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Gambit turned to face Sonic in response, showing the blue flame tattoos spiralling down his leg. "I like your spirit, but save that confidence for where it counts. So, a Wonderbolt cadet, huh? Pretty sweet. I was in the Canterlot Guard 'til they suggested I try out for the Thunderbolts." He said. He adjusted his bag so he could reach inside and pulled out a bar of chocolate, surprisingly unmelted. Without a second thought, he ripped open the packet and snapped off a piece, holding it out to Sonic. "Want some?"




Gambit glanced back to the three in the back. "Yo! You three over there! Want some chocolate?" He called out, standing out by his height.

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A cold air wapped around Snowy as she walked into the room. She had a only her bag and a necklace with a shard of black Ice hanging from it. She enjoyed the cold weather, few ponies understood her love of the cold. Normally most ponies couldn't feel the cold air around her, but standing to close and they would fell a slight chill in the air. 
"Hello" she said in a low tone as she look around the room, already ponies were here and talking to each other. Sighing she walked to to the wall and sat. She wasn't one for interacting with others, but she did enjoy the company of others and how they have fun with each other.

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@@Snowy Storm,


Ruby quickly flied into the room she then sighed in relief "well i'm glad i haven't missed anything important" she said to nopony in particular. She looked around then noticed Snowy Storm againt's a wall and approached her "hey there" she said.


((heres my really shitty intro post))

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Code looked up at the earth pony who had called over to them and offered some of his chocolate. "No thank you." He answered and returned to his game. Without looking away from the screen, Code dug into one of his bags and pulled out an mp3 and a set of over-the-ear headphones. "If you'll excuse me." He softly muttered to himself before putting on the headphones and turning his music on. Turning the sound all the way up, he played one of Dj Pon-3's songs, which blasted loudly into his ears.

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@Snowy Storm

Storming slowly walked up to the door. He felt pretty confident about himself. Up until now things had been going pretty well for him, and even though he had quite a... 'Unique' flying technique, he had still made it this far.


The red coated stallion Pegasus opened the door and walked into the room. It seemed that he was late, since several others were already late. He just hoped nopony noticed. He stepped aside and tried to stay a little unnoticed in the corner of the room. It was quite hard because he was significantly larger than most ponies, but he managed not to knock anything over just yet, so that was good. Because of his size he was terribly clumsy.


He was surprised to see that there was somepony else who had separated them from the others. A mare was sitting against the wall not very far from him. He supposed it couldn't do any harm to go talk to her.


"Hey there... Big day huh." He said a bit awkwardly, being terrible at starting conversations. "My name is Stormwing. What's yours?" He asked. He cringed a little internally. It felt so stupid to just walk up to somepony and introduce yourself... But it seemed they both needed someone to talk to, since they were being all alone and such.

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@,@, @@Pinkamena Dianne Pie, @@madpenguin44, @@Windbreaker, @@Snowy Storm, @@Moonbacon, @@Scribblegroove,

The three headmasters of the Bolts Academy were walking down the hallways on the way to the conference room. They were chatting with themselves, though they walked by students and some of them stopped what they were doing to salute the Headmasters, other students just quietened down themselves so that they wouldn't get in trouble. 
The headmasters pretty much ignored them, they had things to discuss and a new batch of recruits to welcome. 

They walked in through the doors of the conference room, and stopped talking with each other so that the new students would recognize that they were important. But it was hard to think otherwise since they were much older then everyone else in the room, and by how they were dressed. 
Flower Sun was dressed in just a navy blue jacket, with the wonderbolt insigma clear on the shoulder, and her red mane tied up so that wouldn't get in the way of things. She had a yellow coat, and her cutie mark was that of cloud lines that you would see from a very fast pegasus flying by. She was the resident Wonderbolt, the teacher for the Academy for Pegasi, since the the wonderbolt academy had decided to join forces. 
Fire Sharp was in her cargo jumpsuit, which clearly showed that she was in the military. She was a unicorn, and her mane poofed up from her head, and her tail came out the back of her jumpsuit, though her cutie mark was hidden by the fabric. She was the leader, and the overall headmaster of the schools. She had been entrusted by the princesses to look after the ponies in her care, and she was the first member of the Lightning Bolts since their re-establishment. 
And lastly was Crockett, who was an older pony wearing a suit jacket and bow tie. He had a grey coat, and silver white mane and tail, with his cutie mark being a scroll with a quill. He was one of the first ThunderBolts, though before he used to be a historian for canterlot, he was very versed in many subjects and was perfect as a teacher for the school.

The three headmasters headed to the front of the room, and when Fire Sharp got to the mic there she tapped it so the spike of sound would tell everyone to shut up.

"Hello everyone, I am Fire Sharp, a Headmaster for the Joined Academy of the Bolts. To my left, I have Flower Sun, the resident wonderbolt teacher and a headmaster of this school. To my right, I have Crockett, the teacher for the Thunderbolts and once again, a headmaster for this school. We would like to Welcome you to the Academy, we shall be your teachers, your guides, and ultimately your leaders while you learn here, and then are sent out into the world."
"We would like to say, some of what you learn here will be easy, some of what you learn will be hard, but we all hope that you will prevail in your studies, as you are the future. You will be taking classes with just those who are just with your bolt school, you will be taking classes with those who are from the other schools, and you will be with all kinds."
"Each one of us will be a teacher for you, though we are not the only teachers here. Dorms are easy to find, the lights in the hallways go out at 10pm, we would like it if stallions stayed in their dorm and mares stayed in their own, the canteen is easy to find also and all food is free. After you pick up your timetable with your name on it, you can head to your dorm room which the number you can find on your timetable, and then you can go find something to eat. Get to know the area, Sundays are days off and you have cross training days on tuesdays and thursdays."
"If you have any questions, we're here to answer them for you. You have the day off so you can learn where all your classes are and mingle with other students. Though tomorrow classes start at 6am like usually, so make sure you don't stay up late tonight."

And with that the headmaster's speech was done, and they were waiting down the front to see if anyone had any questions for them. 

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As Drill Horn was talking to some other ponies the 3 headmasters entered the room. He shut up and just stared at them. They started introducing themselves and explaining the rules. "Seems fair" Drill horn thought to himself.  At the end they just stood there. Maybe they were waiting for questions? Drill stepped forward and said "When do the classes end?"

Edited by madpenguin44
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As Code was playing his game, he would periodically look up to see if anything was happening. At one of these times, he saw that three very important looking figures had just walked into the conference room and was heading towards the front. Out of natural reaction, Code quickly, but quietly, turned off all of his stuff and stood up at the position of parade rest. He knew this was a military-based academy, and he didn't want to make himself look bad in front of the superiors. Hopefully, what training he did receive from the Royal Guard, would help him to get through this place without any major problem and put him a few steps ahead of the other recruits. He listened to what the headmasters had to say, taking this opportunity to look at his new teacher and leader. When they finished and asked if they had any questions, Code just stood there waiting to be released. But, knowing that at least one pony had to ask something, he watched Drill take a step forward and voice his question.

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Fire Sharp took the opportunity to answer the unicorn's questions, since he would be under her teaching while he was a student at her school.
"Classes aim to end at 5pm, though they can finish early or late when it depends on the class."

Fire then realised that no one was coming up to pick up their timetables, so she repeated what was already said before in Flower Sun's part of the speech.
"If you ponies were to collect your timetables then you are released from this room."

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Knowing that the speech was over and that the headmasters had released him to go, Code moved up to go pick up his timetable. When he got up to where they were laid out, he took a moment to find his name among all the others. Remaining silent the whole time he was doing this, Code found his name and took his timetable back to his bags. When he go to his bags, he put away the items he had taken out and sighed, knowing these things haven't gotten any lighter. Code quickly threw on his saddlebags and threw the dufflebag over his head and onto his back, then proceeded to head out the door to go and find his dorm to drop his stuff off.

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Cassidy listened intently to the speech, and when it drew to a conclusion, he went to find his timetable. When he saw one labelled "Cassidy", he took it, and checked to see which dorm he would be staying in. "It was nice to meet you two, I'm sure we'll cross paths again sometime," he told Drill and Code, and made his way to the dorm.

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Snowy picked herself off the floor and turned to face the two ponies that had spoken to her.
"Hello" she said "I am Snowy storm" she looked at them both with some interest. -At least he knows to say his name before asking the name of another pony- she thought to herself.
"Well we should go collect our timetables. Prehaps we can speak again at a later time? I would like to go and find my room" With that she bowed her head and walked off before stopping again "It was nice talking to you" she told the two ponies before resuming off to collect the paper with the information she would need for classes.

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Sonic shook his head at the offer of chocolate. "Thanks, but I'm on a diet." He waited until the speech was over and simply walked up and found the table with his name on it. He was pretty surprised to find no other ponies with the same name as him. He walked near the door and leaned against the wall to read what he had on it. He was in the back of his head hoping to meet a cute mare here. He refocused on his timetable, and found his dorm number.

Edited by Sonic Wind
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At his offers of chocolate being turned down, Gambit just shrugged. He didn't seem particularly upset, possibly even secretly a little glad that they turned him down. He then proceeded to shove not just the piece he'd broken off for Sonic but the whole bar into his mouth. Most ponies would choke on that much chocolate, but Gambit had a way of doing impossible things. Like somehow fitting an entire bar of chocolate into his mouth when he should be choking.


Once the teachers said their piece (And Gambit had finished the chocolate), he made his way over to pick up his timetable. Out of respect, habit, and the fact that he was a guardspony until a few days ago, he saluted the pony at the desk before walking away. 'Here's the start of a new adventure. But that stunt with the chocolate is gonna come back to bite me in the flanks. I just know it...' He thought to himself. Did he regret it? Of course not.

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Drill Horn waited until everyone got there timetable. Then after his was the only one left he went up to get his timetable. He read it carefully making sure to read every detail. Finally after about 20 minutes he put the timetable in his bag and headed toward his dorm. He wondered what the dorm would look like. "Guess I'll find out he thought to himself".

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Stormwing watched Snowy Storm walk away. He felt a bit bad just being left there, but there was nothing to complain about really. He slowly walked over to where the timetables were, trying to make sure he didn't knock anything or anypony over with his abnormally large wings and collected the one with his name on it. It was rather easy to find, because his real first name was Zephyr, and there was nopony else with a Z in his of her name.


He stepped away from the table and stared at the three prestigious and magnificent ponies that had just introduced every pony to the academy. He was a little larger than them, but he still felt small when standing close to them. He softly asked them a question.


"Is it ok if I fly around the grounds a bit? Just to explore a little... If that's okay." He asked, scratching his wings against the ground and his side a little nervously. He still had a lot of energy and felt like flying.

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Sonic trotted outside and flapped his wings and flew to the guys dorms. "We'd much appreciate if mares and stallions stayed in their own respective dorms." He said doing a mocking imitation of the headmaster who said it. He hadn't taken the time to remember the Earth Pony and Unicorn headmasters names, but he remembered Flower Suns name. This was the mare that he was really going to have to wow to make a good impression. He flew through the doors of the dorm building, he landed and trotted up a few flights of stairs. He found a hallway and found his dorm, he opened the door and walked it.


It was fairly nice, their were two beds, obviously in case someone had to be a roomie. Their was a bookshelf full of school textbooks, and some space for the students own books. He even noticed a small desk for work and amongst other things a window. The latter REALLY caught his attention, a window. "IT OPENS!!" He gasped as he opened it. "If I remember the room I can just fly in!" He begins to fly in and out. He tires himself out though and throws his duffel on his bed, and follows after it, relaxing on the bed and staring at the ceiling for a while. "Well Sonic, you made it. This is your chance to finally realize your dreams."

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Flower sun responded to the young stallion's question, since she was a pegasus herself.
"Flying about the place is fine sweetie, just as long as you don't fly in the halls or go through a class up in the air. Though do be careful, don't go too far off the grounds, we have a cloud classroom above us too if you want to really explore, you may have a class up there yourself."

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'Doesn't look like there's anything else. Guess I'll go get settled. After that... maybe I'll pay the canteen a visit, since the food is free.' Gambit thought, putting his timetable away and walking out the doors with some of the other students. It made him feel a little better to be in a crowd rather than on his own. He reached the dorm room without problems and walked in.


The room was comfortable enough. A bit large for Gambit's liking, but he'd get used to it soon enough. Gambit dropped his bag on the bed closest to the window and started unpacking. He hadn't packed much, mostly because he wouldn't need his armor or his halberd at the Academy. He had a few books, a bag of potato chips that he hadn't eaten yet, and a picture of him and his sister, Faith, at the last party the Canterlot Guard had thrown. It was Faith's 18th birthday and she had recently earned her Cutie Mark. Gambit gazed at the picture fondly before placing it on the desk with his timetable. Once everything was put away, Gambit stowed his bag under the bed and strode out the door in search of the canteen.

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After a short stroll through the courtyard, Code had made his way to the dormitories. As he walked up to the front door of the stallion dorm, he looked at his time table again to see which room he was to live in. "Room 294... Looks like I'll be on the second floor." Code said to himself, entering the building. Immediately, he went up to a little map on the wall to confirm where his room is. "Let's see... Second floor at the... end." He said. 'Why the end. Now I have to make a hike through the whole hallway to get anywhere.' Code thought to himself, feeling slight annoyance as he headed up the stairs.


"Welcome to your new home." Code jokingly said to himself as he went into his room and dropped his bags onto the bed he chose. He was relieved that he could finally get rid of that large load on his back, but there was still the chore of unpacking. Unzipping the bags, he started to pull out his electronics, which were wrapped in blankets. 'Hopefully, none of this is damaged.' Code thought to himself as he unwrapped everything. As he did this, he placed his two laptops on his desk, his gaming systems next to the laptops, and all his games in alphabetical order on the empty shelves. Once he emptied his bag, Code started to hook everything up.

Edited by Pinkamena Dianne Pie
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@ Blue Eclipse


Drill Horn was at his dorm. Checking once again for safety he opened the door. He peeked inside the room. "Pretty nice". he said to himself. " I wonder if I have a roommate". Drill asked himself. Then he saw Cassidy walking towards him. "Hey Cassidy what room are you in?" He shouted halfway across the hall.

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(OOC Tip: If you want to mention users, highlight some of their text and click '@Mention')


Cassidy jumped at the sound, and turned to see Drill Horn had called him. He trotted over. "I'll be in Dorm 289," he replied. "Where will you be staying?" he then asked Drill Horn. 

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Stormwing nodded and smiled at Flower Sun as she allowed him to fly around the academy grounds. He reckoned it would be best to drop off his bags first before going flying. Flying with bags was a lot harder and a lot less fun, especially for someone as clumsy as himself. He looked at his timetable.


room 294 it read. He looked up on the map that was conveniently hung on the wall to see where his room was. Second floor, all the way at the end. He shrugged and started moving, looking around the grand place a bit. The architects hadn't taken it easy on themselves when ordered to construct this marvel of a structure. It made him feel a little small. It all looked simple, but in perfect order and positioning. As he walked up the stairs he realized that he had left his jaw hanging the entire time that he was moving! He felt a little embarrassed and looked around to see if anypony had seen him. He was lucky. Nopony gave him a strange look or anything.


As he neared the door of his room he accelerated in a little trot. He couldn't help but feel a little excited to see his very own dorm. He came to a halt with a little skitter and knocked the door open, a little bit too hard, as it slammed into the wall next to it.


@Pinkamena Dianne Pie


He then saw a pony hooking up all sorts of devices, computers and other electronics. He gave him a little embarrassed look. "Sorry..." He said softly as he entered the room and very carefully closed the door behind him. He stepped into the middle of the room and looked around. It was not very impressive, but comfortable and efficient. He liked it that way.


"Sooo... We're roomies right? My name is Stormwing..." He said as he looked over to what the other stallion was doing. He looked at the desk and wondered what it all did. "What are you doing?" He asked to the computer savvy Pegasus. He was a little smaller in comparison to the large pony he was, but he still felt a little intimidated. This guy is probably really really smart...

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Sonic flys this way and that when suddenly, a knock on his door startles him. He opens it to see a postal mare and a large box. She pushes it into his room and he gives her a small tip for having to carry it up stairs. He looks at a note on it, it was from his dad.


'Sonic, this has been your dream and this is your chance. So to congratulate you I got you this gift. Just remember to use it to write back to all of us back home who root for you. -Your Dad'


He looked at it for a long moment, then turned to the box. He opened it and pulls out a computer set. He never had any electronics, but he was pretty sure that this was a big deal. He had no idea how to use it, but nonetheless he set it up at the desk so he could figure it out later. He flew out his window and landed on the grounds to walk around and explore.

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