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Driving through Bremen with the Tram #1

This is a complete route drive with our longest tram route in the city. It goes for 45 minutes and pretty much stops at almost all important stations in my city. Go to 13:35 if you wanna see where i normally enter the tram and also go out when i am going home. Have fun watching.  

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

A little thank you letter to my friends here, for my (belated) 4 year anniversary

It's truly amazing. I've been on this forum for over 4 years now and i have seen quite alot here, from the good to the bad times. I remember when i came here at the beginning of 2015 and i was kind of in a bad place in my life, being depressed and having not alot of energy for anything in my life. I know for some it might be a surprise, but i never wanted to bother anyone at that time with my constant struggles. But alot of you still helped me in another way and some of you still remind me

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Jeric, the Pony King of the E-Net (Jeric Tribute song)

(This is a repost of a post i made back in October. It's a song parody based on the song "The Phoney King of England" from the Disney Movie Robin Hood, with lyrics changed to make it into a tribute song for @Jeric. I put a video down below here. Have fun) Oh, the internet has a human yet Skulking behind his Screen A someone who likes Rarity and Is never ever mean With other bronies on his side MLPForums grew With Darky, Pathy, Randi, Arty And many more in the crew Jeric

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

We don't know how to use the internet (sort of)

As you know, we probably consume more media then we ever had before. Be it Video Games on our consoles/PC, be it movies on Netflix/Prime, be it the internet, etc. And considering we have all of that and considering it's so easy these days to communicate with others over all kinds of stuff, i am realizing that we totally forgot  what it means to actually have a decent discussion about serious things happening in the world, without being put in a corner with people, that you rather don't want to b

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

I want to introduce you to my new dog: Lana

She is the newest member of the family. She is barely 3 months old and has been living with us for almost a week. She is full of energy and likes to fight whenever she is in the mood for it, but she can be a real cuddler. I am glad to have her. :3

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

i need a timeout from this place

hey everyone I know, some people might be rather shocked at this sudden decision of mine, but i think i really need a time out for this place. Some might say "is it because of the premiere and the reactions?" Yeah, kinda. But also because i just need a general time for myself. It's just, for the last few months i tried to stayed out of the debate pit and i was okay with that. I rather like to have fun with my friends and talk about pones from time to time. Now all of a sudden

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Doctor Mesme as an enemy in Undertale (Concept)

Doctor Mesme, a Snakepony that is obsessed with health and medical science, likes to dwell in jungle areas. He overreacts even at the littlest things, such as a simple sneeze or cough. He enjoys conversation about medical science and other relating stuff. HP: 80 ATK: 30 (Attacks with blue attacks, because if the "patient" is not still, it will cause pain.) DEF: 55 Battle: Doctor Mesme attacks with syringes and Stethoscopes, and other medical/health items. He uses green attacks, whi

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

RIP Trixie 2005-2018

My Dog has passed away from me today, after spending 13 years of my life with her. It was very painful, but i know she dosen't feel anymore pain where she is now. Goodbye Trixie. I will miss you.  

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Dark Horses visit helped me alot

As some of you might know, @Dark Horse has visited me over the last week in my home. It was something that has been in the making for awhile and that i really forward to. Darky has been a really good friend to me, so much so that i would consider him the little brother that i never had (i have a big brother and big sister BTW) and we always share our secrets and problems with each other. When Darky came over, i have been feeling a bit down for awhile, feeling a bit socially anxious and not

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize sings Dragonborn (acapella)

I played alot of elder scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition alot recently on my PS4 and this is a song i came across quite often in the game. I even managed to do the thuum tounge part, which took a bit to master. Hope you enjoy.  

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

The raven by Edgar Allen Poe. Read by Mesme Rize

In time for Halloween i took the time to read the classic poem the raven, which everyone at this time of the year apparently does. Hope you like it and give me some feedback. Be cautious, i stutter at a few points, because ye olde english is kinda hard.  

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

My PS4 games list (as of october 16th, 2017)

No big introduction this time. Just look at my list because i am incredibly bored.   10 Second Ninja X ABZU ACA NEOGEO NAM-1975 ACA NEOGEO Neo Turf Masters ACA NEOGEO Super Baseball 2020 ACA NEOGEO Super Sidekicks ACA NEOGEO The King of Fighters 96 Alienation Amnesia Collection Another World (Out of this World) Arcade Archives Armed F Arcade Archives Karate Champ Arcade Archives Mat Mania Exciting Hour Arcade Archives Ren

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

If mlpforum members would be greek gods, who would they be?

Just me being silly and looking too much greek mythology   Zeus, the god of gods - @Jeric (Because best leader) Aphrodite, the goddess of love - @Lightwing (Because ships) Ares, the god of war - @JonasDarkmane (Because viking and door raids) Erebus, god of darkness and shadow - @Dark Horse (Because he is edgepone ) Thalia, Muses of Comedy - @Randimaxis (Because he always makes me laugh) Hypnos, god of sleep - @Mesme Rize (Do i have to explain?) Apollo, go

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

I am so sick and tired of fans who think they know better

Is it really so hard for some of you people, to enjoy a show for colorful ponies, without throwing a hissy fit and scream "RUINED FOREVER"? Can't you be more respectful towards the writers, without throwing them all under the bus and spitting on the work they put into it, which YOU have never took part in? No? Well, maybe i expect too much of this fandom then. Today was another one of those moments where i have to ask myself "Is it really too much to ask to have a civil discussion?" Apparen

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Why i will never be a Doctor IRL

So, as probably many of you have noticed by now, is that my hypnotizing Lamia OC, is also a Doctor. He is a Doctor, because i also wanted him to be like a productive pony instead of just being a normal hypnotizing lamiapone like other lamiapones are and he is a doctor because i myself have an interest in Medicine and even owning a stethoscope, which is like the symbol for a modern Doctor. But there have also been some people who asked me "Mesme, why don't become a Doctor? You obviously have

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize


thanks to @StormBlaze for this great and funny picture. Rainbow Dash is fearless and has no problems facing anybody. But when the yearly checkup comes around that every wonderbolt has to take, she kinda dreads it because she dosen't like it when ponies touch her. Doctor Mesme who was her new Doctor was getting ready to use his stethoscope. "Let'sssssss check that heart of yourssssss." Rainbow was already grinding her teeth and when the cold piece touched her skin "YIKES." Rainbow was m

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

And then there was this one time, Simba shot lasers out of his paws

Before anybody ask, i will say it first. Yes, this is real and i have no idea why, because this is something that is just so out of this world that i am sure that the makers where on something, when they made this. Simba the king lion was a 1995 animated tv show made by the infamous Mondo TV studio, made by most of the same guys, that are responsible for the infamous animated titanic movies. You remember them right? Now, it's already bad enough that they already try to cash i

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Playstation Now: My thoughts and impressions of it

In the wake of the Gamescom in Hamburg Germany, that was held this very weekend, the Playstation has without Sony making any noise about it, started over here in Germany. the US, UK, Netherlands and Belgium already got a taste from the service and now it was our turn to use it. For anyone who might not know, Playstation Now is a streaming service that was created by Sony. Streaming services these days are nothing new these days, with Netflix and Amazon Prime streaming movies and the WWE Net

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Dark Horses therapy session with Doctor Mesme

@Dark Horse Was in my office for a therapy session. He was a bit anxious and nervous about telling to me his problems, but there is nothing that a little "eye to eye" from me can't do. Now that he is relaxed and hypnotized, he can tell me all of the problems that are on his mind.   This was made by a good friend of mine, who is not on this forum

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

How to stop racism and why black history month is silly.

(Before i start, i will say that i am not a racist in anyway and that i only try to bring people together and not try to devide them. I love you all guys. ) I would like to start this blog, by showing a clip from Morgan Freeman, saying what he thinks of Black history month: Mr.Freeman obviously dosen't like the idea of a black history month and i must agree with him. Infact, i don't think Black history month dosen't unite the people but rather divides us actually more as huma

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Hello there little Ponycub

Ssssssssso small and walking all alone in thissssssssss forest... Let me help you be lesssssss alone... you can keep me company... you jusssssssssst need to stare into my eyessssssss... my big beautiful eyesssssssss... that'sssssssss right... jusssssssst stare... back and forth... back and forth... don't worry anymore ponycub... i will keep you sssssssafe here with me... you can ssssssleep ssssssssafetly in my coilssssssss... my comfort

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

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