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private Seekers (Pokemon RP)


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Tempest glanced back at the fight in time to see Cheren's recent attack. "I may have to find a way to work around that." He thought to himself. The trainer then thought of what Pokémon he might be able to add to his team. He would need Pokémon that could learn a variety of moves, so they could cover most weaknesses.


(Can I call dibs on the Pidgey?)

Edited by Nightfury01
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Cecil cringed as his growlithe haphazardly continued his reckless charge after the aipom dug under ground. Scout didn't notice aipom's sudden disappearance, leaving him quite disoriented and confused when his Take-Down only connected with the air. When the aipom popped back up from the ground, Scout quickly turned around only to be swiftly barraged by an array of stars.


"Groowww-" Scout whimpered, the aipom's surprise attack knocking the wind out of him. Cecil once again readjusted his scarf out of anxious adrenaline. The growlithe stood back up on it's legs, not wanting to back down quite yet from the fight.


"You've been doing well Scout, but I'm afraid there's not much fight left in you." Warden, sensing his trainer's worry, tugged at his pants' leg. Cecil looked down at his sandshrew, and caught a glare that conveyed to Cecil his desire to get in on the fight. Cecil gave a slight nod to his sandshrew in understanding, and turned back to the battlefield.


"Alright, Scout, that's enough! Have some well deserved rest," he said, unlatching Scout's pokeball from his belt. The growlithe whimpered a bit in response, but Cecil recalled him back into the device.


His sandshrew valiantly moved forward unto the battlefield, "-shrewww", giving a death glare to the enemy aipom. Cecil did a flick of his hair, adding dramatic flourish to echo his partner's resolve. "Warden, dig underground and don't come back up until my command." The sandshrew responded with haste, digging into the gym's floor.


"We should have home-field advantage, in an underground battle. Now to see if Cheren follows us down, or waits."

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Lurele hardly even stopped in Floccesy - waving and calling out at those she ran past in a friendly manner, but moving straight on to Route 20.  She did finally slow down as she arrived here, noticing that there were more wild Pokemon roaming around than in the previous Route.


"Whaddya think, Rio?"  "Riolu..."  The small fighting type shook his head, not seeing anything interesting to him.  With a shrug of agreement Lurele started to follow her Pokemon.  She was tempted to go up towards Floccesy Ranch for old time's sake - she had met her Riolu there when she was a little girl - but decided right now it was a better idea to get as far as possible so she could "officially" start her journey.  After all, she was still really close towards home right now.


The Route seemed fairly straightforward - a good thing, given Lurele's sense of direction - and so she started walking towards Viribank.  Her plan was to challenge Roxxie and catch a boat to the mainland, hopefully before all the foreign trainers could get there and book all the fast boats.  As she walked past the clump of dark grass, her Riolu glances at his trainer before walking over to pull a bit of the grass aside, curious what could have been behind it.  She turns around when she realizes he's no longer following her, crossing her fingers behind her head and resting her head back in her hands.  "Huh?  What did ya find, bud?"  Even as she asked Lurele was still walking backwards, in the general direction of Viribank.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Locke had gotten so terribly lost it was ridiculous. He had fallen asleep on the shuttle, and it would have gone off from Aspertia with him still on it, if a certain Gastly hadn't popped out of it's Pokeball and practically suffocated the man with the gas around it's body. Once Locke had gotten off, he had just barely missed the guide. Now he wandered around Aspertia, his Pokemon giggling every time he passed the Seekers building. "Why didn't you guys wake me when I stopped? None of these places scream 'Unova Pokedex' to me! And why are you guys giggling so much!?" The Phantump in his arms chuckled and pointed a stubby arm at the Church-like building he was literally pacing in front of. He went to whack Revvy up side the head, but his hand hit 95% gas and went straight through the Pokemon. As the Gastly and Phantump giggled in unison, Locke simply grumbled and walked into the building, pushing his glasses farther up his nose as he did so. "I'm not too late am I?"

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Tempest glanced back at the fight in time to see Cheren's recent attack. "I may have to find a way to work around that." He thought to himself. The trainer then thought of what Pokémon he might be able to add to his team. He would need Pokémon that could learn a variety of moves, so they could cover most weaknesses.
(Can I call dibs on the Pidgey?)
((I can assure you there will be more Pidgey. So no need to worry. x3))

Cecil cringed as his growlithe haphazardly continued his reckless charge after the aipom dug under ground. Scout didn't notice aipom's sudden disappearance, leaving him quite disoriented and confused when his Take-Down only connected with the air. When the aipom popped back up from the ground, Scout quickly turned around only to be swiftly barraged by an array of stars.
"Groowww-" Scout whimpered, the aipom's surprise attack knocking the wind out of him. Cecil once again readjusted his scarf out of anxious adrenaline. The growlithe stood back up on it's legs, not wanting to back down quite yet from the fight.
"You've been doing well Scout, but I'm afraid there's not much fight left in you." Warden, sensing his trainer's worry, tugged at his pants' leg. Cecil looked down at his sandshrew, and caught a glare that conveyed to Cecil his desire to get in on the fight. Cecil gave a slight nod to his sandshrew in understanding, and turned back to the battlefield.
"Alright, Scout, that's enough! Have some well deserved rest," he said, unlatching Scout's pokeball from his belt. The growlithe whimpered a bit in response, but Cecil recalled him back into the device.
His sandshrew valiantly moved forward unto the battlefield, "-shrewww", giving a death glare to the enemy aipom. Cecil did a flick of his hair, adding dramatic flourish to echo his partner's resolve. "Warden, dig underground and don't come back up until my command." The sandshrew responded with haste, digging into the gym's floor.
"We should have home-field advantage, in an underground battle. Now to see if Cheren follows us down, or waits."
Cheren covered his ears, getting ready for Aipom's next move. "Screech." He commanded. Aipom began to sound one of the most high pitched, and obnoxious screams ever created by pokemon kind. Sandshrew should hear that.

Lurele hardly even stopped in Floccesy - waving and calling out at those she ran past in a friendly manner, but moving straight on to Route 20.  She did finally slow down as she arrived here, noticing that there were more wild Pokemon roaming around than in the previous Route.
"Whaddya think, Rio?"  "Riolu..."  The small fighting type shook his head, not seeing anything interesting to him.  With a shrug of agreement Lurele started to follow her Pokemon.  She was tempted to go up towards Floccesy Ranch for old time's sake - she had met her Riolu there when she was a little girl - but decided right now it was a better idea to get as far as possible so she could "officially" start her journey.  After all, she was still really close towards home right now.
The Route seemed fairly straightforward - a good thing, given Lurele's sense of direction - and so she started walking towards Viribank.  Her plan was to challenge Roxxie and catch a boat to the mainland, hopefully before all the foreign trainers could get there and book all the fast boats.  As she walked past the clump of dark grass, her Riolu glances at his trainer before walking over to pull a bit of the grass aside, curious what could have been behind it.  She turns around when she realizes he's no longer following her, crossing her fingers behind her head and resting her head back in her hands.  "Huh?  What did ya find, bud?"  Even as she asked Lurele was still walking backwards, in the general direction of Viribank.
As Riolu pondered the grass, a Venipede glared at it. It certainly seemed upset about being disturbed, but made no attempts to hurt Riolu. It just continued glaring.

Locke had gotten so terribly lost it was ridiculous. He had fallen asleep on the shuttle, and it would have gone off from Aspertia with him still on it, if a certain Gastly hadn't popped out of it's Pokeball and practically suffocated the man with the gas around it's body. Once Locke had gotten off, he had just barely missed the guide. Now he wandered around Aspertia, his Pokemon giggling every time he passed the Seekers building. "Why didn't you guys wake me when I stopped? None of these places scream 'Unova Pokedex' to me! And why are you guys giggling so much!?" The Phantump in his arms chuckled and pointed a stubby arm at the Church-like building he was literally pacing in front of. He went to whack Revvy up side the head, but his hand hit 95% gas and went straight through the Pokemon. As the Gastly and Phantump giggled in unison, Locke simply grumbled and walked into the building, pushing his glasses farther up his nose as he did so. "I'm not too late am I?"
The only people within the building were a girl with purple hair, and some other girl with a Ralts. The girl with the purple hair looked somewhat surprised at the new trainer's arrival. "Oh... uh... One moment." She said, reaching for one of the dexes. Before she could, however, a pair of vines grabbed one first, shoving it in the boy's face. "Snivy..." Comet muttered. She was so rude...



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Without a word Riolu just let go of the grass he had pulled aside, turning around to catch up to his trainer.  He wasn't all that surprised, really.  But if he hadn't checked and it had been something Lurele would have liked, he would have blamed himself for it.  "Riolu," he states simply as he returns to Lurele's side.


Laughing quietly, she reaches down to rub the top of her Pokemon's head before turning around and moving on towards Viribank.  "That's alright bud, come on...  We've got work to do!"  "Ro-lu!"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Cecil covered his ears in surprise at the sudden shrieking of the aipom. "Tsk. How inconsiderate,"  Is the only thought he could manage.


Warden, however, was fairly insulated from the sound. He had expertly dug out several twists and turns in his tunnel. And, while he could still hear the screech, it was far too muffled for it to have much of an effect.


In fact, in his tiny little sandshrew mind, Warden could have sworn he heard his trainers voice. Obviously, he didn't; nothing Cecil could've said would pierce through the noise. But, silly little warden thought there was a signal hidden in those muffled wails. He popped up from underneath the screeching aipom, and though he could now hear the screech, the sandshrew made a hasty grab for the opponent's legs or tail in an attempt to drag him under.

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Locke simply chuckled and went to grab the thing, but Clarion was making grabby motions for it with her stubby little arms, so he lifted her up and let her grab it. He stuck his foot out in anticipation in case she dropped it. "Think nothing of it. I'm used to it with these tw-" Yup, there it goes. His Pokemon simply giggled profusely as he bent down to pick the Pokedex off his foot. When he stood back up straight, he stuffed the hand with the pokedex in his jacket pocket, still carrying Clarion with the other arm and then smiled at the purple haired girl. "Thanks, by the way!" He gave her a wink as he turned towards the door and promptly walked out without another word. 


"Alright guys, where should we go first?" Clarion looked up from her attempts at taking the Pokedex out of Locke's pocket, and quickly pointed her little hand at the only Route in sight, Route 19. Oblivious to the fact that there was a gym in this city, Locke quickly took off at Clarion's decision as Revenant followed closely behind. 


Once on the route, Locke quickly scanned the area. The Glameow and Swablu looked quite appealing, but Locke became curious as to what was lurking in the grass. "Hey Revvy, could you go check that out. I don't want Clarion getting hurt." "Lyyy?" "That's not what I meant you dope. If anything it's a compliment to you. I wasn't saying I wanted you-" Locke just stopped and sighed as the Pokemon floated towards the lurking thing, cackling at Locke's flustery... flusterness.... fluster?

Edited by Jolteon
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Tiana stepped out of the café, a cup of hot tea in her left hand and Sasha, her Furfrou, sticking loyally to her right. She was sporting a white blazer with a matching swoop-neck t-shirt underneath, black leather booty shorts, blue pumps, and a black beret with matching black sunglasses. Her hair was pulled over her right shoulder, bouncing slightly with each step. Sasha was proudly sporting a fresh Debutante haircut herself. Taking a swig of her tea, Tiana crinkled her nose and sighed. “Well, Sasha, it’s definitely not like Lumoise brew.” Sasha huffed in response, her nose held high and prissily as she pranced next to her trainer. The two of them had decided to head over to the church-like building in the center of town once that they had stopped by the local café. Apparently, that was where Tiana could get her Pokedex.


Not many people have recognized Tiana since her arrival in Unova aside from maybe two or three locals, which was a big change for the idol. It was both unnerving and relieving at the same time; at least here she didn’t feel like she was under a microscope every second of every day, but as a result she also felt a little out-of-place. It wasn’t every day that pop idols went on hiatuses to “discover themselves” cold turkey like this. Tiana sure was glad about the positive support she had received from her fans after the news was released.


In truth, Tiana had always wondered what it would be like to go on her own Pokémon journey. She never really found time to as a teenager, what with her rising career and everything, so once she found the opportunity later on she jumped at it with gusto. She had heard tales of fantastic Pokémon battles and powerful champions of the world’s Pokémon leagues; now she could experience all of that firsthand, and it made her heart beat fast just at the thought of it all.


Stepping inside the church, Tiana gazed around at its interior before closing the door behind her and Sasha. The architecture was traditional, nothing out of the ordinary except for the altar at the end of the pews, which had a statue of some unfamiliar Pokemon beside it. Taking off her sunglasses and putting them in her black purse, Tiana walked towards the girl in the white dress by the altar, Sasha following closely behind. There were two other people besides the girl in the room, and they seemed to be conversing. Clearing her throat, Tiana waited patiently for an opportunity to speak.


“Hi, my name's Tiana. I hope I’m not too late for the Pokedex distribution?” She inquired, flashing the girl a friendly grin.

Edited by Sylveon









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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Without a word Riolu just let go of the grass he had pulled aside, turning around to catch up to his trainer.  He wasn't all that surprised, really.  But if he hadn't checked and it had been something Lurele would have liked, he would have blamed himself for it.  "Riolu," he states simply as he returns to Lurele's side.


Laughing quietly, she reaches down to rub the top of her Pokemon's head before turning around and moving on towards Viribank.  "That's alright bud, come on...  We've got work to do!"  "Ro-lu!"

- Virbank City -

Virbank was a large city. One very easy to get lost in. It was also heavily polluted when compared to the last two towns, and the locals weren't exactly nice. Virbank didn't appear to have a Seekers building, which was rather good, as it wouldn't suit the atmosphere in the slightest. At the harbour, a Finneon and Frillish could be seen, but there was nothing else about in terms of wildlife.




Cecil covered his ears in surprise at the sudden shrieking of the aipom. "Tsk. How inconsiderate,"  Is the only thought he could manage.


Warden, however, was fairly insulated from the sound. He had expertly dug out several twists and turns in his tunnel. And, while he could still hear the screech, it was far too muffled for it to have much of an effect.


In fact, in his tiny little sandshrew mind, Warden could have sworn he heard his trainers voice. Obviously, he didn't; nothing Cecil could've said would pierce through the noise. But, silly little warden thought there was a signal hidden in those muffled wails. He popped up from underneath the screeching aipom, and though he could now hear the screech, the sandshrew made a hasty grab for the opponent's legs or tail in an attempt to drag him under.

Aipom stopped screeching as she noticed the ground shake. Not due to her voice, of course, but rather Sandshrew coming back up from the ground. Letting the pokemon grab her tail, Aipom easily managed to pull Warden out from under the ground. She then attempted to throw him into the air, or at least disorient the ground type a little. "Use Swift!" Cheren commanded, and Aipom fired another barrage of stars at Sandshrew.




Locke simply chuckled and went to grab the thing, but Clarion was making grabby motions for it with her stubby little arms, so he lifted her up and let her grab it. He stuck his foot out in anticipation in case she dropped it. "Think nothing of it. I'm used to it with these tw-" Yup, there it goes. His Pokemon simply giggled profusely as he bent down to pick the Pokedex off his foot. When he stood back up straight, he stuffed the hand with the pokedex in his jacket pocket, still carrying Clarion with the other arm and then smiled at the purple haired girl. "Thanks, by the way!" He gave her a wink as he turned towards the door and promptly walked out without another word. 


"Alright guys, where should we go first?" Clarion looked up from her attempts at taking the Pokedex out of Locke's pocket, and quickly pointed her little hand at the only Route in sight, Route 19. Oblivious to the fact that there was a gym in this city, Locke quickly took off at Clarion's decision as Revenant followed closely behind. 


Once on the route, Locke quickly scanned the area. The Glameow and Swablu looked quite appealing, but Locke became curious as to what was lurking in the grass. "Hey Revvy, could you go check that out. I don't want Clarion getting hurt." "Lyyy?" "That's not what I meant you dope. If anything it's a compliment to you. I wasn't saying I wanted you-" Locke just stopped and sighed as the Pokemon floated towards the lurking thing, cackling at Locke's flustery... flusterness.... fluster?

A Sentret popped out of the grass, and flailed slightly. It looked absolutely terrified. After all, ghost types were rather scary. It quickly used Foresight on the two to identify them, then proceeded to hit Revvy with Fury Swipes.


((Can I just say how much I like your pokemon? They're adorable. x3))




Tiana stepped out of the café, a cup of hot tea in her left hand and Sasha, her Furfrou, sticking loyally to her right.  She was sporting a white blazer with a matching swoop-neck t-shirt underneath, black leather booty shorts, blue pumps, and a black beret with matching black sunglasses.  Her hair was pulled over her right shoulder, bouncing slightly with each step.  Sasha was proudly sporting a fress Debutante haircut herself.  Taking a swig of her tea, Tiana crinkled her nose and sighed.  “Well, Sasha, it’s definitely not like Lumoise brew.”  Sasha huffed in response, her nose held high and prissily as she pranced next to her trainer.  The two of them had decided to head over to the church-like building in the center of town once that they had stopped by the local café.  Apparently, that was where Tiana could get her Pokedex.


Not many people have recognized Tiana since her arrival in Unova aside from maybe two or three locals, which was a big change for the idol.  It was both unnerving and relieving at the same time; at least here she didn’t feel like she was under a microscope every second of every day, but as a result she also felt a little out-of-place.  It wasn’t every day that pop idols went on hiatuses to “discover themselves” cold turkey like this.  Tiana sure was glad about the positive support she had received from her fans after the news was released.


In truth, Tiana had always wondered what it would be like to go on her own Pokémon journey.  She never really found time to as a teenager, what with her rising career and everything, so once she found the opportunity later on she jumped at it with gusto.  She had heard tales of fantastic Pokémon battles and powerful champions of the world’s Pokémon leagues; now she could experience all of that firsthand, and it made her heart beat fast just at the thought of it all.


Stepping inside the church, Tiana gazed around at its interior before closing the door behind her and Sasha.  The architecture was traditional, nothing out of the ordinary except for the altar at the end of the pews, which had a statue of some unfamiliar Pokemon beside it.  Taking off her sunglasses and putting them in her black purse, Tiana walked towards the girl in the white dress by the altar, Sasha following closely behind.  There were two other people besides the girl in the room, and they seemed to be conversing.  Clearing her throat, Tiana waited patiently for an opportunity to speak.


“Hi, my name's Tiana.  I hope I’m not too late for the Pokedex distribution?”  She inquired, flashing the girl a friendly grin.

Once Locke had left, without Comet saying a word to him, Tiana entered the building. "Ah. Uhm. No, you're not." She said, grabbing a pokedex before Snivy could manage to get one. Then, Comet realized Tiana had given her her name. And she hadn't given hers back! Such an action was incredibly impolite. "...my name's Comet!" She quickly added to the end of her sentence. Hopefully that'd make her not seem so rude.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Cecil was caught off-guard by the sudden re-appearance of his sandshrew, "dammit Warden, did I give you the signal to come up yet? No!" he said, irritated. He put the palm of his hand to his face, "that's not what was supposed to happen at all! But... now I have to turn this to my advantage somehow, can't let them get the best of me." He removed his palm from his face, and studied the battle closely.


Warden, for his part, allowed himself to be pulled out of the ground and flung in the air, directing himself to a vertical trajectory. While his original instinct might have been to drag aipom under, Warden was quite adept at reading a situation. It's one of the reasons his trainer put up with him, despite the annoyance he could cause. His sense of direction was unerring, and he could not get disoriented easily; after all, how else would he be able to dig elaborate tunnels and pop-up exactly where he needed to? Travelling mid-air was a bit different than underground, but they had the same basic principals and same 3-dimensions.


Still mid-air, the sandshrew curled itself so as to face the aipom. He was barraged by the enemy's swift, and the pain caused him to cringe.


Cecil furrowed his brow in concentration, but an idea struck him. "Warden! Pin 'em down, and use Fury Swipes!" The sandshrew heard his trainer clearly, and, with renewed determination, gritted through the pain of the swift. He shifted his weight so as to dive towards the aipom. Now that he has a new goal in mind, not much could stop him in his pursuit of that goal. Even if the aipom dodged away from his dive, the sandshrew would pursue until: his goal was accomplished, his trainer called off the attack, or he was knocked out.

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Cecil was caught off-guard by the sudden re-appearance of his sandshrew, "dammit Warden, did I give you the signal to come up yet? No!" he said, irritated. He put the palm of his hand to his face, "that's not what was supposed to happen at all! But... now I have to turn this to my advantage somehow, can't let them get the best of me." He removed his palm from his face, and studied the battle closely.


Warden, for his part, allowed himself to be pulled out of the ground and flung in the air, directing himself to a vertical trajectory. While his original instinct might have been to drag aipom under, Warden was quite adept at reading a situation. It's one of the reasons his trainer put up with him, despite the annoyance he could cause. His sense of direction was unerring, and he could not get disoriented easily; after all, how else would he be able to dig elaborate tunnels and pop-up exactly where he needed to? Travelling mid-air was a bit different than underground, but they had the same basic principals and same 3-dimensions.


Still mid-air, the sandshrew curled itself so as to face the aipom. He was barraged by the enemy's swift, and the pain caused him to cringe.


Cecil furrowed his brow in concentration, but an idea struck him. "Warden! Pin 'em down, and use Fury Swipes!" The sandshrew heard his trainer clearly, and, with renewed determination, gritted through the pain of the swift. He shifted his weight so as to dive towards the aipom. Now that he has a new goal in mind, not much could stop him in his pursuit of that goal. Even if the aipom dodged away from his dive, the sandshrew would pursue until: his goal was accomplished, his trainer called off the attack, or he was knocked out.

Aipom easily bounded away from Warden's attack. The pokemon was rather fast, so hitting it directly in such a way would prove most challenging. "Alright. Screech, please." Cheren commanded his pokemon, before covering his ears again. Aipom began to scream yet again, in the hope it might affect Sandshrew a bit more this time.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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When he noticed aipom inhale deeply, Cecil was wise enough to cover his ears before the wail, this time. "Urgh. This aipom is such a bother." Cecil noticed his sandshrew's effort were being made in vain, as the aipom dodged away from his slower attempts to grapple.


Warden caught the full blast of the aipom's screech this time, with no ground to insulate the noise. This made his attempts to pin the aipom all the more clumsy, as a painful ringing occupied his thoughts. 


"What can we do, if not outspeed him? Think, Cecil think..." observing the battlefield, he noticed the spots where both the aipom and his sandshrew had dug. The ground there was uneven, and he noticed that the enemy aipom made it an effort to avoid stepping on the softened parts of the ground lest he lose his footing.


"Warden! Dig, dig up the ground! Fling what you dig up at the aipom, do something, just don't leave any part of the arena flat!" Cecil screamed at the top of his lungs, hoping to get his message through to his sandshrew.


His sandshrew couldn't hear much of the specifics, but he was most definitely certain he heard traces of his trainer's voice. It wasn't sure exactly what to do, though, and it had trouble thinking of what Cecil might want him to do. So, he did what came natural to him, and dug underground in an attempt to get away from the screeching aipom.

Edited by Aged Rain
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((Posting from my phone - no fancy formats for me. Will come back and make it look nice when I get to a computer.))


They had made it to Virbank! This officially made Lurele's journey started! Though she hadn't expected the city to be quite like this... She had only gone to Virbank a few times in her life, and they had all been a while ago.


The first thing to catch her off guard had been the pollution. It was quite different than Asperita or Floccesy, and she didn't recall that from her few visits here before. "Gross..." She also wasn't ready for the way the people who lived here pushing past without so much as a smile or apology.


That meant asking directions to the gym was probably out of the question... So, Lurele just started walking in a random direction, her Riolu following her closely and glaring at the people she passed by. Unfortunately Lurele's sense of direction was bad enough to get her lost in her home town... Who knew where she would wind up in a place as large as Virbank! With no idea where she was going the young trainer started to walk south, rubbing the back of her neck as she looked around the city.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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When he noticed aipom inhale deeply, Cecil was wise enough to cover his ears before the wail, this time. "Urgh. This aipom is such a bother." Cecil noticed his sandshrew's effort were being made in vain, as the aipom dodged away from his slower attempts to grapple.


Warden caught the full blast of the aipom's screech this time, with no ground to insulate the noise. This made his attempts to pin the aipom all the more clumsy, as a painful ringing occupied his thoughts. 


"What can we do, if not outspeed him? Think, Cecil think..." observing the battlefield, he noticed the spots where both the aipom and his sandshrew had dug. The ground there was uneven, and he noticed that the enemy aipom made it an effort to avoid stepping on the softened parts of the ground lest he lose his footing.


"Warden! Dig, dig up the ground! Fling what you dig up at the aipom, do something, just don't leave any part of the arena flat!" Cecil screamed at the top of his lungs, hoping to get his message through to his sandshrew.


His sandshrew couldn't hear much of the specifics, but he was most definitely certain he heard traces of his trainer's voice. It wasn't sure exactly what to do, though, and it had trouble thinking of what Cecil might want him to do. So, he did what came natural to him, and dug underground in an attempt to get away from the screeching aipom.

"Aipom! Follow!" Cheren commanded. Aipom nodded, and followed Sandshrew down into the hole he had just dug. "Now, this certainly makes things interesting." Cheren thought aloud. "Since neither of us can see what's happening, the victor will be whoever's pokemon can battle without constant commands."  Cheren's words were indeed true. Despite Sandshrew having the advantage of being a ground type, how might it fair without instructions?


((Posting from my phone - no fancy formats for me. Will come back and make it look nice when I get to a computer.))


They had made it to Virbank! This officially made Lurele's journey started! Though she hadn't expected the city to be quite like this... She had only gone to Virbank a few times in her life, and they had all been a while ago.


The first thing to catch her off guard had been the pollution. It was quite different than Asperita or Floccesy, and she didn't recall that from her few visits here before. "Gross..." She also wasn't ready for the way the people who lived here pushing past without so much as a smile or apology.


That meant asking directions to the gym was probably out of the question... So, Lurele just started walking in a random direction, her Riolu following her closely and glaring at the people she passed by. Unfortunately Lurele's sense of direction was bad enough to get her lost in her home town... Who knew where she would wind up in a place as large as Virbank! With no idea where she was going the young trainer started to walk south, rubbing the back of her neck as she looked around the city.

Lurele was making her way towards the Virbank Complex. Due to the lack of amenities in the southern parts of town, the number of people significantly lessened, up to the point that in a particularly dark alley, no people were to be found at all. Or at least, that's what Lurele thought. 


Suddenly, a sharp "Weav!" could be heard. A Weavile had suddenly jumped down from one of the rooftops, and had smashed the ground between Lurele and her Riolu. It then turned to Riolu, Taunting it to come closer. Behind Lurele, a mysterious trainer also jumped down from one of the roof tops. He wore grey clothes that covered most of his face and body, which were accented with blue and yellow. A split cape fell from his shoulders. The right side of the cape was white and red, while the left side of the cape was black and blue. He said nothing, but was most likely Weavile's trainer.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Cecil gripped his scarf tightly, "non non non!" He let out a sigh. He hated it when he felt like things were out of his hands, when he had to let someone or something else call the shots. "But, if there is one that I must put my trust in, I could do a lot worse than Warden. He's proven to me on more than one occasion that he is a lot more capable than he lets on. It's why I bestowed upon him that name: he's ever my faithful subordinate, capable of keeping things in check." He let his muscles relax, and his arm fell to his side. "It's up to you now, partner."


Warden, for his part, was still recovering from the splitting headache the aipom's screech had given him. Underground and in solitude, he found some reprieve, but he didn't want to relax just yet. He still had work to do. His trainer was counting on him! He worked out his frustrations on the soil, furiously digging away. He managed to connect to a tunnel previously dug; whether it was his own or aipom's previous tunnels, he could not be certain.


He could hear the echoes of something down in the tunnels with him, but his headache made it so that he could not hear it nearly as soon as he would have otherwise. He turned around, hoping to see the enemy behind him. With a determined glare in his eyes, the brave little sandshrew readied his claws and headed straight for the aipom.

Edited by Aged Rain
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Cecil gripped his scarf tightly, "non non non!" He let out a sigh. He hated it when he felt like things were out of his hands, when he had to let someone or something else call the shots. "But, if there is one that I must put my trust in, I could do a lot worse than Warden. He's proven to me on more than one occasion that he is a lot more capable than he lets on. It's why I bestowed upon him that name: he's ever my faithful subordinate, capable of keeping things in check." He let his muscles relax, and his arm fell to his side. "It's up to you now, partner."


Warden, for his part, was still recovering from the splitting headache the aipom's screech had given him. Underground and in solitude, he found some reprieve, but he didn't want to relax just yet. He still had work to do. His trainer was counting on him! He worked out his frustrations on the soil, furiously digging away. He managed to connect to a tunnel previously dug; whether it was his own or aipom's previous tunnels, he could not be certain.


He could hear the echoes of something down in the tunnels with him, but his headache made it so that he could not hear it nearly as soon as he would have otherwise. He turned around to see the enemy behind him. With a determined glare in his eyes, the brave little sandshrew readied his claws and headed straight for the aipom.

Aipom, who wasn't exactly built for being underground, couldn't figure out Sandshrew's location in the slightest. The most she could do was attempt to lure him out, releasing another Screech. Though muffled, it should be loud enough for Sandshrew to hear.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Warden had successfully found the source of the screech, and though the noise once again irritated him, he steeled his resolve and proceeded to lunge towards the aipom. He was at home in these tunnels, boring through the soil with honed precision and speed. He neared the aipom, and started to furiously swipe at it with his sharp claws, hoping to both silence the screeching and to wound his foe.

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"Ahh!" Lurele was caught by surprise as the trainer and his Weavile suddenly had her surrounded and cut off from her Riolu. "Wha - Who are you!?" She starts to turn to try and face the mysterious trainer, crouching down a little and on her guard. He may not have been outright hostile... But the whole lurking on rooftops in a dark alley thing was really suspicious, and she wasn't taking any chances.


"Ro-Ro!" Riolu cried angrily at the Weavile. The small, overprotective fighting type didn't like the fact that it was between him and Lurele one bit, and he liked the creepy trainer next to his even worse!


The Weavile's taunting gesture on top of cutting him off from his trainer was all it took to goad Riolu into an attack. Riolu wasn't stupid though - Lurele was training to be a Gym Leader after all, and he worked just as hard as she did! Riolu knew the evolved Pokemon was probably dangerous, and he didn't like the look of those claws.


The small white marks on the back of Riolu's hands start to glow briefly before the fighting Pokemon starts swiping its arms towards the Weavile - not getting close enough to hit, but sending fast moving waves of compact air at the dark type using Vacuum Wave.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Warden had successfully found the source of the screech, and though the noise once again irritated him, he steeled his resolve and proceeded to lunge towards the aipom. He was at home in these tunnels, boring through the soil with honed precision and speed. He neared the aipom, and started to furiously swipe at it with his sharp claws, hoping to both silence the screeching and to wound his foe.

When Aipom was hit, she immediately stopped screeching. It took the pokemon some time to pry Sandshrew away from her, Throwing him back a bit with her tail. Aipom then used Swift. Some of the stars hit Sandshrew, but some of the other stars dug into the walls of the tunnel, creating a sort of obstacle course between the two.


"Ahh!" Lurele was caught by surprise as the trainer and his Weavile suddenly had her surrounded and cut off from her Riolu. "Wha - Who are you!?" She starts to turn to try and face the mysterious trainer, crouching down a little and on her guard. He may not have been outright hostile... But the whole lurking on rooftops in a dark alley thing was really suspicious, and she wasn't taking any chances.


"Ro-Ro!" Riolu cried angrily at the Weavile. The small, overprotective fighting type didn't like the fact that it was between him and Lurele one bit, and he liked the creepy trainer next to his even worse!


The Weavile's taunting gesture on top of cutting him off from his trainer was all it took to goad Riolu into an attack. Riolu wasn't stupid though - Lurele was training to be a Gym Leader after all, and he worked just as hard as she did! Riolu knew the evolved Pokemon was probably dangerous, and he didn't like the look of those claws.


The small white marks on the back of Riolu's hands start to glow briefly before the fighting Pokemon starts swiping its arms towards the Weavile - not getting close enough to hit, but sending fast moving waves of compact air at the dark type using Vacuum Wave.

Before Riolu could actually use Vacuum Wave, Weavile jumped towards it, claws a-glow, with a Feint attack. Though some of the wave did hit Weavile, Riolu's momentum was broke by the attack. Weavile soon jolted back, away from Riolu, as to make sure he and his trainer were still separated.


While Weavile was occupying Riolu, the mysterious trainer summoned another pokemon. This time, the pokemon was Greninja. Greninja gracefully jumped towards Lurelle, but jumped back again within seconds. On the tip of it's tongue-scarf-thing lay a stolen pokeball. The one containing Torchic. 



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Cecil stared intensely at the gym leader, Cheren. The battle was out of their hands, but he couldn't help but try and do his best to intimidate the opponent with his sheer bravado and confidence. Inside, however, Cecil was deeply concerned about how his sandshrew was holding up.


Warden was hit by a few stars, and, after recovering his composure, was surprised by the sudden obstacles between him and his target. He started to pant a little, now having been hit a second time. He was tough, though, and determined to win, gritting through the pain.


Now that there was not a clean path between the two pokemon, Warden took advantage of his superior tunneling skills. He bore down, hoping to come up beneath the aipom so that he could bury him in and limit its mobility even further. If successful, he would then swipe furiously at the disabled opponent. If not successful in burying the aipom, he would still swipe furiously, hoping to put enough pressure on the aipom that it would not be able to effectively counter attack.

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Tiana accepted the pink pokedex with a 'thank you' and then opened it to register her trainer information.  "Nice to meet you, Comet!"  She replied while entering her basic information.  She also took a moment to scan and register the Pokemon on Comet's shoulder; according to the 'dex it was a Snivy, a grass-type.  Once that was complete, she closed the 'dex and placed it inside her purse.  “So...what Pokemon is that?”  She asked, gesturing to the statue by the altar.  “Forgive me for asking, it’s just that I’m from Kalos and I don’t know too much about Unova's Pokemon...nor the region, for that matter.”  She grinned again, putting a casual hand on her hip.  "I love learning about different cultures.  Sorry if I'm asking a lot of questions."


Sasha was currently eyeballing Snivy, squinting suspiciously at the unfamiliar Pokemon.  "Furrr..."  She growled softly, just enough for Snivy to hear but not loud enough to be noticed by Tiana or Comet.









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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@@Leafeon, ((I know! I'm really starting to like these three! It's gonna be sad when Clarion evolves into a scary ghost tree though :())


Revvy tried to put on a smile, but after getting 4 swipes at his face, he grumbled angrily and cried out. He started spraying the Sentret with acidic green goop, using Venoshock on the poor thing. Hearing the scuffle, Locke hurried over to the two Pokemon. "Revvy enough! A lot of these things live back home. It's a Sentret I think. I think we should catch it, so ease up there bud. Oh get ready though, since it's probably had enough time to retaliate." Locke stuck his tongue out as the Gastly whipped back around towards the Sentret. Clarion just watched intently, trying to absorb Revvy's techniques. Too bad she didn't know any moves that she could spit at others... Darn.

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Lurele had hesitated slightly as the Greninja leaped towards her, but when it quickly retreated her eyes went wide at the sight of the Pokeball on the end of its tongue.  She quickly reached down for where Torchic's Pokeball should have been, a look of shock crossing her face.  "H-Hey!  What are you doing, give her BACK!"  The other trainer may have been staying silent this whole time, but Lurele sure wasn't.  She was shouting by this point.


This wasn't at all how today had been supposed to go - starting her journey was supposed to be a good day!  If this man took one of her Pokemon, one of her friends...  No, she couldn't think about that now!  Blinking back the tears that were starting to form in her eyes at the thought of it, she did something that was...  Probably not smart.  Lurele rushed the Greninja, one of her hands balling up into a fist as she tried to strike it and take back her Torchic.  


Meanwhile her Riolu was glaring at the Weavile that was keeping him separated from his trainer.  "Rio!"  Hearing the distress in Lurele's voice as she charged at the trainer and his Greninja, Riolu also notice the Pokeball that Greninja had taken.  "Riolu!!"  The fighting type cries out angrily before rushing headlong at the Weavile, trying to get back to help rescue Torchic, the small Pokemon's hands starting to glow as it attempts to get close enough to strike Weavile with Force Palm.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Cecil stared intensely at the gym leader, Cheren. The battle was out of their hands, but he couldn't help but try and do his best to intimidate the opponent with his sheer bravado and confidence. Inside, however, Cecil was deeply concerned about how his sandshrew was holding up.


Warden was hit by a few stars, and, after recovering his composure, was surprised by the sudden obstacles between him and his target. He started to pant a little, now having been hit a second time. He was tough, though, and determined to win, gritting through the pain.


Now that there was not a clean path between the two pokemon, Warden took advantage of his superior tunneling skills. He bore down, hoping to come up beneath the aipom so that he could bury him in and limit its mobility even further. If successful, he would then swipe furiously at the disabled opponent. If not successful in burying the aipom, he would still swipe furiously, hoping to put enough pressure on the aipom that it would not be able to effectively counter attack.

Sandshrew's plan wasn't exactly well timed. Before Warden was able to grab Aipom, she had dug up back to the top of the battlefield. "Hm?" Cheren asked his pokemon, somewhat confused at the fact Sandshrew was not in sight. "Have you won, Aipom?" Aipom dusted off her coat, pausing to answer Cheren's question, then shook her head at him. Aipom then lowered herself to the ground, trying to hear Sandshrew.



Tiana accepted the pink pokedex with a 'thank you' and then opened it to register her trainer information.  "Nice to meet you, Comet!"  She replied while entering her basic information.  She also took a moment to scan and register the Pokemon on Comet's shoulder; according to the 'dex it was a Snivy, a grass-type.  Once that was complete, she closed the 'dex and placed it inside her purse.  “So...what Pokemon is that?”  She asked, gesturing to the statue by the altar.  “Forgive me for asking, it’s just that I’m from Kalos and I don’t know too much about Unova's Pokemon...nor the region, for that matter.”  She grinned again, putting a casual hand on her hip.  "I love learning about different cultures.  Sorry if I'm asking a lot of questions."


Sasha was currently eyeballing Snivy, squinting suspiciously at the unfamiliar Pokemon.  "Furrr..."  She growled softly, just enough for Snivy to hear but not loud enough to be noticed by Tiana or Comet.

"Oh! That's Reshiram!" Comet said, regarding the statue. "One of the legendaries of Unova. It's known as the 'Vast White' pokemon." Comet giggled to herself. That was some information hardly anyone knew. She'd just learned it the other day herself.


Snivy perked up at the sound of growling. She turned her head to face Furfrou, and mimicked her facial expression, growling as well.


@@Leafeon, ((I know! I'm really starting to like these three! It's gonna be sad when Clarion evolves into a scary ghost tree though  :())


Revvy tried to put on a smile, but after getting 4 swipes at his face, he grumbled angrily and cried out. He started spraying the Sentret with acidic green goop, using Venoshock on the poor thing. Hearing the scuffle, Locke hurried over to the two Pokemon. "Revvy enough! A lot of these things live back home. It's a Sentret I think. I think we should catch it, so ease up there bud. Oh get ready though, since it's probably had enough time to retaliate." Locke stuck his tongue out as the Gastly whipped back around towards the Sentret. Clarion just watched intently, trying to absorb Revvy's techniques. Too bad she didn't know any moves that she could spit at others... Darn.

Sentret, now angry, looked rather hurt from the Venoshock attack. It dizzly got up, and ran towards Revvy at blinding speeds, using Quick Attack.




Lurele had hesitated slightly as the Greninja leaped towards her, but when it quickly retreated her eyes went wide at the sight of the Pokeball on the end of its tongue.  She quickly reached down for where Torchic's Pokeball should have been, a look of shock crossing her face.  "H-Hey!  What are you doing, give her BACK!"  The other trainer may have been staying silent this whole time, but Lurele sure wasn't.  She was shouting by this point.


This wasn't at all how today had been supposed to go - starting her journey was supposed to be a good day!  If this man took one of her Pokemon, one of her friends...  No, she couldn't think about that now!  Blinking back the tears that were starting to form in her eyes at the thought of it, she did something that was...  Probably not smart.  Lurele rushed the Greninja, one of her hands balling up into a fist as she tried to strike it and take back her Torchic.  


Meanwhile her Riolu was glaring at the Weavile that was keeping him separated from his trainer.  "Rio!"  Hearing the distress in Lurele's voice as she charged at the trainer and his Greninja, Riolu also notice the Pokeball that Greninja had taken.  "Riolu!!"  The fighting type cries out angrily before rushing headlong at the Weavile, trying to get back to help rescue Torchic, the small Pokemon's hands starting to glow as it attempts to get close enough to strike Weavile with Force Palm.

Greninja easily jumped out of the way of Lurele's attack, allowing it's trainer to grab one of Lurele's arms and twist it back, stopping her from moving. Greninja appeared to chuckled softly, but with a tongue of that size it was a bit hard to tell.


Meanwhile, Riolu finally managed to hit the Weavile, who stumbled back from the hit it was severely weak against. However, it quickly recovered, not seeming phased in the slightest. Greninja saw this as an opportunity to further increase the spoils, and wrapped it's tongue around Riolu, stopping it's movements.


The trio looked just about ready to flee, as Lurele had nothing of interest to them besides the two pokemon. However, their escape was cut off by the sound of someone yelling. "High Jump Kick!" The voice commanded, followed by a Mienshao kicking the Greninja in the face, making it drop both Torchic's pokeball and Riolu. "Now Low Kick!" In a sweeping motion, the Mienshao knocked Weavile off it's feet, disorienting it.


The whole commotion caused the mystery trainer to let go of Lurele, stumbling back a bit. He kept a cautious eye on the new arrival. A Feint attack from Weavile had caused her Mienshao to back up somewhat, awaiting another order. Weavile also backed up, waiting to be returned to their pokeball so the trio could escape. "Mienshao, use Stone Edge!" The girl commanded, only for Mienshao to cross it's arms and not do a thing. "Not now..." The girl said, sighing and returning Mienshao to it's pokeball, then pulling out another one. "Whimsi-" The girl cut herself off, noting the other trainer had already recalled both his pokemon, and then bounded back onto one of the rooftops. Before long he was out of sight. 


"...Dammit." The girl muttered, putting away both the pokeballs she had been holding. "Why do they have to be so damn illusive?" The girl was soon brought back to her senses as she remembered there had been a bystander at the scene. "Ah! Are you alright?" She asked, walking toward Lurele. When the girl walked closer to Lurele, she could finally be seen in detail. She had bright red hair, which was a similar colour to Lurele's. Her eyes were bright green, and she wore a coat that was far too thick looking for the Unova region. She looked to be carrying something. Was it an egg?



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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