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Am I the only one that feels the Mane 6 sort of neglect Pinkie Pie?

Ace O. Jade

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We all know that locked away in some recess of Pinkie Pie's heart where the ventricles aren't filled with streamers and balloons hides what many would refer to as clinical depression. The candy cane lock has snapped once or twice, causing Pinkie to show this on the outside; this is typically signaled by her mane deflating.


According to my count, this has been particularly pertinent to the plot in only two episodes: first "Party of One" and later "Too Many Pinkie Pies". Of course, there have been other times, such as in "Magical Mystery Cure", but the first two held relevant meaning in the plot.


In both of these episodes, the Mane 6 utterly failed to purposefully do anything about it. Heck, nopony even noticed she was sad in "Party of One", despite the hair and obvious personality changes. She was obviously depressed and sulking, yet none of the Mane 6 lifted a hoof to comfort her or really do anything but throw a party that was inevitable and not meant to cheer her up.


The same thing happened in "Too Many Pinkie Pies", although it's understandable why the Mane 6 didn't help her with her depression here. At least Twilight noticed she was depressed this time; about the one possible time in the series where one of the Mane 6 at least noticing such a fact failed to actually amass to them be able to do anything.


And if we look past her depression, the big obvious examples, we find several of smaller instances where Pinkie is essentially ignored or treated as if she wasn't as important as the other Mane 6.

In "Swarm of the Century" her suggestions were shrugged off easily with the reasoning "It's an idea from Pinkie Pie, it must be ridiculous and unhelpful."

In "Magic Duel" everypony forgot about Pinkie's plight involving the disappearance of her mouth, a problem that both was detrimental to her long-term health and visibly made her cry, for the entire episode.

In "Filli Vanilli" when Pinkie verbally made a mistake multiple times and hurt Fluttershy's feelings, they never explained to her how she did anything wrong; they simply scolded her for trying to help.

In the most recent episode, "Testing, Testing 1, 2, 3" Twilight decided Pinkie's idea to help Rainbow Dash was silly and told her to stop trying, despite it being perfectly valid and not giving this treatment to any of the other Mane 6.


I can't be the only one that feels that my favorite pony is being alienated from the group in unfair or neglectful ways sometimes.



Remember in Pinkie pride when Pinkie got upset at Cheese Sandwich? The others kinda mocked pinkies parties without even noticing Pinkie was with the, or caring for that matter. Later when Twilight found Pinkie loosing it, she asked if she was OK, but just when it became obvious to even small children that Pinkie was not OK, Twilight backed away and didn't ask again.


Next in Maud Pie, Pinkie obviously wanted the Mane 6 to get along with Maud, and when the others tried, and failed, instead of realizing that Maud was who she was and at least hanging around with her anyway, the rest of the Mane 6 were just like 'screw it! we don't wanna be her friend.' (This coming from the ELEMENTS OF HARMONY and Princess of friendship!) And then they left Pinkie alone to build the dangerous coarse with no supervision or second thought. SPEAKING of the coarse, when Pinkie was in danger, the mane 6, many of whom could have stopped the boulder from squishing her quickly, just kinda stared. If Maud hadn't been there, Pinkie would be dead.


Can't believe I forgot these. /\

Edited by Ace O. Jade
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They probably ignore her the most because she is the random and nonsensical one of them. She has potential like how she saved Ponyville from the parasprites and is friends with everypony.


Yeah, I'm going to agree with this. I'm typically somewhat like Pinkie myself IRL (in a far more dramatic and caustic fashion), and playing the role of the group prankster is the sort that sort of leaves you out cold when it comes to 'srs business'. Essentially, people are so used to you cracking jokes and being the life of the group that they can't imagine you actually have issues, and especially when you try to bottle them up, like Pinkie oft does, they can go unnoticed.

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Yeah, I'm going to agree with this. I'm typically somewhat like Pinkie myself IRL (in a far more dramatic and caustic fashion), and playing the role of the group prankster is the sort that sort of leaves you out cold when it comes to 'srs business'. Essentially, people are so used to you cracking jokes and being the life of the group that they can't imagine you actually have issues, and especially when you try to bottle them up, like Pinkie oft does, they can go unnoticed.

And I relate to Pinkie because sometimes I feel I'm not as cared about in my family.

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And I relate to Pinkie because sometimes I feel I'm not as cared about in my family.

That's a sad reason to relate to a character in a show like MLP. You deserve at least a Brohoof from me.

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You forgot what happened in "Pinkie Pride".  Couldn't the others have explained to Pinkie their temporary preference to Cheese earlier and helped her see how he wasn't going to replace him?  Further, shouldn't Twilight or somepony have questioned the idea of the Goof-Off to begin with?




Heck, nopony even noticed she was sad in "Party of One", despite the hair and obvious personality changes. She was obviously depressed and sulking, yet none of the Mane 6 lifted a hoof to comfort her or really do anything but throw a party that was inevitable and not meant to cheer her up.

They didn't see her much at all when she was sad, only when she was angry (and in RD's case, a bit crazy).  And they did notice that Pinkie was less enthusiastic about the party than usual, but by that time they kind of had to explain their actions.



In "Filli Vanilli" when Pinkie verbally made a mistake multiple times and hurt Fluttershy's feelings, they never explained to her how she did anything wrong; they simply scolded her for trying to help.

No, they scolded her for being ridiculous, and Pinkie knew she was being ridiculous.



In the most recent episode, "Testing, Testing 1, 2, 3" Twilight decided Pinkie's idea to help Rainbow Dash was silly and told her to stop trying, despite it being perfectly valid and not giving this treatment to any of the other Mane 6.

Maybe, but that ignores the arguing that went on after Twilight dismissed Pinkie's idea, so in that chaos perhaps Twilight and maybe the others did in fact criticize each other's methods, not just Pinkie's. 

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If you want revenge, just go watch Filli Vanilli :D

You can go watch her make Fluttershy cry several times with a smile on her face :D



And no, I don't feel that way, being super srs.


They take her less seriously because she's not a very serious pony. You never know what shit she's gonna pull, you know? :D 


I honestly find it hard to take Pinkie seriously. But, that doesn't mean I dislike her, nor does it mean that the rest of the mane 6 neglect her.


Would you take someone who's being silly and making jokes 99% of the time seriously all of the time? :D

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You forgot what happened in "Pinkie Pride".  Couldn't the others have explained to Pinkie their temporary preference to Cheese earlier and helped her see how he wasn't going to replace him?  Further, shouldn't Twilight or somepony have questioned the idea of the Goof-Off to begin with?




They didn't see her much at all when she was sad, only when she was angry (and in RD's case, a bit crazy).  And they did notice that Pinkie was less enthusiastic about the party than usual, but by that time they kind of had to explain their actions.


Nevertheless, they should have noticed something was wrong. How often does Pinkie Pie get legitimately angry or even less bubbly?


No, they scolded her for being ridiculous, and Pinkie knew she was being ridiculous.


I have to disagree. Based on what Pinkie said after the fact, I'm led to believe she legitimately thought she was helping and complimenting Fluttershy, and didn't understand she wasn't.


Maybe, but that ignores the arguing that went on after Twilight dismissed Pinkie's idea, so in that chaos perhaps Twilight and maybe the others did in fact criticize each other's methods, not just Pinkie's.


True enough.

I've typed some stuff in bold and underline inside the quote because I'm too lazy to separate your post into several different quotes. B)

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Remember in Pinkie pride when Pinkie got upset at Cheese Sandwich? The others kinda mocked pinkies parties without even noticing Pinkie was with the, or caring for that matter. Later when Twilight found Pinkie loosing it, she asked if she was OK, but just when it became obvious to even small children that Pinkie was not OK, Twilight backed away and didn't ask again.


Next in Maud Pie, Pinkie obviously wanted the Mane 6 to get along with Maud, and when the others tried, and failed, instead of realizing that Maud was who she was and at least hanging around with her anyway, the rest of the Mane 6 were just like 'screw it! we don't wanna be her friend.' (This coming from the ELEMENTS OF HARMONY and Princess of friendship!) And then they left Pinkie alone to build the dangerous coarse with no supervision or second thought. SPEAKING of the coarse, when Pinkie was in danger, the mane 6, many of whom could have stopped the boulder from squishing her quickly, just kinda stared. If Maud hadn't been there, Pinkie would be dead.

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Remember in Pinkie pride when Pinkie got upset at Cheese Sandwich? The others kinda mocked pinkies parties without even noticing Pinkie was with the, or caring for that matter. Later when Twilight found Pinkie loosing it, she asked if she was OK, but just when it became obvious to even small children that Pinkie was not OK, Twilight backed away and didn't ask again.


Next in Maud Pie, Pinkie obviously wanted the Mane 6 to get along with Maud, and when the others tried, and failed, instead of realizing that Maud was who she was and at least hanging around with her anyway, the rest of the Mane 6 were just like 'screw it! we don't wanna be her friend.' (This coming from the ELEMENTS OF HARMONY and Princess of friendship!) And then they left Pinkie alone to build the dangerous coarse with no supervision or second thought. SPEAKING of the coarse, when Pinkie was in danger, the mane 6, many of whom could have stopped the boulder from squishing her quickly, just kinda stared. If Maud hadn't been there, Pinkie would be dead.

I'd like to thank you and OptimisticNeighsayer for bringing these up; I can't believe I forgot these two great examples.

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Yes I feel pinkie does often get the short stick in these situations, but as others have said she brings it upon herself. It's like the boy who cried wolf. If she is silly and nonsensical 999 out of 1000 moments in her interactions with her friends, you wouldn't really pay attention after a while either.


However, just because she is a goofball doesn't mean she needs to be ignored entirely either. I'm lighthearted most of the time and people don't take me all that seriously. However, once my mood darkens people get worried over me and begin to take me more seriously. The rest of the Mane 6 should just as well and after a while they usually do.


Now this is a cartoon and I would say 90% of the time this stuff happens it's because it is used to fuel the plot. For the other 10% I can say it's just a momentary lapse of judgement on the mane 6's part. In the end, everything always does end up in the right, somehow.

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Yes I feel pinkie does often get the short stick in these situations, but as others have said she brings it upon herself. It's like the boy who cried wolf. If she is silly and nonsensical 999 out of 1000 moments in her interactions with her friends, you wouldn't really pay attention after a while either.


However, just because she is a goofball doesn't mean she needs to be ignored entirely either. I'm lighthearted most of the time and people don't take me all that seriously. However, once my mood darkens people get worried over me and begin to take me more seriously. The rest of the Mane 6 should just as well and after a while they usually do.


Now this is a cartoon and I would say 90% of the time this stuff happens it's because it is used to fuel the plot. For the other 10% I can say it's just a momentary lapse of judgement on the mane 6's part. In the end, everything always does end up in the right, somehow.

But where's the fun in that? It's more interesting to be analytic.  :lol:

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But where's the fun in that? It's more interesting to be analytic.  :lol:

Of course  B) . In adding, I would also like to see pinkie pie in a more serious role for once. She has become a little too crazy as of late in my opinion.

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Of course  B) . In adding, I would also like to see pinkie pie in a more serious role for once. She has become a little too crazy as of late in my opinion.

That's one of the reason "Baby Cakes" takes my #2 best episode slot (and I don't understand why everyone else seems to hate it). It was great to see Pinkie take some responsibility for once and try to act more mature.

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  • 3 weeks later...

in there defence, the rest of the mane 6 do need to put walls up from time to time for the sake of their sanity


Don't we all? We do live among humans. Although, being friends with Pinkie does warrant this, understandably.

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I see Pinkie Pie as someone if given an inch takes the whole thing. She can be quite a handful and impose demands on the others that just makes things hard for them.

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Yeah, I have agree with you, she definitely gets neglected at times. But you also have to see it from her friends' point of view, given how rambunctious Pinkie can be at times. She's one of their best friends even if they don't always show it.

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I don't think the ponies exclude Pinkie, I think they were just to busy planning for the party to notice anything amiss. Maybe they just thought she was going for a new hairstyle? And Rainbow Dash seemed to notice when Pinkie was acting all crazy. (All from Party of One)

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