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private Seekers (Pokemon RP)


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Grinning, Tiana gazed at the poke ball in her hand.  “I did it…” She murmured, ecstatic to have finally caught a Pokemon for her first time.  She also took a moment to appreciate having involved herself physically in the battle; for some reason trainers didn’t seem to do that regularly, which didn’t make much sense to Tiana.  Why bother tiring out one of her precious Pokemon if she can whoop and capture a wild Pokemon herself?  Of course, she understands using Pokemon for more dangerous situations is a safety precaution, like in the case of a wild Mawile for instance.


As she pondered the ethical issues of human-Pokemon combat, Tiana left the route and visited the Virbank Pokemon center after briefly passing through Route 20, healing up both Sasha and…and…


“Oh!”  Tiana recalled, quickly releasing Glameow from her poke ball and squatting to see her eye-to-eye.  Glameow blinked a couple of times before nonchalantly tapping Tiana’s nose for no apparent reason, its eyelids droopy with contentment as it purred.  And boy, did she purr!  It was like someone had stuck a miniature motor inside of the Glameow, it was so loud.  Tiana giggled, eyeing her Glameow thoughtfully.


“Heehee, well…you are a very pretty kitty…you purr like nobody’s business, too…”  Tiana found herself stroking her hand over Glameow’s lanky body, to which the feline had absolutely no objections.  “…I know!  Your name shall be Purrl!”  Tiana declared, picking Purrl off the ground as she stood up herself.


“Nyarrr…” Purrl meowed, booping Tiana on the nose with her soft paw pads once more.  Her new trainer was rather amusing to the cat Pokemon.


~*~*~*~Some time later~*~*~*~


Tiana found herself walking around Castelia City, gazing with wide eyes at the tall skyscrapers and busy streets as she held Purrl in her arms.  Lumoise was about the same size as Castelia, just not nearly as compact and crowded, so this scene was still foreign to the idol.  “Amazing…”  She spoke to herself, not particularly paying attention to where she was going…




Aaahh!!  Tiana screamed, just barely dodging an oncoming taxi.  She had somehow made her way into the middle of the street, so she proceeded to squeeze awkwardly between two cars to return to the sidewalk.  All the while angry drivers were honking horns and shaking fists, as well as a few making some more obscene gestures towards the native Kalos girl.  Now back to the safety of the sidewalk, Tiana let loose a relieved sigh as she melted back into the crowd.  “That…was too close for comfort.”


Nyar, Purrl agreed, her fur still standing on-end.


After about a twenty minute walk, Tiana had officially had her fill of the city.  She had given a suspicious man the stink eye, as he had been following her for quite some time but decided to bail once she basically dared him to do something.  She also nearly had her purse stolen, but Purrl had acted quickly and lashed out with a startling Fake Out at the offender.  Tiana almost twisted her ankle off from a crack in the sidewalk, and numerous times strangers have pushed past and up against her rudely while she walked.  She just needed to get away.


Her answer came when she spotted a route entrance ahead, announcing upcoming departure from the city.  Determined to pass through the gates, Tiana began forcefully pushing past people in front of her, one of them happening to be a girl with a Riolu at her side.  "Excuse me, pardon me, sorry..."

Edited by Sylveon









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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Lurele had still been tuning out the rest of the people around her, when suddenly she found herself being rudely shoved to the side.  She loses her balance and her hands land in puddle of muddy water in a nearby gutter as she throws them out to catch herself.  Fuming slightly, still upset with herself and sick of all of these other trainers that only seemed to care about themselves, Lurele was back on her feet and chasing after the other girl before she even realized what she was doing.


"Hey!"  She would reach to try and grab Tiana's shoulder to turn her around to face her...  Before abruptly trying to shove the other trainer as hard as she could.  Which would be fairly hard, considering how athletic Lurele was.  "Just what's your problem, lady!?  After everything I've gone through today, I am sick and tired of other trainers trying to walk all over me!  Come on, if you want to take me down like everyone else seems to, just come on and try it!"  Lurele starts to ball one of her hands up into a fist as she fumes at poor Tiana, suggesting that the next time it wasn't going to be as simple as a push...


Suddenly Lurele's Riolu was standing in front of her, his arms spread out and staring at Tiana and her Glameow.  He seemed to be equal parts prepared to try and protect Lurele from a potential counter attack...  Yet also like he was trying to stop Lurele from advancing any further and doing anything she would regret.  "Ri ri!"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Tempest smiled slightly, and ran a hand through the Mareep's soft fur. "I assume you already know why I'm here, but I'll still ask this anyway. Do you want to join my team while we travel through Unova?" He asked, feeling a slight tingling in his hand. The trainer slowly withdrew, and pulled out a Pokeball. He then set it on the ground in front of the wool Pokémon.

Mareep tilted it's head. It looked at the pokeball with great confusion, clearly not knowing what it was. Since it didn't know what the device was, Mareep's first course of action was to chew on it, to no prevail. It looked back up at Tempest, remaining confused.




Cecil ran his hand through his hair, "well, I didn't really obfuscate that information. That's just not my style, ya' know." Cecil was so caught up in himself, that he hardly registered the bubbles going toward his growlithe. The growlithe itself, was too preoccupied gaily bouncing through the dying flames to take much notice of the enemy, either.


Thus, it would come as no surprise to anyone watching when the bubble attack made direct contact with the growlithe. Despite being a rather weak attack, it caught the growlithe by enough a surprise that he has knocked off his feet, yelping "grow!". This caught its trainer's attention, "huh? Oh, right! Scout, use Agility to come back!"


The pup got back on its feet, and quickly darted past the qwilfish into the sidelines. "Your turn again, Rogue!" Cecil said, not even turning back to the sidelines to face his pokemon. The croagunk happily bounded back to battlefield, eager for another round. "If I remeber correctly, Rogue has an affinity for absorbing water... Dry Skin, the pokedex called it. The poison typing still weakens her fighting attacks, but also her mudslap... A straight on revenge would probably be my best best."


"Rogue, use Revenge!" The croagunk nodded its head, "croa!" as it bounded toward the qwil fish to smack it. "If the qwilfish hits first, the revenge will do more damage, effectively negating the resistance. But... I fear that fish might have a ground move of its own... mud-slap would be terribly ironic."

"Qwilfish, minimize!" At Roxie's command, Qwilfish suddenly became tiny enough to avoid Croagunk's attack. Once it had reverted back to regular size, it was at Croagunk's side. Revenge was already in mid execution. "Now, Pin Missile!" Qwilfish begun to fire an array of spikes at Croagunk.




"Enough, stop!"  Lurele ran forward into the battlefield to pick up her paralyzed Torchic, hugging the little fire type to her chest.  She looks at Burgh and smiles sadly before nodding her head politely.  "I forfeit...  Torch won't be able to touch Vivillon when she's paralyzed.  Uhm...  Thank you for the battle, Burgh...  I'll be back for a rematch once we've gotten stronger, you can count on that!"


Carefully returning her Torchic to her Pokeball so she didn't get hurt further, Lurele turns to leave the Gym and make her way to the Pokemon Center.  As the nurse took care of her injured Pokemon, Lurele sat there in the waiting room hugging her Riolu.  "I guess I'm a lot weaker than I thought, Rio...  You guys deserve a better trainer than me..."  "Riolu!"  The small fighting type glared at his trainer before abruptly slapping her across the face.


"Ow!  Hey, you little jerk!"  The trainer and her Pokemon glared at each other for a small moment before Lurele sighed and lowered her gaze, quickly pulling the Riolu in for a hug.  "...Thanks Rio.  I'm sorry...  I'll get stronger so you guys can be proud of me...  I promise."  "Roluuu..."  The fighting type hugged his trainer in return, sitting like that until Nurse Joy brought back Torchic and Scraggy's Pokeballs.


With all of her Pokemon back to full health, Lurele sighs and walks out of the Pokemon Center holding Riolu's hand.  She couldn't go back to the Gym yet, she would just get beaten again...  She would need to go and train to make her team stronger, to make herself stronger as a trainer, first.  Sighing quietly she turns to the north, ignoring the crowds of people in the large city as she made  her way towards Route 4.  It was very likely the most crowded city in Unova...  Yet other than the Riolu holding her hand and the Pokemon in their balls with her, Lurele was starting to feel very alone.




Grinning, Tiana gazed at the poke ball in her hand.  “I did it…” She murmured, ecstatic to have finally caught a Pokemon for her first time.  She also took a moment to appreciate having involved herself physically in the battle; for some reason trainers didn’t seem to do that regularly, which didn’t make much sense to Tiana.  Why bother tiring out one of her precious Pokemon if she can whoop and capture a wild Pokemon herself?  Of course, she understands using Pokemon for more dangerous situations is a safety precaution, like in the case of a wild Mawile for instance.


As she pondered the ethical issues of human-Pokemon combat, Tiana left the route and visited the Virbank Pokemon center after briefly passing through Route 20, healing up both Sasha and…and…


“Oh!”  Tiana recalled, quickly releasing Glameow from her poke ball and squatting to see her eye-to-eye.  Glameow blinked a couple of times before nonchalantly tapping Tiana’s nose for no apparent reason, its eyelids droopy with contentment as it purred.  And boy, did she purr!  It was like someone had stuck a miniature motor inside of the Glameow, it was so loud.  Tiana giggled, eyeing her Glameow thoughtfully.


“Heehee, well…you are a very pretty kitty…you purr like nobody’s business, too…”  Tiana found herself stroking her hand over Glameow’s lanky body, to which the feline had absolutely no objections.  “…I know!  Your name shall be Purrl!”  Tiana declared, picking Purrl off the ground as she stood up herself.


“Nyarrr…” Purrl meowed, booping Tiana on the nose with her soft paw pads once more.  Her new trainer was rather amusing to the cat Pokemon.


~*~*~*~Some time later~*~*~*~


Tiana found herself walking around Castelia City, gazing with wide eyes at the tall skyscrapers and busy streets as she held Purrl in her arms.  Lumoise was about the same size as Castelia, just not nearly as compact and crowded, so this scene was still foreign to the idol.  “Amazing…”  She spoke to herself, not particularly paying attention to where she was going…




Aaahh!!  Tiana screamed, just barely dodging an oncoming taxi.  She had somehow made her way into the middle of the street, so she proceeded to squeeze awkwardly between two cars to return to the sidewalk.  All the while angry drivers were honking horns and shaking fists, as well as a few making some more obscene gestures towards the native Kalos girl.  Now back to the safety of the sidewalk, Tiana let loose a relieved sigh as she melted back into the crowd.  “That…was too close for comfort.”


Nyar, Purrl agreed, her fur still standing on-end.


After about a twenty minute walk, Tiana had officially had her fill of the city.  She had given a suspicious man the stink eye, as he had been following her for quite some time but decided to bail once she basically dared him to do something.  She also nearly had her purse stolen, but Purrl had acted quickly and lashed out with a startling Fake Out at the offender.  Tiana almost twisted her ankle off from a crack in the sidewalk, and numerous times strangers have pushed past and up against her rudely while she walked.  She just needed to get away.


Her answer came when she spotted a route entrance ahead, announcing upcoming departure from the city.  Determined to pass through the gates, Tiana began forcefully pushing past people in front of her, one of them happening to be a girl with a Riolu at her side.  "Excuse me, pardon me, sorry..."




Lurele had still been tuning out the rest of the people around her, when suddenly she found herself being rudely shoved to the side.  She loses her balance and her hands land in puddle of muddy water in a nearby gutter as she throws them out to catch herself.  Fuming slightly, still upset with herself and sick of all of these other trainers that only seemed to care about themselves, Lurele was back on her feet and chasing after the other girl before she even realized what she was doing.


"Hey!"  She would reach to try and grab Tiana's shoulder to turn her around to face her...  Before abruptly trying to shove the other trainer as hard as she could.  Which would be fairly hard, considering how athletic Lurele was.  "Just what's your problem, lady!?  After everything I've gone through today, I am sick and tired of other trainers trying to walk all over me!  Come on, if you want to take me down like everyone else seems to, just come on and try it!"  Lurele starts to ball one of her hands up into a fist as she fumes at poor Tiana, suggesting that the next time it wasn't going to be as simple as a push...


Suddenly Lurele's Riolu was standing in front of her, his arms spread out and staring at Tiana and her Glameow.  He seemed to be equal parts prepared to try and protect Lurele from a potential counter attack...  Yet also like he was trying to stop Lurele from advancing any further and doing anything she would regret.  "Ri ri!"

((Not sure if you guys are there yet, but I'll make the description for Route 4 now.))


- Route 4 -

Route 4 was quite vacant when compared to the likes of Castelia city. The route was rather sandy. Though there was quite a few buildings on the route towards Castelia, construction was apparently halted when some form of ruins were discovered. Some buildings aren't even fully built in the more sandy areas. A cliff overlooked water, to which said water was accessible through stairs carved down the cliff. In the water swam Clamperl, and Finneon.


Route 4's usual wildlife was easily found. A MinccinoSandileDarumakaTrubbish, and Helioptile could all be found scattered around the route. An unknown entity hid in one of the half finished buildings. The route seemed to have suffered a major battle recently, though any major damage or evidence pointing to potential culprits looked to have been removed.

Edited by Leafeon



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Tempest chuckled slightly, and sighed. "Maybe I should give a demonstration." He thought, as he took the Pokeball and gently tapped it to Mareep's head. It opened, and the wool Pokémon was brought into the capture device. The trainer knew that it woudldn't likely work, but he wanted to give the Pokémon a choice, rather than straight up fight it.

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Furfrou proudly puffed its chest out at Mienfoo's return. It would count this as a victory for now. The proudness of Furfrou led it to have no hope in dodging Disable, and Headbutt was made no longer usable. Cheren merely tilted his head, then put a hand to his chin. "This is a psychic type, no?" Cheren thought aloud. "I suppose I wouldn't use Headbutt in that case, anyway. Furfrou, use Bite." Furfrou began to run towards Mara, running in a slightly zigzagged pattern to avoid possible attacks, fangs aglow.


This was exactly what Jacques had been afraid of, right down to the usage of Bite.  Based on the angry and panicked emotions that were being projected towards the trainer, the Kadabra was less than pleased about this new development as well.  Being right in the middle of using Confusion, Mara would have no time to stop and try teleporting out of the way.  The Bite connected, and Furfrou's boosted attack due to Work Up made certain that it hurt.  Mara cried out in pain, and reacted by firing off a Confusion at the Furfrou that was latching onto her.  Mara could still fight, but the slightest attack at this point would almost certainly knock her out.


Jacques had only two things going for him right now: the fact that Confusion might confuse the opponent, and that Karel had a natural resistance to dark moves if he chose to switch back.  A lot it rode on chance though, and he had to remind himself that Cheren still had another pokemon.  At this point, he really didn't expect this fight to end well for him, but he wouldn't give up.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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The pin missiles  stuck into the croagunk, but they didn't seem to phase her much, "gunk?". "Pin Missile... isn't that a bug type move? You'd think a poison-type gym leader would know what a poison type resists. Additionally, fighting types resist bug moves... hmm... why would she use Pin Missile? What is that qwilfish's fourth move?"


Cecil considered the situation a moment. The fish had made itself a smaller target, making her a tough target to hit. Simply wailing on it probably wouldn't be the best idea. "Tsk, starting to wish I took the time to teach Rogue a new move before taking on this gym..." He figured he needed to expand his area of attack, use a move that encompassed more than the area of his croagunk's fingers. 


"Use Mud-slap! Make it as wide an arc as you can!" The croagunk nodded, and shot out an arc of mud towards the qwilfish. "Mud-slap's damage will be neutral, given the water typing, but it's my best chance at hitting..."

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One minute Tiana had the entrance to Route 4 in her sight, and then the next she was being spun around and forcefully pushed over.  “Oof!”  She exhaled, hitting the cement ground rather hard.  Purrl had fallen out of Tiana’s arms in the whole process, but her feline reflexes allowed her to land on all fours.  She hissed at the girl who had assaulted Tiana, back arched intimidatingly.


“What the…”  Tiana began, looking up at Lurele with a disbelieving gaze.  Her facial expression quickly changed from one of confusion to absolute fury, and she scrambled to get back on her feet.  “Oh heeeeellll nah, bitch!  You best be trippin’, ‘less you be a dumbass two-bit ho,” Rummaging through her purse, Tiana pulled out a pocket Taser, pressing the button to activate the electric current.  “Haha, you must’ve lost your Goddamn mind!  Taking a few steps toward the offending girl, Tiana stopped abruptly, blinking and looking around her.  A group of onlookers had formed a ring around them, determined to stay out of reach from Tiana.


Blushing furiously, Tiana turned off her Taser and shoved it back into her purse.  She also picked Purrl back up, stroking her fur to calm the cat Pokemon.  “I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me…”  Tiana explained, avoiding eye contact with Lurele.  Eventually, the crowd lost interest in the two of them, resuming their usual flow.  "This crazy city must be messing with my head."









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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Sable simply looked at the man as he tried to usher herself and Umbreon through the bridge. "Uh-hm. You might also need a Pokemon stronger than Glalie if you want to look intimidating." She said not phased by the man's actions at all. "But I'm in a hurry anyway so I'll just leave you to...Whatever it is you're doing." She says before walking off to Nacrene. Umbreon hesitates for a bit before following Sable into the city.



"Oh, there's no reason to be afraid of Espeon. She's actually very sweet and gentle." Espeon responds only by sitting in her spot and swaying her tail slightly. "There's nothing to worry about." Cilla reassures Turtwig. "Why don't you see for yourself? Come with me and I promise you'll see everyone on the team is friendly." Swablu then gives a happy chirp and Cilla lays down a Pokeball next to Turtwig.

Edited by Vaporeon



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Lurele growled quietly, her fist still trembling slightly but Riolu's hand on her knee stopping her from carrying on even more.  "Grr, what EVER!  I don't even care anymore!  Come on, Rio."  Lurele abruptly turns towards Route 4 and starts to walk off, fuming slightly as she starts to unwrap the now-wet tape from around her palms.  


She reaches into one of her pockets to pull out a small roll of the black tape, starting to wrap it around her palms to replace the tape she'd just peeled off.  She gets her first palm wrapped and bites off the tape to start on her second one, when abruptly the ground shakes underneath her and she again pitches forward.  Unfortunately this time her hands were occupied and she was unable to catch herself.


Laying where she fell, Lurele lets out a wordless cry of annoyance.  "Ahhhh!"  Today hadn't been going at all like she'd imagined it was supposed to...  Trembling slightly in the sand, Lurele shuts her eyes as her Riolu quickly runs over to place a hand on her shoulder and try and help his trainer back up.  "Riolu..."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Tempest chuckled slightly, and sighed. "Maybe I should give a demonstration." He thought, as he took the Pokeball and gently tapped it to Mareep's head. It opened, and the wool Pokémon was brought into the capture device. The trainer knew that it woudldn't likely work, but he wanted to give the Pokémon a choice, rather than straight up fight it.

Mareep popped right back out of the ball, tilting it's head yet again. It looked to have no clue what was going on. It also looked to have had it's fill of Tempest, and turned it's back towards him, starting to graze.


This was exactly what Jacques had been afraid of, right down to the usage of Bite.  Based on the angry and panicked emotions that were being projected towards the trainer, the Kadabra was less than pleased about this new development as well.  Being right in the middle of using Confusion, Mara would have no time to stop and try teleporting out of the way.  The Bite connected, and Furfrou's boosted attack due to Work Up made certain that it hurt.  Mara cried out in pain, and reacted by firing off a Confusion at the Furfrou that was latching onto her.  Mara could still fight, but the slightest attack at this point would almost certainly knock her out.


Jacques had only two things going for him right now: the fact that Confusion might confuse the opponent, and that Karel had a natural resistance to dark moves if he chose to switch back.  A lot it rode on chance though, and he had to remind himself that Cheren still had another pokemon.  At this point, he really didn't expect this fight to end well for him, but he wouldn't give up.

The Confusion easily hit Furfrou, sending it skidding back, though the pokemon remained on it's feet. "Let's see..." Cheren said, trying to think. He wasn't fond of Furfrou being hit by moves that didn't do physical damage, due to Furfrou's ability. "Alright. Use Work-up, then Bite again." Furfrou barked in confirmation of hearing the command, and started to look upset yet again, then bounded towards Mara.




The pin missiles  stuck into the croagunk, but they didn't seem to phase her much, "gunk?". "Pin Missile... isn't that a bug type move? You'd think a poison-type gym leader would know what a poison type resists. Additionally, fighting types resist bug moves... hmm... why would she use Pin Missile? What is that qwilfish's fourth move?"


Cecil considered the situation a moment. The fish had made itself a smaller target, making her a tough target to hit. Simply wailing on it probably wouldn't be the best idea. "Tsk, starting to wish I took the time to teach Rogue a new move before taking on this gym..." He figured he needed to expand his area of attack, use a move that encompassed more than the area of his croagunk's fingers. 


"Use Mud-slap! Make it as wide an arc as you can!" The croagunk nodded, and shot out an arc of mud towards the qwilfish. "Mud-slap's damage will be neutral, given the water typing, but it's my best chance at hitting..."

"Alright Qwilfish. Use Minimize again." Roxie said, flipping her hair slightly. She had no doubt she was going to lose this. Qwilfish grew small yet again, and avoided the Mud-slap. It then appeared on Croagunk's other side. "Pin Missile!" Qwilfish fired the same attack it did before at Croagunk, despite the fact it didn't work last time.




One minute Tiana had the entrance to Route 4 in her sight, and then the next she was being spun around and forcefully pushed over.  “Oof!”  She exhaled, hitting the cement ground rather hard.  Purrl had fallen out of Tiana’s arms in the whole process, but her feline reflexes allowed her to land on all fours.  She hissed at the girl who had assaulted Tiana, back arched intimidatingly.


“What the…”  Tiana began, looking up at Lurele with a disbelieving gaze.  Her facial expression quickly changed from one of confusion to absolute fury, and she scrambled to get back on her feet.  “Oh heeeeellll nah, bitch!  You best be trippin’, ‘less you be a dumbass two-bit ho,” Rummaging through her purse, Tiana pulled out a pocket Taser, pressing the button to activate the electric current.  “Haha, you must’ve lost your Goddamn mind!  Taking a few steps toward the offending girl, Tiana stopped abruptly, blinking and looking around her.  A group of onlookers had formed a ring around them, determined to stay out of reach from Tiana.


Blushing furiously, Tiana turned off her Taser and shoved it back into her purse.  She also picked Purrl back up, stroking her fur to calm the cat Pokemon.  “I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me…”  Tiana explained, avoiding eye contact with Lurele.  Eventually, the crowd lost interest in the two of them, resuming their usual flow.  "This crazy city must be messing with my head."




Lurele growled quietly, her fist still trembling slightly but Riolu's hand on her knee stopping her from carrying on even more.  "Grr, what EVER!  I don't even care anymore!  Come on, Rio."  Lurele abruptly turns towards Route 4 and starts to walk off, fuming slightly as she starts to unwrap the now-wet tape from around her palms.  


She reaches into one of her pockets to pull out a small roll of the black tape, starting to wrap it around her palms to replace the tape she'd just peeled off.  She gets her first palm wrapped and bites off the tape to start on her second one, when abruptly the ground shakes underneath her and she again pitches forward.  Unfortunately this time her hands were occupied and she was unable to catch herself.


Laying where she fell, Lurele lets out a wordless cry of annoyance.  "Ahhhh!"  Today hadn't been going at all like she'd imagined it was supposed to...  Trembling slightly in the sand, Lurele shuts her eyes as her Riolu quickly runs over to place a hand on her shoulder and try and help his trainer back up.  "Riolu..."

When Lurele had gotten up, she could see a few completely black cars scattered about. Odd. Cars weren't exactly designed for driving in such sandy conditions. Most of the cars were big, and could hold quite a lot of things inside of them. One of said larger cars was already open. It looked to be monitoring something, and someone wearing a grey dress and bow was monitoring the data displayed on the screen.


All of the vehicles were huddled around the source of the shaking ground. A large fight had occurred between two pokemon only Unova natives would know the names of. One was beige, with a furry light blue crest, blue hooves, an orange mane with three tufts of different colors sticking out from it, and a blue horn protruding from it's head. The other was much bulkier. It looked to have two brown horns that curved forward, and was mostly beige and grey.


"Keld...!" The smaller one exclaimed, blasting a pump of water at the larger one, who protected itself from the blast. The collision of Protect and Hydro Pump caused a small explosion, causing the ground to shake again. The blue one's horn then began to glow, and it swung at the grey one with it.


((Keldeo is in resolute form, for the record.))



Sable simply looked at the man as he tried to usher herself and Umbreon through the bridge. "Uh-hm. You might also need a Pokemon stronger than Glalie if you want to look intimidating." She said not phased by the man's actions at all. "But I'm in a hurry anyway so I'll just leave you to...Whatever it is you're doing." She says before walking off to Nacrene. Umbreon hesitates for a bit before following Sable into the city.



"Oh, there's no reason to be afraid of Espeon. She's actually very sweet and gentle." Espeon responds only by sitting in her spot and swaying her tail slightly. "There's nothing to worry about." Cilla reassures Turtwig. "Why don't you see for yourself? Come with me and I promise you'll see everyone on the team is friendly." Swablu then gives a happy chirp and Cilla lays down a Pokeball next to Turtwig.

- Nacrene City -

Nacrene City didn't have many things of note in it. The only things around were the usual amenities, a cafe, the museum which doubled as a gym, and the Seekers building. This one looked different from the one in Aspertia, as the embellishments on it were black instead of the white the Aspertia one had. No pokemon could be seen in the immediate area, except for a shaking tree.



((The following only refers to Vaporeon's character.))


As Sable stepped into the town, a loud noise could be heard. It sounded like something running, getting closer with every given second. Eventually, the ground began to rumble as the sound got closer, and closer, to the point where the source could be seen. A Rhyhorn was barreling right towards Sable, looking like it was running away from something. Said "something" was a Dragonite. It was chasing the Rhyhorn, looking to be quite enjoying itself while doing so. When it noticed Sable, it gasped in annoyance, then landed in between Rhyhorn and the girl. The impact of the two caused Rhyhorn to stop, but poor Dragonite was flung backwards, right into Sable's arms. This would normally be a problem for a girl the size of Sable, but the impact had caused Dragonite to shed it's disguise. In reality, it was a Zorua falling into her arms.



Turtwig nervously looked at the pokeball, then back to Cillia. She seemed friendly enough, even if her cat-thing had hurt the grass type. It shook it's head and puffed up it's chest, then tapped the button the pokeball with it's head. The pokeball opened, absorbing Turtwig into it, then begun to shook. One... Two... Three. The pokeball stayed shut. Turtwig has been caught.




Turtwig! The Tiny Leaf pokemon! The shell on its back is made of soil. On a very healthy Turtwig, the shell should feel moist.

Gender: Male                  OT: Cillia (Vaporeon)                 Nature: Careful/Quick to flee (Nature doesn't affect battle performance)

Currently Knows: Withdraw, Bite, Razor Leaf, and Curse. Can be taught Mega Drain, Leech Seed, and Synthesis with minimum training.

Ability: Overgrow

Edited by Leafeon



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Tempest simply facepalmed, and stood up. "Come on you two." He said, glancing at Drago and Cynder. The three then walked deeper into the ranch, hoping to find a new team member. "I'll spend a few more minutes here, and then head to the next city." The trainer thought to himself.


(Is it ok if Tempest finds a Riolu at the ranch?)

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((I had the idea to make it that adorable when you said you didn't want it. I'm spiteful like that.))   Once Pumpkaboo had stopped it's infatuated state, it looked Revvy right in the eye. It then began to spout sounds that could only be comprehended by other pokemon. The noises roughly translated too. "What's a fellow ghost type like you doing with a trainer like that? Especially one so cute! How about we run away together?" As Pumpkaboo said this, it made exaggerated expressions to convey urgency.   When Sentret entered the arena, the two pokemon immediately stopped fighting. This pokemon clearly wasn't from the forest. Those guys would leave the two fighting types alone to do what the typing suggested. Throh sighed at the Sentret's request, while Sawk tried to usher it to a clearing where a bunch of grass types were playing together.


Locke tilted his head at the Pumpkaboo's... words? "Revvy I uh... Couldn't understand that. Huh... That's never happened before. What did it say Revvy?" However, the Gastly was simply trying to inch away from the odd Pokemon. "Lyyyy..." I'd rather not... "Wait, what? You'd rather not do what? Revvy!"


Vera seemed almost insulted at Sawk's motions. The Sentret, being quite oblivious to the obvious type disadvantage she had,  jumped into the air and did a flip. As she did so, she brought her tail down to Slam the Sawk on it's head.

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"Really starting to wish I had taught Rogue a move like feint attack..." Cecil thought, his eye twitching in annoyance and frustration. Cecil briefly considered switching out pokemon again out of impatience, but quickly ruled that out. Cecil clenched his fist, "alright, Rogue! Just cover this place in mud! Mud, everywhere, don't even worry about hitting that pest! Just do it!"


"Croa?" The croagunk turned to her trainer, a quizzical look on its face, "that's right! Just fling it anywhere!" A sly smirk appeared on the croagunk's face, and Cecil's eye's widened in horror. The croagunk flung mud towards its trainer, though he kept his wits about him enough to block it from hitting his face with his arms.


"Okay, preferably at least in the general direction of the enemy..." the flustered trainer clarified. The croagunk turned back towards the enemy, and started flinging mud with wild abandon.


"I'll need to change here soon..." Cecil said, looking at the mud on his sleeves. But, he looked back towards the battlefield, examining the situation, "hopefully... even if Rogue can't hit it, the sheer coverage of mud on the floor will prove valuable."

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Tiana scoffed, watching with an open mouth as the other girl stormed off without so much as a ‘sorry’ for pushing her onto the concrete ground.  “Hey!  I said I was sorry, the least you could do is accept that!”  She called after the girl, following her.  They both seemed to be heading in the same direction, anyways, so might as well get apologies out of the way.  Once they had left Castelia, Lurele was still managing to keep her distance from Tiana, who at this point was dead-set on having a civilized chat with her.  She must be in really, really good shape to be able to walk that quickly; Tiana was muscular herself because of the intensity of her dancing, but in this case she found herself struggling to catch up to the girl.  “Wait, please!  I-“


Just then, the ground shook violently, almost knocking Tiana completely over.  She was, however, able to balance herself in time, unlike Lurele who had fallen over in the sand.  Wait a second…sand?  Tiana let out an exasperated sigh, now noticing that Route 4 was nothing but a fancy desert.  “Wonderful,” She said ironically, placing Purrl on the ground next to her so she could pull her heels out of the sand and take them off.  Better barefoot than immobile, she supposed.


Looking back at Lurele, Tiana frowned with concern, as she was still lying on the ground with her Riolu attempting to pull her up.  “Ooh!  Ah!  Ooch!”  She yelped, skipping across the hot sand until she was within reach of the girl.  “Okay, here we go…”  Tiana said, helping Riolu pull Lurele back to her feet.  “Oh dear, are you okay?  You’re not hurt, are you?”  She asked, hand on Lurele’s shoulder and studying the girl’s face.  She seemed upset about something, although Tiana wasn’t completely sure it was just about what happened between them.  Tiana also noted that she was a teenager, which made her feel even sillier for arguing with her earlier.


Looking across the desert briefly, Tiana noticed the black cars and random people scattered about, obviously monitoring something.  The ground shaking again and Tiana stabilizing herself on Lurele’s shoulders, she found the source of the shaking a little ways away.  Two powerful-looking Pokemon were engaging each other in an intense battle, one firing a Hydro Pump at the other.  “Whoa!”  Tiana exclaimed, pulling out her Pokedex to register both Pokemon.


Keldeo, the Colt Pokemon.  When it is resolute, its body fills with power and it becomes swifter. Its jumps are then too fast to follow.


Terrakion, the Cavern Pokemon.  Spoken of in legend, this Pokémon used its phenomenal power to destroy a castle in its effort to protect Pokémon.









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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Lurele accepted the help up wordlessly, not trying to be rude but her focus entirely on the scene in front of them.  She didn't even need to hear Tiana's Pokedex to recognize the Pokemon - Lurele was a Unova native and a fighting type fanatic.  She was able to recognize the two Pokemon just by sight.


"Th-that's Keldeo and Terrakion!  Arceus, what are they doing here!?  I never thought I would get to see one of them, let alone both, why are they fighting, who are all those people!?"  Lurele turns to glance at Tiana as though somehow expecting the other trainer to know the answers, but without waiting for a reply takes off towards the battling Pokemon.


"HEY!"  Lurele shouts as she runs forward, trying to get close enough to slip in past two of the cars.  She was practically sprinting, trying to get close to the fighting Pokemon...  Which based on the explosions probably wasn't a smart decision.  She had even caught her Riolu off guard with the unexpected move, leaving the little fighting Pokemon looking stunned next to Tiana.


"Stop, why are you fighting!?"  Lurele wasn't really expecting she was going to be able to get close enough to stop the conflict...  She doubted the people in the cars that were watching would even let her.  But she idolized Unova's legendary fighting types...  She couldn't just stand by and watch them hurt each other!











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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The Confusion easily hit Furfrou, sending it skidding back, though the pokemon remained on it's feet. "Let's see..." Cheren said, trying to think. He wasn't fond of Furfrou being hit by moves that didn't do physical damage, due to Furfrou's ability. "Alright. Use Work-up, then Bite again." Furfrou barked in confirmation of hearing the command, and started to look upset yet again, then bounded towards Mara.


Huh, Jacques thought to himself, that actually did something...  He honestly hadn't expected to get this far.  "Um... alright, teleport behind it and then use Confusion."  And we'll see where that gets us.  The teleporting maneuver would only work once, but he couldn't imagine a better time to use it.  Maybe he could manage to at least get to see what Cheren's second pokemon would be.  That would be satisfying.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Tempest simply facepalmed, and stood up. "Come on you two." He said, glancing at Drago and Cynder. The three then walked deeper into the ranch, hoping to find a new team member. "I'll spend a few more minutes here, and then head to the next city." The trainer thought to himself.


(Is it ok if Tempest finds a Riolu at the ranch?)

((No, seeing as there clearly weren't any mentioned in the description of the area. That said, I have nothing to say to this post.))


Locke tilted his head at the Pumpkaboo's... words? "Revvy I uh... Couldn't understand that. Huh... That's never happened before. What did it say Revvy?" However, the Gastly was simply trying to inch away from the odd Pokemon. "Lyyyy..." I'd rather not... "Wait, what? You'd rather not do what? Revvy!"


Vera seemed almost insulted at Sawk's motions. The Sentret, being quite oblivious to the obvious type disadvantage she had,  jumped into the air and did a flip. As she did so, she brought her tail down to Slam the Sawk on it's head.

Pumpkaboo began to make disjointed sounds again, this time looking like it was thinking aloud to itself. This time, the sounds roughly meant "Really? I'll just have to steal you away when that weird guy isn't looking then.". It then looked at Gastly again, and produced the odd sounds yet again. "Speaking of which, is it just me or does your trainer kinda look like a girl?"


Sawk was quite prepared for the hit. Sentret had taken a long time to actually execute it, and it gave the fighting type plenty of time to use Counter, flinging Sentret off into a bush.




"Really starting to wish I had taught Rogue a move like feint attack..." Cecil thought, his eye twitching in annoyance and frustration. Cecil briefly considered switching out pokemon again out of impatience, but quickly ruled that out. Cecil clenched his fist, "alright, Rogue! Just cover this place in mud! Mud, everywhere, don't even worry about hitting that pest! Just do it!"


"Croa?" The croagunk turned to her trainer, a quizzical look on its face, "that's right! Just fling it anywhere!" A sly smirk appeared on the croagunk's face, and Cecil's eye's widened in horror. The croagunk flung mud towards its trainer, though he kept his wits about him enough to block it from hitting his face with his arms.


"Okay, preferably at least in the general direction of the enemy..." the flustered trainer clarified. The croagunk turned back towards the enemy, and started flinging mud with wild abandon.


"I'll need to change here soon..." Cecil said, looking at the mud on his sleeves. But, he looked back towards the battlefield, examining the situation, "hopefully... even if Rogue can't hit it, the sheer coverage of mud on the floor will prove valuable."

Roxie looked confused for a moment. She couldn't read this trainer's tactics in the slightest, and he always seemed so confident about them too. Especially about the bad ones. Then, Roxie had an idea. She suddenly grinned. Qwilfish didn't need to be on the ground at all times. It could fill it's body up with air, and hover, as it had been doing for about the entire battle. Meaning the mud on the ground would mostly impact Croagunk. Meaning she could have fun with this. "Use Bubble at the ground, Qwilfish!" Qwilfish fired bubbles where the mud had landed, causing the arena to become rather slippery.




Tiana scoffed, watching with an open mouth as the other girl stormed off without so much as a ‘sorry’ for pushing her onto the concrete ground.  “Hey!  I said I was sorry, the least you could do is accept that!”  She called after the girl, following her.  They both seemed to be heading in the same direction, anyways, so might as well get apologies out of the way.  Once they had left Castelia, Lurele was still managing to keep her distance from Tiana, who at this point was dead-set on having a civilized chat with her.  She must be in really, really good shape to be able to walk that quickly; Tiana was muscular herself because of the intensity of her dancing, but in this case she found herself struggling to catch up to the girl.  “Wait, please!  I-“


Just then, the ground shook violently, almost knocking Tiana completely over.  She was, however, able to balance herself in time, unlike Lurele who had fallen over in the sand.  Wait a second…sand?  Tiana let out an exasperated sigh, now noticing that Route 4 was nothing but a fancy desert.  “Wonderful,” She said ironically, placing Purrl on the ground next to her so she could pull her heels out of the sand and take them off.  Better barefoot than immobile, she supposed.


Looking back at Lurele, Tiana frowned with concern, as she was still lying on the ground with her Riolu attempting to pull her up.  “Ooh!  Ah!  Ooch!”  She yelped, skipping across the hot sand until she was within reach of the girl.  “Okay, here we go…”  Tiana said, helping Riolu pull Lurele back to her feet.  “Oh dear, are you okay?  You’re not hurt, are you?”  She asked, hand on Lurele’s shoulder and studying the girl’s face.  She seemed upset about something, although Tiana wasn’t completely sure it was just about what happened between them.  Tiana also noted that she was a teenager, which made her feel even sillier for arguing with her earlier.


Looking across the desert briefly, Tiana noticed the black cars and random people scattered about, obviously monitoring something.  The ground shaking again and Tiana stabilizing herself on Lurele’s shoulders, she found the source of the shaking a little ways away.  Two powerful-looking Pokemon were engaging each other in an intense battle, one firing a Hydro Pump at the other.  “Whoa!”  Tiana exclaimed, pulling out her Pokedex to register both Pokemon.


Keldeo, the Colt Pokemon.  When it is resolute, its body fills with power and it becomes swifter. Its jumps are then too fast to follow.


Terrakion, the Cavern Pokemon.  Spoken of in legend, this Pokémon used its phenomenal power to destroy a castle in its effort to protect Pokémon.




Lurele accepted the help up wordlessly, not trying to be rude but her focus entirely on the scene in front of them.  She didn't even need to hear Tiana's Pokedex to recognize the Pokemon - Lurele was a Unova native and a fighting type fanatic.  She was able to recognize the two Pokemon just by sight.


"Th-that's Keldeo and Terrakion!  Arceus, what are they doing here!?  I never thought I would get to see one of them, let alone both, why are they fighting, who are all those people!?"  Lurele turns to glance at Tiana as though somehow expecting the other trainer to know the answers, but without waiting for a reply takes off towards the battling Pokemon.


"HEY!"  Lurele shouts as she runs forward, trying to get close enough to slip in past two of the cars.  She was practically sprinting, trying to get close to the fighting Pokemon...  Which based on the explosions probably wasn't a smart decision.  She had even caught her Riolu off guard with the unexpected move, leaving the little fighting Pokemon looking stunned next to Tiana.


"Stop, why are you fighting!?"  Lurele wasn't really expecting she was going to be able to get close enough to stop the conflict...  She doubted the people in the cars that were watching would even let her.  But she idolized Unova's legendary fighting types...  She couldn't just stand by and watch them hurt each other!

The girl who had been monitoring the large equipment on the back of one of the trucks got up and whistled when Lurele had appeared. "Wow. Kurai really can't do his job, huh?" She exclaimed, loudly enough for Lurele to hear. "He had the one job of making sure no one came this way... Jeez." The woman talked in a somewhat bubbly tone, unfitting for what she had been saying. The other people around murmured to one another. Lurele had reached the two legendary pokemon by the time the woman had finished talking, though the two hadn't stopped fighting one another the entire time. Keldeo was still swinging it's horn at Terrakion, who was skillfully dodging every potential blow.


Keldeo eventually gave up with the horn swinging. It backed up somewhat, and looked at the woman who had gotten up from the equipment. The water pokemon looked to have zoned out. Terrakion, on the other hand, noticed Lurele. Who was this girl? Why was she so close to the battle? Was she an idiot or something? When Keldeo finally gained control of it's senses again, it fired another Hydro Pump at Terrakion, as well as Lurele, who Terrakion was now standing very close to. Terrakion used Protect again, protecting both itself and Lurele. Another explosion sounded, and the ground rumbled again.


The woman who had just been talking through her head back and began to scratch her hair, clearly frustrated. She looked to have bright blue eyes, and orange hair. She wore a similar outfit to that of the Kyurem follower Lurele had seen in Virbank, except the split cape he wore had been replaced with a completely light blue scarf. She suddenly spoke up again, after calming down a bit. "Whatever. We just won't let him waste in time in gross places like Virbank I guess. Now..." The woman pulled out a pokeball, and summoned a Dragonair from it. "Dragonair! Apprehend this crook!"


Huh, Jacques thought to himself, that actually did something...  He honestly hadn't expected to get this far.  "Um... alright, teleport behind it and then use Confusion."  And we'll see where that gets us.  The teleporting maneuver would only work once, but he couldn't imagine a better time to use it.  Maybe he could manage to at least get to see what Cheren's second pokemon would be.  That would be satisfying.

Furfrou was looked around with a dazed expression when its fangs only bit down on air, then was hit by the Confusion again, this time being thrown a bit further. It got up, and glared at Mara. "Alright, no use sulking, Furfrou. use Bite." Furfrou charged towards Mara, this time making sure it didn't teleport. 

Edited by Leafeon



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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After a few more minutes, Tempest simply decided to head to Virbank city. "This place reeks." He thought to himself, as he entered the city. The trainer noticed his Pokémon cringe from the smell, and returned them to their pokeballs. "No reason they should have to suffer." He thought. As he entered the gym, he noticed the trainer from before was already there. "Well, isn't this a surprise." He said to himself.


(Sorry about that. I just feel like Tempest is lagging behind in terms of a team.)

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Pumpkaboo began to make disjointed sounds again, this time looking like it was thinking aloud to itself. This time, the sounds roughly meant "Really? I'll just have to steal you away when that weird guy isn't looking then.". It then looked at Gastly again, and produced the odd sounds yet again. "Speaking of which, is it just me or does your trainer kinda look like a girl?"   Sawk was quite prepared for the hit. Sentret had taken a long time to actually execute it, and it gave the fighting type plenty of time to use Counter, flinging Sentret off into a bush.


Revvy began to chuckle now, both at the Pumpkaboo's still ridiculous plan  and the comment about Locke. "What? What' so funny? Stop leaving me out!" "Gastly Gast!" "Wha- bu- I do not! My hair doesn't even go down to my shoulders! I have facial hair!" Locke couldn't continue his rant on his masculinity, due to Vera practically launching into Locke. Slam was a pretty powerful, and even more powerful since it was a move of Sentret's type, so the Counter hit her pretty hard. So hard to the point she had been knocked out. "Aw crap... Come on Revvy!" Locke ran into the clearing with the Sawk and Throh, Revvy trailing behind, completely leaving the Pumpkaboo behind without another word. "Hey! You really hurt Vera! And- Ooohh... Fighting types? Would either of you like to join my team?" Locke's change of tone and subject was so sudden that it would have seemed like he had been trying to get the Pokemon on his team from the start.

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Sable looked around once she reached Nacrene City. It was fairly normal and insignificant save for the black Seekers building and, of course, the Ryhorn about to run straight into her. "Oh shi-!" Sable covered her face with her arms and Umbreon nearly pounced at the sight of the Ryhorn. Luckily a Dragonite had saved Sable or at least it seemed that way. The Dragonite was simply a Zorua in disguise. "Wha? Zorua? Ryhorn? What's going on?" Sable asked beyond confused.




"Excellent." Cilla said with a smile. Once she caught Turtwig she said goodbye to the ranch owners and kept going on to Castelia City, eventually heading to Route 4. When she got there, however, it wasn't the peaceful stroll she had been expecting. It seems that Keldeo and Terrakion were fighting in the middle of the route. Cilla gasped as soon as she saw the two legends. Even while in Team Plasma she had never seen them, only heard the stories and the rumors that they had helped the Hero of Truth. "What on Earth is going on?" She said confused and worried at the same time. There were black cars scattered around the route and a girl seemed to be running out to confront the two musketeer Pokemon. "What is that girl thinking? She's going to get herself killed." 


Walking further up the route Cilla recognized one of the on lookers as the girl she had met outside of Aspertia. "Oh great it's her." Cilla thought. "She still probably thinks I'm crazy."  With a sigh she walked up to the girl. Cilla needed answers and perhaps this person would have them. "What going on? Why are Keldeo and Terrakion fighting?" She asks Tiana. Upon seeing the Glameow from before Swablu, who was still sitting perfectly on Cilla's head, started to shake with fear. "Swa! Swablu..." "Oh no it's alright girl." Cilla said before looking down at the cat. "Uh, hate to cause you more trouble but could you return your Glameow? It seems to be giving Swablu some bad memories."

Edited by Vaporeon



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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A smirk appeared on Cecil's face as he saw the qwilfish use bubble on the ground, "a-ha! Exactly as I had planned!" He exclaimed with bravado. He put his hand up to his chest, "these are, in-fact, ideal conditions for my Rogue. Y'see she grew up in a swampy habitat, she loves the mud!" He said.


Of course, the croagunk didn't actually grow up in a swamp, and Cecil knew that. In fact, Cecil wasn't even sure if croagunks inhabited swamps. He just kinda figured they did.


But, it was true that the croagunk was quite enjoying the mud, especially with the extra moisture provided by the qwilfish's bubble. However, it definitely didn't provide solid footing, and the pokemon slipped onto its stomach. Rather than attempting to pick itself up, the croagunk was content to slide around on its belly, using its limbs to propel and maneuver itself.


"well... this isn't really accomplishing much. How am I supposed to hit that bloody thing? None of my pokemon have attacks with a large area of effect, or any moves that are guaranteed to hit... I guess I'll just have to wreck things and hope the enemy gets caught in the collateral damage."


"Now, slam the ground with revenge!" The croagunk perked up its head, and was currently positioned beneath the qwilfish. It was going to question why it shouldn't just aim for the enemy, but it was in a good mood and simply did as it was suggested.


The croagunk raised its arms, and pounded the ground with all its might. The impact sent mud and chunks of the floor through the air.

Edited by Aged Rain
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Tiana gasped in shock as Lurele ran down to where the legendary Pokemon were fighting.  What was she thinking??  She must seriously have a screw loose somewhere.  Tiana nearly screamed when Keldeo’s Hydro Pump just barely missed Lurele, thanks to Terrakion’s Protect.  At least one of the Pokemon seemed to be looking out for the girl.


And then that’s when one of the random people sent out their Dragonair, apparently commanding it to attack Lurele.  “Not today…” Tiana muttered to herself, then turning her attention to Glameow and Riolu.  She jumped upon seeing the girl from a while ago, the one with the Espeon.  “Oh!  Sure, no problem.”  Taking out Purrl’s poke ball, Tiana spoke to her Pokemon softly.  “I’m gonna need to return you for a little bit, okay Purrl?”


Purrl tilted her head curiously, eyeing her trainer and then leering at the Swablu.  “Nyarr.”  She seemed to understand well enough.


After returning her Glameow, Tiana spoke to Cilla once more.  “I don’t exactly know what’s going on right now, either, but that woman is attacking that girl with her Pokemon I’m not going to let that happen.”  Thinking for a moment, she continued after pondering her options.  “I’m going to involve myself.  Could you and Swablu wait here for just a second?  If it looks like we’re in serious trouble, feel free to help out.”  Looking to Riolu, she winked.  “Keep close, Riolu.  We’re going to help out your trainer.” 


Tiana crouched close to the sand, carefully and quietly approaching the woman with the Dragonair from behind.  Along the way she had pulled out her Taser, thumb resting on the trigger button.  Once a few feet behind the woman, Tiana dashed forward, activating her Taser and jabbing it at the back of the lady’s head.









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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After a few more minutes, Tempest simply decided to head to Virbank city. "This place reeks." He thought to himself, as he entered the city. The trainer noticed his Pokémon cringe from the smell, and returned them to their pokeballs. "No reason they should have to suffer." He thought. As he entered the gym, he noticed the trainer from before was already there. "Well, isn't this a surprise." He said to himself.


(Sorry about that. I just feel like Tempest is lagging behind in terms of a team.)




A smirk appeared on Cecil's face as he saw the qwilfish use bubble on the ground, "a-ha! Exactly as I had planned!" He exclaimed with bravado. He put his hand up to his chest, "these are, in-fact, ideal conditions for my Rogue. Y'see she grew up in a swampy habitat, she loves the mud!" He said.


Of course, the croagunk didn't actually grow up in a swamp, and Cecil knew that. In fact, Cecil wasn't even sure if croagunks inhabited swamps. He just kinda figured they did.


But, it was true that the croagunk was quite enjoying the mud, especially with the extra moisture provided by the qwilfish's bubble. However, it definitely didn't provide solid footing, and the pokemon slipped onto its stomach. Rather than attempting to pick itself up, the croagunk was content to slide around on its belly, using its limbs to propel and maneuver itself.


"well... this isn't really accomplishing much. How am I supposed to hit that bloody thing? None of my pokemon have attacks with a large area of effect, or any moves that are guaranteed to hit... I guess I'll just have to wreck things and hope the enemy gets caught in the collateral damage."


"Now, slam the ground with revenge!" The croagunk perked up its head, and was currently positioned beneath the qwilfish. It was going to question why it shouldn't just aim for the enemy, but it was in a good mood and simply did as it was suggested.


The croagunk raised its arms, and pounded the ground with all its might. The impact sent mud and chunks of the floor through the air.

Roxie stepped back a bit, as to dodge the mud that was flying up. She didn't normally mind getting dirty, but this was one of the last gym leader outfits she had that was still clean. As she did this, she noted a new challenger out of the corner of her eye, though she paid him no heed. Some of the mud hit Qwilfish's belly. It looked confused for a second, but then hovered down a bit, finding itself suddenly heavier. "Keep going with Pin Missile!" Roxxie commanded, and Qwilfish did exactly that.


((Oops. Accidently hit post. My bad.))


Revvy began to chuckle now, both at the Pumpkaboo's still ridiculous plan  and the comment about Locke. "What? What' so funny? Stop leaving me out!" "Gastly Gast!" "Wha- bu- I do not! My hair doesn't even go down to my shoulders! I have facial hair!" Locke couldn't continue his rant on his masculinity, due to Vera practically launching into Locke. Slam was a pretty powerful, and even more powerful since it was a move of Sentret's type, so the Counter hit her pretty hard. So hard to the point she had been knocked out. "Aw crap... Come on Revvy!" Locke ran into the clearing with the Sawk and Throh, Revvy trailing behind, completely leaving the Pumpkaboo behind without another word. "Hey! You really hurt Vera! And- Ooohh... Fighting types? Would either of you like to join my team?" Locke's change of tone and subject was so sudden that it would have seemed like he had been trying to get the Pokemon on his team from the start.

Pumpkaboo looked around confused. Why had Gastly left? She looked around nervously, before deciding to follow the trainer into the clearing. 


Both Throh and Sawk looked at Locke with the utmost confusion. Sawk shot Throh a questioning glance, to which Throh shrugged at. Throh then walked behind Locke, and tried to usher him into the clearing where quite a few grass types played, just like they had done to Sentret.


Pumpkaboo arrived in the clearing only a few seconds after Throh began to push Locke away. It hovered right in front of Locke. "Boo." It said.




Sable looked around once she reached Nacrene City. It was fairly normal and insignificant save for the black Seekers building and, of course, the Ryhorn about to run straight into her. [/size]"Oh shi-!"[/size] [/size]Sable covered her face with her arms and Umbreon nearly pounced at the sight of the Ryhorn. Luckily a Dragonite had saved Sable or at least it seemed that way. The Dragonite was simply a Zorua in disguise. [/size]"Wha? Zorua? Ryhorn? What's going on?"[/size] [/size]Sable asked beyond confused.[/size]

"Zorua? What did I say?" A trainer said, who had suddenly appeared from behind a building. He had long, light green hair, and wore a black and white hat. Zorua whined at his words, but then jumped onto his shoulder and snuggled into his white shirt. 


The trainer then walked up to Rhyhorn, and reached down to pat it on the head. Rhyhorn violently shook his head towards the trainer, who immediately stopped patting the Rhyhorn and stammered back. He then looked away. "I see." He said, presumably talking to the Rhyhorn. "I must apologize for that then. Erm. Both of those, rather." Zorua scoffed when the trainer looked at it. It refused to admit to doing anything wrong.


With the words of the trainer, Rhyhorn had settled down a bit, leaving only Sable to be attended to. The man looked at her. "Are you alright?" He asked her.



"Excellent." Cilla said with a smile. Once she caught Turtwig she said goodbye to the ranch owners and kept going on to Castelia City, eventually heading to Route 4. When she got there, however, it wasn't the peaceful stroll she had been expecting. It seems that Keldeo and Terrakion were fighting in the middle of the route. Cilla gasped as soon as she saw the two legends. Even while in Team Plasma she had never seen them, only heard the stories and the rumors that they had helped the Hero of Truth. "What on Earth is going on?" She said confused and worried at the same time. There were black cars scattered around the route and a girl seemed to be running out to confront the two musketeer Pokemon. "What is that girl thinking? She's going to get herself killed." 


Walking further up the route Cilla recognized one of the on lookers as the girl she had met outside of Aspertia. "Oh great it's her." Cilla thought. "She still probably thinks I'm crazy."  With a sigh she walked up to the girl. Cilla needed answers and perhaps this person would have them. "What going on? Why are Keldeo and Terrakion fighting?" She asks Tiana. Upon seeing the Glameow from before Swablu, who was still sitting perfectly on Cilla's head, started to shake with fear. "Swa! Swablu..." "Oh no it's alright girl." Cilla said before looking down at the cat. "Uh, hate to cause you more trouble but could you return your Glameow? It seems to be giving Swablu some bad memories."





Tiana gasped in shock as Lurele ran down to where the legendary Pokemon were fighting.  What was she thinking??  She must seriously have a screw loose somewhere.  Tiana nearly screamed when Keldeo’s Hydro Pump just barely missed Lurele, thanks to Terrakion’s Protect.  At least one of the Pokemon seemed to be looking out for the girl.


And then that’s when one of the random people sent out their Dragonair, apparently commanding it to attack Lurele.  “Not today…” Tiana muttered to herself, then turning her attention to Glameow and Riolu.  She jumped upon seeing the girl from a while ago, the one with the Espeon.  “Oh!  Sure, no problem.”  Taking out Purrl’s poke ball, Tiana spoke to her Pokemon softly.  “I’m gonna need to return you for a little bit, okay Purrl?”


Purrl tilted her head curiously, eyeing her trainer and then leering at the Swablu.  “Nyarr.”  She seemed to understand well enough.


After returning her Glameow, Tiana spoke to Cilla once more.  “I don’t exactly know what’s going on right now, either, but that woman is attacking that girl with her Pokemon I’m not going to let that happen.”  Thinking for a moment, she continued after pondering her options.  “I’m going to involve myself.  Could you and Swablu wait here for just a second?  If it looks like we’re in serious trouble, feel free to help out.”  Looking to Riolu, she winked.  “Keep close, Riolu.  We’re going to help out your trainer.” 


Tiana crouched close to the sand, carefully and quietly approaching the woman with the Dragonair from behind.  Along the way she had pulled out her Taser, thumb resting on the trigger button.  Once a few feet behind the woman, Tiana dashed forward, activating her Taser and jabbing it at the back of the lady’s head.

Just before Tiana could successfully knock-out the woman, the woman suddenly spun around and grabbed Tiana's arm, twisting it backwards and unarming her. "There's a whole lot of you? Jeez." She said, then looked at Tiana with an odd look. She held that look until one of the other people there with much duller clothes had apprehended her. "Hey. Is it just me or have we met before? I feel like I've seen you somewhere."


Dragonair was nearing closer and closer to Lurele. The dragon stayed low to the ground, as to avoid any possible hits by the two legendary pokemon. It then tried to use Wrap around Lurele.

Edited by Leafeon



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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((Mobile post, can't color or mention or anything.))


"Ah-hnng!" Lurele's cry was cut short as the Dragonair wrapped around her, squirming ineffectually to try and make it stop crushing her.


"Ri-ri!" Her Riolu cried out as he saw Lurele in danger, the small Pokemon quickly darting forward. While he did want to help Tiana, she wasn't as important as his Lurele. The little fighting Pokemon slid underneath one of the cars to get closer to the battlefield.


It didnt matter to Riolu then that he was rushing head first into a battle with a dragon and potentially two legendary Pokemon... All he was focused on was trying to rescue his trainer that he'd spent the bulk if his life with. The little Riolu starts to glow white as he launches himself towards the Dragonair.


"LUCARIO!" As the fighting type lands on the dragon the evolution completes, the now-larger Lucario glaring defiantly at Dragonair as one of the spikes on the back of his hands begins to glow. The glowing spike would briefly extend forward into the shape of a pair of claws before Lucario attempts to thrust it into the Dragonair's coils to attempt and loosen its hold on Lurele.


((He's replaced Endure with Metal Claw))











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Cecil's eyes widened when he saw the qwilfish lower its altitude. "A-ha!


"Rogue! Attack the ground again with Revenge!" The croagunk nodded, "-gunk!", and lifted up its arms to slam the ground again. This time, however, the croagunk was incredibly annoyed by the pin missiles of the qwilfish, though they were not much more than a nuisance. She slammed the ground with a greater impact than last time, her revenge at full strength from the annoyance of the pin missiles.


The greater impact meant even more mud flung into the air, as well as some chunks of the floor.

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