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open The Final Expense: Wrath Of The Crystal Empire (Romance/Action/Drama)

Paladin Butters

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* I suggest to read SOME of the last roleplay, if you don't know what's going on.

* New roleplayers start off in Kingshield, feel free to add any backstory on how you ended up there, did you follow the settlers ECT... and/or if you own a small shop. NOTE if you own a store you need to sell the merchandise you buy to other roleplayers.



Pony's that haven't been mentioned/seen yet.

~ Miss HinRich

~ AppleJack

~ Lucus

~ Mr. HinRich

~ Gavin

~ Jake

~ Doctor Rezmir

~ Doctor Eften

~ Doctor Kelt

~ Sam

~ Mrs. HoofWell

~ Mr. HoofWell

~ Peanut

~ Captain Lynn

~ Spike

~ Kilmoth The Dragon King

~ Gimp

~ Sarah Leving

~ Jeff Leving

~ Nancy Leving

~ Nichole Del Tor'

~ Nex Jou Cen

~ Nex Jou Kek

*** Even more, just naming some off my head



Zachary Del Tor' woke up, in a deep sweat. He looked around the room and there was blankness. There was a knock on the door. He got out of his bed and started to walk to the door. He tripped on a sword on the ground. "ack!" he spat. he stood back up, and fixed his shirt, thus answering the door. "Zachary, what are you doing asleep? You're suppose to be doing your rounds!" Gavin said in an upset tone.


 "we'll I was tired, being a senator in this new Government isn't a trip around the block..." Zachary replied. Gavin rolled his eyes, "well as your main adviser, MIGHT I suggest you'd want to DO your job?" Gavin said turning around starting to walk down the hall, motioning Zachary to follow.


 "Zach, one of your keen responsibilites today is probably difficult for you but, I do suggest you meet the newcommers." Gavin said. Zachary stopped in his tracks, "What do you mean, new ones?" Zachary replied curiously. Gavin gave Zachary a blank look. "They were found in the Forbidden Lands, Nex's troops are the ones who found them." Gavin replied. "I don't like to hear that Nex's troops were in the Forbidden Lands again." Zachary said dispitefully. Gavin gave Zachary a look of disbelief. "Why-" "I just don't get a good vibe from him.." Zachary replied interuptingly. Gavin walked with Zachary till they reached the end of the hall. Gavin looked at Zachary, "Guards are waiting for you on the other side of the door to take you too the New Commers." Gavin said, breaking the silence. Zachary looked at Gavin and gave him a knod in repliance, then looked at the door and opened it. "Master Zachary, we are ready to head towards Kingshield with haste m' lord." The Guards said as they bowed.


"Let us go." Zachary replied. The two Guards connected their armor to the cart. The cart was made completely out of silver, with a diamond incrust trim on it. As the Guards took off into the sky, Zachary looked at the city of Zexis as they got further, and further away from his home. He turned his head to the front of the cart. Zachary looked as they passed Port Karin. "M' Lord, the Port of Karin will need your confrenece today." "What is it concerning?" Zachary replied. "Their newest catch." "Is it a new kind of fish?" Zachary asked puzzeled. "Not exactly M' Lord." as they came up to Kingshield scouts that were hiding in a nearby cloud, flew over. "You're clear for entrance!" Danny said. "Good to have your presence M' Lord Zachary!" Danny said as he and his partner flew off to another cloud.


As the cart came to a stop near the city's square, ponies that could see the cart landing rushed over to see Zachary. Some took pictures. "Zachary, what is you plan about the Library's?" "Zachary, what's the word from the Dragons of Bavik?" "Zachary, what will be the next spell given to the republic?" "Zachary-" The Guards started to dispurce the talking ponies. Zachary walked up to the door of the City's Townhall. He could hear ponies cheer in the distance but ignored their cheer. A Guard opened the main door and he entered. There was an old pony at the desk in the Townhall. The walls were well decorated, and the curtains hanging were a dark samon color, with a crimson trim around the edges.


The old pony at the desk was writting something down, when she noticed Zachary. She looked up at him. "What can I help you with?" She asked. "I'm looking for the New Commers." Zachary replied. The old pony looked at her papers then squinted down a small hall to the right. She turned her attention back to Zachary. "Yes, the Doctors are waiting for you at the end of the hall at the main hospital room." She said with a small cough in her speech. Zachary looked at the old pony and nodded, then started to walk down the hall to where the doctors were waiting. As he walked down the hall, one of the Doctor ponies noticed him, and got the others attention to pay attention to Zachary. "Well, is this where they're?" Zachary asked. "Yes Zachary." One of the Doctor's replied. Zachary looked into the room where two ponies were laying on beds near each other, seven nurses were in the room monitoring them.

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@@Paladin Butters,


Charcoal had no idea what was going on. She was having trouble remembering stuff. She heard some kind of beeping somewhere close by, but couldn't tell what it was. She shifted her body around, feeling the covers on the bed and the blanket covering her. It felt too much like plastic to her and her sweat was causing her to stick to both of them. Charcoal slowly began opening her eyes, only getting blurry images as she began to look around through the small opening she had made.

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@@Charcoal Embers


A nurse motioned one of the Doctors to go into the room. "Excuse me Zachary" Doctor Eften said. as he trotted through the door into the room, the nurse took him to a nearby desk with vital information statistics. The other Doctor still with Zachary looked at him. "So what do you think?" Doctor Rezmir asked. "So they WERE in the forbidden lands?" Zachary asked. "As the information sent from the Nex Stronghold suggests, they were." Doctor Rezmir replied. Zachary looked at the ground then looked up at the Doctor. "When can I speak with them?" Zachary asked. Doctor Rezmir looked at one of the nurses. "Let me go ask." Doctor Rezmir replied as he trotted to one of the nurses inside the room.

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@@Paladin Butters,


Charcoal groaned as she tried to sit up. The bed sheets stuck to her back and pealed off as she sat up. She opened her eyes up all the way and looked around at the blurry images of everything around her. She couldn't see anything, everything around her was blurry and unseeable so she was very confused as to where she was.

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@@Charcoal Embers


A nurse noticed one of the ponies waking up, and dashed to her side. "Can you hear me?" she asked.

"Doctor Rezmir, she's waking up." She said towards the Doctor.

Doctor Rezmir moved slowly to the pony.

"Can you hear me?" he asked softly.

"What's your name?" he asked.

The Doctor trotted to the front of the bed and stopped. He picked up a information sheet near the end of the bed and started to read it, while looking ever once and a while towards the pony who was disoriented.

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@@Charcoal Embers


A nurse noticed one of the ponies waking up, and dashed to her side. "Can you hear me?" she asked.

"Doctor Rezmir, she's waking up." She said towards the Doctor.

Doctor Rezmir moved slowly to the pony.

"Can you hear me?" he asked softly.

"What's your name?" he asked.

The Doctor trotted to the front of the bed and stopped. He picked up a information sheet near the end of the bed and started to read it, while looking ever once and a while towards the pony who was disoriented.

Charcoal looked at the ponies oddly. What were they asking, could she hear them? Of course I can hear them. Why wouldn't I be able to hear them. Charcoal nodded at the ponies slowly, showing that's she could hear them. Though, she wasn't sure if she was able to speak at the moment. Her mouth was so dry. It was like it was filled with sand that never left.

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@@Charcoal Embers


As the pony nodded, the nurse looked at the Doctor. "She can, Doctor." The Nurse said.

Doctor Rezmir looked at the disoriented pony. hmm he thought, "Have Sam run a few tests to make sure she doesn't have head trama still. If she doesn't we'll get her process and on her way." Doctor Rezmir replied, as he put the information sheet in the tray, and walked out of them room to talk to Zachary. As he left the room Sam walked over to talk with the disoriented pony.


"Hello, my name is Sam. I'm going to running a few head tests, is that okay?" Sam asked.


"How is that one?" Zachary asked.

"Hard to say, we are going to have Sam run a few head tests to make sure, she's not still suffering head trama. If the tests come back negative, we can let her go under your care, of whatever you need to talk with her about m' lord." Doctor Rezmir replied.

Zachary looked inside the room and noticed another pony who was still out. "What about him?" Zachary asked. Doctor Rezmir looked at the pony he was referring. "We're starting to think he may not ever wake up." Rezmir replied. "If he does wake up we'll send for you." Rezmir said reassuring him. Zachary looked at the Doctor, "Let Gavin know, or send for Nichole if you ever get word." Zachary told the Doctor. "As you wish" The Doctor said heading over to his desk and sat down. Zachary sat on a chair near the entrance to the room.

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@@Charcoal Embers


As the pony nodded, the nurse looked at the Doctor. "She can, Doctor." The Nurse said.

Doctor Rezmir looked at the disoriented pony. hmm he thought, "Have Sam run a few tests to make sure she doesn't have head trama still. If she doesn't we'll get her process and on her way." Doctor Rezmir replied, as he put the information sheet in the tray, and walked out of them room to talk to Zachary. As he left the room Sam walked over to talk with the disoriented pony.


"Hello, my name is Sam. I'm going to running a few head tests, is that okay?" Sam asked.


"How is that one?" Zachary asked.

"Hard to say, we are going to have Sam run a few head tests to make sure, she's not still suffering head trama. If the tests come back negative, we can let her go under your care, of whatever you need to talk with her about m' lord." Doctor Rezmir replied.

Zachary looked inside the room and noticed another pony who was still out. "What about him?" Zachary asked. Doctor Rezmir looked at the pony he was referring. "We're starting to think he may not ever wake up." Rezmir replied. "If he does wake up we'll send for you." Rezmir said reassuring him. Zachary looked at the Doctor, "Let Gavin know, or send for Nichole if you ever get word." Zachary told the Doctor. "As you wish" The Doctor said heading over to his desk and sat down. Zachary sat on a chair near the entrance to the room.

Charcoal just looked at the pony with a confused look on her face. At least the blurry image of the pony. They that's when it clicked in her head. Where were her glasses!? She felt around her face for her glasses and aground the bed, getting slightly panicked now. She needed her glasses to see. Why weren't they with her?

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@@Charcoal Embers


Sam gave the pony a confused look, she saw the pony go into a small panic looking for something. "Um, Doctor? are we sure this pony didn't lose anything when Nex's troops found them?" Sam asked. Doctor Rezmir got out of his seat, and trotted over. he looked at the pony noticing it's frantic behavior. The Doctor looks at the pony squinting. "Are you sure nurse Sam, that she doesn't own glasses?" He asked. Sam went over to a counter where there belongings were, she opened up a small package. and found some glasses that were slightly damaged, but the lens were fine. She trotted over and handed them to the awoken pony.

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@@Charcoal Embers


Sam gave the pony a confused look, she saw the pony go into a small panic looking for something. "Um, Doctor? are we sure this pony didn't lose anything when Nex's troops found them?" Sam asked. Doctor Rezmir got out of his seat, and trotted over. he looked at the pony noticing it's frantic behavior. The Doctor looks at the pony squinting. "Are you sure nurse Sam, that she doesn't own glasses?" He asked. Sam went over to a counter where there belongings were, she opened up a small package. and found some glasses that were slightly damaged, but the lens were fine. She trotted over and handed them to the awoken pony.

Charcoal looked around for a few more moments before one of the ponies held something out to her. She was a bit confused because, at first, it just seemed like a blurry black box. But then she squinted and got really close to the box and, to her relief, it was her glasses. She quickly, but carefully, took the glasses out and pit them on. After blinking for a few seconds as her eyes adjusted. Then she was able to see clearly again. And with the magic embedded in the glasses the damage fixed itself. Charcoal sighed in relief and smiled at the two ponies, who she now saw to be doctors.

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Sam gave her a comfortable look, "well It's obvious at least to me you don't have any problems now, you just didn't have your glasses." Sam said with a faint chuckle. "Rezmir, If it's alright with you, I think we can get this pony on her way." As Sam said that he trotted off, towards the other nurses.


Doctor Rezmir watched Sam as he took off, he then turned his attention to the pony in the bed fully awake it seemed. "Alright, your belongings are over on that counter there, and there's a stallion waiting for you as soon as you leave. His name is Zachary Del Tor' he's one of the few leaders we have here. I'm also surprised you survived in the Forbidden Lands." Rezmir finished as he trotted to his desk and sat down.

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@@Paladin Butters,


Charcoal looked at the pony and nodded. Charcoal slid to the side of the bed. She pushed off and and got to her hooves. It took a few seconds for her hooves to stop shaking and her to get used to the weight of her body, but she got moving after a second and walked to the door of the room. As she walked she noticed another stallion laying down on another bed. She walked past him and walked to the entrance of the room and walked out.

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@@Charcoal Embers


Zachary noticed the door opening, then saw the mare that was waking up just moments ago. Zachary looked at the pony.

"So you're the newcomer that I was informed about, my names Zachary Del Tor'" Zachary said to the mare. "My assistant Gavin told me that it was essential for me to visit the both of you, even though one of you hasn't waken up. The Doctors don't think he will." Zachary said while looking at the mare. Do I know this mare?? he thought.

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@@Charcoal Embers


Zachary noticed that something was off about this mare, he couldn't put his hoof on it. He opened up his satchel and looked inside. It took him a second till he noticed the vial. He pulled it out and looked at the mare. "Areth youth thirstyth?" Zachary said as the vial was in his mouth, he spit it out onto his hoof, thus handing it too the mare.

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@@Paladin Butters,


Charcoal smiled at the stallion. Wow, every time I need something it is almost immediately given to me. That's really convenient. Charcoal thought to herself as she took the vial and drank what was inside. It was a strange liquid that didn't have much flavor, but also tasted kind of sweet. She let the taste set for a second before swallowing it. She sighed in relief again and drank the rest of what was in the vial before giving the vial back. "T-Thank you..." Charcoal said in a low voice.

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@@Charcoal Embers


"You're welcome" Zachary said.


"What you just drank was water from the Crystal Empire, Gavin would travel up there with a few dragons. But that was forever ago." Zachary said. "Well since I am a senator for these lands, I must ask." Zachary said, then continuing himself. "What do you last remember?" Zachary asked.

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@@Paladin Butters,


Remember? What does he mean by that? "the last thing I remember? Well that's easy, it's... it's... um..." That's strange. why is it I can't remember anything. I mean... I remember being a blacksmith... meeting two ponies... then... nothing... "Um... not much... I don't know why though. Though I guess it would depend on what you want me to remember exactly."

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@@Charcoal Embers


Zachary had a curious look on his face.
"I just thought you would of remembered, why you were in the Forbidden Lands." Zachary said.

"if anything it helps me, Nex's troops didn't tell me how they found you, either than you were in the Forbidden Lands." Zachary said as he shrugged his shoulders. I don't think she'll be able to leave the city if she doesn't remember anything at all. he thought


"Well, I have to go back to Zexis Del Tor' then make a trip to Port Karin.. so If there's nothing else you need or can tell me. I'll be on my way" He finished.

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@@Charcoal Embers


"Whoa whoa whoa, relax." Zachary said. Wow, she doesn't remember anything... he thought. Zachary sighed then looked at the mare.

"Nex's troops were searching deep in the Forbidden Lands, they were trying to find the Dragons of Bavik. They came to a field and you were found in a coma there, with the other stallion in that room." Zachary replied.


"I don't know anymore then that. I just found out that you were found today." Zachary finished.

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@@Paladin Butters,


Charcoal looked at the stallion in confusion. "Coma... why would I be in a coma? I... I don't remember anything about a coma... or being in these... forbidden lands..." Charcoal said as sat down on the ground and tried to comprehend this. "But... I... I couldn't have been in a coma... I was... I was just at work not long ago..."

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@@Charcoal Embers


Zachary noticed the confusion attack of the mare, he trotted over to the door of the infirmary, "Doctor Rezmir, get me the file on this mare." Zachary asked. "Yes m' lord!" a reply came from the room. Moments later Doctor Rezmir came through the door, "Here you are m' Lord." Doctor Rezmir said, walking back into the infirmary.


Zachary browsed through the information sheet.

"Says here you've been in a coma for about 8 - 9 months." Zachary said looking at Charcoal. Then continued.

"Nex's troops found you with a stallion by the name of Thunder, and a filly." Zachary said, then paused.

"I...I'm sorry that the filly didn't make it." Zachary said with a frown on his face.

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@@Paladin Butters,


"Filly, what filly? And what stallion are you talking about? Why are you telling me this? I was at work just yesterday. It can't have been 9 months. That... that just isn't possible." Charcoal said, not accepting that she has been out for so long. Her breathing began to pick up as she began to think about what the stallion said.

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Zachary gave the mare the paper. "I gotta get going, you need some time to yourself." Zachary said as he left.


The Paper


|                 Kingshield Health Transcrips              |

|                     Name: Charcoal Embers                 |

|  ____________________________________  |

|     Eye Color:Red                                                |

|     Mane Color: Red w/ Orange                           |

|    Doctors Note - Out for 8 - 9 months                |

|                                                                            |

|     Found By: Sgt Benson                                   |

|  ~ I found this mare, next to two other ponies     |

|   one Stallion, and one Filly. I believe that they  |

|   were all related, they have satchels with them |

|  ~ I found a device on them, that hasn't been    |

|   seen since the May Bel Mock. (The Storm)     |

|                                                                           |


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