Bleeh. Ugh. Eck. Think of every disgusted vocal noise one could make, multiply it by a thousand, and that pretty much describes my feelings on what I'm about to say.
So... Uh, well, I might as well just say it. A guy in our church is currently in jail for child porn. Not taking pictures, just looking at 'em, but still. EEEEEEWWWWWW. This disturbs me, because he used to be the leader of our church's AWANA club. I came in contact with him quite often. WHEN I WAS ONLY A WEE LITTLE SPRITE. *shud
Ok, so I'm sitting here on my bed, practically dripping wet, because I just came out of the shower, and I suck at drying my hair. I got dressed in my old hideout (my wardrobe) because, well, I don't know. Anyway, when I came out, I realized that I was soaked, and I grabbed my towel and tried drying off my head. That didn't work. So, I tried to wrap the towel around my head like a turban, but that failed as well. Finally, I ended up pulling it over my head like a hood, and it worked. I was so hap
Ok i just finished my cell project for bio here what it looked like now i can't cook so i just shoved it in the oven and hoped that it didn't burn and just started shoving random amounts of candy on it i think this is a very easy A what do u think now bask in its glory
So first, he ruined my free time by telling me that raking was only going to take a few minutes, then he ruined my hideout by telling me I couldn't use it, next, he ruined my wanting to play portal by watching Star Trek instead, and finally, he ruined me finishing this entry by calling me for dinner. MY FATHER IS A BIG RUINER!
So, yeah, today is my birthday. Woo! Anyways, I am typing this from my new notebook, with Windows 7 64 bit! Yeah! Sadly, my trademark Nexus 7 is broken. At my job someone ran into me, I dropped it, and the screen was cracked. Now everything under that crack doesn't respond to any touches. So, I am sending it in for warranty, but still have yet to do so. Also, I recently purchased a Derpy polo, multiple blind bags, a Vinyl Scratch T-shirt, the RD and Derpy vinyl figures, several packs of trading
Ok, so I was scrolling through Feld0's friend list, for some reason, and I saw an avatar that caught my eye. I looked at the name under the avatar, I literally squeed out loud. I clicked on his profile, and scrolled down to the contact info, and sure enough, it really was BronyDanceParty. I sent him a message, and then my sister one with the link. Here it is.
Who wouldn't be like:
I'm in the mood to blog right now, so there will be a lot of new entries.
Ok, so I'm wandering around my room with a bag of chips, wondering what to do. Then, for some reason, I start thinking about clubhouses, and how cool it would be if I had one. So, I look around my room for a good clubhouse. I can't find one, so just as I'm about to give up, a spot my wardrobe, nice and cozy, sitting all alone and empty in the corner. It seriously feels like a lightbulb lit up over my head. So, I ran over
I just realized that my dragon Pillowpet is pretty messed up. His tongue is always hanging out, and his eyes are facing different ways. In fact, right now he's in pillow form, just lying there on his stomach, seemingly licking the mattress. Seriously, what is WRONG with him? I'm all like:
Yesterday I went to the "Wings Over Houston" airshow with My brothers, mom, and step-dad. It was a pretty cool show and I was able to get close to the runway where they were taking off (My hair got messed up though ) . The stunts they did were cool, and every time I saw some planes do a loop de loop I couldn't help but think about the aeronautical excellence of Rainbow Dash.
Both of which are very, very good things.
First up are the emails. Yeah, I got emails. As in plural. One was the ole' editor, asking how things were going concerning the writing (it is going just fine, by the way. *coughcough*). The other was a reader asking about the next update. That got me a little jittery.
So I'm spending much of tonight pumping out a few more chapters, though you and I both know that if I finish more than half of one it will sound like horseapples. So just cross you
I recently learned Enderman like to visit my home in Minecraft.
Learned that I like to draw cats
Learned what a 30 day goal is
SEE?? SEE?? ^
I also learned.....iPads derp often like up there |
Ok, I've decided that I should probably just blog about funny stuff that's happened recently, and not really worry about when I blog, because it's obvious that it's not going to be every day. Anyway, so one day in choir, my teacher split us up into 1s and 2s, to practice a canon (yes, yes, I know), and then turn towards each other, and the person I was paired up with was this girl about five inches shorter than me, and I towered over her like a lion over its prey. Hence the entry title. Then, an
and everything has become so boring lately, i have over 12000 songs in my music library and several records and cd's, but there's nothing to listen to. nothing has the same feeling as when it was fresh, when i first discovered it. i desperately download music and search trough my library to try and find something to listen to, i listen to it, approximately 12 hours a day, but nothing is the same as it was. at the same time i feel so restless, and my whole body just feels tense, everything just f
I don't know how many of you are going to read this or even care but I'm having some family problems...
Basically I don't like my family. I live in Toronto with my parents and brother and they're generally all right. What I'm talking about is that we have occasional family reunions... And that's where the true side of my family comes out. They are a bunch of drunken hill billies.
I can't stand meeting with my family. I tend to be a more proper guy. using manors and I don't even touch alc
To say this simply, reality made me its bitch.
The reason I wasn't on at all yesterday was because I was at a play.
But for the entire day, I was in absolute shock with myself.
Here is what happened on Friday.
So, I woke up at 6 in the morning to get ready for school. My chest felt amazingly empty, as I had a panic attack just a few hours earlier. I walked into the shower, and sat in it for a while and thought. I really wanted to cut myself again, just to get rid of the pain. S
Well, up here in virginia the hurricane is supposed to hit us. Hopefully it does not do much. *Keeps desktop computer in downstairs closet* @Hurricane: Nope.avi
Well Ill check back in here when I see what its like in a few hours..
The party ended up going well. My mau5head gladly had its ears intact all through the day.
I ALMOST won the costume contest (You can only enter the contest if you made your costume yourself) But get this. The people who won did not even make their own costumes. I paid attention and there were TAGS on the costume. Luckily I can catch things like that.
So I was bored and decided to do something. That something was to play Pokemon Emerald, but this time I decided to take on the Nuzlocke Challange... yeah, I'm bored. This blog will be my let's play of some sorts, I guess, so you can read it if you want to. It's probably going to be ramblings though.
Okay, here are the rules. I have customized them a bit to my liking.
If a Pokemon faints, it is dead and has to be released and has to be put inside the computer. It will kind of work li
OK honestly i have no clue what steam punk is or how it got started but it looks freaking awesome, i only started liking it a few months ago for the art work. Can some one who knows what it is explain to to me cause i don't know anything about it and would like to know.
and aren't these pictures awesome