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If I'm really inspired and already have an idea in my head for how it'll play out, yes :) I can also try to come up with something on the spot and it comes out okay, I've done it on the STAR test ^_^


What career would you love to have?

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I have not a clue. Perhaps I would enjoy working as an English teacher. I do not know. Only time will tell. Any plan I make for my future right now is inevitably susceptible to change.


Do you have a sense of humor, or are you a cynic like yours truly?

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Ladybugs are my favorites, then bunnies, dolphins, dogs and cats are tied for fourth, and butterflies for last :catface:


If you could meet any of your favorite authors, who would it be?

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At the moment, it would be difficult for me to decide between George Orwell (author of 1984 and Animal Farm) and J.D Salinger (author of Catcher in the Rye).


Favorite dystopian novel or movie?

  • Brohoof 1
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Hmm....I'd have to say 1984 if it counts since the only other dystopian book I've read is The Hunger Games and my choice is by far more superior ^_^ As for movies....I'll get back to you on that :catface:


If there's one thing you would love to accomplish in life, what would it be?

Edited by Misty Rose
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Launch a successful fashion brand.


Do you take pride in your appearance?

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Not really.


Fill in the blanks.


Once upon a midnight _____

As I spit this weak and weary

I will choke this _____ with a _____ till his cheeks are teary

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