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gaming Which is the best gaming console of all time?

Rarity Paige Belle

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For me there are two. The original Game Boy, and the Dreamcast. The Game Boy because of only one game, Tetris, and the Dreamcast because it was so ahead of it's time. I mean it offered online gaming years before anyone else!

Edited by Princess Sunbutt
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NES had plans for online gaming. Genesis and SNES had the XBand online gaming.


I think Atari Jaguar CD was the...wait, you said "best" console. It's not a fair question. If you mean from a technical stand point then the latest consoles are the best. If you mean for its time, Dreamcast was good. But Playstation, which was older, offered a break through in gaming because that was the generation where we saw good 3D environments. Previous machines had 3D but not good enough. The PS and Saturn generation was a quantum leap forward.


I think Wii was a dumb console. Nintendo experimented with the "shake the controller at the screen until something happens" style of gaming.


Ever hear of the 3do M2?

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I would say the gameboy, and the PS1. They both were very big breakthroughs in the gaming industry, the gameboy because of the handheld aspect with multiple game cartridges and the PS1 as a breakthrough for console gaming with improved graphics as well as the games being burned to CD's.

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NES had plans for online gaming. Genesis and SNES had the XBand online gaming.

I think Atari Jaguar CD was the...wait, you said "best" console. It's not a fair question. If you mean from a technical stand point then the latest consoles are the best. If you mean for its time, Dreamcast was good. But Playstation, which was older, offered a break through in gaming because that was the generation where we saw good 3D environments. Previous machines had 3D but not good enough. The PS and Saturn generation was a quantum leap forward.

I think Wii was a dumb console. Nintendo experimented with the "shake the controller at the screen until something happens" style of gaming.

Ever hear of the 3do M2?

My parents chose the wrong console! I used to love the Sega Saturn!

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The GBA SP (AGS-101). In terms of design, it's utterly brilliant. It took an already portable system and made it even more portable! Its clamshell design was very unique and despite the overall reduced size, it's very comfortable to use.


It was the first Nintendo handheld to have an integrated light source of any kind. Later, the AGS-101 model was released at around the launch of the game boy micro. It used a back light instead of a front light. No longer did gamers have to play on the surface of the sun or purchase bulky third party addons to see their screens. It was an amazing thing...


This was the first and only gameboy to be released to be powered via LiPo battery pack as opposed to disposable double A's. It was a big deal, batteries were sparse in those days and they still are. With this console though, I could just plug it into the wall and keep playing.


The GBA-SP also has a great library of games and can run every game ever produced for the gameboy line. The game boy series had games produced for it from 1989 - 2008. If that's not a fantastic console, I don't know what is.

Edited by Celtore
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Technically speaking, the Wii, it can play anything, Wii, GC, N64, SNES, NES, Genesis, TG-16, you name it.


Library-wise though, I'd say the PS2 or the GC

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Technically speaking, the Wii, it can play anything, Wii, GC, N64, SNES, NES, Genesis, TG-16, you name it.


Library-wise though, I'd say the PS2 or the GC

Sorry, but apart from the original gameboy Nintendo's consoles are just mediocre.

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Well, I'll say Nintendo DS, but only because I only ever had that and my PC and because TWEWY and 9 hours 9 persons 9 doors. I played them on an Acekard, of course :D

I'm not entirely sure what made it my personal fav, but I still have it. One big point for being hand-held and letting me play through the night without my parents noticing.

(But PC wins, coz mods and customization. And Deus Ex. And many other reasons.)

Edited by RainGloom
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But it's not just me is it? No one's buying the WiiU. Nintendo is on the verge of bankruptcy, in fact there's rumors that there planning to ditch consoles altogether and release games on smartphone!


- Wii U's not selling, but that's because no one's releasing games. Wait until Smash or mario Kart before we start doomsaying

- Nintendo is in a much better position than Sony or Microsoft, with a $11 Billion warchest in case of emergencies, on top of that the 3DS is keeping them afloat. Meanwhile the Xbone isn't selling much either and Sony as a whole is in the worst financial trouble among the 3, with the Playstation brand(really just the PS3/Ps4) the only thing keeping them up

- They already said that they're not ditching the Wii U, which would be one of the dumbest things they can do. They also said they aren't putting games on the smartphone. They'd just release companion apps, just like everyone else these days do.


Try harder


Besides, Why is it a big deal to you though? You just asked what we think are the best consoles and I gave my response

Edited by Randy Marsh
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Oh goodness, I'm unsure. I want to say the GameCube, but I feel more like the Xbox 360. Yeah, I'll go with that, the Xbox 360.

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Best of all is hard, for me personaly it's tge ps2, but you cant overlook the original nintendo or atari 2600 just for popularizing video games

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I honestly feel like it's the SNES. It was off to a weak start, launching two years after the competition and with a small library at launch, but it proved to be a leader in one of the closest competitions in gaming history, with a great library, that fancy Mode 7 thing, huge expand-ability (some games, such as Doom or Super Mario RPG, along with featuring enhanced graphical capabilities over other games, also overclocked the CPU from 3.58MHz to 21MHz!) and holds many of the best games ever made.

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Hmmmm, I'm stuck between the PlayStation 2 and the SEGA Mega-Drive/Genesis. Both are extremely memorable systems with legendary games.


Ah, you know what? Screw it. PC wins every time with this kind of stuff, and I like to game on the PC, so PC is best console. ;)

Did you even read the title of the thread?
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