Started to work on this signature at school today, and I'm hopefully getting it done later today as well. :3
-You might want to open this screenshot in another tab. Screen'd it when I was in school... got this lovely dual monitor set up there :3
Small update. (Colors and added logo. And no dual monitor D: )
Made two versions, because I didn't know which one was best. Feel free to use 'em
Recently, at school, a friend of mine told me he didn't like chemistry. This wasn't all that surprising. I mean, different people like different things. Would would have guessed? But, since I'm a big fan of chemistry (I'm into the little things in life), I had to ask was there any justification for this, or is it just this innate distaste for the subject (which is completely fine).
He told me that he disliked chemistry as it was just theory, not founded in anything. He even went as far as to sa
Reader, I normally post to you as a young, respectable person with understandable problems. Therefore I feel that I must warn you. This post will contain whining, a little self pity, and other factors that will diminish the appearance of my maturity. Here we go
Reader. I had troublesome sleep last night/this morning. hence the post before seven am. It's no secret that I have relationship issues, due to my low standards, and my overly-trusting personality. So, naturally, I normally drea
so ive noticed lately that my near emotionless state is being interrupted by weird...i dont know, random emotional outbursts i guess is the best way to classify them, so im going to start doucumenting when one of these happen
starting with this one
last night, went to pick up my phone to set my alarm, and dropped it, now normally this is no big deal, i just bend over and pick it up, but instead a flare of anger attacked me, and for those few seconds i was just extreamly angry, and then i
Recently I've started watching the show Breaking Bad, I think it's getting close to it's last season now. Nonetheless I've just finished the first season and now I've started to watch the second season. I don't want to get into spoilers because that would just ruin it for people that haven't watched it yet.
Anyways, if you haven't heard of the show, here is a synopsis: A high-school chemistry teacher , Walter White, discovers that he has lung cancer and out of desperation to provide for h
While playing TF2 I got a #40 crate by drop, which was one of the rarest crates you can get, usually worth 6 keys. From this crate you can either get something like a strange mantread which is worth 2 keys, which results in 4 key loss. Or you can get something like a strange sapper which is worth around 10 keys.
I decided to take the risk and open the crate by spending 2.5 refined on a key and I got a strange sapper. I considered just keeping it, but I don't play enough spy to really care ab
Get your body ready, because this entry is going to have a lot of love in it! Chaos will give you some chaotic lovin'! If you'd like a hug, then comment here! I will hug you so hard, your organs will fly out! ...Okay maybe not THAT hard, but there will be hugs all around this place!
Because sometimes, we just need a little love!
So C'mere! Don't be shy, hug away!
I'll start it off!
Please note, this will bore and annoy most of you. Please discontinue reading immediately.
Ever since I was a kid, I was quite poor. This resulted in a somewhat bad education as well as a lot of moves. I never had much of a chance to make friends. I got a hold of the internet when I was 10 on an old E Machines computer running Windows 2000. I made a few friends but nobody I really knew. Right now I have a few good friends RL but most of my friends are on the internet.
I never had much to
Well, today I decided I wanted to fix an age old problem, my human Minecraft skin. In order to do this I had looked into some more advanced skinning tools. I found MCSkin3D. Played around with it for a bit and managed to create results.
What I had to go from was this picture. But losing the hat. Once I had finished it, it looked slightly bland. The result wasn't bad per se. But I managed to get the hair done nicely.
With the initial step taked, I decided I needed to add somethi
Week 1 Straight Up Record: 9-6
Week 1 Spread/Betting Record: 6-9
Overall Straight up Record: 9-6
Overall Spread/Betting Record: 6-9
Aww yes here we go, week 2 of NFL football already! Can't you feel the excitement? RG3 goes off on the Saints, Jets open a can on the Bills, Niners rock the Pack at Lambeau, Ravens claw up the Bengals, Peyton Manning is BACK, and other exciting happenings from week 1.
Thursday Night: Chicago @ Green Bay (-6)
Green Bay is going to be PISSED and looking fo
Source: Derpy in deep ponderment
Today I'm featuring Xero1's drawing of Derpy!
How could you not like this, Derpy in deep ponderment, I mean so cute! Great job by Xero1 !
Eleven years ago yesterday, a major terrorist attack struck the World Trade Center twin towers and Pentagon (with a fourth plane plunged down in Pennsylvania by passengers who weren't willing to give up a fight and let more people be killed). Once the attacks were over, nearly 3,000 innocent people were murdered. Tens of thousands of people mourned, a whole nation went into pain, and a whole world prayed for the U.S., which is considered to be the focal point of the globe. Normally, the U.S. doe
I know I said I won't make a post, but I don't want to make a habit of not doing entries, just because I'm tired. Really, that's code for lazy. So I'm going to try and make another entry today. I hope it's up to par with my other ones.
I have to say, I agree with this point. While school is an economic venture, it shouldn't affect how we teach and what we teach. I abhor when we cut certain aspects of our education, simply because it's not "economically viable". Now, I understand where t
Before you read this just know I’m not some “emo” kid who is down on his luck, I have a pretty good life that I don’t take at all for granted.
Today was a pretty average day, I was in a fairly decent mood until class let out and I was waiting at the bus stop. All of a sudden my mood completely soured and I felt a total disconnect with people in general. It was kind of crazy considering how random it was. Right now I feel like I can’t really identify with anyone where I live. I have one good
The wretched pillocks who work at the ACT HQ neglected to inform me of my ACT scores. I have no idea what they are, but I must have done pretty well, seeing as how I've received upwards of ten letters from colleges. All of them have granted me premier applicant status. I'm kind of surprised by this, seeing as how I just bullshitted my way through the entire math section (For example: My rule of thumb when it comes to quizzes is "When in doubt go with B. If B was the answer to the last question,
As the title states I'm changing my life. I'm absolutely tired of being chubby. I have been for years, but have never felt the motivation to change myself. Well, when I workout and hear the music, it's me vs. me. No depressed feelings. Just me overpowering me. And I like it. I have gotten with friends, and have set up a workout group. Everyday at 7pm, I will be doing something that will help. My activity here might change a bit. But I want this.
So, he interwebs is being slow tonight, and I don’t know why. Makes me wanna smoke. I bucking hate technology. It never works. Crummy I guess, never imagined that my day would run so slow. No entry on the other blog yet, I don’t really feel all that up to it. Maybe tonight. Hey artsy types? You ever have those slumps that you aren’t able to do much in. Yeah. Those. I think I am in one. I haven’t been in one for a while, and I haven’t been able to in the last few days. Is this jumble of thoughts
Guilt. Every year, I get that same feeling.
Guilt that I shouldn't feel, but feel it anyway.
I was way too young to care when it happened. I found out about it much too many years later.
Life began to make sense. The rudeness, the misunderstanding, the plain ignorance I dealt with in others.
It never occurred to me that I shouldn't be blamed. But, nonetheless, they blamed me.
Sooner or later, I began to blame myself.
Childhoods go away quickly. Innocence dies with k
So, I've decided to Let's Play Pokemon Fire Red. I love Pokemon games due to the great replay value and variety. So yeah, it'll be update daily, if you wanna watch it.
Lately, I've been feeling different than I usually have, I'll try to explain it, so I feel as if pony related things aren't as exciting anymore, and also just haven't been posting as much as I used to (which some of you may understand) I realize that it may re-kindle when season 3 arrives, but these are my feelings right now.
But don't get me wrong, I still have an interest in ponies, it's not like I'm leaving or anything, this is just how I am feeling at the moment, but I think these feel
Hi brickwall~ Long time no... entry.
No I'm not ranting. Today I'll be sharing my new merch I bought uhh... last Wednesday~ ^ 3^
So basically me and my mom went to Toys r Us. Reason? Mainly I think my mom was trying to cheer me up and wanting us both out of the house for a small while. And it worked. I had fun. And I think she did, too.
So anyway, we both scouted Toys r Us top to bottom, searching for ponies. It was like a treasure hunt~!
We got a Pinkie Pie bubble blower, some s
Okay, first off I wanna tell you guys I've changed the name of my blog from "Nilkad Speaks" to "Nilkad Rants." This is for two reasons: 1) I suddenly had an epiphany and realized just how stuck-up and egotistical calling it "Nilkad Speaks" made me sound and 2) "Rants" is more accurate. Anyway, I now return you to your regular scheduled ranting.
Today, I decided that I should rant about something positive, because I'm feeling pretty overall positive today. So, I was wondering
Yeah! My group recently played our first live show. At the local art festival. Anywho here's the video.
This is one of the only country songs we do, because she loves country...
I'm the one with the guitar.