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searching Building the Future (Reboot) (Looking for Players!)


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Backstory (Important Information):


Throughout the years, technology has grown to become a considerable part of ponies' lives. However, one of the pony races began to grow resentful due to the growth of technology - the unicorns. Their magic was virtually useless now that technology (handled by any race of pony) could perform the same feats that were once unique to unicorns.


One day, a small group of unicorns decided that enough was enough. They raised an attack on the ponies that supported the use of technology - that is, of course, the other two races, the Earth ponies and the pegasi. The attack was swiftly beat down, but word of what happened quickly spread. The Earth ponies and pegasi grew wary of the unicorns, thinking that another attack could happen at any given time. The resentment among the unicorns only grew as the other two races lost the trust they once had for the unicorns. And eventually, it escalated into a civil war of sorts that consumed the land of Equestria like wildfire.


Princess Cadence was occupied with the Crystal Empire. Princess Luna was sent off to other countries, trying to prevent the chaos that had taken over Equestria from spreading further. And Princesses Celestia and Twilight had gone on a journey together to find a way to stop the war once and for all.


Before one inquires about the Windigos that would typically be drawn by the conflict, they have long since gone extinct, having died off from such a long period of peace beforehand.


Guards have been installed in the streets in many towns to protect the citizens by the last command of the Princesses. And yet, fighting still breaks out often due to the fact that the unicorns often plan guerrilla-type assaults and/or ambushes.


Of course, some of the unicorns want no part of the fighting. But even those that do not want to fight are generally mistrusted by the other two races; the race once considered to be the "master race" was now lowered to the bottom tier on the social ladder.


Diadem City is the capital, where Galatea, Ariel, and Nano once lived.





That same group of Unicorns - the very ones that created the schism between Unicorns and the other two races of pony with their seemingly reckless attack - is planning something big. No one knows about this scheme of theirs; often, the Unicorns throw others off their trail with apparently random attacks around the city.


Their leader, Illusionary Gem, is cunning and deceptively charming, concealing the Unicorns' periodic gatherings under the guise of a charity group that takes donations from the rich and gives to the poor. (Little do donators know that their money is actually going towards supporting the Unicorns' attacks.)


This group of Unicorns wishes to take down technology itself at each and every possible source; the more zealous of the lot will be so enthusiastic in this task as to directly attack ponies that presumably support the use of technology.


And all the while, Nano, the recently created robot pony, is being eyed by some other ponies for what he is. Some wish to take advantage of him, use him for their own devious agendas. While theoretically capable of defending himself, Nano is incredibly naive - his inexperience making him much like an innocent foal in mind - and could easily allow himself to be taken advantage of. He must be protected at all costs.





1. Standard roleplaying rules apply. You know the drill.

2. No alicorn or non-canon OCs. Sorry, but I feel this is necessary. This is meant to be canon for my characters, meaning characters that do not fit into the canon universe wouldn't fit. I may make case-to-case exceptions, depending on the character.

3. Spelling and grammar is a must. I'm a Grammar Nazi at heart. As such, I find it hard to read poorly written posts. So, be sure to spellcheck things.

4. You must be active. I'm not asking for a post every single day (though that would delight me to no end), but I also don't want to see someone make one post and then disappear for weeks on end without notice. If you know that you are going to be inactive for a period of time, let me know.

5. Try to be descriptive! With rule #4 in mind, while I do want activity, I would also like quality! I would rather see one well-written post per week as opposed to seven or more rushed ones. Push past that 200-character limit! (Because, honestly, if I see 'filler filler filler,' I'll flip.)

6. Proof that you read these rules: Mention 'cupcakes' or any other sweet treat when you sign up. ;)





Laboratory - This is one of the largest laboratories in Diadem City. Galatea works here, and can often be seen here, as she works long hours more often than not; in turn, Ariel will also be here often with Galatea, since Galatea doesn't like leaving the little filly with a foalsitter (Ariel doesn't like them, either). This is also where Nano resides - and yes, in the sense that he considers it his home. He rarely leaves the laboratory. You must have security clearance to be here, either by appropriate occupation or valid reason to visit.


Park - A serene little park located in the central part of town. It is surprisingly well-maintained, complete with green grass, landscaping that is pleasing to the eye, and a fountain. It's a nice place to go and play, take a walk, and whatever other things one may do in a park.


Cafe - A casual cafe where ponies can go to enjoy a snack, a little refreshment, or perhaps the company of other ponies. It has a relaxed atmosphere, which provides a nice contrast to the busy hustle of the city outside.


Library - Where studious ponies go to learn themselves of worldly culture, or perhaps the fascinating history of the land. A broad selection of books is available here, from informative encyclopedias to enthralling novels.


Dance Club - This is the place to go for a little fun. Exciting dance music is played nearly 24/7, and is frequented by the "party animals" of Diadem City. An excellent place to go if one wishes to unwind, or perhaps mingle a little.


*This section is to be referred to when playing the Slice of Life aspect of this roleplay. Unicorn attacks can and will happen at random, at any given location.


Character Roster:



Age - 21

Gender - Female

Race - Earth Pony

Occupation - Engineer

Profile - Galatea appears to be a bright young mare that has a passion for her work. She acts cheerful and friendly a majority of the time, but does have some sensitive spots that she tries to conceal. She tends to get intensely focused when she is hard at work on something.



Age - (Mental) 20  (Actual) < 1 year

Gender - Male

Race - Earth Pony

Occupation - N/a

Profile - A recently created artificial life form brought to life by Galatea's hooves, Nano is capable of doing whatever a normal pony can do. However, due to a lack of experience socializing and learning through experience itself, there is much that he has yet to learn.



Age - 8

Gender - Female

Race - Unicorn

Occupation - N/a

Profile - Ariel is a young filly that sometimes seems a little... off in her behavior. She has the tendency to act withdrawn, and rarely ever speaks up on her own. She is timid, and sometimes has an unnaturally fearful response towards certain things. Galatea thinks that she may have suffered abuse in the past, but doesn't know because Ariel has never told her.


Illusionary Gem

Age - 43

Gender - Female

Race - Unicorn

Occupation - Charity organization leader(?)

Profile - Illusionary Gem is a Unicorn mare that specializes in enchantment magic, especially deceptive enchantments that can be placed on a target's surroundings to change what they see. She is a surprisingly charming, elegant mare, and can sweet-talk her way out of almost any situation; which has helped quite a bit in keeping her cover intact, concealing her seemingly devious intentions with honeyed words.


Xenon Blue
Age - 25
Gender - Male
Race - Unicorn
Occupation - Chemist
Profile - Xenon feels like technology has diluted the purpose of unicorns in the world. He didn't find it to be bad enough for unicorns to attack over until he saw some of the new ideas and testing that has been occurring at the lab. The technological applications in some of the experiments he saw made him switch his view on the war against technology. He is now and avid supporter of the "Charity Group", often lending his chemical expertise. Xenon is a Critical thinker and stoic and is not very outgoing.


Swift Feather
Age - 37
Race - Pegasus
Occupation - Diadem City Guard - Park Patrol
Profile - Swift Feather is serious on the job, but is very open and outgoing when off duty. He is a loyal and dutiful friend and Guard. When he is off duty, Swift Feather is usually at the club or at home.


Majestic Image

Age - 18

Gender - Male

Race - Unicorn (uses a glamour to hide his horn in public)

Occupation - Unknown

Profile - Majestic Image cares little for the prejudice against unicorns and even less about the war against technology. He appears to others as a charming, if somewhat distant, pony with more money than he really needs, often spending large amounts on personal pleasure. Though it remains a mystery where exactly he gets it from.


Phantom Dancer

Age - 22

Gender - Male

Race - Pegasus

Occupation - Unknown

Profile - Phantom Dancer appears to be a fairly light-hearted pony, loving a good laugh and a good brawl every once in a while. His stance on tech is very neutral, believing that it's good to have the tech but he can do fine without it if necessary. He can be a little dim, but is otherwise a really nice guy. Just don't catch him on a bad day.


Twisted Gear

Age - 25

Gender - Female

Race - Unicorn

Occupation - Mechanical 'Scientist' (By her own definition at least... Also unsanctioned.)

Profile - Gear is a paranoid unicorn 'scientist' who views the conflict between magic and technology as "Counterproductive and inefficient." To Gear, science and magic are at their most effective when working in tandem. That said, her state of antipathy means that she lacks the capacity to care for the conflict between the two as well as the grudge against unicorns, and she disregards both as "A serious waste of my time." Unfortunately, Gear's antipathy and intellect make her fairly distant from anything other than technological development. (Though she does have a bit of an interest in music and often has a headset with her, often stating that it helps her focus.)


Lustrous Keystroke

Age - 19

Gender - Female

Race - Pegasus

Occupation - Salvager

Profile - Adventurous and rash, Keystroke loves exploring the vastness of the bustling metropolis around her. It does not matter to her if the streets of one area have been tread before, for her the heart of adventure lies within one's own freedom and discovery. Granted, this has gotten her into trouble often as she been known to ignore the wisdom and counsel of others, sometimes even the law, just for her desire to explore. Overtime she has gained noticeable skill for scavenging both raw materials and scrap from much of her experiences. Which she invested the profits in some cybernetic 'upgrades' for herself. Though these upgrades are often hidden from view beneath her abnormally long mane.


Visionary Heart

Age - 24

Gender - male

Race - Unicorn

Occupation - Part time Guard

Profile - His father seeing other races of pony lower than a unicorn, made sure to breed Visionary to be the best. Where the other ponies where busy with technology and magic, his father came up with an idea. Black magic. He made sure to have his son born a unicorn. From birth his life was one of challenge. He was cursed by the magic instilled in to him, forcing him to age quickly. He hides his connection to black magic. He has a sister that he loves and often thinks about. When his father died he left him and his sister a fair amount of bits, so he lives mainly off that along side his job. He is outgoing and fun, sometimes a little formal. He smiles a lot and should anypony bring up his past he will try to change the topic.




Character Form:


Character Name

Age - Self-explanatory.

Gender - Also self-explanatory.

Race - Bear in mind this may have an impact on social interactions. (Many ponies are now prejudiced against Unicorns, and will discriminate.)

Occupation - The character's job, if applicable.

Profile - Briefly describe your character's personality and any important traits they might have.



Link to Roleplay:



If you've managed to read all of this and are still interested, great! Oh, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!


EDIT: Oh, almost forgot! @SilverHeart will be helping me out as co-DM for this roleplay. ^-^

Edited by Miss Reaper
  • Brohoof 1
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Doughnuts, I would be interested in RPing here. In addition, I would gladly help you out with plot as the speculative fiction side of science fiction-ish material is one of my favourite sections of the genre to tinker with.


I'm on my phone, so I'm slightly hard-pressed for time. Granted, if you have any questions for me I'll be more than pleased to help.

  • Brohoof 1
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I like ginger bread men. Who could I rp as then


Well, I presume you have a pony OC of some sort that you could use? :squee:



Doughnuts, I would be interested in RPing here. In addition, I would gladly help you out with plot as the speculative fiction side of science fiction-ish material is one of my favourite sections of the genre to tinker with.


I'm on my phone, so I'm slightly hard-pressed for time. Granted, if you have any questions for me I'll be more than pleased to help.


Excellent! I could use all the help I can get! :D

  • Brohoof 1
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Sadly each time this RP has been posted, I've been super busy. While I don't think I'll be able to join the RP, I'd be more than happy to help you flesh it out and come up with a plot if you'd like.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Anything you can do to help would be great! I really feel that a stronger plot (instead of just, you know, shooting the breeze) would help keep this roleplay alive,  and I'll take all the help I can get. :)






Haven't forgotten about you, buddy. If you're still interested, go for it! 

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Anything you can do to help would be great! I really feel that a stronger plot (instead of just, you know, shooting the breeze) would help keep this roleplay alive, and I'll take all the help I can get. :)






Haven't forgotten about you, buddy. If you're still interested, go for it!

Alright so do you want to do this via PM or just in here?

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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This is perfect for a character that I have. Like holy crap, it fits in like a piece of a puzzle. I will PM you about this later. To put it in one sentence: some anonymous organization is taking advantage of the war, and my OC is one of it's prime members :3


You'll love it, I just need some time to write it out!


Edit: almost forgot...


Sweet dreams are made of cheese... Which is strange because cheese isn't sweet. Cookies are though, through lovely chuncks of chocolate :3

Edited by Scribblegroove
  • Brohoof 1

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Aaand I just now got home to my computer.




That character will be fine, I suppose. You can always tweak said character a little to fit the roleplay better, though. I've done the same to my own characters. :)




Okay, cool!




We can go to PM if you'd like, but we could also toss ideas out into the open here. You know, throw some ideas at the wall, see what sticks, and maybe discuss it among others! :D




*excited squee!*

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@@Miss Reaper


Ok question time. I'm just gonna toss these out here first because I'm short on time currently and still need to type up the character profile I wanted to use for this. I swear I'll be back on soon-ish, hopefully nothing too terribly unexpected occurs again.


1. Technologically how much more advanced is this future in comparison to the show or RL?


2. How large is this city, and how much wilderness is left overall in the world?


3. Also about your robot pony Nano, I'm curious how is he accepted within the society. He is an artificial life-form after all. Does it raise questions about what it means to be an individual for others? Do others view his responses as nothing more than set of pre-programmed responses?

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Okay, let's do this!




1. Technologically how much more advanced is this future in comparison to the show or RL?


From what we've seen in the show, their technology is pre- to mid-Industrial Age (or so I've heard others say). Mostly "primitive" technology by our own society's standards. In my future Equestria, their technology is more on par with our current advancements in technology, and then some. The princesses are gone; technology helps keep the cycle going regardless. It became too dangerous for Pegasi to fly about manipulating clouds; technology takes care of that now. Their world is still controlled and predictable as it is in present-day Equestria - it's just that it's technology controlling things rather than ponies.




2. How large is this city, and how much wilderness is left overall in the world?


Think about something along the lines of New York City. This future world is going to draw a lot of parallels to our society, because their civilization's advancement in this time period is close if not beyond the point our civilization has reached. In the city and in surrounding towns, there's not much wilderness left; again, think New York, with concrete sidewalks and tall buildings. In the world in general, there are still forests and such, but nowhere near in such abundance as they are in present-day Equestria. These forests are generally considered dangerous, just as the Everfree is - because the ponies are still accustomed to complete control of their environment, and the atmosphere in these forests is unregulated.




3. Also about your robot pony Nano, I'm curious how is he accepted within the society. He is an artificial life-form after all. Does it raise questions about what it means to be an individual for others? Do others view his responses as nothing more than set of pre-programmed responses?


There is a mixed response in the society as far as Nano is concerned. Some are curious, fascinated by the prospect of a fully cybernetic pony; others feel that he is nothing more than a machine made to look and talk like a pony, and think that he has no free will of his own. And then there are those who regard him with disdain or even hostility. You know how some people say that robots will one day take over or something like that? Imagine ponies that feel that way seeing a pony like Nano. Those ponies see him as a wretched machine that shouldn't exist.


As such, Nano himself tends to be uncertain on how to respond or act towards other ponies. He attempts to socialize and be a little friendly, but even he cannot predict how the other ponies will react. For the most part, he resides in and stays within the lab where he was created (that is, the lab where Galatea works).

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Ermagerd, so much interest in this now!




*then revives* Anyway!


@@child of the night,


That's dandy and all, but do know that I won't be starting the roleplay until we get the details of the story ironed out. ^^;




Whether you choose to or not is up to you, good buddy! Though, it would be a delight to have you in this roleplay~

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@@Miss Reaper,


Eh, alright, I'll come back with Rocket. Do you need a link for a refresher? 

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Can I join with http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bladed-heartshappy-heart-r4248 ?


I'll try and help if I can.


Idea: What if some unicorns are getting their horns surgically removed to look like earth ponies while others have started only breeding with other unicorns to try and increase their numbers? Or is that a tad too much? Too odd and creepy?


We can dance if we want to. We can leave your s'mores behind.

Edited by Bladed & Verses

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@@Miss Reaper 

Idea: What if some unicorns are getting their horns surgically removed to look like earth ponies while others have started only breeding with other unicorns to try and increase their numbers? Or is that a tad too much? Too odd and creepy?


I actually like the idea of exploring of how the Unicorn's have splintered into certain factions. Granted, I think it would be interesting to see if some of the Unicorn extremists have possibly taken to using Technology, that they've forsaking the core beliefs of their own movement in a vain attempt to regain their past status. Could their grudging use of technology possibly lead to some compromise between them and the other pony races, or maybe the Unicorn extremists simply believe the end justifies the means. 


On the other hand, we could just as easily do something on some of the possibilities for abuse of this new technology has arisen. In fact, I could easily see dissenters arising from the other two races due to the level of abuse of the technology. 


One final thought, is it bad that I see the Unicorn's as essentially really angry Amish ponies?

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Miss Reaper 



I actually like the idea of exploring of how the Unicorn's have splintered into certain factions. Granted, I think it would be interesting to see if some of the Unicorn extremists have possibly taken to using Technology, that they've forsaking the core beliefs of their own movement in a vain attempt to regain their past status. Could their grudging use of technology possibly lead to some compromise between them and the other pony races, or maybe the Unicorn extremists simply believe the end justifies the means. 


On the other hand, we could just as easily do something on some of the possibilities for abuse of this new technology has arisen. In fact, I could easily see dissenters arising from the other two races due to the level of abuse of the technology. 


One final thought, is it bad that I see the Unicorn's as essentially really angry Amish ponies?

I really enjoy this idea. It's a much better version of what I was thinking (though I think the hornnidea would be good for unicorn spies or unicorns wanting to fit in and not be judged).


Also, that amish thing.... argh! I can't get the idea out of my head. The use their magic (faith) to do things in everyday life. They're rejecting technology. Some unicorns are leaving the the main group (Rumspringa) and some aren't coming back because the like the technology. They believe themselves superiour for their pure magic (pure faith).... Yup, angry Amish.

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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Can I join with http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bladed-heartshappy-heart-r4248 ?


I'll try and help if I can.


Idea: What if some unicorns are getting their horns surgically removed to look like earth ponies while others have started only breeding with other unicorns to try and increase their numbers? Or is that a tad too much? Too odd and creepy?


We can dance if we want to. We can leave your s'mores behind.

@@Miss Reaper 


I actually like the idea of exploring of how the Unicorn's have splintered into certain factions. Granted, I think it would be interesting to see if some of the Unicorn extremists have possibly taken to using Technology, that they've forsaking the core beliefs of their own movement in a vain attempt to regain their past status. Could their grudging use of technology possibly lead to some compromise between them and the other pony races, or maybe the Unicorn extremists simply believe the end justifies the means. 


On the other hand, we could just as easily do something on some of the possibilities for abuse of this new technology has arisen. In fact, I could easily see dissenters arising from the other two races due to the level of abuse of the technology. 


One final thought, is it bad that I see the Unicorn's as essentially really angry Amish ponies?


I saw this last night, but was on my phone and couldn't respond. D:


Anyway, you both actually do have some good thoughts there; things I would have never dreamed up on my own. And I... actually don't think it would be too far-fetched, given that this future world is considerably darker than its present-day counterpart.


I can see some Unicorns trying to make themselves fit in, wanting to have no part of the conflict that others of their kind have created. I can see Unicorns - specifically members of the little "organization" against technology - trying to breed exclusively with other Unicorns for the sake of increasing their numbers, raising their foals to believe the same as they do. So, yes, I think that the Unicorns would have been split into different factions among their own race due to varying and differing opinions on the use of technology and such; it could definitely be a thing.


And... Amish ponies... Well. While discussing plot with SilverHeart, I actually came upon an excellent parallel. Think, Muslims. The Unicorns are to pony society as Muslims are to American society; while only a few are the actual "terrorists," their kind is generally mistrusted because of what has been done.


EDIT: Got ninja'd! Oh, well... My thoughts on this still stand.

Edited by Miss Reaper
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Alright, I've got everything all set up! The OP has been updated with all the juicy details, so be sure to check it out~ ;)


If you were interested before, I would still like to see an application filled out for your character.


I am now accepting participants! Once we have enough, I'll start the roleplay for real this time! :)

Bumpity-bump! Still looking for participants~!

  • Brohoof 1
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