and that demonized her so much that I'd love to call it OOC :eww: 


Even still, without my extreme waifu bias playing a factor, I still found it to be an unenjoyable episode on most fronts. 


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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While it wasn't OOC, it was GREATLY over-exaggerating her flaws to the point of just being awful. 


Hell, her flaws were played up so much and that demonized her so much that I'd love to call it OOC :eww: 


Even still, without my extreme waifu bias playing a factor, I still found it to be an unenjoyable episode on most fronts. 


Fair points, though I'm not sure I agree that she was so badly over-exaggerated as to demean her character so badly.  It's not the only time in the show where she's gone overboard - in fact, Rarity is quite the drama queen and attention-hoarder throughout the series.  She's always struggled with being reasonable while she's in the spotlight.  IMO, Sonic Rainboom did a pretty good job of establishing that about her, while also giving her a chance to redeem herself at the end by apologizing directly to Rainbow Dash.


I think people tend to forget, too, that all of the Mane 6 have had their exaggerated moments - they're cartoon characters, after all.  The common thread I see all the time about Fluttershy is that a significant portion of the fandom really hated her acting out in Putting Your Hoof Down (another of my favorites) and saying that was completely out of character for her.  I just really don't know why it seems I'm the only one here who understands what it's like to come out of your shell and be unprepared for the flood of emotions that hits you when you do.  She struck me as being completely IN character in that episode - in fact, PYHD and Filli Vanilli are the two strongest Fluttershy episodes in the series IMO, in terms of her being a real, believable, relatable character.


My personal opinion (and challenge, honestly) is that people find scenes like that uncomfortable because they touch nerves - they show sides of our own personalities that we want to distance ourselves from.  We like to think of our favorite ponies as perfect, but if they really were perfect, they would be boring and nobody could relate to them.  Their flaws, exaggerated though they are, are what define them.

  • Brohoof 3

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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Bite me, Pixel :P (I kid) Only person who's beaten me in SD twice now. I can't forge a coherent argument against that :D


While I'll admit that I, as is the case with many bronies and their best pony, I relate to Rarity quite a bit, I'll say it made me feel bad to watch that display, honestly.


But, given the pony she sorta cock-blocked and her general demeanor, that generated a lot of hate for her, which, naturally, I took as a personal insult, as I do nearly every time someone demeans the pony that I, not only love on a personal level, but have found myself being similar to even before discovering MLP.


So, basically, that horrid episode created a lot of Rarity hate, which was promptly overblown and continued for quite some time, and even past how uncomfortable I felt watching it and the fandom's bad reaction to her in it (which, I guess is understandable, but it was overblown at the same time) I still felt it was a boring episode to watch, and one that I would not, and will not, enjoy; RD episodes aren't generally my favorite, though, I've recently noticed, even though I like the pony herself, I gotta say her episodes have, except for one or two exceptions, hit the bottom of the bunch for me. Sonic Rainboom is no exception :D

Edited by ghostfacekiller39
  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Bite me, Pixel :P (I kid) Only person who's beaten me in SD twice now. I can't forge a coherent argument against that :D


I do try. :)  Good, well-reasoned debate is a real pleasure, honestly.




I still felt it was a boring episode to watch, and one that I would not, and will not, enjoy; RD episodes aren't generally my favorite, though, I've recently noticed, even though I like the pony herself, I gotta say her episodes have, except for one or two exceptions, hit the bottom of the bunch for me. Sonic Rainboom is no exception :D


Fair enough - we're all entitled to our opinions. :)  I have a friend who really liked Daring Don't, and I don't think he and I are ever going to agree on it.  Ah well. :)

  • Brohoof 1

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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I don't think i have scenes i hated so much as directions they took.


You can take characters in canon directions that are less enjoyable that can still be every bit as valid.

For example pinkie making flutter shy panick twice.


It's with in her character, but it's not the character that makes pinkie huggable, lovable pinkie.
We accept pinkie is mentally fragile, but that to is endearing.


Some characters straight up have harsh edges to them like
Rare, Pinkie, and Dash (use to have, she seems to toned back on it).


And when i say harsh edges i acknowledge all of the main six have flaws but their are canon aspects that can be focused that can make enjoyable characters well,

sharp, unpleasant.


I don't mind the idea of something severe enough causing this break,

Like say discord,

but when we see ponies go to a extra dark place during a slice of life,

it's well,




flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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  • 10 months later...

Any and all scenes with that abomination Flutterbat. The fact that the transformation was progressive and mental as well as physical made it horrifying. On top of the fact that it was because of an action Fluttershy was against!

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Tirek absorbing other ponies' magic, any scenes with Diamond Tiara, and Appjack, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash turning to grey. 


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