GenderIsAnIllusion 2,177 March 15, 2014 Share March 15, 2014 Ok so here's my revelation about this episode: Rock puns + Character with less personality than a rock + pinkie shenanigans + surprisingly touching resolution = an overall decent episode. It just works.... The same way you can't explain why most Adam Sandler movies work... They just f***ing do, and that's why we love them. Very cute episode, good humor, and no pony was OOC. 3.5/5 1 My peep is against bullying.... Are you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castle Bleck 19,383 March 15, 2014 Share March 15, 2014 Ok so here's my revelation about this episode: Rock puns + Character with less personality than a rock + pinkie shenanigans + surprisingly touching resolution = an overall decent episode. It just works.... The same way you can't explain why most Adam Sandler movies work... They just f***ing do, and that's why we love them. Very cute episode, good humor, and no pony was OOC. 3.5/5 Now if only we could go back in time and show this episode to whomever wrote Rainbow Falls... 3 By @Emerald Heart.↑ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenderIsAnIllusion 2,177 March 15, 2014 Share March 15, 2014 Now if only we could go back in time and show this episode to whomever wrote Rainbow Falls... Couldn't agree more... I think that's the only episode I hate XD My peep is against bullying.... Are you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjrgmc28 130 March 15, 2014 Share March 15, 2014 Whew! Nothing like a good hot cuppa to start the morning. So with that, it's time for the usual post episode write up.To sum up my tweet from this morning:"Well, the guess I was made was right. Maud Pie has entered the fan favourite character ranks! A great episode!"Again, like the Apple Bloom episode last week the story centred around a topic that is close to home in the form of siblings and family. While I didn't reach for the headphone volume switch as much, there were a few moments where the PTSD flared up and the volume went down on a few instances.Anyway onto the episode itself.I guess the main part and highlight of this episode was the debut of Maud Pie, and what a first time appearance it was!I was mainly impressed with her personality, hence the tweet above about becoming a fan favourite character and seeing what she can do also gave a few "wow" moments that made the episode just a little bit more special.I mean, is it that she ate a whole rock without having any regard for their dental hygiene and at the risk of breaking a tooth or two?Is it the ability to drill and break up rocks with their bare hooves to save your younger sister's life after setting up a Double Dare style obstacle course which went almost fatally wrong?Is it the ability able to write such brilliant poetry and put her full literature skills to the test despite being a little on the bland side, but yet provide words of wisdom?Is it the ability to carry around a pet rock everywhere she goes despite the risks of being picked on and bullied? I often wonder if Cloudy Quartz (Pinkie's mother) brought her daughters up in a special way on that rock farm. I mean, what else could Maud do that Pinkie and the sisters can't do by those three things that she did? Maud really shone in a big way in this episode.Speaking of Pinkie, she was a lot better in this episode despite the past performances this season where she copped a lot of flack for the stuff she said and did. Sure she may have made Fluttershy cry twice in Filli Vanilli, but I just put that down as a lapse of good judgement and write it off as a life experience.Another scene that I was blown away by was seeing the tradition of the Pie family rock candy and also being demonstrated through the art of traditional paper animation was also a nice nod to the styles of the past. Although it was simple and not to the renaissance standards that the likes of the big "D" experienced during the late 80's and early to mid 1990's, this small sample of animated brilliance despite being only for a few seconds really goes to show that the DHX team isn't afraid to try new things to make the episode go the extra mile or two and to also impress the viewer.But with all of the traditions that a family can have, there has to be a down side to it all and the one scene that is now etched into the minds of the fans came when Pinkie had her heart ripped out emotionally by the Mane 6 when they decided to be blunt about Maud."Ouch! That has to hurt. Poor Pinkie."Seeing Pinkie's mane deflate (but not into full blown Pinkamena) and biting her muzzle in an effort to try and not start crying was a heartfelt moment that was translated well to the viewer. I don't know if the writers this season have an agenda to put Pinkie against the wall and try and fight through the odds, but it seems to be having an impact.Apart from that, Maud Pie is one of those episodes that I consider a must watch and being the second of the three sibling themed episodes this season, this has set the stage for Rarity and Sweetie Belle to tell their story next week.I also have written my full thoughts on the episode itself on my blog, which can be viewed here. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blossomshy 39 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 Great episode, just finished watching it as I fell asleep before I could watch the stream. At first I thought it was weird as I started watching a friend in deed by mistake thinking it was the new one. Still half asleep. Anyway great ep. I don't really see the obsession about maud and she just looks uninteresting to me IMO. That poem though about rocks. About an 8-9/10 for me. Nice to see them being honest and saying how they aren't best friends with maud. <p> Thanks to RD92 for my amazingly awesome signature. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MlpLover1 4 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 Have fun watching this for those who didnt watch the episode Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 Sorry for the late review everypony. I was volunteering at a local museum this morning (which really wasn't as fun as it sounds, the event was super slow and had very light attendance, but eh, what can you do?), and after that I had to run some errands with my mom. But I finally got around to the episode late in the afternoon. So what did I think? Overall... solid average episode, but... it should have been a good episode. So let's begin by covering the good before I go over what I think brings this episode down, disappointingly, to average status. Well first of all, the Mane 6 as a whole were just wonderful. As far as sharing screen time goes, this was one of the best ensemble episodes in a long time, in fact, probably the best one we've had since "Power Ponies" (and heck, I'd say it did an even better job than "Power Ponies" did as an ensemble episode). Heck, the screen time was split so nicely that I can't even really call Pinkie Pie the star of the episode, everyone just shared the screen so well and contributed to episode pretty much equally. Pinkie didn't even end up solving the group's dilemma here, rather, the rest of her friends did. All of them were very much in character here, had a lot of screen time, contributed a lot of laughs (though Pinkie Pie undeniably had the lion's share, seriously, her comedy and characterization was very spot on, felt like a Season 2 turn for Pinkie Pie), and were all very competent even. None of them actually made mistakes or did anything malicious, they just had to deal with a very awkward situation that would understandably trip anyone up. Pinkie's love for Maud was believable as well, just because when you're siblings, you get each other, even if you are polar opposites (a lot of the time, anyway, not always, but a lot of the time), and it was very touching seeing the lengths she'd go to make her sister happy and feel welcome. As for the rest of the Mane 6, they really did put their best hoof forward as well trying to befriend Maud. It wasn't that they weren't trying, they just seriously couldn't click with her or figure out what they had in common until the very end. So overall, what we got from the Mane 6 as a whole were very down-to-earth performances perfect for a slice-of-life episode, which this episode felt very much like. It wasn't a dire situation, there wasn't anything major at stake, no one was in peril or risking throwing everything away. It was just a very solid, slice-of-life dilemma that felt very normal, the characters worked just fine confronted with that dilemma, and overall that slice-of-life feel worked just fine for the episode. Seriously, can we please address the fact that we all just ate actual rocks?! Because I can't help but feel that these aren't going to pass through our systems very well. *RD's next trip to the can* OH GOSH, WHYYYYYY???????? IT FEELS LIKE THERE'S NAILS PASSING THROUGH MY BOWELS, AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have fun getting that image out of your heads. :comeatus: Thematically the episode had a very nice message. Again, it was normal, it was just a solid and even mature slice-of-life message, but it was a nice message all the same that was executed perfectly fine in the episode. It's very real that sometimes, not all of your friends are going to click with or understand each other, even if you're friends with them all the same, and the fact that this was one of Pinkie's sisters made the situation all the more awkward and difficult for the rest of the Mane 6. It was also nice that, by the end of the episode, while the girls had accepted that they really didn't understand Maud nor she they, they could at least connect with each other over their common love for Pinkie Pie. That was a nice compromise that felt very real; it's not like Maud changed because of that, it's not like she suddenly became more outgoing because they had something in common. She was still Maud, they were still the Mane 6 and didn't get her, but they all still loved Pinkie and realized they could bond over that in their own way. Very lovely message, very lovely indeed, and it was executed and delivered within the story just fine. The humor, as I mentioned, was pretty spot on as well, with some very funny visual and dialogue humor from all of the Mane 6, especially Pinkie Pie. She didn't feel like she was unnecessarily over-the-top in her behavior, no, that felt very real because you could tell she was just trying her hardest to make sure her sister and friends had a great time together (even if she was blissfully unaware for much of it that they weren't). Overall, the episode's story itself fulfilled its intent perfectly fine, delivering a very solid message with very good execution. So the Mane 6 are fine, the message was fine, the story, the humor, the fulfillment of the episode's intent itself were all just fine. So where did this episode go wrong, why do I think it's just a disappointingly average episode instead of a solid good episode? One word: Maud. Let me explain: Maud played her role in the story just fine. The purpose behind her character was to present the Mane 6 with someone who they couldn't bond with at all, and in the end had to settle for bonding over their common love for Pinkie Pie, which was a fair compromise that worked for everyone. She fulfilled her purpose just fine, helping the episode fulfill its overall intent just fine. She also wasn't malicious or anything, she certainly wasn't a jerk. She seemed by the end to be a well meaning pony who only had love for her sister. But my gosh, was she BORING!!! Now look, I know it may seem a bit juvenile or childish to complain about someone not being animated or being a very reserved character, but, listen, here's the thing: I COMPLETELY GET WHY THE MANE 6 DIDN'T CLICK WITH MAUD! Why? Because I didn't click with her either, not at all, and I imagine that a number of bronies feel the same way. The entire episode there was absolutely nothing compelling about her in the slightest! Maud was just... bleh. I know that some of the situations and scenes she was in ended up having dry humor, but that wasn't because of her, not intentionally at least. She wasn't ever trying to be funny or witty, the things she did that were funny were always her being serious about something. She was just so introverted and unenthusiastic about anything and everything, and it drove me crazy at times. Even her saving Pinkie Pie rubbed me the wrong way. Not because I can't believe that Maud would love her sister enough to move mountains, but because it was the only plot point that felt convoluted. I know they'd established earlier that Maud was freakishly strong, but come on, that deus ex machina was ridiculous, she friggin' turned into Superman in that scene out of bucking nowhere!!! I was happy with how the episode was resolved, I was happy that a good message was learned and delivered, and I was happy that the Mane 6 found something to bond with Maud over, but I just... didn't... like... Maud! I got absolutely nothing out of this character, I wasn't sorry to see her leave at the end, and I won't be sorry if never reappears in the show again. As a character herself, she was dry as toast left out in the desert sun for a week, and I just, I'm sorry, I didn't like her, not one bit, she made me feel NOTHING! I guess I also was a bit mad that neither Inkie nor Blinkie have gotten to show up yet in the present, seeing as they were already established characters way back in Season 1, and instead we got a completely new character, but really, I wouldn't have held that against her if I found her to be likable at all, which, I didn't. The Mane 6 didn't ever click with her and neither did I, and really, Maud is what brought this episode down from good to average status for me, which is a real shame because if not for her, this would've been a solid good episode in my book. If some of you like Maud, good for you, but me, I couldn't get into her at all, not once, as I watched the episode. Sweet Celestia, Gummy has more personality here than Maud does!!! So as I said, the episode overall was average. It should've been good, but one major element brought it down to average status, and that's pretty disappointing in all honesty. Plenty to like here, but there's also just one big element that simply didn't work once for me. Ah well, they can't all be home runs, but it's still disappointing when one element alone tarnishes an episode overall, even when everything else works just fine. Sorry Maud, but I hope you're on that rock trip for a LONG time. My gosh, PINKIE'S TONGUE HAS MORE PERSONALITY THAN MAUD DOES!!! Seriously, though, that image is pretty darn hilarious. Pinkie Pie, u so silly, never stop being a silly filly, you hear? 1 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castle Bleck 19,383 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 @Batbrony, She was supposed to be boring. By @Emerald Heart.↑ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 @Batbrony, She was supposed to be boring. I know that, doesn't mean it worked for me or made her a compelling character. If you liked her, good for you, but me, I found absolutely nothing to like about her. Not that she was unlikable, but there was just... nothing that made me feel anything for her at all. 1 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castle Bleck 19,383 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 I know that, doesn't mean it worked for me or made her a compelling character. If you liked her, good for you, but me, I found absolutely nothing to like about her. Not that she was unlikable, but there was just... nothing that made me feel anything for her at all. Personally, I rank her up there with Iron Will, Babs Seed, Coco Pommel, and Cheese Sandwich. By @Emerald Heart.↑ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flutter's lover <3 8,206 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 It was alright. Kind of a "meh" episode for me. Not a Pinkie Pie fan, but it was interesting to meet one of her sisters. 1 Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng* Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 Personally, I rank her up there with Iron Will, Babs Seed, Coco Pommel, and Cheese Sandwich. I can't, man I just can't. Plenty of things I liked in the episode, but Maud certainly wasn't one of them. But hey, good for you that you found her likable. "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castle Bleck 19,383 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 I can't, man I just can't. Plenty of things I liked in the episode, but Maud certainly wasn't one of them. But hey, good for you that you found her likable. It's subjective, I suppose. 1 By @Emerald Heart.↑ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forlong 1,726 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 My gosh, PINKIE'S TONGUE HAS MORE PERSONALITY THAN MAUD DOES!!! Seriously, though, that image is pretty darn hilarious. Pinkie Pie, u so silly, never stop being a silly filly, you hear? That gif reminds me of something... @Batbrony, She was supposed to be boring. Oh, and that magically makes it okay. Oh wait, no it doesn't. If you meant to make a boring character, all you managed to do was bore the viewer. 2 Check out my YouTube channel: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenderIsAnIllusion 2,177 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 @Batbrony, She was supposed to be boring. Not only was she meant to be boring, it absolutely wouldent have made sence any other way. If Maud was just another Pinkie, then it would not have made sence that they didn't click. It was a very well placement for a,seemingly emotionless pony. 3 My peep is against bullying.... Are you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 Oh, and that magically makes it okay. Oh wait, no it doesn't. If you meant to make a boring character, all you managed to do was bore the viewer. Exactly! I get that they were going for a dry character, and I get dry humor and its appeal, I really do. But I just feel they made her a tad bit too dry. On paper, some of the lines are hilarious that she says. But her delivery was just a smidge too flat I thought, just a smidge. If she had pulled back just a little bit, had a bit more personality or just a little bit of flat sass, it might've worked. But as is, the execution just didn't work for me. "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tan 91 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 i didn't care for the episode, but i didn't hate it either, this episode was totally forgettable imo. It wasn't cheesy though and i wouldn't say i couldn't enjoy it as a whole, some parts i did kinda like... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shift 4,272 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 So, i've been thinking, what about Pinkie's other sisters? What about them? Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainboom Dash 1,056 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 It was an alright episode. I honestly didn't see the point in introducing a new sister for Pinkie, as this story could've worked with one of her existing sisters. Regardless, Maud provided a great contrast to Pinkie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Singe 2,111 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 This episode very much lays out some of Pinkie Pie. The other ponies in order to be her friends have to put up with her over the top hyperactive antics and Pinkie doesn't really think straight. Also it shows Pinkie Pie sees the world through a delusional way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forlong 1,726 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 Not only was she meant to be boring, it absolutely wouldent have made sence any other way. If Maud was just another Pinkie, then it would not have made sence that they didn't click. It was a very well placement for a,seemingly emotionless pony. Problem is that they didn't have to make Maud boring to accomplish that. They could have just made her slightly antisocial and unwilling to establish new bonds. Sort of like... 1 Check out my YouTube channel: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 The ponysona of Eska, everyone! Yes. I just barely finished the two Avatar series', and I'm so glad I did, as now Maud and Eska being the human and pony versions of themselves will forever by my headcanon. Another enjoyable Pinkie episode. Like Spoon says, fan reactions to how her character is written certainly seems to be varying based on if she's an episodes' focus character or not. But I've no interest in going into that, as many others will no doubt do it for me, and as everyone knows, I'm more interested in being the glass half-full person to talk about what I liked, than to dwell on what the writers should have done better. Overall, I'm really glad that Pinkie's relatives have made a non-flashback appearance, because from those flashbacks it was clear that the 'complete opposite of Pinkie' personalities would make for a wonderful plot device for an episode. The fact that Maude is more or less Eska makes things all the better. We've had far too few of the introverted, quiet characters in this show so far, so being somewhat of one myself, it's quite amusing to see the classic 'brick wall, socially awkward' character, of which both Maud and Eska are examples of, to find their way into the show at last. I also find it fitting that Pinkie is indifferent to her sister's and by extension her family's bleak personalities in comparison to her own, even after being around characters much more outgoing and illuminated like herself for years at this point; being caught up in the excitement of her friends meeting her sister is surely a big part of that, but even so, I find it fitting for her character and it was amusing the entire episode. Maud hurling the rock, causing an atomic bomb-esque mushroom cloud, and a sonic boom that caused a mini tsunami in the pond was both unexpected and hilarious. That was probably the best part of the entire episode. Well, that and the surprise Maud To the Rescue moment, of course, that left everypony in-show and every-brony out-show slackjaw. Between drawing animatics, tumbling rocks for scene transitions and other amusing things, the episode was given a lot of different things to help it stand out as a slice of life episode, too. Which is helpful, considering that, by nature, with a character like Maud zapping any chance of excitement out of the atmosphere for comedic effect upon making the other characters feel awkward, it can use all the chances for individuality it can get. Like I said, an overall good episode, we got some new family characters again, and I enjoyed this far more than the Breezy episode personally, and minus the Chimera, the previous episode as well. It may have been lackluster in action outside the climax, but the character bonding and deep themes and general well-done acting were more than enough to win me over Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor XFizzle 8,669 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 Man it'd be tough to be Maud's husband for obvious reasons with her lack of expression MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Singe 2,111 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 One aspect of Maud not liking competition shows that her element is likely Humility. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castle Bleck 19,383 March 16, 2014 Share March 16, 2014 (edited) Man it'd be tough to be Maud's husband for obvious reasons with her lack of expression But she's BEAUTIFUL when she deadpans! <3 <3 <3 Edited March 16, 2014 by Anti-Villain 1 By @Emerald Heart.↑ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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