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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

mega thread Answer the question above you.


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Thou hast asked a most simple question, for thy answer is so obvious, it blinds even the most ignorant of fools. T'is has brought together thousands, nay, tens of thousands, all bound under a single reason... T'is the most awesomest of shows, with marvelous characters under thy own nose! Nay I mention their followers, compelled to create tremendous work, enough to make most artists with expertise tremble in fear out of inferiority! This show hast made many come out from under their cloaks of invisibility, and show our world who is the knave, and who is the master! (... No idea what I just typed)



How long are your rants, if you have any?

Edited by Lord Bradley
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I just got triple-ninjad... I JUST GOT TRIPLE NINJAD! TRIPLE NINJAD!!!!!!!!!! And yes, I would love some toast, thank you.


Why does music make me loopy? The crazy kind of loopy, like, you know, all your inhibition goes right out the toilet, and all your worries was away... Until you put away whatever made you loopy in the first place, and wonder why the heck you did all that you did.

Edited by Lord Bradley
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Uh, don't know, actually. I don't really pay attention to most of the new games coming out. The only ones I'm actually hyped for are Fallout 4, Dishonored 2 and Mirrors Edge 2, and only because I loved their "elders".


Have you played Mirrors Edge? If so, watcha think of it?

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