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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by WildCard

  1. 20 bits? That's very generous of you, but I'm afraid I can't accept it. That's a wonderful outfit with lots of details and you must have been working on it for hours. Also I can't remember being treated this well in any other shop before. *smiles* *gives Rarity 40bits and a small ruby* What things do you enjoy when you are not working?
  2. Well, thank you very much...*smiles sheepishly and looks in the mirror* It does indeed look great, how much do I owe you for it? Also how comes that I've seldomly see you wearing some of your outfits? You sure have a lot of exceptional good looking clothes in your shop.
  3. *follows Rarity to the shop* What do you have in mind, Miss? And by the way, I have a little fashion advice for you too. I've seen you at the best young flyers competition last year and you had this beautiful wings and all. Nevertheless, the lipstick looked a bit odd on you, so I wouldn't suggest using one. You look gorgeous without any lipstick or makeup, Miss...although the blue eye shadow looks stunning *smiles*
  4. *blushes at Rarity batting her eyes at him, then goes to fix his mane* I think it looks better now, I've also used a little bit of mane spray...but not very much because I want it to stay soft Another question: Is it weird for somepony in Ponyville to wear clothes? I am originally from Canterlot and I feel a bit...umm...naked without any, hence the scarf
  5. *hands Rarity tea* Hi, first of all I am a big fan of you. Can you give me some fashion advice for colts like me ?
  6. 1st place in the annual Kart race that I've been trying to win for 4 years now. Dem feels :')

  7. Well, at least NOW you are clean again, my dear Applejack. Maybe not as clean as I am, but your coat is looking soooo much better.*smiles brightly* *takes out another brush for the mane and some waterspray* Now please hold still for a second, I will groom your mane a bit. *takes out the hairbands and takes off AJs hat. Then sprays water on her mane and starts brushing it*
  8. Dat banner *_*

    1. ApexHunter


      I knew you were gonna say that xD

    2. WildCard


      I've been waiting for that a really long time :D

    3. ApexHunter


      Well now it's here. yay :D

  9. I know that they have the same model, but I still think Rarity looks tall and elegant, Pinkie chubby, Fluttershy skinny, AJ well defined, Rainbow Athletic and Twilight "normal"
  10. Can some English speaker here please proofread my text, I need to submit it until tomorrow.

    1. Civil Sunset

      Civil Sunset

      Sure, I can.

    2. WildCard


      thanks. I'll send you a PM :)

  11. someone that can proofread an short essay about hockey for me?

  12. Anypony suggestions for a nice short/medium lenght haircut? :)

  13. Just saw fast&furious6. It wasn't bad, but also not quite as entertaining as the prequel. Too much focus on bodybuilders and weapons, too little car scenes

  14. But it looks so....*cough* well if you insist, Applejack. After all I hope I can make my makeovers enjoyable, even for somepony like you. First I will have to get all this nasty dirt out of your coat. *grabs a brush with magic and starts brushing AJ* Oh dear, where in all of Equestria have you been to get THIS dusty?
  15. I am f´s odrunk, ols helo me

  16. Hey Page, very interesting plot twist you made with me and Rarity. I am totally looking forward how this will turn out
  17. Wildcard gave the stallion a confused but slightly concerned look. "Listen, I am afraid you are searching for the wrong mare. Rarity's a fashionista and definately not some kind of secret agent.She dislikes adventures, hates dirt,.." Wildcard makes a short pause, realising that this strange pony might be able to get them out of the train. "But if you would bring us to Canterlot that'd be great and you will see yourself that you have made a mistake. By the way...uhm...what kind of danger were you talking about?"
  18. Browsing the forums after a night out feels trippy. I wanna go to equestria Wheee! :D

    1. ApexHunter



  19. I usually don't panic and neither Derpy, nor Alicorn Twilight bothered me. But Equestria Girls is awful and even that they were ponies before turning into these human thingies, worries me. Please let it be alternate universe and please let it not be canon.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. WildCard


      Discord, I know. and I am not a Hasbro hater and try my best not to whine. If it's a spinoff ok, but if it's canon it would change Twilights character and the ponyverse completely, and this is hard to ignore to be honest. Thats like if someone would make a bad sequel to a good movie. The original stays good, but it gets a bitter taste

    3. Winona the Dog

      Winona the Dog

      Well at least Equestria Girls isn't Canon.

    4. None42069


      Ah, yes. About that. That was the only one that could ever be made and since it was used to cross back and forth between worlds, I'm afraid nothing can be linked to Equestria anymore. My apologies.

  20. Applejack Darling, would you mind if I give you a little makeover? And don't worry, I won't make anything too fancy. You will still look like a farm pony afterwards
  21. AJ should wear her mane down more often. :P

  22. Cider and Ponies, well that's what on my mind right now^^

  23. I totally support this!(as you may have already figured out by my username and pic) xD Nicolas Cage must be ponyfied and he shall be amonst the first godlike alicorn princes(together with Morgan Freeman and Chuck Norris). Or he enters the ponyverse as a human which the ponies see as a bad omen. Just in time Lyra convinces the mane6 that humans aren't evil and in the end Cage gets befriended by them.
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