NavelColt 22,882 May 11, 2014 Share May 11, 2014 As we all know, there are a few variants of magic that we've seen over the course of MLP so far. To name the biggest ones... Types of Magic: 'Normal' Magic. Used by most unicorns and alicorns. Usually if not exclusively requires a horn to perform. 'Alicorn Magic'. Alicorns have a higher affinity for magic than unicorns, making their magic innately more powerful. Through powerful relics and other means, some unicorns can reach levels of alicorn magic *see 'Alicorn Amulet'*, but for the most part, it appears to be a pure and immensely powerful form of magic that only their ancient and rare race can tap into. 'Dark' Magic. Used by dark characters *Sombra, the Changelings seem to have their own variant, etc*, usually, but not always, requires a horn to perform. Is considered more dangerous and often more powerful than normal magic. *See Inspiration Manifestation* 'Natural Magic'. Natural Magic that individuals or species are born with. Used by Pegasi to walk on clouds, Earth Ponies to have a keen attachment with nature for growing things, etc. No horn or medium required. Horn-less/'Mystery' *Voodoo?* Magic. Used by Zecora. No horn required for useage. Appears to be akin to 'Normal' Magic, but primarily uses potions and other mediums rather than a horn. 'Chaos' Magic. A powerful, elusive and rare form of Natural Magic that allows individuals born with it to evade the laws of reality around them. Originates from Discord, who, in addition to evading reality, is also capable of re-writing it entirely. 'Friendship Magic'. The deus ex machina of the show, 'friendship', along with other potent positive emotions such as 'love', seem to not only be their own form of magic in some mysterious ways, but also act as magic enhancers; bestowing those who embrace them with unmatched power in order to overcome powers born from negative emotions, ill-intent, etc. This immense power is easiest used through combining individuals who represent positive virtues, and magic relics that represent those same virtues *namely the EoH*. Chaos Magic: Throughout Discord's appearances, he's increasingly used his powers in various ways, namely warping reality, literally 'removing sense' from the world around him, and causing visual pranks that twist all laws of nature around in a 180 loop. In the finale, Discord's magic too was stolen by Tirek, who presumably could do so after having already become so strong. However, one would think that, Discord's magic is all that Tirek would need to become all-powerful, since Discord and his magic have proven to be the most powerful single source of magic around *and still continue to be, seeing as Tirek is another example of 'suck others' powers to become powerful', not unlike Chrysalis*. But, he didn't. Sucking out Discord's magic hardly did much of anything. Now, that was probably one of my few low points of the episode, because it didn't make much sense to me. So naturally, I've come up with a headcanon to appease my desire for the fictional world of colored equines to continue making flawless sense. Take or leave it as you will. Chaos Magic is a rare type of Natural Magic. Not only is it rare and a complete mystery to pony kind's knowledge, but when concentrated and controlled well enough, Chaos Magic can prove to be a complete and utter faux pas in the world of magic, because it breaks laws of nature that even high levels of Normal and Dark Magic cannot do with nearly the same level of ease. The prime user and only known master of Chaos Magic, who is also likely the original source of Chaos Magic, is Discord. As an entity representing chaos itself, Discord's power over Chaos Magic is unparalleled, to the point where he can do feats of the imagination just by snapping a finger. However, Discord's Chaos Magic, being Natural Magic, is just as much a part of him, as it is a tool that he uses *like how unicorns simply learn magic and use it as their tool*, meaning it cannot be transferred, stolen or given to anyone else, as he is the only one who can use it. In other words, one cannot 'learn' Chaos Magic, it's something you're born with, something that you individually have a high affinity for using. Chaos Magic is like a rare extension of Natural Magic that allows you to evade and loosely avoid the laws of reality, rather than allow you to walk on clouds, have a connection with the earth, or what have you. "What the hell is your point in all this, CD?" Simply put: * The reason Tirek didn't seem to gain much power by absorbing Discord's Chaos Magic, is because while it's immensely powerful in Discord's possession, it isn't for anyone else, because it's connected to Discord specifically, being Natural Magic at its core. Thus, when Tirek absorbed it, it was practically the same thing as absorbing the Natural Magic of some run of the mill, above-average Earth Pony. * Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwhich are both Earth Ponies. Thus, they have Natural Magic. They're both rare and unique in the sense that their Natural Magic also contains Chaos Magic capabilities, allowing them to avoid and practically outright ignore reality, which is the source of their abilities to break the fourth wall and do all the bizarre, strange things that they do. * Discord is able to sense when there are abrupt changes in magic nearby, almost like a 'Discord Sense', one more example of his Chaos Magic. Meaning that having a sixth sense for things is a trait of Chaos Magic. Thus, Pinkie Pie's Pinkie Sense and Cheese Sandwich's Cheesey Sense are also both types of Chaos Magic, allowing them each to have a sixth sense for certain things. Discord senses magic disruptions, Pinkie senses immediate incoming events, and Cheese senses social gatherings. If more Earth Ponies are shown to have senses in the future, this headcanon will grow stronger. Discord's Sense: Pinkie's Sense: Cheese's Sense: 27 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XxConfusedUnicornxX 834 May 11, 2014 Share May 11, 2014 Whoa! This... This is awesome information! Chaos magic is cool Goooooo CHAOS! Please click on the egg to help hatch it otherwise it will die! Honey Dew: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kay Dreamer 884 May 11, 2014 Share May 11, 2014 Woooooooooow. I really, really like this! Awesome head canon. You may want to make a note that 'Alicorn Magic' is Supposed to be a magic type unto itself - it's been stated a few times in the show that it's separate. Sombra himself was supposed to be using Alicorn Magic. (That doesn't necessarily mean he's an Alicorn; probably just a really powerful unicorn who experimented with their magic and got corrupted in the process.) Alicorn magic can be light or dark. Obviously the Princesses use the light type. Sombra was definitely using a dark type. (Regular dark magic is probably more like what Rarity was doing in Inspiration Manifestation.) With that distinction in mind, I can't see any reason why this would conflict with existing show canon regarding magic at all. Twilight Sparkle would love that you just explained the Pinkie Sense. 1 The Crystal Minstrel Pony Tumblr Kay Dreamer's Roleplay OC and Cast Character Archive Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pastel 7,630 May 11, 2014 Share May 11, 2014 (edited) I still haven't read everything, but in my opinion the magic Unicorns use and the Natural Magic is the same. But OMG, Pinkie Pie's sense has a link with Discord's sense? That's very interesting! Edited May 11, 2014 by Blobulle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kel_Grym 1,917 May 11, 2014 Share May 11, 2014 (edited) Go Chaos Magick! Oh wait...are we talking about Chaos Magic or Chaos Magick? Edited May 11, 2014 by KelGrym 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 May 11, 2014 Author Share May 11, 2014 Woooooooooow. I really, really like this! Awesome head canon. You may want to make a note that 'Alicorn Magic' is Supposed to be a magic type unto itself - it's been stated a few times in the show that it's separate. Sombra himself was supposed to be using Alicorn Magic. (That doesn't necessarily mean he's an Alicorn; probably just a really powerful unicorn who experimented with their magic and got corrupted in the process.) Alicorn magic can be light or dark. Obviously the Princesses use the light type. Sombra was definitely using a dark type. (Regular dark magic is probably more like what Rarity was doing in Inspiration Manifestation.) With that distinction in mind, I can't see any reason why this would conflict with existing show canon regarding magic at all. Twilight Sparkle would love that you just explained the Pinkie Sense. x) It's precisely because the writers confused the fuck out of me by labeling Sombra's magic 'Dark Magic' in The Crystal Empire, then referring to it as 'Alicorn magic' in Princess Twilight Sparkle, that I choose to ignore it's inclusion as a 'type' of magic, and chock up the term 'Alicorn Magic' as a referral to any kind of magic used by an alicorn, or 'alicorn-level' magic. Alicorns have a higher affinity for magic than unicorns and other creatures, so 'Alicorn Magic' can refer to an Alicorn using Dark, Normal or Natural Magic. Added the term to the OP. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,055 May 11, 2014 Share May 11, 2014 Makes sense to me. As a side note to further reinforce your own thoughts on this, CD, I'd just like to point out that absorbing all the other types of magic did not change Tirek's magic either, it simply made his own magic (some sort of Dark Magic variant, I presume, possibly Natural Dark Magic, though that's hard to declare with certainty given that his brother Scorpan chose to do good, albeit we were interestingly never told that he actually used whatever power he had for good, he just warned the ponies before leaving after failing to turn his brother from evil) stronger, again, similar to how love just amplifies Changeling magic (though in my headcanon there is a way for Changelings to amplify their magic in a normal way that isn't so twisted as most do, namely, I figure if a Changeling actually understood and received true love as most beings do through honest, sincere means, not just by forcefully stealing it from others, that their magic would not only not be Dark, but possibly even more powerful, though that's hard to say given that we have yet to see a good Changeling on the show). Anyways, point is, it didn't appear that absorbing any types of magic changed the nature of Tirek's own, it only made his stronger, so that seems to further suggest that your theory about his absorbing Discord's magic is correct. 2 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Truffles 2,033 May 11, 2014 Share May 11, 2014 Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwhich are both Earth Ponies. Thus, they have Natural Magic. They're both rare and unique in the sense that their Natural Magic also contains Chaos Magic capabilities, allowing them to avoid and practically outright ignore reality, which is the source of their abilities to break the fourth wall and do all the bizarre, strange things that they do. Very excellent headcannon! So here's a conundrum - The "Inspiration Manifestation" spellbook allowed the user to bend reality at will, exactly like Chaos Magic; but Twilight specifically called it "Dark Magic". My solution to that is the power given to the user was actually Chaos Magic, because somepony's soul like that of Pinkie or Cheese was trapped and corrupted in the book. But the spell that the unicorn or alicorn used to bind the soul to the book to power the spell was Dark Magic. Thus Twilight simply referred to the whole thing as "Dark Magic." This also means soul-powered spellbooks are the way evil unicorns and alicorns use the other types of magic! How's that? 3 Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Java Jive 440 May 11, 2014 Share May 11, 2014 The last episodes did tell something about the nature of magic or some aspects of it. While Tirek did absorb Discord's powers, they were just added to the pile as it were and he never gained any of his abilities such as altering/distorting living beings, objects, reality or gravity. Magic seems like a purely personal thing, requires a lot of studying or needs extensive experience in order to grasp it's real potential. But to be fair, if Tirek got a hold of Discord's abilities instantly, the fight would have been really unbalanced. Unless the alicorn magic Twilight showed in her fight with him was just the tip of the iceberg. But don't forget how easily Discord rid unicorns of their magic with a snap of his fingers. Looks like it was intended that way. 1 Let's go downtown. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 May 11, 2014 Share May 11, 2014 This headcanon makes a lot of sense to me. I've always been interested in magic since I first saw the show in Season 1, maybe we should analyze Inspiration Manifestation next. 1 Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asternose 30 May 11, 2014 Share May 11, 2014 This is an awesome headcanon! I never really thought about how Discord sensing magical disturbances is similar to the Pinkie/Cheese sense 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egghead 46 May 11, 2014 Share May 11, 2014 This is actually the one headcanon involving Pinkie's (and now Cheese's) senses. This is really, really awesome! 1 “The road goes ever on and on,Down from the door where it began,Now far ahead the road has gone,And I must follow if I can.” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frith is Magick 1,471 May 11, 2014 Share May 11, 2014 Okay, we have a damn good theory going on magic here. It goes much deeper than mine in fewer words. Just a couple ideas to throw in: -Alicorn and Dark Magic are different sides of the same power, distinguished largely by usage, and this power is far above Unicorn (Normal) Magic, but not a truly separate force. -Chaos Magic operates through subtlety rather than force, and is weak in terms of force. Unicorn and Alicorn/Dark Magics force a change on the outside world, but Chaos Magic (possibly an extension of Natural) tweaks rules which leads to the change. Tirek, much like you said, could not use the power because he did not understand how to use it effectively, but Discord can enact significant change, and Pinkie also has a small understanding allowing her to do what she does. I am going to have to review a few different theories on magic, but this one is quite good, and has given me much to think about. 3 Keep flyin' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 May 12, 2014 Author Share May 12, 2014 Very excellent headcannon! So here's a conundrum - The "Inspiration Manifestation" spellbook allowed the user to bend reality at will, exactly like Chaos Magic; but Twilight specifically called it "Dark Magic". My solution to that is the power given to the user was actually Chaos Magic, because somepony's soul like that of Pinkie or Cheese was trapped and corrupted in the book. But the spell that the unicorn or alicorn used to bind the soul to the book to power the spell was Dark Magic. Thus Twilight simply referred to the whole thing as "Dark Magic." This also means soul-powered spellbooks are the way evil unicorns and alicorns use the other types of magic! How's that? Either that, or, the book is an example of high-level Dark Magic that temporarily allows the user to achieve some major aspects of Chaos Magic, without actually possessing it :3 A different means to a similar end. After all, magic isn't black and white. Powerful dark magic, when utilized correctly, could and seemingly is able to replicate a lot of things that ultimate control over Chaos Magic would grant you. But while it may be able to replicate some aspects of Chaos Magic, it has noticeable drawbacks because it isn't actual Chaos Magic. Not being Chaos Magic means it isn't Natural Magic, meaning it's temporary and there's a clear way to stop it *in the book's case, speaking words of truth*. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Truffles 2,033 May 12, 2014 Share May 12, 2014 Not being Chaos Magic means it isn't Natural Magic, meaning it's temporary and there's a clear way to stop it *in the book's case, speaking words of truth*. Well that is a very good point - I did forget that the princesses were able to undo it themselves with some difficulty! If it were sourced from Chaos it might not be undoable, since nopony seems to be able to undo Discord's magic (at least not without asking him nicely ). I suppose a real test could be for Twilight to ask Pinky to bend reality and see if Twilight could undo it by herself! 1 Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrifCannon 102 May 12, 2014 Share May 12, 2014 (edited) Well that is a very good point - I did forget that the princesses were able to undo it themselves with some difficulty! If it were sourced from Chaos it might not be undoable, since nopony seems to be able to undo Discord's magic (at least not without asking him nicely ). I suppose a real test could be for Twilight to ask Pinky to bend reality and see if Twilight could undo it by herself! I think Alicorn magic might at least be comperable to chaos magic, seeing as Celestia was able to place a protection spell on the Elements in Keep Calm and Flutter On. Its possible that chaos magic is easier to prevent and contain that combat and undo, which is why, once discord was free, Celestia was unable to undo the damage he caused, but once Discord was turned to stone, all of his influence vanished. Chaotic Discord: You seemingly left out one other major form of magic from your anaylisis, Friendship/Harmony Magic, which seems to trump all. Edited May 12, 2014 by GrifCannon 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 May 12, 2014 Author Share May 12, 2014 Chaotic Discord: You seemingly left out one other major form of magic from your anaylisis, Friendship/Harmony Magic, which seems to trump all. x) Like Alicorn Magic, Friendship doesn't seem to be a 'type' of magic, more of an enhancer. When magic is fueled by friendship or another incredibly powerful emotion like love (see Chrysalis's defeat), then that magic becomes invincible. Once more, OP edited to clarify. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kel_Grym 1,917 May 12, 2014 Share May 12, 2014 I knew Pinkie worked for Tzeentch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ Dr. Ocsid ~ 690 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 (edited) This headcanon is really great! I also thought that Pinkie Pie must have some Chaos Magic. There is just one remarkebal sort of Natural Magic you forgot: Draogn´s Magic. I think this is mostly based on their fire, and there are at least two things known for what it can be used: Either as a "normal" fire, in chosable heath and volume, or as some sort of teleportation device. It seems like the thing that is teleported is destroyed and recreated at its destination, which would explain why it isn´t used on living things. Edited June 10, 2014 by YetAnotherDiscord Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Crimson Cross 7,532 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 Discord's Sense: This would make the best Gif ever!!! Let me show you the dance of the draconequus! All kidding aside, this is a certainly interesting theory. Your Headcanon is always the best in my opinion! It seems I've overlooked this Discord sense each and every time I've gone and watched the episode! I guess I never really quite thought of it as chaos magick, but its a good point now that we've seen 3 different MLP characters harness this kind of ability. Though I wonder why Discord would need to sense magical disruptions anyhow? Now with more added tea leaves! My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ Dr. Ocsid ~ 690 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 Why should it matter wether he needs it? I think its just a little ability that he was "born" (Where did Discord come from? Another interesting riddle) with, and which sometimes comes usefull. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simon 4,557 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 I disagree with you on the Magic of Friendship... I mean right in the Finale, when they all lose their magic, and then the box gives them back the Magic of Friendship, we see Tirek say it's impossible because they have no magic, and Twilight responds saying, "You're wrong Tirek, I may have given you my Alicorn Magic, but I carry within me the most powerful magic of all." Plus we saw in Equestria Girls that they were able to use the Magic of Friendship even without having any of the normal magic in the alternate universe. So, it seems to me that the Magic of Friendship is its own distinct type of magic. I'd also say that Alicorn magic is supposed to be distinct from other types of magic and not simply an enhancer... we saw in the Finale that Tirek could originally only take Unicorn's magic and then as he got more powerful he could steal things like pegasus flight and Earth pony strength. When they said that they said there's no doubt he is trying to steal Alicorn magic as if he wasn't yet powerful enough to be able to steal it... so it seems like it must be different from unicorn magic. Plus there are all the constant references to it as if it is distinct, such as Princess Celestia saying that they are giving Twilight all the Alicorn magic in Equestria and that by giving it to her they will keep Tirek from getting Alicorn magic... it just seems like the show is trying to indicate it's a different type of magic and not just an Alicorn using magic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ Dr. Ocsid ~ 690 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 (edited) Thats a good point you have there. But I think the Alicorn Magic is created by the mix of Pegasus, Unicorn, and Earth Pony Magic, since Alicorns are said to have the power of all three pony races. Of course, it would need just the right mix of those three sorts of magic, each one influencing the other inside the body of the will-be alicorn, until it is just the ríght mix to create alicorn magic, the same way that just a heap of chemicals doesn´t create a living creature, it needs the right conditions. Edited June 10, 2014 by YetAnotherDiscord 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Crimson Cross 7,532 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 Thats a good point you have there. But I think the Alicorn Magic is created by the mix of Pegasus, Unicorn, and Earth Pony Magic, since Alicorns are said to have the power of all three pony races. Of course, it would need just the right mix of those three sorts of magic, each one influencing the other inside the body of the will-be alicorn, until it is just the ríght mix to create alicorn magic, the same way that just a heap of chemicals doesn´t create a living creature, it needs the right conditions. I was about to say something like this but you beat me to it, took the words straight out of my mouth and explained it better than I ever could. Sums up Alicorn Magic in a nutshell I reckon! 1 Now with more added tea leaves! My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ Dr. Ocsid ~ 690 June 24, 2014 Share June 24, 2014 (edited) Its funny how I found this headcanon: I had a nearly similar headcanon about Chaos Magic, and wanted to put my idea on the forum. But, of course, I first searched if there is a thread on Chaos Magic already. And, here it is! Since this headcanon was nearly exactly like mine, I didn´t put up an thread on my own. Congratulation for reading my mind! (Or did I read yours? Or was it Discords doing? Yep, lets go with that.) Also, I think the magic practiced by Zecora is much like the Witch Magic from Discworld. Edited June 24, 2014 by YetAnotherDiscord 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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