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Got Back From Washington, D. C.!


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Hello! I just returned from Washington, D.C. I saw many things, including (but not limited to) Jefferson Memorial, Abrahalm Linoln Memorial, Capitol Building, the House of the Temple, a dissapointing Library of Congress, and more! I don't mean to brag or create jealousy. :catface:

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Oh, I went there too. I went just the day before that "winter vortex storm" hit it, so I got a lot of snow too. It was pretty awesome.


When I was visiting the White House, there was a button in front of it that said: "Welcome to the White House. Press the button." Did you press it?



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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The subject of this topic has little potential to spark discussion between many members and, as such, would be better suited to a status update or a blog. When creating a thread, please remember that the goal is to start a conversation with room for many people to chime in and give their own viewpoints on, and that sharing events of an anecdotal nature would be better done elsewhere.


Guys, I appreciate the help by suggesting a blog entry instead of a General Discussion thread.  But the best thing to do is to use the Report feature.  That's the surest way of getting a moderator's attention. 


So why did I come here anyway?  Because my friends and I had a blast visiting DC last fall!  :D  We saw all those things you mentioned except the capitol building.  Anyway, FlutterGuy, I'm glad you had a good time.  Feel free to continue talking about DC in a blog if you like because I would enjoy reading it.  :) 

Edited by Wingnut
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