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private Johto Storm


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Stella looked a bit nervous. That just had to be the gym leader. Though Stella had always been good at communicating with pokemon, and was a good communicator with people if the situation was dire, she didn't feel exactly comfortable confronting this leader. She was terrifying, after all. She looked to be unrealistically harsh to what looked to be her students. Stella would just come back. She wouldn't mind seeing the Dragon Den, after all...


As Stella was just about to turn around, one of the pokeballs in her bag opened, and an orange pokemon appeared on the floor. It let out a loud "Karp karp!" and flopped around on the floor. Magikarp probably hadn't even made any noises since she had caught it, let alone escape from it's pokeball. It looked happy, but it was rather embarrassing to have such an awful pokemon in one's party. The girl quickly returned it, and sighed in frustration. Now this leader would totally think her to be terribly weak.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Aero rubbed Lumi's ears once more before looking back to the route with a sigh. He knew it'd probably be getting dark soon...great. "Come on Lumi, let's get you to your trainer," Allen stated tiredly before picking up his feet and attempting the same route back from which he came, making sure the Glaceon was with him. His clothes were a mess. What a day...After the whole Skarmory issue then the Professor and Jason...Allen shook his head before rubbing the back of his neck. "So...uh...how do you like it here in Johto Lumi?" he asked, trying to take his mind off the pessimistic thoughts.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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"Thanks, Audino." Sable says before giving Galvantula a Poison Heal from Elm's care package. "Alright Galvantula let's make this quick. Go for Thunder Wave to cut Rufflet's speed." Galvantula releases a small screech and promptly fires a weak electric shock at the small eagle Pokemon, hopefully catching it off guard and paralyzing it.



"Oh a Drillbur. I haven't seen one of these since Unova." Cilla says gleefully. "Hello there Drillbur, I'm sorry about attacking you but I was curious to see what was making the ground move like that." she explains to the mole. "I know this is sudden but would you like to join me while I travel Johto? I promise you'll be safe." Cilla then searches through her bag and takes out an Oran Berry much like she did with Marill. "How about it?"



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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"Well, okay, Al..." Abigail said with a pout as he left, "I guess I'll catch you later. Prends soin de toi!" She waved good bye to Al's back.


"Fairy!" Isabella scolded her, now that the other trainer was gone. Abigail turned to face her and knelt down to level with her, "what's the matter, Isabella?" The clefairy simply shook its head in disapproval. "C'mon, mon amie. Do not be like that. Al seems like a nice guy... for the most part. What's the harm in befriending him? Hmm?" The pokemon turned away, putting its hands on its hips and tapping its foot, "-ry."


Abigail simply sighed, patted her clefairy on the head, and stood up. She faced towards the Sprout Tower, "I know I want to face the gym, but... well, no offense Isabella, but I don't we're quite ready yet, even with Jeanne." She pointed at the tower, "how about we check that place out first, eh?" She looked down at her napping krabby, "eh, Jeanne, what do you think?"


The krabby opened one eye, "koo..." but then fell back asleep. Isabella turned to face her trainer, sighed, and simply said "-ry."


"Well, that settles it then!" Abigail chirped. She skipped along to the Sprout Tower, and opened its doors to step inside.

Edited by Aged Rain
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As Magikarp cried out, Clair abruptly turned around to see the source of the noise.  She narrows her eyes slightly as she looks at the Magikarp before glancing at her students, waving a hand dismissively.  "That's enough for now, but stay and watch.  You might just learn something, if you'd pay attention."


As the younger trainers started moving off to the sides, Clair brushes a hand through her hair as she starts walking towards Stella.  "You're here to challenge the gym I'm assuming.  Let me guess, one of the foreign trainers?  How many badges do you have, girl?"






Drillbur sniffs at the berry before snapping it up with his long claws, abruptly shoving it into its mouth and disappearing back under ground.  The ground would stay suspiciously still as he dives deeper than he'd been before...  Before it comes up behind Cilla, trying to be quiet as it sticks its head into her bag, trying to find where the rest of her berries were!






Rufflet had been watching from up on its perch, and as such it was prepared to react when Galvantula tried to paralyze it.  Crying out it took off into the air, starting to fly up high into the sky...  Before abruptly tucking its wings in close and dropping into a high-speed nose-dive at Galvantula, beak first, attempting to perform Peck in this risky maneuver. 






As Abigail opened the doors to the Sprout Tower, suddenly she would get a face full of thick black smoke.  A number of bald men, monks based on their robes, started to push past her coughing and hacking.  One of them quickly reaches out to Abigail, trying to push her away.  "Don't go in there, child!  It's dangerous!"  One look inside would show the source of the thick smoke.


 The Sprout Tower was burning!


Bells began to ring throughout the city as the alarm started to spread, thick columns of black smoke starting to rise from the tower.  Most of the town's population starts to run trying to get distance between themselves and the tower, in order to get out of the way of burning debris, while authorities start moving in with various water types attempting to fight the fire.


The monks start to gather together, before one of them abruptly shouts out "Wait!  Where is the Elder?  He...  He must still be at the top of the tower, with that man!"

Edited by Umbreon
  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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The leader's cold demeanor left Stella speechless for a bit. Oh well. She best deal with it. She had to beat Clair at some point, regardless. "Yes, I am." She said, trying to stay as cool as possible. "And... Uhm... No badges so far." She couldn't help but smile awkwardly at the last sentence. Didn't most people challenge the dragon gym as their last gym in the region? Stella had a sneaking suspicion this wasn't going to go well.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Abigail coughed as she was pulled away from the burning tower. "Qu'est-ce que c'est? Urgence?" The suddenness of the situation woke up her krabby, "kooky?"


She looked up at the tower, but something someone said caught her attention, "elder? Their's an old man still up there? Non, non, non!" She shook her head vigorously, and then looked down at her two pokemon, she clenched her fist, "we gotta do something!"


"Clefairy~" her clefairy moaned, a sad expression on her face, "I know, I know, Isabella. Of course it's dangerous, but we can't just stand here!" she looked down at her krabby, "Jeanne, can you drench me in water?"


" And a few bubbles floated out of its mouth, one popping right in Abigail's face. "Umm... that's not quite good enough, I'm afraid... ooh... how are we supposed to do anything?" She pouted.


She perked her head up, remembering something, "wait a minute, didn't Al just catch a water pokemon? That thing was just spewing water like a hose!" With a nod, she ran towards the pokemon center.


"Al! Al! A l’aide!" She ran up to the entrance of the pokemon center, hoping to catch Alery. Isabella was huffing up behind her, clearly not expecting the need to run again so soon.

Edited by Aged Rain
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"Hey come back here!" Cilla says peering down the hole Drilbur made. "I really wanted that one too. Aw well." She says with a sigh. Espeon rolls her eyes and alerts Cilla to the Drilbur who was searching through her bag for more berries. "Ah there you are. What are you doing boy, looking for more berries?" She asks playfully. "I usually like to save these kinds of berries, but I'll make an exception for you." Reaching into her bag once again Cilla pulls out a rather juicy looking Sitrus Berry and hands it to Drilbur. "There's more where that came from if you come along with me." She says laying down a Pokeball next to the wild Pokemon.



Galvantula was about to dodge the attack before Sable stops her. "Don't move, we've got him were we want him." She says. Waiting until the Rufflet is close enough, Sable quickly exclaims "Electroweb now!" Suddenly Galvantula fires a spider web charged with electric currents at the flying type before attempting to jump out of the way of the Peck attack.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Alery was just now leaving the Center, his new Buizel walking lazily by his side, looking like it was about to sleep as Alery talked to it. "Alright Crasher if you're gonna be a part of my team there's a few things you gotta- Oh hey Abiga- Hey slow down! What's up?" Alery quickly answered his question after looking up over the tree line at all the smoke. He quickly looked around the corner to see the smoke coming out of the tower they had seen earlier. Where had all that smoke even come from that fast? "What's going on?"

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Clair stares at Stella for a moment before letting out an annoyed sigh and rolling her eyes.  "...Really?  Why would you even bother coming to Blackthorn first?  This is hardly worth my time...  Alright, give me a minute."


Turning around to walk towards her side of the arena, Clair shouts towards one of her students.  "Go access my PC, withdraw a couple of my weaker Pokemon...  I don't actually have any of them with me for a first badge challenge.  Go on, be quick about it!"  As the young trainer quickly races away to fulfill the request, Clair crosses her arms as she gets into position to stare across the field at Stella.


"Each of us will use two Pokemon.  As the challenger, you are allowed to switch your Pokemon in mid battle.  As the Leader, I will not.  Not that I expect I'll need to."  About that time the young trainer came back carrying a pair of Pokeballs in his hands.  He quickly raced over to Clair and handed them to her before racing off to the side, trying to get out of the way.  A man dressed as a match official steps forward on the sidelines, prepared to stand by as witness to the match.


Without saying another word, Clair tosses out one of the Pokeballs her student had fetched for her.  With a flash of light, a Dratini was suddenly sitting in the arena coiled into a small ball.  "Well, go ahead and pick your Pokemon...  We'll even give you the first attack."






Drilbur gasps at the sight of the Sitrus berry, the rarer berry being more of a delicacy than the Oran berries it was looking for.  Snatching it up with its claws it abruptly shoves it into its mouth and starts to chew on it, then turns its attention towards the Pokeball.  Cilla had offered more berries if it came with her...  That was all the motivation this little mole needed!  It taps one of its claws, still covered in berry juices, against the Pokeball.




Drilbur.  The Mole Pokemon.  By spinning its body, it can dig straight through the ground at a speed of 30 mph.


Gender:  Male               OT:  Cilla                    Lax Nature / Loves to eat (Affects RP, not battle)

Knows Rapid Spin, Fury Swipes, Mud Sport, and Dig.  Can be taught Metal Claw, Slash, Hone Claws, and Sandstorm with training.

Ability:  Sand Rush








The Rufflet's eyes go wide, and it spreads out its wings to try and change its course, but the small bird had been going too fast.  The Electroweb wraps around it and Rufflet falls to the ground, crying out in pain as the super effective attack hits it directly and begins shocking it.  It tries to get back up, but it had just taken a painful direct hit, and it was now moving more slowly thanks to the sticky electrified webs covering its small feathers.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"La tour! La tour est en feu!" Abigail exclaimed, but then put her hand on her face. "wait, um... the tower, the tower is on fire!" She brought her hand back down, and turned to face the Sprout Tower.


"Oh, but you can probably see that." She pouted. She hated it when she stated the obvious. "But, there's an old man still in there! We got to do something, he could get hurt!" She knelt down in front of Alery's new buizel, and petted it much like she did the growlithe. "But... Jeanne can't really put out any fires. So... I need your help, please?"


Isabella finally caught up to her trainer, and after catching its breath, looked up at Alery with a sad, pleading look on its face, "clefairy?"

Edited by Aged Rain
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She's not very nice, is she? Stella thought to herself. She was about to give an actual reason for why she had chosen to challenge Blackthorn first, but Clair had already summoned her first pokemon. It'd be pointless to do that now. Stella would have to choose a pokemon to use.


She had decided she'd use Phanpy and Axew for this challenge. Whichever she started with would decide how easy this match was. "Alright. Axew!" She said, summoning her newest pokemon. It looked around, a bit surprised to be out of it's pokeball it didn't want to be in in the first place, and then looked at the Dratini, then back to Stella. This was a battle, wasn't it? Against two dragon types? What was the girl thinking? He only knew one dragon type move! Well, nonetheless, he wouldn't let her down. "Axew, use Scary Face." Axew began to glare at the opposing Dratini, mustering the scariest face it could.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Thank you Drilbur, you won't be disappointed." She says the the mole's Pokeball. Having caught two Pokemon Cilla was confident she had done all she needed to do in Dark Cave and quickly walked towards the exit. Walking out into Route 31 Cilla took in a big breath glad she was finally out of that awful cave. "Let's hurry to Violet City Espeon, I may need to pick up some extra berries for Drilbur." As she and Espeon walk through the gate into Violet they were met with a rathersurprising sight. Large columns of black smoke rose from Sprout Tower and people were running around in a panic as the city's alarm went off. "Oh my..." Cilla quietly says to herself. She quickly runs up to a group of monks standing near the tower. "What happened, was some rookie trainer messing around with his Cyndaquil?" she asks almost half joking.



"Aw come on, your almost making this too easy." Sable said slightly disappointed. "Bah whatever we can work on your dodging later." She says before throwing a Pokeball at Rufflet.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Dratini started to shy away from Axew as it glared at her, though Clair seemed to remain unimpressed.  "Dratini, use Thunder Wave."  Upon hearing Clair's voice, Dratini uncoiled from its ball and stood up on the rear half of its body, the little serpent's fins starting to glow with a yellow light as it discharges the burst of electricity towards Axew.  If it landed, the paralysis would help to negate any speed loss from the Scary Face attack...  Probably why Clair didn't look at all concerned about it.






The Pokeball hit Rufflet and sucked the small bird inside, then began to shake.  However after shaking a couple times the Pokeball burst open, the tiny eagle Pokemon standing on the ground and staring defiantly at Galvantula and Sable.  It still looked fairly injured, but didn't appear ready to back down yet.  Suddenly Rufflet cries out and flies into the air again, before quickly diving again.  This time it doesn't aim at Galvantula, but rather at the rock a fair distance away from her.  As Rufflet strikes the ground, suddenly spikes of stone would emerge from the ground trying to trap Galvantula between them.  This Rufflet knew Rock Tomb!






One of the monks turns to look at Cilla blankly, the joke meant behind her question passing over his bald head.  "I...  We don't understand...  A young man had been sleeping on the ground floor...  The Tower is a place for peace and meditation though, so no one disturbed him.  Then his watch began beeping and he woke up, spoke into it, and then started to climb the tower...  One of the brothers approached him, as trainers often come to the Tower to train, believing he wanted a battle...  But...  But then he released a Pokemon we had never seen before and ordered it to set fire to the central pillar!  Then he kept climbing the tower!  He must be up there still, with our Elder!"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Alery's eyes grew wide as he looked back at the tower. "There's an elderly person in there? Oh Arceus... Come on Crasher!" Alery took off as fast as he could towards the tower. He was going to be a hero. The savior of Violet City! The-



Crasher hadn't followed him. The Buizel had simply sat down, barely stifling a yawn with his paw. Alery rushed back to the Water Pokemon and Abigail. "Crasher! Now's not the time! This is what I was talking about earlier! Come on!" The Buizel simply yawned again and squirted a bit of water in his trainer's face. Alery spluttered for a second, and after drying his face with his arm, he bent down to the Buizel's height. "Crasher. If you don't help me here, I'll never let you eat another berry or apricorn easily ever again. You'll have to go find the food yourself, and then I might hide it and make you look for them again. You wouldn't want that would you?" Alery raised his eyebrow as Crasher looked at him. He didn't really want to help, but if he didn't, then he'd have to work even more than he had to to get berries! Crasher slowly stood up, crossed his arms, and started walking over to the tower. A swift kick in the arse from Alery made him go a little faster. "Come on Abigail!" he shouted as he ran inside, much to the dismay of the other monks.

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@@Umbreon, @@Sylveon, @@Vaporeon,


((OOC: I can't think of a name for the Joltik darn it. *Bangs head on the table* Oh well, I guess that could wait for a bit. I assume I have control of the Joltik already? If not just let me know and I'll edit this.))


Jason was surprised at the flash of light that came from the pokeball. After it stopped shaking the Jason picked it up and sent out the Joltik. He then picked up the slightly eaten berry and noticed it was where the pokeball was. He pieced together what had happened. 
"You didn't mean to get caught did you. If you want I can let you go, just uhh... Well just shoot some web on the pokeball if you don't want to stay." Jason finally said as he once again place the berry next to the small bug.


The Joltik stared at Jason possibly lost in thought. The trainer offered to let him go; gave him berries and thawed him out. The others  at the tree wouldn't even notice his absence; he was just one in a dozen. At least the human offered him plenty of food and he didn't have to compete for it.

After several minutes he decided. "Jol-Jolt." He chirped as he pushed the berry into Jason's hand and climbed up on his jacket and took rest on his shoulder.

"I guess that means you'll come with me. I'll think of a name for you don't you worry. Glad to have another friend to join me here in Johto." Jason said to his new found companion as he kept the berry in his pocket to give to the Joltik later. "Now let's go find Lumi. I'm sure you two will get along and be friends in no time."  Jason stood up and headed towards the route to Blackthorn where Lumi's footprints lead to; well up until the snow melted.


Arriving at the entrance he was greeted by Muna and Sable. "Jolt Jolt." His Joltik said obviously excited to see the Galvantula again. However the meeting would have have to wait, for the Galvantula was currently engaged in battle with a Ruffet; the bird had just escaped the pokeball and had readied for another dive. He walked up next to Muna who seemed to be simply observing the battle. "So it looks like Sable wants to capture another wild Pokemon. Galvantula should be safe from the Ruffet's attacks. He has a type advantage and being electric type negates the weakness to flying. This should be a cakewalk." Just as Jason finished jagged spikes shot from the ground and headed towards Galvantula. "Or not..." Jason remained silent from then on as to not annoy Sable further. He could tell that she did not find his presence to be a 'positive' thing.


Lumi followed Allen as he began to walk back through the route. She saw he left his Pokedex once again and decided to take it with her. Allen's question took her a bit off guard. She had not expected to be asked something like this. Lumi thought about it for a moment before finally nodding. The Pokedex she carried in her mouth prevented her from speaking clearly so she tried her best to smile and nod to give a positive answer to Allen.

As they walked she had been thinking about why Allen left so abruptly and what was his sudden outburst of rage. She began to piece the details together and realized it was more on frustration than rage. Jason may not know it but she listens in to almost all of his conversations when she is with him. She remembered the various things Jason had discussed with Allen. She remained quiet as tried to think of a way to raise Allen's spirits and confidence.

  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Allen glanced over at Lumi as she carried the pokedex, feeling somewhat annoyed that it's presence was still around. "Good to hear. Johto has been my home for all my life. Sometimes...it's hard to grow up in a region, or city for that matter, where the best trainers around emerged," Allen stated sadly, beginning to wonder why he was talking to Glaceon. The pokemon didn't need to hear his troubles. Again he glanced at the pokedex. "You can give that to Jason when we get back. I don't want it..."

It was indeed a long trek back but luckily he wasn't having any run-ins with wild pokemon. 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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((OOC: It is route 29 right? Correct me if I'm wrong.))

Lumi turned her head to Allen; her icy blue eyes full of concern. She eventually nodded to his request. She really hoped Jason would talk sense into Allen. She did not want to part ways so with him so soon, since he was really kind to her. She turned back towards the path ahead, and the two walked towards route 29 together. Lumi remained ever observant as they walked; always taking quick glances towards the bushes they passed.

((OOC: @Umbreon I was thinking of staging an encounter here for Allen, Noi and Lumi if it is alright with @Aerodynas. I don't think Lumi or Allen would initiating an encounter with a wild pokemon so maybe have one come to them? I guess in the end it is up to you.))

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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As Dratini prepared to use Thunder Wave, Stella scoffed, and quickly pulled out a pokeball. "Axew, return." She said. Axew was recalled in a flash of red, then Stella pulled out another pokeball. Dratini had already used the attack, hitting nothing. Not like it mattered. "Alright Phan-" She begun, but was cut off by another pokeball opening. Magikarp flopped around lazily, looking somewhat excited.


"Oh... You have got to be kidding me..." Stella said, covering her face with her hand. How embarrassing.

Edited by Leafeon



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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At the sight of the Magikarp, Clair raises an eyebrow as she rests a hand on her hip.  "...Really...  Dratini, use Dragon Breath."  Dratini stares at the Magikarp for a moment before looking back at Clair.  The little dragon hesitates for another moment, as though unsure that this Magikarp was really her opponent, before looking back to the fish and opening her mouth.  A light green, transparent beam of energy is shot from her mouth towards Magikarp.




@,@@Vaporeon, @,  


"W-Wait!"  One of the monks calls after Alery as he rushes in, coughing as another bought of smoke comes from the doors of the temple.


"It's dangerous in there!  But...  If you young trainers think you can rescue our Elder...  Please, let us help how we can."  In a very short time three of them had managed to tear strips from their robes, wetting them from the nearby stream and handing them to the trainers.  "Use these to keep the smoke out of your lungs...  And here."  


The monk suddenly pulls a Pokeball from his sleeve and releases a round little bird Pokemon.  "We are not powerful trainers...  But my Hoothoot will guide you through the smoke.  His eyesight won't be impaired, and you can follow his cries to the most direct route.  Please...  Rescue our Elder if you can, but above all, be safe in there..."  "Hooo Hooot!"


With that, the HootHoot took off into the tower, its eyes starting to glow red in order to see through the smoke.  Its calls could be heard coming from the staircase leading up higher into the tower.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Since Stella was now stuck using a basically useless pokemon, she best make the best use of it. Magikarp wasn't really bad persay. He had the spirit to battle, and certainly seemed to enjoy being under the command of her. But knowing only two moves - one of which was useless - would make defeating a Dratini near impossible. As Dratini fired the beam at Magikarp, Stella just blurted out a random attack. "Uh... Uh... Splash!" She said, panicking slightly. Magikarp began to bounce up and down in the spot, managing to dodge Dratini's attack. "Huh..." Stella thought aloud. "Uhm... Good...  job?" She said to Magikarp, who happily flopped about.


So, I can dodge Dratini moves with Splash, then use Tackle for damage? That might work... But I'm gonna have to rely on Axew for this battle. Jeez. I probably look like a fool right now. Stella thought. She was getting quite nervous. This wasn't good. And with so many trainers watching her, her pride couldn't really take it. "Magikarp, use tackle!" Magikarp began to slowly flop towards Dratini, then tried to flop about ontop of it.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Thank you, sir." Cilla said taking a strip of wet cloth. "I'll do what I can." With that she followed Hoothoot into the burning tower. "Oh my, it's worse than I thought." She says upon seeing how far the fire had spread. "It isn't safe for you Espeon, stay in your ball for now." After returning Espeon, Cilla sends out Marill who is immediately surprised to see this much fire and smoke. "Marill mar..." He says looking around. "Calm down Marill, it'll be okay. Just use Water Gun to cut a path through the fire." Despite the situation, Marill nods and puts on a determined face. Cilla continues to follow Hoothoot while Marill takes care of any fire in Cilla's path.



Galvantula looks around, trying to escape as the rocks close in. She quickly climbs up on one of the spikes and slips through before the tomb closes. "Fire a Spider Web at it to immobilize it." Sable says to her Pokemon who does just that.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Alery immediately staggered back outside from all the smoke, and was greeted with a wet cloth in his hands. "Oh uh... Thanks! I'll do everything I can!" Alery put the cloth over his mouth and nose before running back in. Actually seeing how bad it was inside gave even Crasher a new vigor to help these people. The duo chased after the sound of the Hoothoot, noticing another trainer who was not Abigail doing the same.

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@@Vaporeon,@@Umbreon, @


Abigail followed Alery, and a trainer she hadn't met, into the burning tower. She turned to face her clefairy, "sorry, Isabella." She unclipped Isabella's pokeball, a heal ball, and returned the clefairy. She looked down at her krabby, "you too, Jeanne," and she returned her as well.


She kept a pace behind the other two trainers, given that she had no pokemon out to help fight the fire.

Edited by Aged Rain
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Clair didn't flinch as Magikarp began flopping towards Dratini, staying quiet until the fish was almost right up to the little dragon.  "Slam."  Dratini turns around to smack Magikarp with her tail at the command, skidding backwards as they collide.  Magikarp may not have been the strongest Pokemon, but it was at least heavy to the little Dratini...  Heavy enough that hitting it meant she was going to get knocked back as well.






Rufflet cries out as the sticky Spider Web falls on it, leaving it stuck to the ground.  It starts to try and bite its way through the web, but its beak wasn't well designed for cutting something like silk.  Being unable to move off the ground rendered pretty much all of his moves useless - Rufflet was effectively trapped.






Hoothoot continued to guide the three trainers until they had made it about two thirds of the way up the height of the tower.  Suddenly the flying type comes to a stop as a strange giggling sound echoes through the floor they were on.  The source of the giggling comes into sight as a Chandelure floats around from behind the central pillar, its candles pointed at the pillar as it continues to spray the wooden support with Flamethrower.  It hasn't seemed to have noticed the trainers yet.

Edited by Umbreon











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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