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private Johto Storm


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@Flareon,    The Pokemon playing near the pond slowly came to notice Cass, looking at each other before one of the Poliwag and one of the Tympole try to bounce a little closer to the trainer in order to get a better look at her.  

((Sorry about my lack of activity. I've been having issues connecting, and MLPforums can be pretty hard to get anything done on if you're having trouble loading pages.))

Cass smiled cheerfully at the little Tympole. They reminded her of home. It was the Poliwag she was interested in though. They seemed as good-natured as the Ledyba. Maybe a similar capturing strategy would work on them. Maybe she could catch all her pokemon in this region without a single battle for once.
She held out a hand full of Pokemon food, inviting them closer.

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((OOC: I can just imagine Noi being so cute as he marches along next to Lumi. <3 On a more serious note, how would you like our two Pokemon to interact? Should I put out text for Lumi or something?))

((OOC: I assume you are handling the wild Pokemon. Are we allowed to stage an encounter or is that entirely up to you?))


"I have a Skarmory and a Kirlia back at Kalos. Though I did not bring them with me. It would of been much harder to travel with all three of them. They probably are with my sister at the moment, she promised to care for them till I return." Jason replied as he parted the grass in front of him. "What about you? Do you have any other Pokemon back at Blackthorn?"


Lumi noticed Noi as she landed next to her. The Glaceon let the temperature of the air around her increase so that Noi would not be too uncomfortable in the chilling cold. Lumi also noticed the Noibat having difficulty keeping up, she decreased her pace to allow Noi to be able to keep with her stride. "Glaci?" She asked Noi if she was comfortable.


Jason seemed to have noticed Lumi slow down. "Something wrong?" He then noticed Noi trying to keep pace with Lumi. "Oh. I guess it is alright if we slow down a bit." Jason adjusted his pace to Lumi's as they continued through the thick brush.

Edited by Glaceon
  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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(OOC: Pokemon interaction I think should be kept to a position of what it would have been like on the anime. Their communication would mainly be seen as gestures, speaking, and expressions. I mean, does that sound fine with you?)


Allen chuckled at Jason's question as he slowed his pace in return as well. "Nope, Noi has been my only pokemon," he nodded, fondling with her pokeball on his belt. "It's alright though. I figured if I got better at training, I'd be able to handle another eventually." The thought of getting another pokemon had passed Allen's mind on many occasions; however, he did want to be overwhelmed with more pokemon than he could handle till he was able. 

As Lumi raised the temperature around her slightly and slowed her pace kindly, the curious eyes of the Noibat began to stare. "Noi..." she answered back in thanks at the Glaceon's icy, rasp voice with a friendly smile. The small, violet pokemon then moved closer to Lumi and chittered once more happily while now being able to parade without as much strain. Even with the flamboyant attitude of the Noibat, Allen smiled to see her ears twitching at even the slightest of noises around them. "I guess Noi has met her first friend," he laughed before passing through another batch of tall grass.

Edited by Aerodynas

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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((OOC: That sounds good. Also Lumi increased the temperature for Noi, not lowered.))

Lumi returned Noi's smile as they walked together through the grass. Lumi occasionally looked left and right as they moved on, she seemed to have noticed something but nothing showed up.


Jason smiled. "I think you are right." He chuckled a bit. "Noi did not have friends back at Blackthorn?" Jason asked Allen curiously. "Wait, I think Lumi sees something following us or nearby." Jason slowed his pace and listened for any sounds of movement. He assumed it was a wild Pokemon, which it probably was.

  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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The Magikarp floated at the edge of the water, staring up blankly at Stella and her Pokemon.  It wasn't making any move to say it wanted to go with them, but it also wasn't making any moves to say that it didn't.  It was really quite difficult to tell what it was thinking...  If it was thinking anything, at least.  After an awkwardly long pause it finally opens its mouth, saying a long and slow "Kaaaaaarp."  The Magikarp moved to try and follow them onto the bank...  Where it promptly began splashing about uselessly.  It was a fish that had just jumped out of the water, after all.






Nurse Joy smiles kindly at Muna and nods her head slightly.  "You should be free to go anytime you'd like...  Maybe take it slow at first, but you should be perfectly fine now.  Just try to be more careful in the future, please...  Those Joltik must have felt quite threatened to have resorted to something like that.  They're a little mischievous, but they're not usually aggressive like the way your friend described."






Both of the little tadpole Pokemon seemed to perk up at the offered food and they both tried to reach for it at the same time.  This caused the Poliwag and Tympole to bump into each other, and they both turned to stare at each other as they did...  Abruptly both water types began shooting Bubbles at each other out of their mouths!  It seemed like they were fighting over who was going to get the food first...  Though, considering they were both water types shooting bubbles, this could take a while without intervention...




@@Aerodynas, @@Glaceon,


As the trainers and their Pokemon walked through the taller grass, abruptly a Sentret would pop out of the grass in front of them.  The little Pokemon was standing upright on its tail in order to peek over the top of the grass.  "Sentret?  Sentret!"  As it cried out more of the grass started to rustle before more of the Pokemon started to pop up around them, peeking over the top of the grass in the same curious manner.  Soon enough it would seem the boys and their Pokemon were surrounded by a half dozen of the little normal types, all of them watching their every move. 

  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Allen was readying to confirm Jason's question when he heeded his word and looked to the grass, seeing the many heads start popping up and watching curiously.  "Sentrets?" he questioned quietly as he watched them back. Noi seemed to be intrigued as she took flight and flew up a little to where she could get a better look at the many pokemon. At that point, she realized her friend couldn't fly so she landed softly upon Lumi's back. "Noi, no-noi," she chittered happily again."These originated here in Johto. You'll usually see them together like this since they tend to stick together in bands...It helps them watch out for threatening pokemon that would easily take one of them alone," Allen nodded knowingly before silencing himself. Why do you always have to be the brainiac? You haven't trained near as much as Jason. I think he knows already. It wasn't exactly clear if the pokemon meant harm to the pair, but Allen remembered his duty and began downloading the data into his pokedex before returning it to his belt. "They aren't too much trouble except for defending purposes...then they can be a pain together."

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Aerodynas, @@Umbreon,


Jason stepped back as the Sentret hoard popped up. "Don't worry, I don't think they are aggressive. Though they have us surrounded which stops us from advancing. Any ideas to get them to go away?" Jason stood his ground and looked around at the Sentrets.

Lumi quickly took a step back. "Glaci...." She mumbled cautiously. Though unintimidating alone Lumi knew that they outnumbered them badly and she could handle all of them. Lumi felt Noi land on her back, she wondered if Noi expected her to be cold to the touch, since most people assume this about Glaceons. In actuality the natural body temperature of Glaceons are actually close to human body temperature, it only deviates from that during battle. Lumi took note to make sure Noi flies off if a fight breaks happens, since she did not want to freeze her friend. Lumi put aside her thoughts and stepped backwards one more time closer to Jason. She waited to see what would happen.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Allen chuckled, "Well, Sentrets are normall easily scared off. You'll know they're aggressive if they start drumming their tail on the ground." He then called Noi over to him who responded almost sadly to have to leave her friend's back. "Noooi..." she grumbled as she took flight again slightly above Jason and Allen with her eyes starting took speedily look at every Sentret in alternation. Already, her ears were picking up their movements in their sonar build, giving her at least some chance if something took a turn for the less of betterment. Allen turned to Jason inquiringly. "We could probably spook them into running away...though it could also backfire and make some of them attack," he addressed in a calm manner to his friend amid a complacent smirk. "I'm following the better trainer's decision on this one.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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((OOC: Jason being all friendly with Pokemon and stuff.))

Jason thought about this for a while. "Well... Maybe we should take a more passive approach here, since if things do turn sour we are quite outnumbered." Jason reached into his bag and pulled out several berries which were meant for Lumi and his Pokedex, he then turned to Lumi. "Lumi, be ready, just in case things go bad." Jason instructed as he approached the closest Sentret. Jason quickly muted the Pokedex, so that they will not be startled by the audio. He then scanned the wild Pokemon and offered it a berry. "Here you go. We just want to pass through. We are not here to cause trouble." Jason tried to make his tone as friendly and soft as possible. He hoped the Sentret will take the berry and leave or let them pass.


Lumi watched Jason offer several of her berries towards the Sentret. She angled herself as to intercept the Sentret if it were to attack Jason. She kept the air around the group cooler than usual and readied to quickly drop the temperature even further. She hoped that this wouldn't be needed, since even though it would affect all the nearby Sentrets it would also hit Jason, Allen and Noi. Lumi knew that Noi would be the most affected by this attack, and hoped she would not need to use it.

Edited by Glaceon

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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At Magikarp's words, or rather word, Helioptile cried out in joy. It looked like it indeed wanted to join their party. Helioptile bounded up onto Stella's bag, and began to fumble in it. "Helioptile...!" Stella yelled, clearly annoyed. "What are you doing?! That pokemon clearly doesn't want to come with us! Plus, I gave you no order to catch it! Ugh..." Helioptile had finally stopped fumbling around and had picked out a bright red and white pokeball. One shiny enough to be fitting of such a glorious pokemon. She placed the ball in front of the Magikarp.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Muna rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.  "Yeah...I kind of did give those Joltik plenty of reason to attack me, so it doesn't really surprise me that I'm here right now.  Probably wasn't my smartest move, especially considering I've seen plenty of Joltik back in Unova."  Climbing carefully out of the cot and then stretching, he felt his spine give a few satisfying pops before sighing and accepting his satchel from Audino.  Once his bag was secured back in place, Muna turned back towards Nurse Joy, bowing with gratitude.  "Thank you very much for your help, ma'am.  It's much appreciated."  Looking over at Audino he nodded his head, and the two of them exited the back room and eventually returned to the Pokemon Center's lobby.  "Now where is that girl...?"  Muna muttered, squinting as he scanned the small crowd of various Pokemon trainers.


"Aud!"  Tugging on her trainer's sleeve, Audino pointed over towards the large map of the Johto region hanging on the wall.  The girl from before was facing the map, probably studying it.  Muna sucked in a deep breath, exhaled, and then approached her.


"So...I'm sorry for any trouble that I've caused you..."  He spoke once he was several feet behind her.  Muna then walked up closer so that he was now standing to her side.  "I, uhm, can reimburse you for your help if you'd like-"  The coffee-toned man heard his Audino "cough", after which she gave him a pointed look and he rolled his eyes in response before continuing to speak.  "My name's Munashe, by the way, and...err...thank you."

Edited by Sylveon









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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"Hm?" Sable said turning around. She had been reading the map almost the entire time, planning out a route around the region. As such she was only half paying attention to Muna. "Right...I'm Sable." she said in response to Muna revealing his name. "I think there is a way you can help me out." she says. "See, I really wanted one of those Joltik, one of my favorites back home, and you messed that up for me. However by attacking those Joltik you caused one to evolve into Galvantula. I want that Galvantula." Sable explains. "I have an idea to help me catch it but I'll need your help. If Umbreon gets paralyzed while fighting, his Synchronize ability will kick in and paralyze the Galvantula as well. Seeing as he'll take a lot of damage doing this I need your Aduino to heal Umbreon if it starts getting bad. Think you can do that, pretty boy?" she says some what rudely. Sable honestly didn't want anymore to do with this guy but his Pokemon could prove useful and it's the least he could do seeing as she saved his life.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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"Sable..."  Muna repeated under his breath, committing her name to memory.  She was a little blunt, verging on being rude, but then again so was he.  He was definitely not one to judge, especially considering the current circumstances.


Muna smirked when Sable boldly called him 'pretty boy', raising an amused eyebrow.  This girl had some spunk in her, which was admirable.  "Sounds doable.  What do you say, Audino?"  Muna asked his partner.  Normally he would offer to lend Audino's strength to the battle as well as her healing abilities, for she possessed a remarkable Secret Power, but he figured it was best to hold of on using her full potential unless absolutely necessary.


"Audino!"  She replied with fervor, clapping her hands excitedly.  One thing that Muna always admired was her enthusiastic spirit.


"Alrighty then, it's settled.  Audino and I will help you get that Galvantula.  Let us leave at once!"  Muna declared, beckoning Sable toward the door as he made for the exit himself, Audino toddling after him joyfully.  Muna and Audino were partners that often fed off of each other's excitement, which has always created an interesting dynamic between the two.


Upon stepping outside, Muna winced at the sunlight and struggled through his bag's contents until he found his sunglasses to put on once again.  Audino mimicked his actions, putting on her own matching pair.  The two of them made quite the sight.


Recalling something Sable had mentioned just moments ago, Muna began speaking as he took in the view of Cherrygrove City.  The sea was quite a pretty sight; maybe some other time he'll come back for a relaxing getaway.  "Oh, by the way, Sable, you mentioned that you were from where Joltik are native to?  Unova, yes?"  Without waiting for a response he continued.  "I happen to be from the very same region!  No doubt you have read my article in the Unova newspaper, 'Things That Are #2fab4u', am I correct?"  His chest puffed out proudly as he spoke of his article, causing Audino to muffle a good-humored giggle into her scarf.









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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@Flareon,   Both of the little tadpole Pokemon seemed to perk up at the offered food and they both tried to reach for it at the same time.  This caused the Poliwag and Tympole to bump into each other, and they both turned to stare at each other as they did...  Abruptly both water types began shooting Bubbles at each other out of their mouths!  It seemed like they were fighting over who was going to get the food first...  Though, considering they were both water types shooting bubbles, this could take a while without intervention...

Cass rolled her eyes. For a moment she looked close to giggling, but she simply divided the pokemon food about evenly between her two hands, offering some pokemon food to each. She didn't have time to sit around watching them blow bubbles at each other all day, even if it was cute of them.

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 The Sentret backed away cautiously when Jason extended the berries, but very slowly it started to make its way forward to sniff at the berries.  "Sentret?"  The other Sentrets started to move in closer, trying to see what was happening and to hopefully get a berry.  Things seemed to be looking like they were going to work out okay...


...Until a Rattata burst from the grass, grabbed the offered berries, and took off back right in between two of the Sentrets.  "Sentret!!!"  The pack of Sentrets all fell backwards at seemingly the same time.  They seemed confused.  Drumming their tails against the ground in unison, most of them take off after the Rattata to try and retrieve the stolen berries.  One of them stays to stare at the two trainers before abruptly standing upright on its tail again, opening its mouth and using a Growl attack.  It seemed the sudden move by the Rattata had spooked them, and this one was going to try and buy time for its brothers to escape.






As the food was offered to both of them their little fight quickly came to a stop as both Pokemon started to eat.  Unfortunately, Tympole had a much larger mouth than Poliwag's tiny one, and it finished its share of the food much sooner.  The little Tympole starts trying to move over to Cass' other hand to get some of the food Poliwag was eating, which the Poliwag didn't like one bit.  It quickly smacked the Tympole with Double Slap as it tried to take some of its share of the food, and the Tympole responds in kind by puffing up its cheeks and using Round.  It seems their fight from before was starting to get more heated.






The Magikarp continues its useless splashing as Helioptile places the Pokeball down in front of it, until it eventually ends up smacking the Pokeball with its tail.  Whether this act was intentional or not could be up for debate, but with a flash of light the fish had soon disappeared into the empty Pokeball...  No matter if Stella had actually wanted it to or not.




Magikarp.  The Fish Pokemon.  In the distant past, it was somewhat stronger than the horribly weak descendants that exist today.


Gender:  Male                           OT:  Stella                       Hardy Nature / Sturdy body (Affects RP, not battle)

Knows Splash, Splash, Splash, and Splash.  Could be taught Tackle or Flail with training.

Ability:  Swift Swim






As Stella was yelling at Helioptile, the Zubats perched along the roof of the cave start to move around in agitation at the noise.  After a short while a couple of groups of them split off to try and take care of the disturbance...  One group going for each of the trainers currently in the cave.  One pack of Zubat dove towards Stella, the other pack towards Cilla, both groups of Zubat already using Supersonic to try and chase the trainers out of their cave.




@@Vaporeon, @@Sylveon,


As Muna and Sable leave the Pokemon Center, they pass by a young boy wearing a blue hat going inside carrying an unconscious Rattata.  He smiles and says hello to the trainers but soon disappears within the doors to take care of his Pokemon.  But from around the corner that the boy had come from, shortly a small Wurmple inches around the corner.  It must have followed Joey from Route 30.


The Wurmple inches closer before looking around at the tall buildings.  It tilts its head, unsure of how to get back to the Route it had come from, and instead decides to start inching its way towards the pair of trainers near the Pokemon Center.  Unsure of how to get their attention, and not wanting to get left behind the way it had lost Joey when it was following him, it decides to try and climb up Muna's leg.

Edited by Umbreon
  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Helioptile cried out in joy again, then proceeded to pick up the pokeball to return it to Stella. Both Stella and Phanpy didn't seem the least bit happy about Helioptile's sudden outburst. To Stella, it was out of character. To Phanpy, it was troublesome, as he was now stuck with this pokemon. "Alright... Well... I suppose that's fine. But let's catch the other one too, kay?" Helioptile nodded, about to bound towards the Marill, when a high pitched screeching could be heard.


The supersonic fired by the Zubats hit Helioptile and Phanpy immediately. One came close to Stella, but she managed to dodge it, eventually backing up into a wall. This looked bad. "Uh... Helioptile! Parabolic Charge!" She commanded her pokemon, but it remained unresponsive. "Okay... Phanpy! Rollout!" Phanpy did managed to respond to his trainers cry, but had no luck hitting any of the Zubat in his confusion. He just hit the walls. Since Stella didn't want the roof to cave in, nor Helioptile to be further hurt, she had no choice to return the two. She returned the two, leaving her with but one pokemon...


Summoning Magikarp, Stella picked it up. What on earth was she supposed to do with a pokemon who didn't know a single attack? Not that she had much choice. With her two pokemon out for the count, and her being cornered, she would have to think fast. When one of the Zubats came close, she instinctively hit it with Magikarp, holding him from the tail. That... might just work, actually. "I apologize in advance..." Stella mumbled - not that Magikarp seemed to mind. She then proceeded to hit the Zubat in her way from the air using Magikarp.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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(XD Hahaha that Rattata!)

Allen jumped almost as much as the Sentret when the Rattata burst out of no where an stole the berries, laughing a little at the humor before noticing the not so happy looks on all the faces of the Sentret as they beat their tails angrily. Still, the one that stayed was pretty cute in it's feinted aggressiveness. 

Once the Sentret standing on it's tail growled, Allen knew it meant business though he also understood that Lumi would be able to handle it with Jason. "Guess that didn't work to well unfortunately. Berries must be an absolute delicacy among the pokemon here heheh," he chuckled while giving Jason the stage. Suddenly, Noi screeched back at it loudly, as she was still in flight, catching Allen a little of guard. The Noibat was flying around in circles just barely above Jason and Allen's head, keeping it's eyes pinpointed on the Sentret.

  • Brohoof 1

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Umbreon, @@Aerodynas,

((OOC: Rattata used thief. Rattata stole Jason's Citrus Berry! It was super effective! Haha.))


Jason withdrew his hand in surprise as the Rattata burst from the grass and grabbed the berries. Jason watched as Lumi attempted to hit it with a quickly fired Ice Shard. Unfortunately the shard of ice only grazed the tail of the Rattata and the rat made off with the berries. "Well that was unexpected..." Jason mumbled as he watched the Rattata flee avoiding another of Lumi's ice attacks. By now most of the Sentrets either fled or chased after the Rattata which left just one confronting Jason, Allen, Noi and Lumi.
Jason stepped back a good distance from Lumi and the Sentret, which was growling at the group. "Lumi, just scare it off. Don't hurt it if you can." Jason turned to Allen. "You might want to put some distance from Lumi. Knowing her, things are about to get really cold."


Lumi nodded in acknowledgement to Jason's request. Lumi knew not to underestimate an opponent, and this was no exception. The temperature dropped to subzero levels and the air swirled around Lumi. The moisture in the air solidified and either turned into snow or ice and the visibility became almost nonexistent. The Glaceon seemed to disappear in the white snowstorm, becoming almost invisible. Lumi slowly moved around the now snow covered grass, the air around her still swirling with snow and ice. She was several feet away from the Sentret when she struck. In a blink of an eye half a dozen razor sharp shards of ice flew through the whiteout, the first four landed around the Sentret, leaving spikes ice stuck to the floor around it, one flew over its head and final one headed straight towards the Sentret's chest. Though the final shard of ice was angled so that it hit the Sentret with the blunt side. If it connects this would hurt, but wouldn't badly injure or maim the wild Sentret. Lumi quickly repositioned in order to avoid any counter attack thrown towards the origin of the attack. She remained hidden in the snowstorm, hoping her attack was enough to scare the Sentret away.


Jason stood near the edge of Lumi's snowstorm trying to see what was happening inside. He adjusted his jacket, which he now was glad he was wearing. He was used to Lumi's snowstorms, though he wondered if the same could be said for his friend. He looked around and saw Allen nearby. "Sorry about the snowstorm, Lumi tends to create them when she battles." Jason said as he walked next to his friend.


((OOC: In case any of you guys are wondering what is happening, it is just Lumi's ability, Snow Cloak and the move Hail at work.))

Edited by Glaceon
  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Even after exchanging "hello"s with a trainer that walked by, Muna was still so preoccupied with taking to Sable about his news article that he failed to immediately notice the foot-long worm Pokemon.  It wasn't until the Wurmple was halfway up his leg before Muna happened to feel the inching movements through his pants.  Looking down at the Pokemon on his leg, Muna's eyes widened and his mouth fell open with apparent horror.


"...oh my goodness!"  Muna squealed, not in the least bit horrified as he gently lifted the Wurmple off his leg, holding out in front of his face so he could get a better look at it.  "Aren't you just adorable?"  Muna cooed before cradling the little worm in his arms like a baby, lightly tickling its belly and beaming down at it.  "Audino, look who came to say hello!"  Muna knelt on the ground so that he was now around Audino's level.


Audino toddled over to take a look at the Wurmple in her trainer's arms.  "Auuuuuuud..."  She cooed, petting the Wurmple's head and making sure to avoid the spine.  Audino had to agree that it was quite the cutie pie.  An idea coming to her, Audino unzipped Muna's satchel and pulled out his Poffin Case.  "Dino?"  She asked Muna, wanting to feed the Wurmple a snack.


Muna nodded enthusiastically.  "Oh yes, great idea, Audino!  Go ahead."  Tapping the button on the front of the case, Audino waited for it to pop open before showing its multicolored contents to the worm Pokemon.  


"Aud?"  Audino asked softly, giving the Wurmple the option of which color poffin to choose.

Edited by Sylveon









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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"Uhh...Sure, I've read your article..." Sable lied, her eyes looking away from Muna. Just then that Muna realized there was a Pokemon crawling up his leg, a Wurmple to be precise. Sable braced herself expecting Muna to freak out once again but to her surprise Muna was actually quite happy to see the bug Pokemon, even going as far as to call it "adorable". "Hmm didn't think you'd be the type to like bug Pokemon. Certainly not ones like Wurmple." she said as Muna offered Wurmple a Poffin. "If your going to catch it then hurry up. I plan on heading to Blackthorn after I catch Galvantula and it's going to be a long journey." Sable said impatiently. What would anyone want with such a weak Pokemon anyway?



As Cilla stumbled through the cave she came across another trainer that was yelling at one of her Pokemon. Said yelling must have awoken the Zubat that lived in the cave because suddenly both trainers were being surrounded by the things. "EEK!" Cilla screamed out while shielding her face with her arms. Between the sheer darkness of the cave and the swarm of Zubat heading towards her Cilla instantly panicked. Luckily Espeon managed to fire off a Swift or two at the Zubat, not having to worry about aiming in the dark thanks to the move's homing properties. "Thanks Espeon." Cilla said knowing that Espeon wouldn't dare let any of these stupid bats harm her friend. Cilla then noticed the other trainer in the cave. While it was indeed dark Cilla swore she could see the girl....Using a Magikarp as a weapon? "Oh my!! Please, stop!!" Cilla called out as she ran towards Stella. "What on Earth are you doing to that poor Pokemon? Have you no shame? No concern for your Pokemon's well-being?" she said quite disgusted at what this trainer was doing. Sure it was a Magikarp but that doesn't give her the right to just swing it around like a sword.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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The attack knocked the Sentret back, and it took a little longer than otherwise to get back upright due to the hail striking it.  However when the Sentret did roll back upright its little eyes were glowing blue, and it stands upright on its tail as it uses Foresight to see through the hail.  As soon as it manages to see the Glaceon with its improved vision, Sentret drops down to all fours before quickly dashing forward with Quick Attack.




@@Leafeon, @@Vaporeon,


Through the combination of the...  Unorthodox way to use Magikarp, and the Swift attacks from Espeon, the Zubat swarm shrieked and retreated back up to the safety of the cavern roof...  For now, at least.  Every now and then one will still swoop down to check if the trainers are still there, shrieking angrily as it does before returning to the rest of the horde.






The Wurmple seemed confused by the way the trainer had reacted to it.  Not bad confused, just confused.  It wasn't used to this kind of attention.  When Audino offers the pokeblocks the little bug type tilts its head before reaching out with a pair of its stubby little legs, taking one of the treats at random and starting to gnaw on it.  "Wuurmple!"

  • Brohoof 2











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Noting all the Zubat gone, Stella sighed. She then patted Magikarp on the head. "Sorry, buddy. But thanks for taking the fall there." Though Stella wasn't exactly Magikarp's biggest fan, she didn't exactly wish to be so cruel to it. Though, he didn't seem hurt in the slightest. How Magikarp was moving was basically just like a Tackle attack. Plus, the pokedex had said he was sturdily bodied, whatever that meant. 


Returning Magikarp to his pokeball, and summoning Helioptile again, Stella finally noticed she had company. Stella was not one to particularly enjoy the company of people. Especially not when she could enjoy the company of pokemon instead. At her question, Stella struggled for an answer for a bit. She had been out of options at the time. "Oh... Uhm...!" The girl began, clearing her throat in an attempt to speak up without shivering slightly - which she was. As she spoke, Helioptile was rubbing against the side of her head, clearly trying to thank her for catching the Magikarp. Or she might have still been a bit confused from the Zubat. "All of my other pokemon were hurt... There was nothing I could do... Plus how else is a Magikarp useful anyway?She said.


As Helioptile picked up on the other trainer's hostility, she growled lowly. Stella usually took hostility one of two ways. The first was to react to it in a sarcastic manner, and the second was to be incredibly nervous and shaky. She had seemingly picked the second option this time. This trainer didn't seem very nice. Helioptile then began to glow, as if signaling for the two to get moving.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Allen watched curiously observant of the battle, seeing Lumi go about her business of a well trained pokemon. He shook his head at how skilled she was before turning and watching Jason with a slight smile. The trainer didn't even have to instruct Lumi to do anything, as the Glaceon seemed to do what she desired on her own. "It's alright. I live right next to Ice Path," Allen explained distantly as his attention redirected to the Glaceon and the Sentret. "I've adjusted to the cold. It's funny really...We train there to attempt to make our dragon pokemon more resilient to the cold. Noi and I, seemed to have a lot more trouble than the others though.


Noi was furiously watching, wanting into the action so badly as she waited for Allen to give her the command to join; however, he refused, understanding that she wanted in with her dragon blood ensuing...but control was a wiser path. Chittering up a storm, the Noibat stopped flying in circles and began hovering while flapping speedily above. She pleased Allen in her ability to contain herself and be patient even though she was flying around in circles over Jason and Allen spasmodically. "Normal types of the weaker caliber always seem to have Foresight in case of ghost types ironically. You may have to actually give a fight back Jason before it greatens its defenses too high."

  • Brohoof 1

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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((This next post doesn't impact anyone's characters yet, but it will be important for the story later on.  Meant to include it in my last one but it was late and I forgot.))



Meanwhile in Ecruteak City


The pounding on his door happening at the same time as his phone ringing...  Somehow without even answering either of them, Morty already knew who it was.  Picking up his Pokegear and hitting the answer call button at the same time he opens the door, he abruptly hangs up the phone and sets it back down.  "What's got you so worked up Eusine?"


Eusine was on the other side of the door, still holding his phone up to his ear with a smile.  "There you are, Morty!  I tried your Gym first but you weren't there!  Come with me, come with me!  The beasts have returned to the Burned Tower!  Come see!"


Ecruteak's Gym Leader blinks a couple of times as Eusine abruptly grabs him by the wrist and starts to drag him out of his home, towards the direction of the Burned Tower.  "Wait, slow down for a minute and explain, would you?  Are you saying all three of them are back?"


Eusine does pause at this, a brief look of disappointment crossing his face.  "Well, no...  Only Entei and Raikou...  But as much as I would love to see Suicune again, at least I know he's in good hands.  Even if they aren't mine..."  Morty just chuckles quietly before placing a hand on his friend's shoulder, nodding towards the direction of the Burned Tower again.


"Oh, cheer up would you?  It's not like you don't visit them...  Oh don't give me that shocked look, I know you Eusine.  Let me guess, at least twice a month?"  "Why, I!  ...Three times."  Laughing again, the Gym Leader starts walking towards the Tower and the pair of Pokemon that Eusine wanted him to see so badly.  "Figures...  Well, let's go then.  I doubt we can get close to them, but it will be nice to see them from afar again before I open up the Gym today."

  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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@@Umbreon, @@Aerodynas,

((OOC: Shame we are limited to only four moves. :P A tackle would be pretty good here. ))


Lumi was surprised as the Sentret charged her. She did not expect the Sentret to spot her with foresight, nor did she expect the Sentret to attack so aggressively. Lumi attempted to dodge to the side yet the Sentret seemed to easily predict where she moved towards and corrected its attack. Lumi briefly yelped out in pain as the normal type's attack connected. The already freezing air around the two Pokemon dropped to even colder degrees as Lumi counter attacked with a powerful gust of icy wind. The grass in the area froze solid as the water in the leaves quickly turned to ice. As this happened Lumi conjured up another barrage of Ice Shards and threw it straight towards the Sentret right in front of her as she gracefully leaped backwards landing on all fours creating distance between the two combatants. Lumi hoped the cold winds and the ice were enough to either cause the Sentret to flee, freeze or faint. This time she prepared for another of the Sentret's attacks and readied another wave of ice shards to fire at it in counter attack.

Jason could barely see Lumi in the snowstorm, for the white snow and ice in the air masked Lumi's form easily. Though Jason saw the Sentret a brown spot among the white. He turned to Allen. "Noi's problem may lie in the fact both of his types are weak to ice, making him more vulnerable compared to other dragons." Jason tried to explain as he noticed Lumi take a hit from the Sentret. Allen quickly explained what had happened. "I see. Though even if the Sentret can spot Lumi, I trust that she is capable of handling it. Its attacks don't seem to be that strong." Jason considered catching the Sentret, but he decided against it. The other Sentret would miss their friend and he did not really want one either. Noi passing interrupted Jason's thoughts. "Looks like Noi wants to help. I could have Lumi drop the hail if you want to have him battle." He told Allen.

Edited by Glaceon
  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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