Azureth 687 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 There is an issue I would like to discuss. While I understand guys making fun of other guys for liking it, I have found I have received just as much hostility from women. Even when I try to explain how it's actually good and unlike so many other shows puts females in a good light, I still get made fun of and told things such as "It's a show for girls, guys shouldn't watch that" or "That's gay" etc. etc. It amazes me how there are women that seem not to realize that by saying such they are only making things worse for themselves by essentially saying that guy stuff is much better than girl stuff. You'd think women would be more open to it and happy that guys aren't all into the typical macho damsel in distress stuff but in my experience that has not been the case. Heck, a friend of mine is engaged and we were talking about TV shows and even though I didn't bring up MLP at all his fiance looks at me and blurted out "But even if I have a girl no way will she watch that my little pony garbage". It's bad enough (although unfortunately understandable) why guys make fun of it, but the fact women themselves will so hastily dismiss it just because it's "for girls" is mind boggling to me. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, assuming you have any. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sky Cutter 294 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 (edited) look at it this way... some girls claim that all the hot guys are either gay, or taken. Edited April 10, 2014 by Sky Cutter 2 Avatar by Jokuc ~ Signature by me ~ (Try it) War Thunder ID: ColonelWaffle studying to be a pilot! ~ I like planes (B-17 FTW) ~ What's-its-face window "Never accept the sky as the limit, we got to the moon and beyond." - some guy with an unhealthy obsession of planes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostfacekiller39 23,860 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 Maybe they're just dominatrices or something and they're flirting with you Or, they're closed minded and not really worth the time Either/or 2 He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!! Check out the Rarity Fan Club! "Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity" -Jacob G. Rosenberg Signature by @FadedSkies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starbound 150 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 Ahh... the great mysteries of the Universe... Quantum Physics and women. (Just kidding! Or am I? MuHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!) Bah, don't listen to them! They probably are just kind of new to the Brony concept. I mean, before I joined the fandom, I looked at ponies and was like "Pfft. I hate this pony junk." Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!) Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 (edited) Maybe they're just dominatrices or something and they're flirting with you "Ponies suck" is pretty strange pillow talk but if that is the case and because I am a sick bastard I might give it a go. I treat them the same way I treat men who do that simply put I don't even bother responding to them. If those women want to date sexist douche bags who have complete and total contempt for anyone and anything that dosen't fit the false macho culture of what a "man" is supposed to be than they deserve what they get. But if any ladies out there between the ages of 21-32 want a guy who has the balls to admit he likes ponies and not give a damn what anyone thinks about it than I might be the guy for you. Edited April 10, 2014 by EarthbendingProdigy 11 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Lona 382 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 (edited) Well the original show was pretty bad, not just because the writing and animation could not compare to gen 4, but also because that show did not necessarily show women and girls in a positive light. Sure, almost all of the characters were female, which meant there were female heros in the show, but they weren't the best role models. It was a lot of Pretty Pretty Princess and no other option. As popular as FIM is, a lot of people (myself included before I watched an episode) figure it's just the same corporate dribble meant to sell sparkly toys that the original show was. The original My Little Pony is an iconic representation of "girly" marketing of the 80s and 90s. I know I certainly wouldn't want any daughters of mine to be indoctrinated by that stuff. So your woman friends may just not understand that Friendship is Magic is a very different show. Edited April 10, 2014 by Princess Lona 2 My OC, Tabula. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
child of the night 271 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 Doesn't matter how they act for me, If they dislike something about me they can go cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get over it. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DryGuy84 (Inactive) 927 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 I've been lucky. I've never gotten made fun of for liking the show, so I unfortunately don't have too much to say. You see, my friends are all into anime and gaming, so they understand what it would be like to made fun of for liking something "girly" or "childish," and as such I wasn't harassed about it. My family is pretty open minded as well (at least nowadays) so they didn't care. I mean , I'm an atheist in a family christians and no one cares, it's beautiful really. My family interactions were nothing but hell for the first 16 years of my life (I'm 19). It took us a long time and alot of work to mend our relationships, but as it stands I'm lucky to have a family like I do now. Sorry, that deteriorated into a complete non-answer, but I really don't know what to say. I just would try not to let it get to me, personally, but I suppose that's not really going to help. It's just close-minded people being close-minded, it's not necessarily bad, but I know it's a trait I wouldn't want to be cursed with. 4 "Oh look, there's our friend Rarity GOING DOWN IN FLAMES!!! ISN"T FRIENDSHIP MAGIC!!!?" -Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity "No matter how many times others tell you you're great, all the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside.......Sometimes to feel good about yourself, you gotta let go of the past. That way, when the time comes to let your greatness fly, you'll be able to light up the whole sky." -Cathy Weseluck as Spike Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ribbonfree 2,383 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 Maybe they're just dominatrices or something and they're flirting with you Very interesting theory there. Guess we know where your mind tends to go. And I've never noticed anything like that personally. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azureth 687 April 10, 2014 Author Share April 10, 2014 Well the original show was pretty bad, not just because the writing and animation could not compare to gen 4, but also because that show did not necessarily show women and girls in a positive light. Sure, almost all of the characters were female, which meant there were female heros in the show, but they weren't the best role models. It was a lot of Pretty Pretty Princess and no other option. As popular as FIM is, a lot of people (myself included before I watched an episode) figure it's just the same corporate dribble meant to sell sparkly toys that the original show was. The original My Little Pony is an iconic representation of "girly" marketing of the 80s and 90s. I know I certainly wouldn't want any daughters of mine to be indoctrinated by that stuff. So your woman friends may just not understand that Friendship is Magic is a very different show. Oh, I am well aware of that. And I have tried showing some of them a few episodes but most of the time that doesn't help. Just the fact it's "girly" at all is as much a hindrance for them as it is the guys I have tried to show it to. I would think they'd be happy to see something that isn't stereotypically girly but that's not always the case. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GottlosMann 221 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 I've gotten both death threats and advice on how I should off myself for liking the show. I almost envy you guys who haven't taken flak. Sex doesn't matter at all to me in these situations. All I take from people's attacks is, "I'm too closed-minded to accept that you like something I don't." Mobs like people who blend into the mob, and our Bronyism kinda keeps us from doing that. If they don't put hands on you, I'd say just don't let it get to you. Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BastementSparkle 20,328 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 (edited) Who needs a girlfriend anyways? Ponies won't judge you, leave you, or cheat on you. Plus, they're better looking anyway! But in all seriousness, just ignore them. They're not worth your time and you shouldn't have to force yourself to be someone you're not for them. There's plenty of girls out there who'd like you for being you, their opinion is more important. I'd probably react by starting to make innuendos involving ponies. I wouldn't be able to help myself, they brought it on themselves. I will not spare them the weirdest recesses of my mind. Edited April 10, 2014 by BasementPony Twilight is best pony. Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nine 707 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 People know I like MLP. It doesn't come up often, but if it should, I volunteer the fact readily. And I almost never get judged for it, to my face at least. If someone says anything negative, I just respond with something simple like "I enjoy it." Arguing makes people defensive. If you want to make an asshole *feel* like an asshole, just keep your reply short and neutral. And after that, don't talk to them again if you don't want to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freewave 1,145 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 Well my wife is not really into the show but she doesn't make fun of it either. So I'm luckily in a safe middle ground that she lets myself and the kids enjoy it while she makes breakfast or plays on her phone. I'm lucky enough she doesn't consider it weird or dumb. 1 I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it.. Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM. Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. Check out the Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Courageous Thunder Dash 7,824 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 Most girls who I'm around surprisingly don't mind. But this one girl was like "F*** My Litte Pony." I said "Seriously?" She must've been stuck in the "G3 stereotype". Some girls just think that they rule over people, which is totally wrong. No one can take away our right to watch the show. Youtube: Soundcloud: 2nd SoundCloud: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BayoUni2847 528 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 Ponies won't judge you, leave you, or cheat on you. This is the first thing that popped in my mind when I read this In all seriousness though, if people don't like the show that's fine but when they start making fun of people and putting them down for liking it regardless of gender, it's not right. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noire Panzer 3,526 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 "Ponies suck" is pretty strange pillow talk but if that is the case and because I am a sick bastard I might give it a go. I treat them the same way I treat men who do that simply put I don't even bother responding to them. If those women want to date sexist douche bags who have complete and total contempt for anyone and anything that dosen't fit the false macho culture of what a "man" is supposed to be than they deserve what they get. But if any ladies out there between the ages of 21-32 want a guy who has the balls to admit he likes ponies and not give a damn what anyone thinks about it than I might be the guy for you. This pretty much sums up my thoughts on this thing. Ladies and them wanting macho,abusive,"lift" all day guys.. *facehoof* I know they all aren't like that but its a good majority. Sig by @Boo "We stick together the pony way!" Rarijack is best ship! Rarijack Fan Club here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 This pretty much sums up my thoughts on this thing. Ladies and them wanting macho,abusive,"lift" all day guys.. *facehoof* I know they all aren't like that but its a good majority. The thing is that most of my interests are what society would deem as masculine with weight lifting being one of them so I do without question have my masculine side but I like what I like because I like it not because other people tell me to like it. 1 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moved to Elsewhere 11,331 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 Usually for me girls either don't care or think it's adorale. Then again the most flack I get from being a brony is from my friend who is a guy who says it's "Not mature." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unikitty 1,212 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 Ignorance and stupidity transcends race, age, and gender. You will always find people who cannot accept things for being out of the ordinary. There's no strict rule that states every single person of a certain category acts a certain way, without flaw. Women can be just as harsh and judgmental as men, and it is always more down to the individual and their surroundings, rather than whatever biological group they are in. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmonic Revelations 8,835 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 Who knew it's harder to get laid when you enjoy magical talking candy-colored horses? It sure is a surprise to me. look at it this way... girls claim that all the hot guys are either gay, or taken. This is somewhere between over-generalizing and sexist. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deadprofile 1,122 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 (edited) Adding to what @@Unikitty said, women seem worse than men in all that. They are more apt to be hostile and judgemental over everything they do not understand or want to know. That's why, being female myself, I have no female adult friends nor have much respect for women in general, unless they prove me otherwise as individuals. I have rarely seen women act without ignorance or act outside western sterotypes IRL. I have been teased for a plethora of things mainly by women; I am not suprised if a woman was to tease me about MLP, let alone teasing a guy over MLP.... Edited April 10, 2014 by Treble Bolt 2 "In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Everleaf 541 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 Female yet I agree still a young female though but COME ON I like the stuff and I'm a tomboy please stop da hate -_- The deepest of the Everfree! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unikitty 1,212 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 (edited) Adding to what @@Unikitty said, women seem worse than men in all that. They are more apt to be hostile and judgemental over everything they do not understand or want to know. That's why, being female myself, I have no female adult friends nor have much respect for women in general, unless they prove me otherwise as individuals. I have rarely seen women act without ignorance or act outside western sterotypes IRL. I have been teased for a plethora of things mainly by women; I am not suprised if a woman was to tease me about MLP, let alone teasing a guy over MLP.... I believe there is a sort of social stigma that supports this. Being at a time in history where women have significantly more control over the world, but the masculine social stereotypes have yet to fine tune into proper equality, it is often sill assumed that the male is in the wrong, even if a female is unjustly angered. Men are still expected to 'man up', but have lost the ability to stand up against other people, regardless of gender. Way back when, yes it was more male dominance(and yes there is still a lot of female abuse by men today), but that was what was expected. Now that we've evolved a little more as people, the abuse and judging has become more equal(it's just that women are still often(primarily politically)seen as the weaker sex, and are able to get away with more, regardless of it being the same level of abuse a woman may face from a man). I'd like to quickly state that I am very pro-equalism, and in no way am I writing the above in a manner to put down either sex. Forgive me if any of the wording sounds like such, I'm just trying to state that the tables are turning, and it hasn't settled down yet, so things are getting a little messed up on a social level. Edited April 10, 2014 by Unikitty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deadprofile 1,122 April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 (edited) @@Unikitty, I very much agree with you. I can't say I am an outright fighter for "women's rights" as far as the socialogical aspect is concerned, but I do what I can to present myself in a way that defies the stereotypes and social "norms" that have been preestablished for women in the western world. I want to be treated with equality and respect. I expect all women want to be treated as such, but for all the women and teens I have encountered, very few carry themselves in a way to promote positive cultural change. Those women I highly respect and encourage to continue their endeavors toward social change. However, most women do not carry themselves in a way that transcends cultural norms and stereotypes. That demenor allows for ignorance (because it's expected in certain areas). This lack of respect is further enforced by the fashion world (boobs are more improtant than brains) which are further reenforced by the stereotypes dominant in our society regarding women (just look at Hollywood). Being a tomboy isn't bad at all (I surely am one), but even the stereotypes regarding tomboys aren't very postive or encouraging for the betterment of gender equality. That's where most of my experiances with being teased come from (that and my self-example of Nerd-dom through my school years). Gender stereotypes play heavily into why the Brony fandom is targeted the way it is by media, and it also plays into why most women are the way are (they predominantly fit into the stereotypes of their generation), as well as why men are the way they are. With each subseqent generation, things overall ARE changing for the better in terms of stereotypes, but it's still a long road ahead. Edited April 10, 2014 by Treble Bolt 1 "In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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