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So has nopony brought up Flash Sentry's recent appearance?

Ace O. Jade

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I'm actually surprised that I have seen no mention of Flash Sentry's recent appearance in the Season 4 finale. I remember how huge of a deal it was when he appeared outside of EQG in Three's a Crowd, and there he only was shown briefly. He got a noticeable speaking role in the finale, and nopony has made a peep about it as far as I've seen.


I, for one, am pleased with this appearance. Since EQG I've supported Twilight x Flash Sentry as her number one best pairing, and I'm glad to see Hasbro is becoming more bold with his role.

  • Brohoof 3
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I've never honestly cared about Flash Sentry's existence. Twilight has always been the type who's too wrapped up in her friends and her work for romance to really be a part of her life and I see no reason why that should change. Shoving a romantic interest into her life just wouldn't work very well.

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Because it didn't really matter. He said one line, then presumably died when Tirek attacked the castle later on.

Edited by Miaq_The_Truthful
  • Brohoof 4
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Flash Sentry? What Flash Sentry? I've never heard that name before. Is it a fan given name?


*In my thoughts: If I don't acknowledge him, it will go away.  If I don't acknowledge him, it will go away.*

  • Brohoof 3
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Hasn't it already been said that EG isn't really canon anyways? If there was really anything there between Twilight and Flash - then there would have been some real acknowledgement between the two, outside of the film and inside the main show. 


As of right now - he's really just a minor character.  Okay, I'll admit, I was kind of expecting Flash's appearance to have been mentioned already.

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I think people are starting to ignore his actually existence now. 




Huh looks like I was right.

Edited by AnonBrony
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My guess is that everyone didn't want an awesome finale like that get derailed by a cardboard cutout. I hated Three's A Crowd and having Flash Sentry in it serves no purpose but to stir shit up.

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I've never honestly cared about Flash Sentry's existence. Twilight has always been the type who's too wrapped up in her friends and her work for romance to really be a part of her life and I see no reason why that should change. Shoving a romantic interest into her life just wouldn't work very well.


I'm not at all disagreeing with this, but I do believe that if they ever decide to fit a romantic interest into her life, Flash Sentry is the pony to do it with.


Because it didn't really matter. He said one line, then presumably died when Tirek attacked the castle later on.


I'm pretty sure nopony died in Tirek's rampage... and I'm also sure that your theory is more hopefulness than substance. ;)


Hasn't it already been said that EG isn't really canon anyways? If there was really anything there between Twilight and Flash - then there would have been some real acknowledgement between the two, outside of the film and inside the main show. 


As of right now - he's really just a minor character.  Okay, I'll admit, I was kind of expecting Flash's appearance to have been mentioned already.


I'm actually all but positive they confirmed EQG to be canon. And if I remember correctly, Flash Sentry acknowledged Twilight with quote unquote "body language" in Three's a Crowd.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm not at all disagreeing with this, but I do believe that if they ever decide to fit a romantic interest into her life, Flash Sentry is the pony to do it with.




I'm pretty sure nopony died in Tirek's rampage... and I'm also sure that your theory is more hopefulness than substance. ;)




I'm actually all but positive they confirmed EQG to be canon. And if I remember correctly, Flash Sentry acknowledged Twilight with quote unquote "body language" in Three's a Crowd.

>taking an obviously sarcastic post as legitimate


And McCarthy herself confirmed via twitter, and writers panels that EqG's canon will not interact or effect FiM. So his presence is nothing more than a space filler.

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Last thing I want to see is people going apeshit over another 10 second cameo(another) and a line

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Excuse me? Who's more important in the season finale? An epic boss who sucked magic out of everypony, or that pony no one likes?


He's just there and absolutely no one asked for him to appear in the episode.

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Because it didn't really matter. He said one line, then presumably died when Tirek attacked the castle later on.

Oh please, this. This would be fabulous!

  • Brohoof 1

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I'm not at all disagreeing with this, but I do believe that if they ever decide to fit a romantic interest into her life, Flash Sentry is the pony to do it with.



I'm pretty sure nopony died in Tirek's rampage... and I'm also sure that your theory is more hopefulness than substance. ;)



I'm actually all but positive they confirmed EQG to be canon. And if I remember correctly, Flash Sentry acknowledged Twilight with quote unquote "body language" in Three's a Crowd.




Okay I'm checking EQD for this and apparently McCarthy said this about EQG "EQG did happen, but it doesn't impact MLP:FIM storylines"  - what a really dodgy answer.  I'm not surprised though, it's basically trying to say something that will appease both parties because it can be interpreted in a slightly vague way - those who don't acknowledge Flash and those who do.


So if it happened yet has no real impact on MLP:Fim than what the heck was the point of EQG, besides my obvious answer again and again.



Oh this bit:


That subtle "smile"?  What's the possibility that it wasn't simply an acknowledgement to Cadance's order of "understood, I don't need a royal guard to escort me around ponyville".  



Either way, the ship can sail. Nothing stops from ships from sailing, unless a whole section of the fandom decides to abandon it. then it will be dead.

Edited by pony.colin
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Because it didn't really matter. He said one line, then presumably died when Tirek attacked the castle later on.


x) Yeah, but everyone always bitches about the small details in this fandom. So the fact that I too saw little reaction to Flash, is nothing short of 'Let's stop the presses, get wasted and throw a New Years' Party in May'.


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x) Yeah, but everyone always bitches about the small details in this fandom. So the fact that I too saw little reaction to Flash, is nothing short of 'Let's stop the presses, get wasted and throw a New Years' Party in May'.

I think at this point people have just given up. McCarthy has released tweet, after writers panel, after interview saying that EqG will not directly effect or influence FiM. That, and it's like Twilicorn, it has been around for long enough, and it isn't going away so people just got used to his 2.5 second cameos.

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I think at this point people have just given up. McCarthy has released tweet, after writers panel, after interview saying that EqG will not directly effect or influence FiM. That, and it's like Twilicorn, it has been around for long enough, and it isn't going away so people just got used to his 2.5 second cameos.


Suppose so :) It helps that, his cameos are overshadowed by fifteen thousand other things in the episode they pop in. Three's a Crowd has Discord and he stole the entire show as always, and the entire climax of Twilight's Kingdom stole the attention this time around.

  • Brohoof 1


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