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Your funeral - How do you want it?

The Deus Ex Machina

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Oh morbid stuff :)


When I was a kid, I used to draw my own grave. I had told my grandmother that I wanted everyone to wear pretty colors - a rainbow of colors. Not that I specifically wanted someone to dress in a rainbow, but for everyone to be a different color, their favorite color, any color of their choosing - except black. No black. I also wanted to be buried with my teddy bear.


Nowadays, assuming I die before my husband, I would like my body preserved somehow so that whenever he died, we could be buried together. I'd expect my own funeral/viewing, but I don't want to be buried alone. I hope it wouldn't be too much to ask to preserve me (I wouldn't mind if I were hidden or covered during his funeral depending on how effectively I was preserved, or just myself covered during his so that his funeral is focused on him) but I at the very least want to be buried in the same casket as my Love, holding hands if possible. At least side by side close enough to where we were touching. Asking them to pose us in a cuddle might be a bit much, but if they could, that'd be awesome :wub:


At my visitation, I would still like for everyone to wear pretty colors - that bit hasn't changed from my childhood opinion. I used to have specific songs picked out - I should probably do that again and update it regularly, like once a year. The main theme I want with my songs are 1)Love that lasts forever / a true love story never ends 2) I'll fly away (whether the specific song by that name or other things similar in theme, fly away to another place, happy where I'm going / am) 3) Any relevant songs as sung by Celtic Woman. They are my super number one favorite music group. I love their version of Beyond The Sea. 4) songs from our wedding and reception! Especially the one that was our first dance - At the Beginning. Definitely that one! 5) probably relevant hymns about death being a good thing, or at least not a bad thing.


I would like my funeral to be at the church where we had our wedding. It is also where we first met (hence why I wanted to get married there). Bit of a creepy thing, it was where my brother's funeral was. Where his casket was is nearly/practically where we were wed. I'd like us to both be in that spot - our funeral were our wedding happened, our bodies nearly/practically in the same place from one event to the next :o

Pinkie Pie is my favoritest of the mane six for several reasons, but most importantly because she always has a good attitude. The others can doubt her, say somewhat unkind things, not believe her, and she just rolls with it. I also love her because her self-defined purpose in life is to make others happy. I believe her balloons cutie mark actually represents her uplifting others. Her amazing dimension bending and psychic powers are a factor, too :) When poor Pinkie Pie looses her mind, well, it is quite humorous. She has her own depression demons to fight, yet focuses on others. The world will be a better place when she succeeds in breaking that 4th wall! >:D

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I'd like to be thrown into an active volcano by a trebuchet as the people there enjoy refreshments and dance to old music. I demand that we hire Mickey Mouse and Chuck Norris to be there. The trebuchet must have the words, " Hell yeah, bitches, go out with a bang!" painted on it.

I want to be dressed in a pedobear costume while the fellow bronies at my funeral can enjoy a nice episode of My LIttle Pony. I would like to have two rainbow torches in my hands as I fly into the volcano. Now finally, I want a smiley face to be painted on the volcano.

  • Brohoof 2
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I want them to play "Another one bites the dust" at my funeral


Come on, someone had to say it



>MoH Frontline soundtrack


I nostalgia'd all over my keyboard... Quite possibly the most beautiful OST in a videogame




Haha, what?

Edited by bluetrace
  • Brohoof 1



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I want a simple funeral, playing songs from MLP and sigur ros. I want my close friends and family to come, and each of them tell a story of their favorite memory of me. I want them to be wearing pretty colors, and burry me in our family plot near anthony lake in Agusta Kansas. Then, after my funeral, I want a huge pinkie pie-esque party at somebodies house, and I want them to celebrate my life at this party, telling more stories and trying to spend more time with each other. That would be great.

Everything will be ok in the end, if its not ok, then its not the end - anonymous


A good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever - Twilight Sparkle

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I want to be put on a ship, sent out to sea and then have it either on fire or explode. Whilst Dani California plays in the background. I don't want people to be sad at my funeral, just to remember the good times. Oh yeah and then everyone lights a firework in the air resembling release or some sentimental crap. :)



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I want my funeral to be a huge party! With lots of balloons and pasta and a petting zoo. I want people to celebrate me, not mourn me. So I asked my friend to, when I die, take the liberty of spiking the punch. ;)


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My number one way to die is to be an old, old, old man who's just about to go. I will be loaded into the most badass jet available, and I will fly it straight down into a tanker full of nitrogen, all of which will occur on a secure and large location which I have expressly purchased for the occasion. The crater left there shall be named in my honor, and a gift shop shall be built years later to commemorate the place and my rich, storied life.


My second choice is to just go naturally, but I don't want a headstone or to be a graveyard. I want to be buried beneath a tree by a cliffside, and become nutrients for that tree. With any luck my bones will breach the eroded cliff on some distant day and freak someone out, but otherwise it'll just be nice to be useful. I would, however, appreciate a marble statue constructed in my likeness, complete with a plaque honoring my grand achievements - perhaps featuring a resonant quote of mine.


Choice three is strapping me into a small rocket and launching me in a random direction in space, preferably one where my predictable trajectory doesn't trap me in any orbits. That way I can technically spread mankind further in one direction than he has ever been.


Edit: I nearly forgot to include the music that would be played at my service. Presenting one of mankind's greatest achievements: Pink Floyd's Echoes, in its entirety as found as their album Meddle. It is, in a word, transcendent. It reminds me of the feeling one gets when slowly and unwillingly waking from the most wonderful dream. The bittersweet rush of your utopia coming to an end, but understanding it was never really there at all. Stunning.


Please, for me... press play, close your eyes, and refuse to open them until the song is over. What you see in your mind's eye will move you.


Edited by Cosmic Charlie


"If we have the courage to decide ourselves for peace, we will have peace." - Albert Einstein

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I don't care actually. When I'm dead, I'm dead. But if I had to choose one I want this one:

It makes my cry every time I hear it, idk why but it does.

Also you guys should check out the series.


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I don't want one. If any of my friends or family would want to do something they can have a house party and celebrate how awesome I was. And all of the pictures they hang up have to be of me doing this:

Posted Image

  • Brohoof 2
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I will have the MLP Theme song playing at a reasonable volume and right after the buildup, my coffin will slowly open and...


Awesome Pony Rave Party!!

Everybody will dance and eat delicious cake and muffins. It will be glorious. Too bad I'll have to miss out on it.

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I just want a party XD

Everyone can listen to awesome pony dance music and celebrate my pure win.

No, I'm kidding. But I'd want it to be a party for sure.


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I would definitely want everyone to wear colorful clothes. I'd want them to celebrate my life, and not my death... Lol. I've made jokes about having techno music playing and fun stuff goin' on like pinatas, but I really do want it to be memorable and fun. Not depressing and sad...

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