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open Zombie Survival RP


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Thunder stared warily at the new ponies. He didn't trust others unless they proved they were trustworthy.


"I'm Thunder" he said gruffly. "How long have y'all been in here?" He glanced aroung. "And how in the buck did you clear this place out?"


He looked back at the ponies.


((I'm on my tablet too lol))

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I fly into the room with all the other ponies in it. "H-hi... Thunder... Im F-flame." I regretted going into the room. The other ponies were very intimidating. I just stood there staring. "We uh... dont wanna hurt anyone..."


(filler filler filler filler filler filler filler)

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Thunder glanced menicingly down at the little pegasus, then cracked a smile.


"Naw, I know your okay. Just gotta make sure, though, ya know?" He shook, fluffing up his mane, and fixed his bandanna. "Who else ya got run in around here?" He glanced around, seeing a few others.

  • Brohoof 1
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"I don't want to hurt anypony either.." i say calmly and i look at broken "so... do you mind if we meet everypony else?" I ask broken mainly, watching them both. Unsure if they both are friendly. I walk slowly away from the group to him but i remain at a distance to show that i am don't trust either yet.


(Sky you ninja :P )

Edited by WarFluttershy
  • Brohoof 1
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Broken hesitates now that Flame is here. "Yes... that is fine."


Broken retreats back toward the Flame and lets everypony else deal with the newcomers. The number ponies around him is starting to trigger his conditioning. His warpony mask is now unmovable.

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Broken approaches Flame, "How are you, little Flame?"


He regrets not being able to show any emotion now. It is frustrating that the Diarchy had such stringent requirements of its soldiers. If he'd finished his tour, then perhaps he might have had the conditioning removed. Of course, it never came to pass and now he is stuck.

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Thunder followed close, but then dropped back to Dust.


"Hey, you doin alright?" he asked, nuzzling her ear. He wanted to check on her, altho he know she was bad-ass enough to take care of herself.


He followed the group, and marveld at the weponry, warm clothing, and supplies all around them. This place would work fantastically in helping them survive.


((yeah, I be postin deep in the shadows!)) B)

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at that moment a tire crashes in from the ceiling, and philipe flies in through the new hole in the skylight "Oy! I found you guys...like my scarf?"


(Clockwork Mouse is stand up comedian, currently on hiatus. He has performed at at Anthrocon 2002's "Laughing Cockatoo Comedy Club" at the Adam's Mark hotel in Philadelphia, along with 2, The Ranting Gryphon. His last performance at a Furry Convention was MFM 2007 as part of the Flea Collar Comedy Tour. In 2006, he helped run Mephit FurMeet's dealer's room, and will be returning for 2007.

He is also rumored to be a freestyle DDR Midwest champion.

Clockwork Mouse is also a certified Reiki healer, 2nd degree, and uses LiveJournal under the name clockwerkmouse.

Since taking a break from stand-up comedy, he has been working on his first novel, about "Phoenix McGee", an super-powerful, goofball, private detective.)

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I look up at phillipe. "Hey! Where have you been phillpe?" I look at the skylight. "Now that needs to be fixed" i mummble to my self, i look over at (@@Sweets @@The Ponyville Critic) then back up at philipe for an explenation of sorts.


((Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler))

Edited by WarFluttershy
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"well I went to search the store to find a jacket in my size, bu the only thing they had was this hideous yellow thing he-lo do I look like a summer?" he looked up at the skylight "it was locked?"


(Under the Same Sky is a video production which chronicles a young bunny's powerful journey to becoming a true Samurai.

Shot entirely in 1080i High Definition on location at Chairo Raccoon’s Ringtail Studios and Hakone Gardens in Saratoga, California, it is a tribute to the work of Akira Kurosawa, Toshiro Mifune,Stan Sakai, and many other samarai films and stories.)

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"Im okay... I guess..." I nuzzle Broken. "what did you do as a soldier? ... and why do you have the metal wings? If you dont mind me a-asking..." I hug Broken just in case I made him feel sad.


(filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler)

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"You should if stayed with us philipe. You know how dangerous it is by your self" i say to him. "Also that was going to be our next stop..." i say to him. I look over at broken listening at the colt on him. 'A fellow soilder? Hmm... i don't know how or why he has metal wings.' I think to myself. And still think about too.

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Broken mechanically returns the hug but tries to be gentle he answers quietly, "I was... taken... by the Diarchy. Soldiers were always needed."


He at least is able to express a small bit of emotion in his voice at the very least. He lets some anger flow into his voice.


"My... parents... believed it would bring honor to our family. And so they turned me into their... expert... mercies," Broken gives a short bark- the only thing that could pass for a laugh, "The only mercy they show is for the ones that can survive the augementation processes. The Queens Sparkle are only ever interested in the capable."

Edited by Sekhayet
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Frozen Reverie walks up from behind War Fluttershy, "Did someone say something about a locked door? I may have something for that... I didn't manage to grab much from my home lab before I left, but I did grab some thermoactive solvent on my way out. May I ask your names? I'm Frozen Reverie by the way..."

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"oh... that sucks I guess..." I jump onto Broken's back and and nibbles on his ear playfully. "Can I... uhh... never mind." I just sit on Broken's back and stared at his patched up leg. "When do you think my leg is gonna be fully healed?"



(filler filler filler filler ninja's attacking me filler filler filler)

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Broken flicks an ear and sneezes, "I estimate one day recovery time. As I usually overestimate most pony's ability to heal, that probably means three days. You may ride me in the mean time. What is your question?"


Broken decides not to question the newest pony to arrive about his acidic compounds.

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"Can't say... but the less you put pressure on it, the quicker it'll heal, trust me..." Missy said. She levitated her saddlebag onto her back, along with a small amount of the water, what was left after helping that pony with his wound. Missy just sat there, listening to everypony after that, slightly scared also.

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"Oh.. uh nothing." I rested my head on Broken's back and began to doze off. My ears twitch as I think of a family I used to have. I wrap my wings around Broken's neck without knowing.


(Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler)

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(BTW Frozen is a mare, but that shouldn't matter so this sort of minutia is more of filler than an actual complaint.)

Frozen looks around, "Nice to meet you War Fluttershy, do the rest of you ponies have names? If we're going to survive together, we should probably learn who each other are and what supplies we have."

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Broken nods gently, "Very well..."


Broken takes a long look at Missy before taking a step toward her and putting his shields between the newcomers and her. He wasn't quite sure what to make of the newcomers, but he'd be damned if foals could be harmed from any fallout of a failed meeting.


He keeps an eye on the flow of onversation enough to answer , "I am Broken."

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I stretch out on Broken's back and let out a small yawn. "hmm... Hmm??" I open my eyes and see i'm on Broken's back. "Oh.. uh... sorry i'm a bit tired..." I blush lightly as my ears go down.


(Filler filler filler filler ninja fillers filler filler filler filler filler filler)

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"Well. I wish to get to know more about you ponies. But first" i extend a hoof out to broken, flame, missy, sweets, and lance "i would like you ponies to join our group in the constant fight against the zombies in struggle of a life in peace. Prohaps we could make a community of survivers who wish to live a life without zombies as a constant threat" I say to all of you, in hope that you'll join, only to survive thd undead that roam the city.

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"Uhh... up to Broken... for me. I don't want to be making a decision that I wont like, and I guess Broken is kinda like my guardian, so yeah..." i relax my head on Broken's back once more, just thinking. "All I can say is as long as those "things" are out of my life i'm fine with it."

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