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Pony special for adults

Captain Marvelous


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  1. 1. Would you want a pony special made for adults?

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Let the fandom do it...I don't want an official "Adult MLP", that would just be...demoralizing to me. Ponies are supposed to be cute and innocent.

  • Brohoof 1


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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I agree with the majority (of what I read). It would be partly interesting, I'd watch it, but it'd take some of the appeal (to me) out of the show, and that most of the parents that run into it would be like "This isn't child appropriate!".


March 12, 2012 - The day I became a Brony

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I made this suggestion in another thread, I forgot what it was called


For this one franchise, Kamen Rider, when their movies come out, they have these short net movies, about 4-6 minutes an episode...and they are different from the actual episodes, where they are fourth wall breakings, and they usually do something different from their usual Kamen Rider stuff... the current ones they are doing a murder mystery where the dead bodies are the suits of the riders


So perhaps they could do that, little internet episodes meant for a different audience...they could do lots of stuff:


A Mystery

A what kind of pony you are (such as, if your Gemini, Blood A, your a fluttershy, and the short episode would be how "Fluttershy" would react in a situation with a friend)

Perhaps things dealing with the cast of the show (such as an episode dealing with Spike's actress, and they have a game where you to pick out the actress' voice out of a group of mimics (all voicing the diffferent characters



perhaps like how Fizzle, suggested, perhaps a behind the scenes kind of thing

okay ponies, give me all your treasure.


"I will destroy all the riders"

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I don't think it's ever going to happen, and quite frankly, I would not want it to. The series is charming as it is. This is why we like the series. Its innocent childlike wonder makes us harken back to simpler days. As well, it just wouldn't fit with the tone of the canon. When fans do it, we immediately know that their pony world is a different one that exists from the canonical pony world. My mind splits it into two worlds. I wouldn't want to see the canonical pony world invaded by topics that do not fit it whatsoever and would be awkward to incorporate.


And even if it wasn't canonical, as the OP has stated, it would still be made by the official showrunners. And that'd just be hard for me to handle.

  • Brohoof 1

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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I'm still not sure exactly what is meant by "for Adults," but regardless of if it's "inappropriate" if you're trying to change the style of the show it would change everything that gives it its appeal, no?

The behind-the-scenes idea interests me a little but these things are probably best left to fan projects.

"...and this great blue world of ours
seems a House of Leaves
moments before the wind."

OC: Dream Pop

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I'm still not sure exactly what is meant by "for Adults," but regardless of if it's "inappropriate" if you're trying to change the style of the show it would change everything that gives it its appeal, no?

The behind-the-scenes idea interests me a little but these things are probably best left to fan projects.


By adult I mean stuff for an older audience... Doesn't have to be anything inappropriate (I just used some of that kind of stuff, cause that what came to your mind...and you should all feel bad for thinking that Xp)

  • Brohoof 1

okay ponies, give me all your treasure.


"I will destroy all the riders"

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I really like the behind the scenes idea. It'll be funny to imagine whay everypony does when the camera's not rolling. :lol:

My best friend is writing a short stories about just that and how each pony is dealing with a difficult tragedy in their lives, and how it's affecting them. And let's just say it's most definitely adult-themed...

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I'd rather if it was just a fanmade thing, or even if some of the members of Studio B got together and did it on their own time. As long as it was quality and NOT an official release, I'd be okay with it. If it was an official, canon episode, I don't think it would work very well. But fanmade is another story.


Also, why does everybody equate "adult" with sex and violence? Adult just means it's not intended for kids. It doesn't even mean that it's inappropriate for kids, just that kids are not the intended audience. Take Seinfeld for example: a six year old isn't going to think it's funny. All the jokes would go over their head. Yes, Seinfeld does have a few sex jokes, but most of the time, it's a pretty clean show. It just wouldn't appeal to kids, because it uses adult humor.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Also, why does everybody equate "adult" with sex and violence? Adult just means it's not intended for kids. It doesn't even mean that it's inappropriate for kids, just that kids are not the intended audience. Take Seinfeld for example: a six year old isn't going to think it's funny. All the jokes would go over their head. Yes, Seinfeld does have a few sex jokes, but most of the time, it's a pretty clean show. It just wouldn't appeal to kids, because it uses adult humor.




You might as well just watch hotdiggedydemon's PONY.MOV series.


There's your answer.


Shows like Ren & Stimpy and South Park effectively cemented the term "adult cartoon" as meaning raunchy, something either borderline or outright offensive.

  • Brohoof 1


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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Never ever. This cartoon is a gift and the fandom is already killing it.

If the fandom was killing this cartoon, Pokemon would've died long ago. Have you SEEN their fandom? It is the most dysfunctional fandom since Sega Sonic vs SatAM Sonic. And neither of those fandoms could kill the frenchises.


Anyway, this sounds more like something fans should make, not the creators of the show.

Edited by SBaby

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By adult I mean stuff for an older audience... Doesn't have to be anything inappropriate (I just used some of that kind of stuff, cause that what came to your mind...and you should all feel bad for thinking that Xp)


Too many in this thread seems to have gotten that impression, that "adult" must mean overly naughty.


Personally i started thinking in other ways, like:

* It is as if the official creators would make a special of their own "fanmaterial".

* Or if they made their own interpretation of fanmaterial (see how THEY deal with things like the Doctor and Derpy, Cupcakes, Octavia and Vinyl Scratch, .... and Carrot Top's alternate fate in Beyond her Tomb ... )

* How about Equestrian CyberPunk?

* or Mecha?

* or Steampunk?

* Or Sci-fi? Fantasy? Vampires?

* or perhaps even a real MLP/Transformers crossover?


That, was where my thoughts went.


It is still said that it wouldn't be officcial canon, so .... ?


I'd rather if it was just a fanmade thing, or even if some of the members of Studio B got together and did it on their own time. As long as it was quality and NOT an official release, I'd be okay with it. If it was an official, canon episode, I don't think it would work very well. But fanmade is another story.

Didn't you read the OP?

It would be technically official, but it would be not canon officially .....

Edited by Tiina Brown
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Ren and Stimpy was not the purest show to begin with, by any means. MLP is as pure as the breast milk of the Virgin Mary. I would feel dirty watching it. Too many bronys think the show was made for them. We have a voice, but we are not the primary target audience.

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Maybe if it was a fandmade thing, then yes, but we need to think realistically here.


This would never actually happen, as much as I would like to see it, it won't.




I like the backstage idea, that sounds funny!


When I can actually animate... Soon.... soon

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Personally, i think no to an episode dedicated to adults.


If anything, i'd really really love to see them do something with all the fanbased material. Hopefully in Season 3 we might see some of this. Maybe an expansion to the main setting of Equestria, Ponyville. I'd like to see Octavia in Manehatten doing something, or Vinyl in Las Pegasus having an intense birthday party with Pinkie for Rainbow? Possibly, in a random episode, the pony we refer to as Doctor Whooves running into a Police Box with Derpy somewhere in the background.


Or even, have the word 'Bronies' somewhere in the credits. I highly doubt this will happen, but it would be amazing. Even though i never read Credits.


I loved the Equestrian Girls promo (If Katy Perry was a Brony. Mind = Blown). And i loved what they did with Derpy and a few others little things. It is possible that the producers will actually do alot more Fan based stuff in Season 3. After the whole derpy fandom response to 'that episode' they might of taken notes and more ideas. I really hope so.


Regardless if they do more Fanbased stuff or not. I will still love this show for what it is now, that is why I'm a Brony afterall.


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