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open Zombie Survival RP


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Frozen nods, "Alright. Actually, if you can group them up I can freeze them in place and we can kill them at our leisure before we move... Is your funnel done?" She asks, her horn glowing slightly brighter as she assesses the situation and prepares to use a slightly more aggressive spell. 

"don't use magic, it'll tire you out, if you plan on blowing that thing we may need to fight our way out, yeah i'm done with the funnel" he grabbed a long pointy piece of steel pipe "well now or never " he slammed a textbook down and waited until they started coming in, standing slightly behind the exit of the funnel

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the 5 zombies all alerted by the loud echoing noise started moving in the direction of the funnel trap, while they were still shambling, their pace was quicker, probably because of the setting sun which could barely be seen from behind the barricades over the front door

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the 5 zombies all alerted by the loud echoing noise started moving in the direction of the funnel trap, while they were still shambling, their pace was quicker, probably because of the setting sun which could barely be seen from behind the barricades over the front door


(all at once or in groups?) 


(The comic centers around decidedly mature themes, as demonstrated by the third strip in the debut arc which allowed Fnar to meet his mother, restrained to a cave wall with the rock actually encompassing her right leg and holding her arms as if it were eating her. The mature themes of the comic are made quite plain at that time, as the woman bore a stab wound under her left ribs near the stomach and also had her throat slashed. The blood from these wounds is still dripping in the scenes, and Fnar himself looked grisly as he was "aged" by Jack in stages to the age of a preteen boy.

Jack's plot bounces around quite often, but it remains true to the Hell theme for the most part. On occasion, strips are published which pertain to real world events, like the Angry Brian story arc which depicted events similar to those of the horrific Columbine High School Massacre. Other features of the comic include the appearance of real places like the former World Trade Center that was destroyed in the infamous and very tragically devastating terrorist attacks of 9/11. The Angry Brian story arc sparked heavy feedback from the readers, and also helped to earn the comic a large reader base.)

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Frozen nods and waits along the end of the funnel trap, then slams down her spike into the skull of the zombie, aiming specifically for the soft part where the skull bones fuse. She notices the setting sun, "It may be time to go..." She  whispers frantically.


(Eve Online (stylised EVE Online) is a video game by CCP Games. It is a player-driven, persistent-world MMORPG set in a science fiction space setting. Characters pilot customizable ships through a galaxy of over 7,500 star systems.[1][2] Most star systems are connected to one or more other star systems by means of stargates. The star systems can contain moons,planetsstationswormholesasteroid belts and complexes.)

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(in a group)


the first zombie falls dead with its head impailed, the others behind it trip on its corpse as they continue to try to get to the source of the noise, it creates a body pile almost, if the zombies could feel, they would be rather embarrassed at how much they failed

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"you may be right"  he  rammed the pole through the remaining four's gut and  as they stepped through let Frozen stab them one by one, the last one collapsed under the weight of the other three and  he dropped a cement block on it's face, crushing the things head "well? what do we do now...it won't take us long to get back...but we risk drawing attention to ourselves" he sighed "do we need to make camp for the night? I can secure the place...weld all the doors shut in this room except one and we can go out in the morning"

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"you may be right"  he  rammed the pole through the remaining four's gut and  as they stepped through let Frozen stab them one by one, the last one collapsed under the weight of the other three and  he dropped a cement block on it's face, crushing the things head "well? what do we do now...it won't take us long to get back...but we risk drawing attention to ourselves" he sighed "do we need to make camp for the night? I can secure the place...weld all the doors shut in this room except one and we can go out in the morning"

Frozen shakes her head, "There's no way that everyone else will survive a night, with or without us, if we don't get back there and hopefully distract some of the zombies. Get to the chem lab, grab whatever you need, plus a lab timer, some potassium permanganate, glycerin USP, potassium nitrate, and sulfuric acid. If you can manage it grab a hot plate too, but that's optional. I'm going to start with the propane tank out back." 

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"if you say so..." he grabbed a sledgehammer from the corner "I want you to roll the cart out there with you if you can, I know it's heavy, butt once you get it moving it should be no trouble" he twirled the hammer "i'm gonna need this" he went airborn and flew through the hallways, making it to the chem lab he grabbed the supplies Frozen asked for as well as A large vacuum pump and a  bottle of vacuum oil, stuffing it into the duffel bag he flew out a window to the propane tank

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"if you say so..." he grabbed a sledgehammer from the corner "I want you to roll the cart out there with you if you can, I know it's heavy, butt once you get it moving it should be no trouble" he twirled the hammer "i'm gonna need this" he went airborn and flew through the hallways, making it to the chem lab he grabbed the supplies Frozen asked for as well as A large vacuum pump and a bottle of vacuum oil, stuffing it into the duffel bag he flew out a window to the propane tank

Frozen nods and heads back to the shop room. She slowly rolls the cart, half with magic and half with muscle, back to the propane tank, where she meets Philipe. She takes out the timer, potassium permanganate, and glycerin, and then tapes the timer to the tank's release valve. "I've got this rigged up so when the timer ticks down, the tank will open and the chemicals will mix, then spontaneously combust. Then bam, no more school... Only one more thing to do before we go... She sets the timer and prepares to press the start, "I need you to help me get to the school's PA system, it should draw in zombies from all across town...

(And it is here where I must sleep.)

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Frozen nods and heads back to the shop room. She slowly rolls the cart, half with magic and half with muscle, back to the propane tank, where she meets Philipe. She takes out the timer, potassium permanganate, and glycerin, and then tapes the timer to the tank's release valve. "I've got this rigged up so when the timer ticks down, the tank will open and the chemicals will mix, then spontaneously combust. Then bam, no more school... Only one more thing to do before we go... She sets the timer and prepares to press the start, "I need you to help me get to the school's PA system, it should draw in zombies from all across town...

(And it is here where I must sleep.)


"no more school? but there is a wealth of supplies...books...tools, that we could use" he stopped then sighed "I suppose you are right...get in the cart" he pulled it to the front of the school and let her out "Ok, go do what you need to...be careful, I'll wait out here so we can take off as soon as you are ready...oh and if you can find me a sharpie?"

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After slinging the shotgun over my back i grab 3 of each knife and i put a survival knife on my right shoulder, and the hunting knife at the armor band of my left hoof.  I also grab the saddle bags too from the hunting section and bring them with me as I carry the knives in my mouth and walk back over to broken. I give him the knives and a saddle bags.


"Here, in case you can't use your wings when we are at the hospital, and the saddle bags for the medicine"


I look over at the injured.


"We will be fine. I think me and broken should be able to handle it."

Edited by WarFluttershy
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"no more school? but there is a wealth of supplies...books...tools, that we could use" he stopped then sighed "I suppose you are right...get in the cart" he pulled it to the front of the school and let her out "Ok, go do what you need to...be careful, I'll wait out here so we can take off as soon as you are ready...oh and if you can find me a sharpie?"

Frozen nods, "I know it's not optimal, but our best chance to survive is to draw in the zombies then blow them all to hell." She quietly sneaks back into the school, over go the administration office, and finds a control panel for the PA system. She turns the volume up all the way, then sets it to play the loudest music she can think of and turns it on. She grabs two sharpies and a dry erase marker on her way out. As the music starts she climbs into the cart and shouts "Fly!"

Unseen, the timer begins its seven minute countdown.

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Philipe begins to fly forwards as hard as he can straining against the ropes it starts to slowly roll forwards, about 10 feet out they are moving at a heavy jog when the cart starts to speed up a lot due to the hill, pretty soon they find themselves flying down the hill, Philipe being pulled by the cart when the camping store comes into view he flies backwards as hard as possible "Frozen! I need you to grab the maddox, tie the rope to the maddox head, then to the cart, then throw me the maddox and tuck your head in!"

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I walk over to broken


"we should get going so the injured don't suffer any more than they have to."


I say to him while giving him the knives.


"take these, we don't know if we will need them"


I look over in the direction of the hospital. Knowing that it will be dangerous for just two of us to go, but it has to be done

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Broken nods and slips them between his tertiary feathers on his non-weapon mounted wing. He looks around for anything else he needs before sidling up Fluttershy, "Agreed. We have little time. The exalted can catch up to us- it looks like this... hospital... is directly south of us. We will need to scavenge for food and water along the way."

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"right, also here is a saddle bag"


Gives you a saddle bag for extra storage.


"we should also bring some food and water. We'll be hungry when we reach the hospital..."


I say and go back in and grab four cans of food and four bottles of water.


"we may be there over night."


I place two cans of food and two bottles of water in my bags and casually place them in broken's saddle bags.

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Missy hopped off of Lace's back, stumbling around a little.

"Okay, we need to try and fix that hole in the wall somehow, there might be some things and stuff in here we might be able to use as a blockade." Missy explained dizzily. "I hit my head and I think I have a concussion... I could be wrong."

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Broken shifts his saddlebags around to more comfortably sit it on his back, brushes a wing against Fluttershy's back in acknowledgement and thanks, and starts south.


"I will watch our right flank, warpony. You take the left."


(OMG with the filler OMFG...]

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Technicolor went to the voices and saw the ponies. She stepped forward and saw their weapons. She feared being shot, but It was worth it it if she was shot. She shakily said, "D-Don't sh-sh-shoot. Please. I-I'm T-Technicolor."

(Le filler of fillerness and awesomeness)

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"Alright broken"


I watch our left as we head south.


(~Yeah, I'll gravitate towards you,

Or you'll miss me when I'm gone
Cause things are getting creepy in this sleepy state of Oregon
And I'm gonna set things right again
I'm gonna prove them wrong
I'm gonna show the world the supernatural

I wasn't prepared to be a scared young boy
I wasn't prepared to be read like Tolstoy
And destroy
These feelings I feel inside

This war and peace inside my mind
Finding things I shouldn't find
This time they're out to get you
You kinda scare me and I wanna let you

And find another adventure
C'mon let's go
I found something interesting and we should discover it together

Yeah, I'll gravitate towards you
Or you'll miss me when I'm gone
Cause things are getting creepy in this sleepy state of Oregon
And I'm gonna set things right again
I'm gonna prove them wrong
I'm gonna show the world the supernatural

I wasn't prepared to be a full grown man
I wasn't prepared to take your hand
A plan?
You already know me
Feel this one and just go with me

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
If I can't see then I can't find
These things that are out to get you
You kinda scare me and I won't let you

And find another adventure
C'mon let's go
I found something interesting and we should discover it together

Yeah, I'll gravitate towards you
Or you'll miss me when I'm gone
Cause things are getting creepy in this sleepy state of Oregon
And I'm gonna set things right again
I'm gonna prove them wrong
I'm gonna show the world the supernatural

Call my name
I'm still here
Feeling safe
When you're near
This magic is tragic
Just to see me smile
Won't you hold me for a while?

Yeah, I'll gravitate towards you
Or you'll miss me when I'm gone
Cause things are getting creepy in this sleepy state of Oregon
Gonna set things right again
I'm gonna prove them wrong
I'm gonna show the world the supernatural

Yeah, I'll gravitate towards you
Or you'll miss me when I'm gone
Cause things are getting creepy in this sleepy state of Oregon
And I'm gonna set things right again
I'm gonna prove them wrong
I'm gonna show the world the supernatural~

~Forest Rain~

It is stuck in my head and sorry for the lyrics :P needed a fast filler.)

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daylight was fading, it was about 6:30 by the time they got to the hospital it would be full night, zombies had come out of their hiding spots and were starting to appear numerous, they wouldnt completely fill the streets, most would be attracted to bright lights such as street lamps or stores with bright lights in them

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As we walk we start to avoid the zombies coming out of the buildings and loading the streets.


'gezz. what was the population of the city before it's downfall?'


I thought and wonder as we avoid the the best we can


(its still stuck in my head... going to listen to smile now :P)

  • Brohoof 1
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Technicolor went to the voices and saw the ponies. She stepped forward and saw their weapons. She feared being shot, but It was worth it it if she was shot. She shakily said, "D-Don't sh-sh-shoot. Please. I-I'm T-Technicolor."

(Le filler of fillerness and awesomeness)

(The School is about to explode, so I recommend you run now...)

Frozen strains to hear the pony over the slightly-distorted music. "It isn't safe here! Run!" She shouts and gestures for Technicolor to follow.

Philipe begins to fly forwards as hard as he can straining against the ropes it starts to slowly roll forwards, about 10 feet out they are moving at a heavy jog when the cart starts to speed up a lot due to the hill, pretty soon they find themselves flying down the hill, Philipe being pulled by the cart when the camping store comes into view he flies backwards as hard as possible "Frozen! I need you to grab the maddox, tie the rope to the maddox head, then to the cart, then throw me the maddox and tuck your head in!"

Frozen does as Philips says and tosses him the Maddox head. She ducks before shouting ), "3 minutes! We're going to make it!"
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Broken is content to remain silent as they walk, merely keeping an eye on his surroundings and trusting his companion to do the same. The setting sun is casting dark shadows across the street where the last of the light is showing the emerging corpses. He is glad the they walk in shade- the dying light will reflect off his wings if he steps into the light. He considers making conversation when they walk by groups of corpses that seem oblivious to their passing but decides against it each time.

Edited by Sekhayet
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Technicolor pricks her ears forward, straining to hear the pony before her. "Oh! Sorry for the inconvenience!" she takes off on her wings,  and within a second, she is alongside the new pony. "I'll follow you!" She shouts.

(random filler of the fillerness of joy and wonder)

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