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Ponies According to Machine Translations

Wind Chaser

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The rules:


-Take your favorite line from an episode transcript on the MLP Wiki.

-Run it through Google Translate, BabelFish, or similar software to another language.

-Run the result through that same translator back to English.

-Post results below.

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English: omygoshomygoshomygoosh


French omygoshomygoshomygoosh


Italian: omygoshomygoshomygoosh


Swedish: omygoshomygoshomygoosh


Haitian Creole: omygoshomygoshomygoosh

  • Brohoof 1

May the force be with you, always


Subscribe to my youtube channel, It'll give you a laugh, hell maybe two

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"Très bien, je suis coupable! Je porte des faux cils! Oh, et j'ai pris une bouchée du gâteau." - Rarity :D


"Fine, I'm guilty! I wear false eyelashes! Oh, and I took a bite of the cake." - Rarity :D


Sounds so cute when you imagine it in her voice  :wub:

Edited by ghostfacekiller39
  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Gilda: [roar] This is your idea of a good time? I've never met a lamer bunch of dweebs in all my life. And Pinkie Pie, you! You are queen lame-o with your weak little party pranks. Did you really think you could make me lose my cool?


English -> Chinese




Chinese -> English


Gilda: [roar] This is your idea of ​​a good time? I've never seen a bunch of dweebs Lehmer in all my life. And pinkie pie, you! You're the queen lame-O with your weak little party pranks. Really! Think you can make me lose my cool?


It actually didn't mess that one up as much as I thought it would, except for splitting one sentence and leaving "dweeb" untranslated since no one has used that word since Reagan was president, but I just have one question...


Who the heck is Lehmer, and why is he such a dweeb?

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English: Okki Dokki Lokki!

Spanish:  Okki Dokki Lokki

Japanese: OkkiドッキLokki

Italian:  Okki Dokki Lokki

French: Okki Dokki Lokki

russian: Okki Докки Lokki

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Pinkie Pie: I've never seen you before.

Cranky Doodle Donkey: Kid, you're smarter than you look.


Pinkie Pie: Yo nunca he visto antes. 
Cranky Doodle Burro: Kid, eres más listo de lo que pareces.


Pinkie Pie: I've never seen before. 
Cranky Doodle Donkey: Kid, you're smarter than you look.

Synopsis: Pinkie Pie is no longer blind. It's a miracle!

Rarity: Of all the worst things that could happen, this is the! Worst! Possible! Thing!

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Applejack: [giving her a dirty look]

Rarity: What? I really mean it this time!


Rareza: De todas las peores cosas que le puede pasar, es el! Peor! Posible! Cosa!
Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy y Applejack: [dándole una mirada sucia]
Rareza: ¿Qué? Lo digo en serio esta vez!


Rarity: Of all the worst things that can happen, is it! Worst! Possible! Thing!
Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy: [giving him a dirty look]
Rarity: What? I mean it this time!

Synopsis: Rarity fails to use proper punctuation and turns into a stallion. 


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Initial English: Whining? I am not whining. I am complaining. Do you want to hear whining? This is whining! Ooh, this harness is too tight! It's going to chafe. Can't you loosen it? Ooh, it hurts and it's so rusty! Why didn't you clean it first? It's going to leave a stain! And the wagon's heavy, why do I have to pull it? 


German: Jammern? Ich werde nicht jammern. Ich beschweren. Sie zu hören, jammern wollen? Dies wird zu jammern! Ooh, das ist Baum zu eng! Es wird scheuert. Kannst du es nicht lösen? Ooh, es tut weh und es ist so rostig! Warum haben Sie es zuerst reinigen? Es geht um einen Fleck zu verlassen! Und des Wagens schwer, warum muss ich zu ziehen?


Re-translated back to English: Whining? I will not whine. I complain. To hear you whining want? This is whining! Ooh, that's tree too tight! It is scrubs. Can not you solve it? Ooh, it hurts and it's so rusty! Why did you first clean it? It is going to leave a stain! And the car hard, why do I have to pull?

  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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You see, I saw you when you first got here, remember? You were all, 'Hello,' and I was all, [gasp], remember? You see, I never saw you before, and if I never saw you before that means you're new, 'cause I know everypony, and I mean everypony in Ponyville, and if you're new, it means you haven't met anyone yet, and if you haven't met anyone yet, you must not have any friends, and if you don't have any friends you must be lonely, and that made me so sad, and I had an idea, and that's why I went [gasp], I'll just throw a great big, ginormous, super-duper spectacular welcome party and invite everyone in Ponyville. See? And now you have lots and lots of friends!



אתה רואה, אני ראיתי אותך כשאתה הגעת לכאן, זוכר? אתה היית הכל, 'הלו, "ואני היה כל, [נשימה], זוכר? אתה רואה, אני לא ראיתי אותך בעבר, ואם אני לא ראיתי אותך לפני זה אומר שאתה חדש, כי אני יודע everypony, ואני מתכוון everypony בPonyville, ואם אתה חדש, זה אומר שלא פגש אף אחד עדיין, ואם לא פגש מישהו בכל זאת, אתה לא חייב לי שום חברים, ואם אין לך חברים אתה חייב להיות בודד, ושגרם לי כל כך עצוב, ולא היה לי מושג, וזה למה הלכתי [נשימה], אני פשוט מסיבה גדולה גדולה, תמונות ענקית, סופר דופר מרהיבה בברכה ומזמין את כולם בPonyville. רואה?ועכשיו יש לך המון המון חברים!



You see, I saw you when you came here, remember? You were all, 'Hello,' and I was all, [breath], remember you see, I have not seen you before, if I have not seen you before that means you're new, because I know everypony, and I mean everypony in Ponyville, and if you new, this means not met anybody yet, and if not met anyone yet, you do not have to have any friends, and if you do not have friends you must be lonely, and that made me so sad, and I had no idea, that's why I [breath] I'm just a great big party, pictures giant super duper spectacular welcome and invite everyone in Ponyville. seeing? and now you have lots and lots of friends!



Rainbow Dash has Swag, Vinyl Scratch, however, got SWAGGER!

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It can't just pick one favorite line/dialogue:


From Putting Your Hoof Down, to French and back:


FluttershyWhat?! You just want new Fluttershy to be a doormat like old Fluttershy! But old Fluttershy is gone!

Pinkie Pie: New Fluttershy? Old Fluttershy!?

Rarity: What happened to nice Fluttershy? We want that Fluttershy back.

Fluttershy: No, you want wimp Fluttershy. You want pushover Fluttershy. You want do-anything-to-her-and-she-won't-complain Fluttershy!

Pinkie Pie: Nyaaaaah! Too many Fluttershys to keep track of! Make it stop!


Fluttershy: Quoi?! Vous voulez juste nouveau Fluttershy d'être un paillasson comme vieux Fluttershy! Mais le vieux Fluttershy est parti! 

Pinkie Pie: New Fluttershy? Vieux Fluttershy? 
Rareté: Qu'est-il arrivé à bon Fluttershy? Nous voulons que Fluttershy dos. 
Fluttershy: Non, vous voulez mauviette Fluttershy. Vous voulez PUSHOVER Fluttershy. Vous voulez à tout faire à lui-et-elle-n'est pas-se plaignent-Fluttershy! 
Pinkie Pie: Nyaaaaah! Trop de Fluttershys de garder une trace de! Arrête ça!
Fluttershy: What? You just want to be a new Fluttershy mat as old Fluttershy! Fluttershy but the old is gone! 
Pinkie Pie: New Fluttershy? Old Fluttershy? 
Rarity: What happened to good Fluttershy? We want Fluttershy back. 
Fluttershy: No, you want to wimp Fluttershy. Want PUSHOVER Fluttershy. You want to do everything in his-and-her-not-complain-Fluttershy! 
Pinkie Pie: Nyaaaaah! Too Fluttershys to keep track of! Stop it!
Oh dear, it's even more of an insult now.
From Lesson Zero, to Russian and back:
Twilight Sparkle: Clock is ticking, Twilight. Clock. Is. Ticking. Keep it together. If I can't find a friendship problem... I'll make a friendship problem!


Твайлайт: Часы тикают, Сумерки. Часы. Есть. Чехол. Держите его вместе. Если я не могу найти проблему дружбы ... Я сделаю проблемы дружбу!


Twilight: The clock is ticking, Twilight. Watch. There. Case. Keep it together. If I can not find the problem ... I'll make friendship friendship problem!


Friendship is friendship problem nao.




From Call of the Cutie, to Vietnamese and back:


Apple Bloom: [inhales] There's a cute-ceañera this afternoon and everypony in my class will be there and they'll all have their cutie marks and I wanna get my cutie mark but I'm no good at sellin' apples but I really wanna go to the party but how can I go to the party if I don't have my cutie mark which my big sister says I'm gonna get eventually but... I WANT IT NOW!


Táo Bloom: [hít] Có một dễ thương-ceañera chiều nay và everypony trong lớp học của tôi sẽ ở đó và tất cả họ sẽ có dấu cutie của họ và tôi muốn có được đánh dấu cutie của tôi nhưng tôi không giỏi táo sellin 'nhưng tôi thực sự muốn đi dự tiệc nhưng làm thế nào tôi có thể đi dự tiệc nếu tôi không có dấu dễ thương của tôi mà chị lớn của tôi nói rằng tôi sẽ được cuối cùng nhưng ... tôi muốn nó NOW!


Apple Bloom: [breathing] There is a cute-ceanera this afternoon and everypony in my class will be there and they will all have their cutie marks and I want to get my cutie mark but I'm not good at sellin apple 'but I really want to go to a party but how can I go to a party if I can not sign my cute that my big sister said that I would be the last ... but I want it NOW!


AJ, you really traumatized your little sis.  Otherwise unusually accurate.



And from Wonderbolts Academy, to Basque and back:


Spitfire: This better be important. You're supposed to be up there busting clouds with your partner.

Rainbow Dash: We're done with that, ma'am.

Spitfire: Already? That's an academy record! Explain your methods.

Rainbow Dash: That's why I'm here, ma'am. Lightning Dust decided to use a tornado.

Spitfire: A bit excessive for cloud-busting. But judging from your time, it was obviously an effective tactic.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, well that "effective tactic" nearly took out my friends! No disrespect, ma'am, but there's a big difference between pushing yourself as hard as you can and just being reckless. And if being reckless is what gets rewarded around here, if that's what it means to be a Wonderbolt, then I don't want any part of it. 

Spitfire: What are you saying, newbie?

Rainbow Dash: I quit.


Spitfire: honek hobeto garrantzitsua izan. Zauden ustezko han izan lainoak busting zure bikotearekin. 
Rainbow Dash: hau egiten ari gara, andrea. 
Spitfire: Dagoeneko? Duten akademia erregistro bat da! Azaldu zure metodoak. 
Rainbow Dash: Horregatik, hemen naiz, andrea. Tximista Hautsa erabaki tornado bat erabili. 
Spitfire: Pixka bat Hodeian busting gehiegizkoak. Baina zure denbora epaitzen, jakina zen taktika eraginkorra. 
Rainbow Dash: Bai, "Taktika eraginkorra" ondo ia atera nire lagunak! Disrespect ez, andrea, baina ez zeure burua bezala gogor dezakezu gisa bultzaka eta besterik jokatuz izatearen arteko aldea handia da. Eta jokatuz izateak zer lortzen saritu inguruan hemen bada, hori bada zer Wonderbolt bat izan esan nahi du, eta gero, ez dut edozein zati nahi. 
Spitfire: Zer ari zara esaten, newbie? 
Rainbow Dash: irten nintzen.
Spitfire: This better be important. Clouds busting your partner you're supposed to be there. 
Rainbow Dash: We are doing this, ma'am. 
Spitfire: Already? Academy that is a record! Explain your methods. 
Rainbow Dash: That's why I am here, madam. Decided to use a dust tornado lightning. 
Spitfire: A bit excessive cloud-busting. But judging from your time, it was obviously very effective. 
Rainbow Dash: Yes, "very effective" well just come out of my friends! No disrespect, ma'am, but not pushing yourself as hard as you can, and it's a big difference between being reckless. If that's what gets rewarded and played around here, if that's what it means to be a Wonderbolt, then I do not want any part of. 
Spitfire: What are you saying, newbie? 
Rainbow Dash: I quit.
Too many problems to count.  Laughing too hard to explain them.
I could do this all day...
Edited by JustFairness

Hablo español--Je parle français--日本語を話す--我说中文--...and sarcasm (yeah right!)

I compose music.  Six Pony Rags

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