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Fan fic of either Cheese sandwich or Pokey Pierce

Pinkie Mina Pie

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               Hey Bronies and Pegasisters,

so here's what's up, I'm confused about either making a fan fic about Pinkie pie and Cheese Sandwich or Pinkie pie and Pokey Pierce? First there was an obsession of Pinkie pie and Pokey Pierce getting together but when Season four came along with the episode "Pinkie Pride" a stallion named Cheese Sandwich who is exactly like Pinkie Pie comes along and he's inspiration of creating parties was Pinkie Pie when he was little and up to now. During this episode he said to Pinkie Pie that he always wanted to meet her Pinkie pie again and he gave her his prized rubber chicken "Boneless". Cheese sandwich has the same hair style and attitude as Pinkie pie which makes it look more that he is Pinkie Pie's true love but still.    So who is now Pinkie pie's soul mate forever? :fiery:

Edited by Pinkie Mina Pie
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