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open Casual Baltimare RP Reboot


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"Oh... Oh! Oh marvelous! Yes! This is fantastic! And with at least two whole somewhat fairly credible sources! This is magnificent!" Wayward bounded over to the librarian, the stallion shooting a somewhat angry look at the volume of his voice, but Wayward payed no mind. He quickly checked out all three books and dashed out of the library. He didn't currently have anywhere to coop up to do his research, and he needed a cold drink from all his running. So naturally, he began making his way back to the coffee shop for a milkshake. On his way, he bumped into a pink maned mare he vaguely recognized and yelled a sorry over his shoulder as he continued towards the cafe. "Wayward Wander!" shouted Hush. "Are you doing-" But the stallion was already gone. Not even half an hour and he's already doing research on the area? Ugh! Why can't he just take a break!? Hush huffed angrily before continuing to wander the city. She had absolutely no idea what she wanted to do or get here!


Meanwhile, Wayward had found his way to the cafe, panting, and quickly spread his books and the few things he had scribbled down on parchment, some even as he had been running, on the table. After ordering a milkshake, his eyes began to dart around the papers, and he occasionally scribbled a few things down. "Yes... Yes!" he muttered quietly, before scribbling a small diagram on his paper. He seemed to be very consumed in the work.

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@@@Mint Drop


Ambrosia waved good bye as Verdant left. She took a long drink from her coffee, and then set it down. She turned her attention to Kisu, a smile on her face. "Oh, well, Kisu, huh? That's a nice name, very exotic." She tried to compliment.


"This one doesn't really seem to be nearly as cheerful as Verdant. She must feel uncomfortable, sitting here with somepony she doesn't really know in a town she's unfamiliar with."


"So, why are you in Baltimare, Kisu?" Ambrosia tried to make small talk.

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)Sorry for being inactive here ;-;)
Kisu was about to tell Ambrosia that she and Verdant were both new as well, but Verdant beat her to it, before leaving in what seemed to be her trademark way - leaving, and then coming back right after, though this time she actually left afterwards.

Kisu took a sip of her coffee before speaking. 
"Um... thanks," she said. "Your name's nice, too."
Looking down at her scone, she noticed it was untouched, and started to eat.

Hearing Ambrosia's question, she swallowed her bite and replied, "Um.... well, to put it simply, I want a fresh start...

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Scarlet Rose.


Scarlet stalled - freezing up for the briefest of moments as the question his slightly too close to home for her to remain comfortable. Eyes dilated slightly, she passed off the sudden reaction as a cough and gave a halfhearted shrug in response.


"It's okay." Lied the mare. "Don't know much about it... never really cared."


She circled a hoof on the table nervously, searching around in her mind for a change of topic. Naturally, the most logical solution to her way of thinking was to find something else to be dismissive of. Thankfully, that wasn't difficult - as his other point had been something that she legitimately did feel a little annoyed about. The smug superiority that unicorns always seemed to have: how they took every opportunity to remind the 'boring' earth ponies about how special and amazing their magic made them...


"Sunbutt's special little snowflake school? Shouldn't you be in some swanky place uptown?" She asked sarcastically. Despite this being the first genuinely spiteful comment, it was pronounced clearly and void of any kind of malice. She even forgot to scowl. "Are you even allowed to talk to us earth ponies? Don't want to go getting disowned or something."

Never quite forgotten.

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Glacier sighed with disappointment after she finished her salad. In all the time she'd been in the cafe, she knew as little about what she was looking for as when she started. 'Nothing. Nothing at all. Not even the slightest bit of information to go on.


She got up and slowly dulled out of the cafe. When she hit the streets, she muttered comments about wasted time and how angry she was with anything in particular. She was sulking for sometime before she felt something odd in her head. Glacier recognised it instantly and was none to pleased about it.


'Great! Just what I needed right now. Another one of these freaking headaches. Out of anytime, right now. Looks like I have to abandon everything and find the only known herbal cure for it. Joy of joys, it's back in the Everfree.


Glacier gritted her teeth and bared the pain of the headache and the negative effect that galloping had on it as she dashed out of the city and back into the forest. It would take her hours, maybe days to make the trip there and the same to come back.


If she ever did.


(Which she won't.)


Thus ends the tale of Glacier and Baltimare

Edited by Filthy Cropper
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Scribblegroove put down his drink, looking at the ceiling for a few seconds. "I should not have said that..." was his first thought. Why would he tell her anything about himself anyway, the only thing she wanted to do was piss him off, or at least it seemed like it. Every attempt he had made to make him 'likeable' had been ignored, and the moment he mentions magic he gets generalized into the worst kind of Canterlot citizen there is! He was about to just stand up and leave. Why would he waste his time on this mare any longer? But the whole reason he stayed was because he had a point to prove now.


He laughed. It was a fake laugh, but practiced enough to be real. He looked at Scarlet and grinned softly. "Not all of us are like that. I don't blame you though, because a lot of us are. A lot of unicrons think they're special just because they've got a horn. There are just a little few who fully utilize it's potential, and if they do their ego usually grows out of bounds. But there are at least a few 'decent' students at the school. I try not to seem braggy about it, so I am sorry if I were. I didn't want to offend you." He explained to her.


"Well, if you're not interested in music I've got nothing. It's all I do really. You can look through my saddlebags if you want, they're only filled with music sheets." He said with a slightly remorseful look on his face. He really did regret that he was only a musician. Even the school only accepted him for his music oriented magic skills. He couldn't even pull off a basic transmutation spell! It was something that he thought about a lot, but tried not to think about at the same time. What if he wouldn't make it as an artist. He wouldn't have any other skills at all. He would end up as... Most likely as some fancy ponies' assistant. It was a nightmarish thought.


To distract himself, he used his magic to grab one sheet of paper out of the bag and handed it to Scarlet. "This is my latest work. Of about three hours ago..." He said.




He looked at Scarlet again. She wouldn't answer any of his questions, and she wasn't really interested in what he had to say either... Why was he still here?

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Lorem stumbled out of the door to his hotel room and into the corridor outside. He'd had a good night sleep and enjoyed it so much, he found that he'd overslept. With a piece of toast still in his mouth, he crouched to make it easier to insert the key into the lock. When it went it, he twisted the key quickly and pulled it out, dropping it into his saddlebags as he went to leave the hotel.


'Argh! I overslept! I shouldn't be spending time sleeping in on a holiday! Even if the linen was snuggly soft...


Taking a more socially acceptable pace as he walked down the corridors, Lorem looked around at the hotel in the daylight. The rooms were all identical in size and Lorem was told they all had identical furnishing. The walls were painted white which made the oak doors stand out.


It wasn't a large hotel so Lorem quickly found himself in the lobby and then the outside of the hotel. There was a large sign outside advertising the hotel that made Lorem shake his head with pity.


'What a dull font that sign is written in. I'm sure they'd attract more customers if they used something other than a basic sans-serif. Anyway, I need to pick we're I'm going to go first. Surely there's something here.'


Lorem walked down the streets and looked around at his surroundings. Baltimare seemed to be similar in size to Manehatten but had the buildings had an older, less industrial style than the ones back home.


He wasn't walking for long before he came across a small library. With a smile, he went inside. Having spent a fair bit of his spare time as a child in the library back home, Lorem never passed up the chance to go in a new one when he was on holiday.


Usually, libraries were calm and serene places of knowledge gaining. A pony sat hogging three tables meant that this library was a bit more chaotic. Lorem could see all manner of parts spread out across the table as he edged round to see what books were on offer. Unfortunately, there were no books on calligraphy and writing; just a few small books on "What your writing says about you". Lorem knew these were always inaccurate.


After some "umming" and "ahhing", Lorem found himself a book on precious gems. He had no real interest in gems - he just wanted to spend some time in the library. He looked around for a seat. The only free one was next to a mare.




Lorem walked up to the mare. "Excuse me miss," he whispered. "May I sit next to you?"

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@@Filthy Cropper Skyheart jumped slightly. She had been deep into her novel, and had been taking notes to review later.


"Why yes!" she moved her note book and pencils out of the space that he would sit at "go right ahead" she bushed, her shyness setting in. The, remembering her manners, extended a hoof. "I'm SkyHeart" she smiled shyly.


When she turned to him, she was moentarily stunned. This stallion was giant, especially compared to her.  She wasnt a foal, but she was smaller then most ponies

Edited by SkyHeart


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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Lorem concentrated on Sky's mouth as she spoke to try and get an understanding of what she was saying. He took a small pause after she finished talking to try and make sure he was positive over what she had said. When he felt sure, Lorem pulled up a chair and sat on it an angle so he could always see Sky.


"Hello and thank you, Miss Heart," he replied with his quiet tone. "I'm Lorem. Lorem Ipsum. I'll try not to disturb you too much." Lorem softly placed a hoof on Sky's and shook it gently.


Lorem cracked open his book and kept it low enough so he could see Sky's face. The book had a couple of pages on every one of the main precious gems which gave short facts like value, hardness and rarity and a larger section on the history of the gem. According to the contents, the book started with more common gems such as diamond, rubies and emeralds and worked it's way into lesser known ones like Amazonite.

Edited by Filthy Cropper
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@@Mint Drop


"Oh?" Ambrosia's tail twitched. "Well, I can definitely understand that... probably shouldn't bring up her past, then... though, I am kinda curious about those scars, but she's probably sensitive about them..."


"Well, I guess you could say I'm just passing through. Though, this seems like a nice enough city." Ambrosia took another sip of her coffee, "in fact, I might  even stay for a while, seeing as I don't really have a home at the moment..." Ambrosia looked into her cup, and took one final swig of it to empty its contents.


She set her cup down, giving a hearty sigh to express her satisfaction with it. "So, would you mind if we hang together for a while?" Ambrosia looked upward above Kisu's head a small grin on her face, "I mean, unless you too have some pressing matters to attend to." She looked back down to Kisu's face, and her smile widened.

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Scarlet Rose.


She had to admit: most ponies would have found an excuse to leave by now. He was stubborn if nothing else.


"Sure, whatever you say."


Scarlet wasn't convinced: but it was a better response than the open hostility or haughty sneer that she was expecting at least, so there was that at least. Why did they always seem so surprised when she called the 'magnificent magical race' out on their ways?


The mare watched as the paper was thrust in front of her - raising a hoof to swat it away indignantly before pausing, glancing at the relic icky calm looking stallion and snatching it up instead. She could at least humour him, she supposed. Meaning to glance halfheartedly at the page, her eyes lingered for a moment too long on the notes, piquing her interest as she tried to fathom the tune in her head.




Rose blinked - how long had she been examining the paper for? More than just a moment - anyone would think that she was interested at this rate - not least if all if they had heard her humming faintly over the bustle of the cafe! Placing it back on the table with more care and attention that she probably should have and sliding it back towards him, she shrugged.


"Not bad." Relinquished the stubbornly indifferent earth mare before quickly correcting her mistake. "I mean, it looks fancy at least."

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Filthy Cropper


Skyheart smiled and said "Please, call me sky." Then she turned back to her novel.


Apple Sprite held her breath as she followed the mysterious stallion into the throne room. Her hooves were silent, surprising on the marble, but she was highly skilled in stealth sneaking.


"Where are you off to?" she whispered to herself.


She rounded the corner and-


Skyheat was slowly leaning forward, caught in the story, and accidently knocked her sweet tea all over the table.


"Oh! My notes!" she scrambled to pick up her papers and notebooks, which were already soaked in herbal mixtures.


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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The book that Lorem was reading didn't grab his attention very well so he felt a small bit relieved that something more interesting had turned up with which he could help. He leapt to his hooves. "Please Miss Sky," he said. "May I help?" Before waiting for a reply, he assisted in getting the rest of the notes of the table.


With both Sky and Lorem walking working together, the table was soon cleared of notes. Lorem took a few sheets of blotting paper and began to dab away the sweet tea. Although he rarely suffered problems with ink spills and broken quills, Lorem awkward carried blotting paper "just in case". Slowly but surely, patches of the tea started to be removed from the table.

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@@Filthy Cropper


SkyHeart was very embarrassed, but greatful for his help.


"Silly me" she mumbled. "I just started reading this book, and well, actually almost every book I read, I just get so into it, and i just lose track... of..." she drfited off her sentance.


"Thank you" she said, remembering to be polite. "I really appreciate it."


Her hooves were now sticky with tea, so she searched her saddle bag for a hanky.


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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Lorem tried to work out what Sky had first said but it wasn't clear enough for him to make a proper estimate of what she'd said. When her thanks followed after, he assumed that what she'd mumbled was not that important. "It's ok," Lorem said. "It wouldn't be very good of me to have left you by yourself."


He felt a bit disheartened when he saw Sky's sticky hooves. He knew that nothing he had to help her clean up. "You might want to run them under some water to get rid of the stickiness," Lorem remarked.

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Scribblegroove's first instinctive reaction was annoyance.


"Not bad!? This is the start of a masterpiece you tone-deaf dimwi-"


Then he realized something. She had been negative about nearly everything up until now, and uninterested in anything he had to say, but now she seemed to just hide her interest. Clearly she had looked at the paper long enough to indicate that she could decipher wat it meant, and he recalled her softly humming the tune... Or had that just been his imagination?


No. Her first reaction was more positive than she had been before, and even though she had tried to hide it, she did know something about music. Reading notes is not something just anypony can do!


Whilst thinking of this he put his sheet back in his bag. "It's supposed to look fancy. It's jazz!" He said joyfully. He grabbed his drink again and leaned back in his chair. He looked at her, waiting for a moment to think. How could he get her to like him? It was something he saw at a challenge at this moment. It was technically impossible, because she was not, or tried not to seem, interested in anything about him. He had to find some kind of connection between the two of them, and he thought he might have found one. No matter how much she tried to disguise it, she did like music. Perhaps that would finally make her a bit more sociable.


"I am not stupid. You read those notes and hummed them... You aren't unfamiliar with music. Why would you try to hide that. I have so much to share, and surely you have too..." He uttered eventually. He looked at her with pleading eyes. "Come on, if you don't like music what do you like?"

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Scarlet Rose.


"Why do you even care? Does it matter what I like?"


The words had left her mouth before she had even realised them at you was capable if speaking: never mind actually constructed a sentence. Scarlet couldn't help it - she was on the defensive already over how much determination he was questioning her with, and letting slip her facade had flustered her a little more than she would have cared to admit.


Her eyes looked everywhere other than at the stallion as she desperately sought something to focus on other than the task at hoof.


"Ugh..." The mare groaned to herself in frustration. "I said that your thing was good, what more do you want, a hug? I don't know anything about music - I just... I... I'm not hiding anything!"


She paused, opened her mouth as if to speak, and paused again.


"Okay! So I like music - big deal! You got a problem with that?" She snapped in a defensive tone. "And would you mind not shouting it out for everypony to hear? Kind of got a reputation to keep here..."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Scribblegroove frowned when scarlet snapped at him. "Oh please, you're the one shouting here... I'm sorry, I did not want to offend you, I-" He stopped himself and thought again for a moment. He was trying to understand her, why she was acting the way she was. A reputation to uphold? One of an unsociable, impassionate, introverted, snappy and lonely mare? Why?


He didn't understand why she didn't express herself. Why she was holding herself back like she was. Perhaps it was because his existence revolved around expressing himself. All he had wanted to do was have a normal conversation with her. But to converse is an exchange of expressive moments. Now he wanted to understand why some pony wouldn't express herself.


He realized he had been quiet for a while now, and he had to think of something to say.


"I don't care about music, or you liking it, I care about you!" He exclaimed a little frustrated, but quietly. Realizing how stupid that sounded he quickly added: "Who you are and what you want. Isn't that the point of a conversation? To get to know each other..."


This small monlogue, which was nearly speech-like made him feel a little impulsive. Why didn't he just leave? He was confused and closed his eyes for a moment.


"If you don't feel like talking to me anymore I understand..." He said, realizing he might've gone too far in questioning her. Perhaps some ponies just weren't as passionate to converse as he was...

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Verdant Amber


Verdant skipped down the street, humming some tune she had heard in another city. She bounced on past a blue Pegasus who seemed to be struggling to read a book while trotting down the street, and wanted to say something to the peculiar pony. Even Verdant understood that she had priorities, though. She happily hopped toward the city hall.


Inside, she approached a mare, who lazily glanced at Verdant's cutie mark. "Looking for a gardening job?" Verdant, although surprised that the mare knew, simply violently shook her head 'yes.' 


A moment passed before a brown stallion invited her into his office. "So, someone tells me you are looking for a job...we have one opening." 


Verdant was a bit startled at how fast the stallion got down to business, but she smiled. "Yes please!"


The stallion was slightly annoyed by how upbeat she was, but rolled his eyes anyway. "Fine. The spot has been open for quite awhile, so as long as you do your job, you can stay. You will be managing the gardens in the park."


Verdant jumped into the air, "YAY!"


The stallion rolled his eyes once again, and sighed. "Here is the key to your apartment. You will work for bits, and as long as you work directly for the city, you get a small apartment one block up the street. It's nothing special, but it will keep you dry." He slipped the key into her bag.


She jumped once more, "Thank you!" And practically flew out of the office, and building, grinning at her fortune.






@@SkyHeart,@@Filthy Cropper,  


The young mare, tired from her train ride to the city, struggled to trot with a book in hoof. Eventually, she gave up, after a hopping golden mare bounced past her. She often wished she was a unicorn, so holding books would be easier.


"I wonder if there is a library arou-"


She stopped thinking to herself as she spotted "Baltimare Library" on the front of a building.


Once inside, she observed a mare whose hooves seemed to be dripping with something. She ignored her, and the pony next to her, and simply looked for some new novels.

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@ @


SkyHeart was flushed with embarrassment. She glanced up to see another mare come in, but was too distracted.


"Well, I suppose I will head home and clean up... Oh!" she suddenly jumped up, remembering. "I have to find the house I am staying in! I completely forgot!" She turned to Lorem. "You see, my aunt is out of town, and she has a cottage near the edges of town, and she told me I could stay there for a few weeks, if I look after her goldfish." She smiled as she packed her things, the occasional paper sticking to her hooves.


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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@@SkyHeart and


Lorem's attention was drawn to the mare that had just walked into the library. He could see that she had noticed Sky's stivky hooves but did nothing to help out. Lorem just smiled and looked back at Sky. The situation was under control anyway and he was sure that the mare that had just entered had something else that she needed to be doing.


When Sky beagn talking to him, he smiled even more. The way that she turned to face him before talking instead of talking while looking at what she was trying to clean up wa very odd but incredibly useful. 'It's as if she knows that I have to be able to directly see somepony's mouth to understand them!' Cautiously, Lorem helped pick up some of the sheets so that they didn't all get wet.


"Your aunty sounds like a kind pony," Lorem said. "Would you mind if I go with you to your aunt's? It'd be a chance for me to learn the area and I haven't got anything to do right now."

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@@Filthy Cropper


Skyheart smiled, happy to make a new friend. "Of course! This is the first time I have ever been here, so we can explore together!" She finnsihed picking up her things, then hopped down from her chair. She was only a bit bigger then a filly. Her little wings flapped, and she kept herself in the air.


"I dont want to get my icky hooves all over the floor" she said. "It would be impolite." She flew to the door.


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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@@SkyHeart,@@Filthy Cropper,




Violet continued staring at the bookshelf, and evading anypony's eyes. She sighed with relief when it seemed like the others were leaving, perhaps too loud, but she didn't falter, and continued what she was doing.


She tried to make herself look more busy than she actually was by flipping through as many books as she could in as little time as possible.

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Seeing Sky slide of the chair made Lorem even more aware of how big he was in comparison to her. He must've been at least twice her . He stood as to the side when she began to flap her wings and easily kept up with her when she began to fly. Her reason was a kind one, possibly even so kind to the extent that what she was doing could be seen as awkward and unnecessary. Nevertheless, Lorem followed the Pegasus out the door with a smile.


'If we're going to be spending some time together, now seems as good a time to ask her.'


With a sigh, Lorem began to speak. "This may seem like a very odd request but please can you look right at me when you speak? It's impossible for me to understand you otherwise." 

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@@Filthy Cropper @


SkyHeart smiled at him, and looked directly at him. "Of course!" she said. SHe heard a sigh from over by the bookshelves. The mare from earlier was flipping through pages, but she didnt seem particularly interested. She looked... lonely.


"Will you excuse me for a moment Lorem?" she asked politly, then fluttered over to where the mare was.


"Hullo! My name is SkyHeart. May I suggest the Adventures of Butter Hooves? It's very humerous." She smiled at her kindly.


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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