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MLP and its represntation of female characters


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The female characters of FIM are represented in the best way in a little girls cartoon EVAR!!!.... They actually have personalities that aren't "im a pretty Princess" or "Im a girl who is solely existing in this show for the purpose of selling toys to the most easily bought off demographic in the history of the universe"..... They are developed, and complex characters that are honestly relatable, and ten times more realistic than say, any Barbie movie character...... I as a viewer of the show (and a highly critiquing one at that) honestly have investment in these characters, and have interest in what happens to them, which is something 99.9999999999% of girls entertainment can't seem to do.

These characters have real problems, that are solved by them, and not by some magical force, or tiredly overused cliche.... It's real entertainment, and dare I say the future of children's programming (if other tv shows directors are taking notes that is)..... So go on FIM... Keep on making you female characters interesting and non clichéd. Your doing exceptionally well so far.

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I always find it enjoyable that MLP, a show originally targeted at children and their parents, are so effortlessly able to provide strong female leads and shred normal cartoon tropes. The most interesting part is that they started off with a cast of possible  high-school sitcom stereotypes. You have the nerd, the cheerleader, the tomboy, the shy girl, the weirdo, and the hick...and instead of going with the obvious, they twisted it all around until it was not only unrecognizable, but better. The nerd is the default group leader. The cheerleader is the generous, inclusive friend. The hick isn't a moron about things. It's refreshing. 

Ever heard of the Bechdel Test?  It's a test used to show how male centric most popular media are.  A work passes the test if:
1) There are two or more female characters

2) that have at least *one* conversation

3) about something other than a guy. 


It'll really surprise you how many works of fiction fail this test. 


MLP:FiM, however, annihilates this test.  In every single episode.  That is amazing.


In fact, it's rather difficult to find the opposite in the show.  How often do you find two male characters talking to each other, about anything?  I mean, Snips and Snails talk to each other, so there's that, but otherwise...


Still having  gender imbalance within a show is not itself a problem.  I think it's fine to have a show that's mostly (or entirely) one gender or the other, the problem is when the majority of media swings heavily in one direction...  MLP is a welcome exception to that rule.


Haha, and whenever Snips and Snails talk to each other, it's about a girl! Trixie or Sunset Shimmer. 

  • Brohoof 2


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When it comes to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, their bullying in a sexualize context makes them seem more like two fillies attracted towards other girl ponies. This is further shown how they don't bully male ponies and their teasing is generally focused on the flank. Top it off with SS flank wagging and their rhyme.

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Being a female myself, i'm used to seeing media with a male dominated cast with very few developed female characters. I know there are tons of female shows with females who dominate the cast, but I was never into female oriented shows because they always focused on stereotypical female problems like romance and stupid drama surrounding romance or love and not much else. So all the shows i've been drawn too have just been male oreinted shows. Even the best shows I watched sometimes had the same problem with female characters, not giving them a prominent role in the show or going back to the stereotypical female traits such as romance or fashion.


Mlp is one of the only female targeted shows that has done female characters well. Which is kinda ironic because its a kids show and the writing for the female characters is often more complex than that of adult shows! The characters are not one dimensional and plots don't revolve around romance (besides rarity) or fashion (again, mostly rarity) but even then it isn't done in a stereotypical manner. This is what I love about this show. They don't have to fall into stereotypical gender norms in order to get viewers.


What do you guys think about mlp's representation of female characters compared to other shows? And why aren't more shows trying to make well roumded female characters like mlp?

It's one reason why I love this show! Because it's not like "men are the heroes and women only need to be beautiful". It's pretty balanced because there are a lot of female characters, but if you think there are less male characters then you are wrong! There are for example the enemys! Discord and Sombra. And friends or brothers of the mane six like Shining Armor, Spike and Big McIntosh. And of course there are a lot in the Ponyville school! Whatever... Just wanted to say: MLP is awesome :D

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I also thought RD was a dude at first
The voice for me definately was male. Anyways... the reason it depicts female characters the way it does is because most of the time the show does nothing to make the female characters truthfully romantically approach another character. That is all... it's because it doesn't focus and make any frequent attempts at that. It's because it's not the main point of it to do so. 
  • Brohoof 1
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Personality speaks more in this show than looks. It's why crushes based on looks tend to get crushed in the end.


It's different in EG where looks is more than personality.

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